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It Was A Dark And Stormy Night (story)

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Travis II

Assistant executioner
It was a dark and stormy night

A short story about one girl alone and a pair of handcuffs...

4:00am Sunday morning in Summer

Torrents of rain lashed down, driven by the howling wind and thrashing the sides of vehicles and buildings with an unforgiving deluge of water. The trees of the public park swayed this way and that as the wind and rain roared through their branches, and the light from the dozen or so street lamps failed to penetrate the gloom and illuminate the darkness. In one corner of the park stood a small rectangular building, its two entrance doors set slightly back behind unyielding metal gates facing the storm, with the title “Public Toilets” adorning a board in the centre of one wall. The elements tore through the bars of the gates and pummelled the wooden doors behind them, with water gushing back out over the steps and into the over-flowing gutter.

7:00pm Saturday evening

The rain beat against the windscreen of Nicola’s car as she pulled up outside her house. The workout at the gym had made her heart beat faster, or was it the plastic bag on the passenger seat? The bag had been given her by a fellow member of the weight management class, a girl she had known from school. Although they were both now 23 years old, they had stayed in touch and then joined the same gymnasium. Not that Nicola considered herself especially over-weight, but size 12 was becoming a little tight and she didn’t fancy the expense of a new wardrobe. She felt down to her waist and grimaced as she realised how much it expanded over the top of her jeans, and found that when seated she could wrap her hand around it without touching the top of her jeans. She opened the driver’s door and grabbed the plastic bag. As she did so, the box inside opened and with a thud the object inside fell onto the mat. Closing the door momentarily, Nicola reached down and picked up her friend’s gift. The shiny metal handcuffs rattled softly as they were thrust into the bag.


The sound of rain splattering against the window and gurgling down the gutter was drowned out in the bathroom by the watery sound of the shower. Turning it off Nicola stepped out and dried herself with a large pink bath towel. Leaving her other clothes on the floor of her bedroom, she pulled on a pair of more comfortable jeans that were older and had stretched a little. She took a deep breath and picked up the open handcuffs. The intention was to share them with her housemates, Sarah and Fiona, and take turns at playing games with them. But the other girls had gone out for the night and would not be back until the morning. Nicola struggled against the urge to try them on, but eventually she picked up one cuff and placed it around her right wrist with the chain upwards and flipped the bar up underneath her wrist. Click, click, click, click, click, click, click went the mechanism until it was fastened tightly. With another deep breath, she put both hands behind her back with her palms facing away from each other. Using the edge of the bed and pushing the cuffs together, she flipped the other bar closed until it too was tight. Only then did she think of whether it might be awkward manoeuvre the key into the locks to release herself if her palms were facing away from the slots! Immediately she crossed to the box in the plastic bag and lay down on the floor to peer inside for the keys but could not see them. Sitting up, she turned around and blindly grabbed the box to shake it upside down. The keys had definitely been there in the gym because her friend had shown them to her. She stood up and looked down; no keys. Puzzled, Nicola started when she remembered the handcuffs falling from the box in the car. What a fool she was not to have checked for the keys!


Outside the front door was the sound of water cascading from the gutter and dancing on the step. Nicola reached behind her and lifted the ring that held her car and house keys from the peg on which it was kept and then, reaching upwards behind herself with difficulty, opened the door. The street was deserted as she looked left and right. As she stepped nervously out into the street, a gust of wind sucked the door closed with a BANG and Nicola clutched her car and house keys even tighter. Her long ginger hair was soaked in moments, clinging to her shoulders and sticking to her face making it difficult to see. The car was parked directly outside and Nicola, turning her back to the driver’s door, fumbled with the wet keys at try and force the right one into the lock. The house key didn’t fit and, as her fingers pushing against it slid around it and lost their grip, the whole bunch fell from her grasp and landed on the grill cover of the drain. Taking deep breaths to calm herself, she leaned against the side of the car and tried to catch the ring with her toes. The keys slipped sideways and she stamped with the sole of her foot merely kicking them into the abyss! Nicola stood outside her house in shock, topless and barefoot, long hair matted across her face, locked out of both house and car, equally locked into a pair of handcuffs with no safety latches and no way of reaching the keys, and with no housemates due back for hours. A movement caught her attention. There was a gang of young men on their way to the pub walking down the street. She panicked, not knowing whether they might be friend or foe and ran the other way. She hopped as a sharp stone dug painfully into the sole of her left foot and she paused to kick it away. She hadn’t fastened her jeans back at home and now the running had caused them to slip, but her cuffed wrists were unable to pull them back up. As she reached the entrance to a public park they dropped around her knees and, still fearing pursuit more than embarrassment, she stepped out of them and continued into the park naked with water flowing in streams down her body. The excess fat around her hips and waist, comparatively slight though it was for a girl of a normal ‘larger’ size, wobbled and rippled uncomfortably as she ran and her bare breasts bounced up and down in front her, thudding into her chest and tugging at the skin around them. The tar of the path, although wet from the rain, was still rough against the soles of her bare feet as she ran and littered was with small stones that made her steps uneven as she tried flick or scuff them away. She sneezed, realising that she needed shelter as much as anything. In front of her loomed the toilet block.


The park warden, dressed for the elements in heavy waterproof clothes, pulled up outside the toilet block in his van and alighted. After locking the Gentlemen’s toilets, he entered that for Ladies. In surprise, Nicola managed to step outside behind him moments after he entered but she was driven back by the cold rain still being swept against building. Fearing to out or back in, she looked sideways and noticed an alcove to the right of the porch where rubbish bins might be kept. Today it was empty and she slipped into the shadows. The warden stepped out of the toilets and locked the wooden door behind him, cutting Nicola off from her shelter. Without seeing her hiding place, he walked outside. Her sigh of relief as she tried to think of where to shelter next was cut short and became a gasp of alarm as, with a squeal of hinges in need of oil, the metal gate swung closed and trapped her inside the porch with only the gap between gate and door and the alcove to move within. Nicola’s heart beat harder and faster until it felt about to burst from her chest as the warden secured the gate closed with a strong and heavy padlock. She was trapped inside this tiny, metal barred, securely locked prison; her naked body cold, wet and exposed to the elements as wind whipped around every corner of the small space and brought hard, lashing rain with it that soaked her skin and ran down her into puddles beneath her feet. She tried to shake herself like a dog to rid herself of some of the water, the droplets gathering on her extending nipples starting to send sensations back through breasts that swung heavily from side to side as she wiggled in the confined space. Eventually she gave up, knowing that the return of the wardens in the morning was her only hope of release.

7.00am Sunday morning

The last minutes of rain drifted against the small square building and through metal gates into the two porches at either end of the front wall. The dawn had broken and sunlight was bathing the park, although the building’s front wall was deep in shadow. One gate was illuminated dimly by a powerful light directly above it. Behind it stood an attractive, naked, ginger haired with broad hips and ample breasts, standing awkwardly on her bare feet, her arms held behind her back by strong handcuffs around her wrists that she herself had fastened, waiting for the morning to arrive; and realising that the park toilets don’t open on Sundays.
yes, that's a gem of story!
It was a dark and stormy night

A short story about one girl alone and a pair of handcuffs...

4:00am Sunday morning in Summer

Torrents of rain lashed down, driven by the howling wind and thrashing the sides of vehicles and buildings with an unforgiving deluge of water. The trees of the public park swayed this way and that as the wind and rain roared through their branches, and the light from the dozen or so street lamps failed to penetrate the gloom and illuminate the darkness. In one corner of the park stood a small rectangular building, its two entrance doors set slightly back behind unyielding metal gates facing the storm, with the title “Public Toilets” adorning a board in the centre of one wall. The elements tore through the bars of the gates and pummelled the wooden doors behind them, with water gushing back out over the steps and into the over-flowing gutter.

7:00pm Saturday evening

The rain beat against the windscreen of Nicola’s car as she pulled up outside her house. The workout at the gym had made her heart beat faster, or was it the plastic bag on the passenger seat? The bag had been given her by a fellow member of the weight management class, a girl she had known from school. Although they were both now 23 years old, they had stayed in touch and then joined the same gymnasium. Not that Nicola considered herself especially over-weight, but size 12 was becoming a little tight and she didn’t fancy the expense of a new wardrobe. She felt down to her waist and grimaced as she realised how much it expanded over the top of her jeans, and found that when seated she could wrap her hand around it without touching the top of her jeans. She opened the driver’s door and grabbed the plastic bag. As she did so, the box inside opened and with a thud the object inside fell onto the mat. Closing the door momentarily, Nicola reached down and picked up her friend’s gift. The shiny metal handcuffs rattled softly as they were thrust into the bag.


The sound of rain splattering against the window and gurgling down the gutter was drowned out in the bathroom by the watery sound of the shower. Turning it off Nicola stepped out and dried herself with a large pink bath towel. Leaving her other clothes on the floor of her bedroom, she pulled on a pair of more comfortable jeans that were older and had stretched a little. She took a deep breath and picked up the open handcuffs. The intention was to share them with her housemates, Sarah and Fiona, and take turns at playing games with them. But the other girls had gone out for the night and would not be back until the morning. Nicola struggled against the urge to try them on, but eventually she picked up one cuff and placed it around her right wrist with the chain upwards and flipped the bar up underneath her wrist. Click, click, click, click, click, click, click went the mechanism until it was fastened tightly. With another deep breath, she put both hands behind her back with her palms facing away from each other. Using the edge of the bed and pushing the cuffs together, she flipped the other bar closed until it too was tight. Only then did she think of whether it might be awkward manoeuvre the key into the locks to release herself if her palms were facing away from the slots! Immediately she crossed to the box in the plastic bag and lay down on the floor to peer inside for the keys but could not see them. Sitting up, she turned around and blindly grabbed the box to shake it upside down. The keys had definitely been there in the gym because her friend had shown them to her. She stood up and looked down; no keys. Puzzled, Nicola started when she remembered the handcuffs falling from the box in the car. What a fool she was not to have checked for the keys!


Outside the front door was the sound of water cascading from the gutter and dancing on the step. Nicola reached behind her and lifted the ring that held her car and house keys from the peg on which it was kept and then, reaching upwards behind herself with difficulty, opened the door. The street was deserted as she looked left and right. As she stepped nervously out into the street, a gust of wind sucked the door closed with a BANG and Nicola clutched her car and house keys even tighter. Her long ginger hair was soaked in moments, clinging to her shoulders and sticking to her face making it difficult to see. The car was parked directly outside and Nicola, turning her back to the driver’s door, fumbled with the wet keys at try and force the right one into the lock. The house key didn’t fit and, as her fingers pushing against it slid around it and lost their grip, the whole bunch fell from her grasp and landed on the grill cover of the drain. Taking deep breaths to calm herself, she leaned against the side of the car and tried to catch the ring with her toes. The keys slipped sideways and she stamped with the sole of her foot merely kicking them into the abyss! Nicola stood outside her house in shock, topless and barefoot, long hair matted across her face, locked out of both house and car, equally locked into a pair of handcuffs with no safety latches and no way of reaching the keys, and with no housemates due back for hours. A movement caught her attention. There was a gang of young men on their way to the pub walking down the street. She panicked, not knowing whether they might be friend or foe and ran the other way. She hopped as a sharp stone dug painfully into the sole of her left foot and she paused to kick it away. She hadn’t fastened her jeans back at home and now the running had caused them to slip, but her cuffed wrists were unable to pull them back up. As she reached the entrance to a public park they dropped around her knees and, still fearing pursuit more than embarrassment, she stepped out of them and continued into the park naked with water flowing in streams down her body. The excess fat around her hips and waist, comparatively slight though it was for a girl of a normal ‘larger’ size, wobbled and rippled uncomfortably as she ran and her bare breasts bounced up and down in front her, thudding into her chest and tugging at the skin around them. The tar of the path, although wet from the rain, was still rough against the soles of her bare feet as she ran and littered was with small stones that made her steps uneven as she tried flick or scuff them away. She sneezed, realising that she needed shelter as much as anything. In front of her loomed the toilet block.


The park warden, dressed for the elements in heavy waterproof clothes, pulled up outside the toilet block in his van and alighted. After locking the Gentlemen’s toilets, he entered that for Ladies. In surprise, Nicola managed to step outside behind him moments after he entered but she was driven back by the cold rain still being swept against building. Fearing to out or back in, she looked sideways and noticed an alcove to the right of the porch where rubbish bins might be kept. Today it was empty and she slipped into the shadows. The warden stepped out of the toilets and locked the wooden door behind him, cutting Nicola off from her shelter. Without seeing her hiding place, he walked outside. Her sigh of relief as she tried to think of where to shelter next was cut short and became a gasp of alarm as, with a squeal of hinges in need of oil, the metal gate swung closed and trapped her inside the porch with only the gap between gate and door and the alcove to move within. Nicola’s heart beat harder and faster until it felt about to burst from her chest as the warden secured the gate closed with a strong and heavy padlock. She was trapped inside this tiny, metal barred, securely locked prison; her naked body cold, wet and exposed to the elements as wind whipped around every corner of the small space and brought hard, lashing rain with it that soaked her skin and ran down her into puddles beneath her feet. She tried to shake herself like a dog to rid herself of some of the water, the droplets gathering on her extending nipples starting to send sensations back through breasts that swung heavily from side to side as she wiggled in the confined space. Eventually she gave up, knowing that the return of the wardens in the morning was her only hope of release.

7.00am Sunday morning

The last minutes of rain drifted against the small square building and through metal gates into the two porches at either end of the front wall. The dawn had broken and sunlight was bathing the park, although the building’s front wall was deep in shadow. One gate was illuminated dimly by a powerful light directly above it. Behind it stood an attractive, naked, ginger haired with broad hips and ample breasts, standing awkwardly on her bare feet, her arms held behind her back by strong handcuffs around her wrists that she herself had fastened, waiting for the morning to arrive; and realising that the park toilets don’t open on Sundays.

Nice story
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