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Inside Report: the Medieval Torture Room

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“The court will adjourn! We, the judges will deliberate about an appropriate punishment! Release the accused and bring them to a place where they can recover. I count on the religious orders to restore their strength! We want to punish able bodies and conscient minds, not corpses!”

My how progressively enlightened they were back then … really quite amazing.

How are the repairs coming along? Any chance we can beam Lox and his companion back to the present before they’re executed? What? Uncertain, you say? Oh dear!

Well nothing to do for the time being then, than continue to listen in and hope.
Suddenly I caught fear! I started to panic! They would not do that!?
Yes, they would!


(One of the best descriptions I've read, you really know how to tell a story @Loxuru!)
My how progressively enlightened they were back then … really quite amazing.

How are the repairs coming along? Any chance we can beam Lox and his companion back to the present before they’re executed? What? Uncertain, you say? Oh dear!

Well nothing to do for the time being then, than continue to listen in and hope.
Taking a break. The magistrates go dining and celebrate another succesful torture section, that has ended in two confessions.
Marga and Lox are recovering from their interrogations.
What happens in the control room? Is a rescue of the lost time travelers still possible?
Or are they lost forever and will they suffer a cruel fate!?
Stay tuned and keep your loathometers switched on!


The next three nights, I stayed in a nearby monastery. The monks took care to make me recover from the tortures. They were professional, not biased towards a ‘heretic’, and I must admit they did a fairly good job. At the end, I felt rather good. Although the soles of my feet did still hurt, as did my arms and shoulders, and markings of the shackles around my ankles, I could stand up and walk fairly well. The burn wounds of the hot irons were also healing well, and I hardly felt any pain left. My digestion was restored and I could eat normal again. The evening after the third night, I was brought back to the castle, fortunately in a cart, actually a cage with wooden bars in which I had to sit, hands tied to the back. But it saved me the walk anyway.

During my recovery, I had started to lose confidence in our chances to be brought back to our own time. Had the control room completely lost all communications? Yet, another thought worried me. Imagine, the loss of control was not accidental!? Could it be on purpose!? It was never planned that we would have been really interrogated in the torture room ourselves? The directors of the inside report would create torture scenes with AI, to illustrate our account. Yet, I recalled, the option of real torture had been coined during one project meeting, but had been as quickly refuted. Imagine, the control room had turned some switches off, but was still able to track and record our ordeal? They would already have got much more realistic footage than ever had been bargained for.

The next morning, I was taken out of my cell, to the basement of the house of the duke. There, I was told that I would be executed, by burning at the stake, at 3 pm in the afternoon. I got a breakfast first (brown bread, sore wine, a piece of cheese). Then a monk arrived, to take confessions and to pray. But after a while, he found out that praying wasn’t my thing. Knowing we were alone, he unexpectedly started carefully to inform about that ‘future’ we were said to come from, and about the role of church in future societies. Noticing my reluctance and some distrust from my side, he remarked that I had nothing to lose anyway. Feeling he had a point, I found it more comforting to have a chat, than tormenting myself with anguish for my upcoming fate. The monk was already aware of the new social medium that was changing society : book printing. He knew about efforts to restore trade with the far east by overseas routes, after the Turks had cut off the overland connections by capturing the old Byzantine Empire, some twenty years earlier. And so I told him that, before the end of the century, a whole new continent would be discovered, which would be conquered for Christianity.

He showed particular interest when I told him that the impact of the church on society would evolve during the next centuries. Especially, after I had mentioned a certain Martin Luther, he was all ears. The monk, some 30 years old, sounded rather erudite, and clearly did not agree with the way church and power were entangled and how clergy was more interested in wealth and status, and becoming more and more corrupt. But, after lunch, which we took together (the same food as breakfast), and when I would be prepared for my execution, I warned him to absolutely keep for himself what I had told him, if he did not want to share my upcoming cruel fate! He understood very well!

The guards and a serjeant entered and tied my hands on my back. We left the basement. Only wearing a filthy shift and a loincloth, I would be brought to my execution. Outside, a sign was hung around my neck, with the word ‘heretic’. Then, a procession set in motion, which, I thought, could come from any illustrated history book in my time. Me, surrounded by four guards armed with a halberd. Right from me the monk who had just taken my last confessions, praying, while holding a small crucifix in his hands. At the head, a court officer, in the ceremonial dress of his assignment, flanked by another monk, carrying a crucifix on a stake. We marched through the gate building, first by the inner door, which was closed behind us, then by the outer door, down to the square.

Once outside, the head of the procession was joined by a drummer, who set the pace and announced our arrival. I could see already a crowd gathered on the square. Fortunately it would be only a hundred meters walking, not across half the city. I still had some discomfort from my bruised soles, and the hands tied on my back caused cramps in my neck. But as said, it would not be far to go. Meanwhile, I wondered about Marga. I had not seen or heard of her after the torture. I hoped she would have escaped the pyre and would be spared, but on the other hand, I somehow wished she would be with me! I hated the thought of dying alone in this strange world, centuries away from home.

In front of us, a cordon of soldiers kept open a corridor towards one pole, in the middle of the square. It was anchored in a platform, made of plaster. Around it lay many bundles of fagots. Fire was burning in an iron basket. Torches were laying around. For me a grim prospect.

As we approached the stake, soldiers closed the corridor behind me. Near the stake stood the dynamic five from the torture room awaiting us : the three judges, the monk and the nun from the torture room. In front of the stake, the procession stopped. Manservants of the executioner released my hands and pulled out my shift, leaving me in a loincloth. They grabbed my arms, let me step on the platform and put me with my back against the stake. With the help of two more manservants, they shackled my wrists behind the stake. Next, they pulled a chain over my chest, to my back, passing under my armpits. It was attached to an iron ring in the stake. Another chain was slung over my waist. Finally, my ankles were also chained to the stake. I was firmly attached to it. The monk who had been with me this morning, stepped on the platform, and came to encourage me.

I was about to ask him about Marga, as suddenly, I heard the drum again, and the soldiers reopened the corridor from the castle to the stake. Another procession neared, escorting a prisoner : it was Marga. She too had her hands tied on her back and was wearing the sign ‘heretic’. While walking, she kept staring straight to me. The corridor behind her was closed again by soldiers. They stopped, released her hands and pulled out her shift. Apparently, for her public show, she wore, besides a loincloth, also a breastband. She was brought to the same stake as mine, at my backside. They chained her hands behind the pole, put a chain under her armpits, one over her waist and one over her ankles. She was attached now the same way as I was, and our hands could easily touch each other.

(to be continued)
During my recovery, I had started to lose confidence in our chances to be brought back to our own time. Had the control room completely lost all communications?

IMG_5746.jpeg Never fear, I’m working on a work-around that just might work

He showed particular interest when I told him that the impact of the church on society would evolve during the next centuries. Especially, after I had mentioned a certain Martin Luther, he was all ears.

Careful Lox … time travelers should avoid saying anything that could potentially change history

Marga and I stood chained to the pole, back to back.

“Hi, Lox!?”

“Hi Marga!? Are you all right!?”

“Fairly well, Lox, these nuns took good care of me during my stay there! And you!?”

“The same, I was in monastery. It surprised me how efficient their treatments were!”

“Ready for it, Lox!?”

“Don’t know, to be honest! And you!?!”

‘It is what it is, I am afraid!”

“Sorry, Marga, I could have saved you from this?”

“I don’t think so!”

“What do you mean!?”

“They had already interrogated me in the torture room. The torture you have witnesses, was my second time! I assume they did not tell you that?”


“It was not so harsh as the second time! More intimidating! I had to strip, and that bloody nun, that was supposed to guard over my modesty, threatened me with gang rape by the guards and the interrogators, and even encouraged them to do so if I would not cooperate! They made me the deal of a whipping, a branding and a lifelong lock up in a convent if I would denounce you as a heretic!”

“Well damn!”

“The eternal trick of justice, Lox, to get its own right, by playing suspects against each other! Hoping that one will betray the others! By the way, what should I do in a convent? The rest of my life getting up in the middle of the night to go praying in a cold church, go to bed, and having to do the same again in the early hours of the morning? Not for me! I like to sleep long, and I already got cold feet in that castle over there!”

“Gaining yourself time for an ultimate recovery with the time machine?”

“Perhaps! But I don’t count on that anymore! So don’t bother about the convent!”

“If you say so, Marga!”

“But as far as I recall, you secretly did admire my body while I was given a harsh deal, mhh!?”

“That wasn’t me, that was the devil that possessed me!”

“Good reply, Lox! Don’t bother either! After all, you gave a good show too, in there!”

“I could not give up just like that, after what they had done to you! It would not have been fair”

“Yeah! I appreciate that! After all the purpose of torture is to break you, but nevertheless don’t break immediately! But I have a little confession to make : in all the terror I had to go through in the torture room, it thrilled me by moments, being so helpless, exposed and vulnerable! And then, you being so too, while I watched you, it was some special experience!”

“Come on, Marga!”

“Yes, it sounds weird, but… did you know I ever wrote a Ph D thesis?”

“I did not know you had a doctor’s degree?”

“I don’t! My manuscript was refused! It was about Medieval torture. The faculty dean said, I should rather have made it a novel, or submit it in the Faculty of Psychology. But for the science of history, it was not according to the protocols of scientific methodology, it was too subjective. Well, indeed, I had approached it from the viewpoint of the torture victim, and I admit, I allegedly had imagined myself too much in that position! One of the members of the reading committee told me that I did not need a doctor’s degree, but a doctor for therapy!”

“What happened with your dissertation?”

“I needed to rework it, but soon thereafter, I found a job where I did not need the degree, and meanwhile I had started a family, so, I lacked time…”

“Well, Marga, this optimist would like to read the manuscript when we are back home!”

“You will then find out how historically accurate it is!”

Meanwhile, the crowd on the square became larger. Monks from the monastery that has taken care of me after the torture. Also the nuns who had recovered Marga. Officials, probably the mayor and the town council. The bishop and the canons of the chapter,..

There was murmur of talking around, but no jeering or mocking. Apparently, the execution of heretics was a serious matter!

“They all come to see us!” I said. “Damn it ends like that for us!”

“We knew the risks, didn’t we!? There could always be problems with the reentry! We have signed papers about that, remember!?”

“Yes, but the greatest fear was disintegration during time transport, or getting lost somewhere in an unknown time and place!”

“Or stuck in the era we went to! Just don’t regret it, these time travels I have made were exciting stuff, and I am glad I have lived in an era and in a world that made it possible! Curiously, we got either stuck now in the topic we were to investigate itself! Strange experience!”

“Once a historian, always a historian, Marga?”

There were trumpet sounds and rolling of drums. The court official that had guided us to the stake, unrolled a parchment and started reading the verdict for each of us. For both, our crimes were :

“…heresy, envoys of the devil and intercourse with the devil…!” A wave of indignation went through the crowd.

“… both are condemned to death by the purifying ordeal of the pyre…” (sounds of approval by the crowd).

“May God Almighty have mercy on their souls! Start the preparations!”, the official ordered as a closure of his speech.

(to be continued)

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