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Jastrow's Pic of the Day

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018–Day 211. This girl is nearing the end of her ordeal. Entitled "Almost Gone"..just like the month of July!

And so for August 1st let's see her head slumped forward, "Mother, into thy hands I commend my spirit" style.

And her stream of piss ceased. Sorry, Jas, I realize it’s part of the kink for many, just not for me. :rolleyes:


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Wednesday, August1, 2018–Day 212. Happy August, everyone! Yesterday, bossy, demanding and hyper-critical Apostate (lol!) implored me to finish off the poor girl in yesterday’s rendering. I guess he, like the vultures and the flies, has a fondness for dead bodies. Everyone has their kinks, I suppose. Anyway, here’s my take on that rather unnatural scenario. Yesterday’s rendering (and now today’s, too) are loosely based on some of Andyman’s wonderful drawings. I have a few more that I did last year of the same girl earlier in her ordeal which I will post over the next couple of days. This one is called "Regina Gone".


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Wednesday, August1, 2018–Day 212. Happy August, everyone! Yesterday, bossy, demanding and hyper-critical Apostate (lol!) implored me to finish off the poor girl in yesterday’s rendering. I guess he, like the vultures and the flies, has a fondness for dead bodies. Everyone has their kinks, I suppose. /QUOTE]

I love that bleak moorland scenery -
it's a perfect setting for such a grim scene
(perhaps that's why I love it!)

This Bobby Burns poem was in my 7th grade reading book. It stuck in my head, for reasons I don’t regret.

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

Chorus.-My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.

Farewell to the mountains, high-cover'd with snow,
Farewell to the straths and green vallies below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.
My heart's in the Highlands, &c.
Thursday, February 08, 2018–Day 39: Here’s on from 2015 called "Roped Ordeal r". Being crucified with ropes as opposed to nails was no bargain. The victim might well last longer without the loss of blood (although it was probably less than I show in my renderings) and there might be somewhat less of a chance of infection. The victims would be spared the immediate agony that came from the actual nailing. But it still hurt. Ropes supporting a body’s weight would cut deep into the flesh and the resulting loss of circulation to the wrists and hands would be extremely painful. The fact that they could be taken down from the cross more easily with ropes than nails would add an interesting dimension--it would spare the victim of the finality of their death that nails bring and might offer a small glimmer of hope. Still, what was next for them? How crippled would they be from their ordeal? Would they be crucified again or subject to other tortures? The position in this rendering looks very painful and it looks like there are a couple of birdies waiting for their meal...
This is the method I believe was most used in Roman and Middle eastern times. I don't really believe nails were sufficient to hold the victim on the cross and this method splayed the man or woman's legs and buttocks for further torture. With the legs tied and roped in this manner, it would allow the victim to periodically raise oneself to relieve pressure on the arms and shoulders. Imagine entering the arena and seeing others suffering and struggling in this position. With the instruments being made ready and lying in wait, the victim would be brought forward and made to lie on the ground or platform face down. As the man or woman was held in place, the instrument would then be picked up and laid over the condemned individuals back. With the arms bulled back and tied in position behind the cross piece, the legs would then be bent and stretched back and up around the stipes. With the legs stretched back and tied in place, a peg would be inserted into the back of the stipes to which the ropes holding the victims legs would sit aside and provide minimal support. Now, as the condemned was finally raised upright, the weight of the body was supported somewhat by the legs, but mostly at the arms and shoulders. Now in full view of others being crucified, a sedile could be placed in a position to impale the victims rectum. Being tied in this manner would allow the victim to raise him or herself just to the point of extracting the phallus from the rectum. Now the victim is supported in three ways to prolong the agony of crucifixion. In Roman times the mans or woman's genitals were often tortured during this form of crucifixion. The sexual organs were often times pierced and the males testicles hung with weights.
With the instruments being made ready and lying in wait, the victim would be brought forward and made to lie on the ground or platform face down. As the man or woman was held in place, the instrument would then be picked up and laid over the condemned individuals back. With the arms bulled back and tied in position behind the cross piece, the legs would then be bent and stretched back and up around the stipes. With the legs stretched back and tied in place, a peg would be inserted into the back of the stipes to which the ropes holding the victims legs would sit aside and provide minimal support. Now, as the condemned was finally raised upright, the weight of the body was supported somewhat by the legs, but mostly at the arms and shoulders.

Thanks, James. I’ve never been quite able to visualize how the crucifixion crew would or could get them up there like this.


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Monday, March 5, 2018–Day 64: Yesterday Yupar posted a comment on another thread about how one of her favorite fantasies was that to being crucified between two lower class men (slaves or thieves). She mentioned that they were wearing loincloth. I did this rendering, appropriately titled, "Between The Thieves" in 2014. The men are naked, despite the pain they are feeling, their bodies are responding to the crucified queen’s exposed body with rather large erections. This response can only further humiliate the queen and add to her considerable shame. It must also be unpleasant and frustrating for the men to be exposed in this manner and to know that they can do absolutely nothing to satisfy their lewd desires. I’m sure the viewers of this scene can appreciate the predicament the three are enduring–shame on her part, desire that can never be fulfilled on their part. Each can only watch the other’s suffering as they all weaken and move towards the ultimate and inescapable conclusion.
I imagine the men being crucified first, with the queen then ceremoniously led to her place of her execution between them. Her instrument lies on the ground facing the two condemned men. I cannot help thinking that she becomes aroused as her clothing is removed and she is roughly handled by her executioners. Now stretched and affixed in full view of the two crucified thieves, they also become aroused as her groans and screams echo throughout the arena. Finally raised and crucified, the queen desperately attempts to shield her modesty as the two men vainly attempt to control their erections. Now the men are tortured as the suffering queen looks on. With noosed cords attached to each of the men's testicles, weights are slowly added until each man ejaculates uncontrollably. The queens labia lips and nipples are then pierced and a hook inserted through her delicate clitoral hood. Others to be crucified are now brought forward and made to march past the suffering trio.
I imagine the men being crucified first, with the queen then ceremoniously led to her place of her execution between them. Her instrument lies on the ground facing the two condemned men. I cannot help thinking that she becomes aroused as her clothing is removed and she is roughly handled by her executioners. Now stretched and affixed in full view of the two crucified thieves, they also become aroused as her groans and screams echo throughout the arena. Finally raised and crucified, the queen desperately attempts to shield her modesty as the two men vainly attempt to control their erections. Now the men are tortured as the suffering queen looks on. With noosed cords attached to each of the men's testicles, weights are slowly added until each man ejaculates uncontrollably. The queens labia lips and nipples are then pierced and a hook inserted through her delicate clitoral hood. Others to be crucified are now brought forward and made to march past the suffering trio.


I think as an appalled onlooker with a raging erection I’d take the Stretching of the Testicles as my cue to find someplace private for a wank.


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Given enough time, they all do . . .
I always envisioned the crucified male eventually ejaculating from his impalement on the cornu. Stimulation of the prostate gland would eventually lead to erection and ejaculation regardless of the pain of crucifixion. I wonder if the woman impaled by a phallus on the cross would in the same way eventually succumb to discharge and ejaculation? It must have been a hectic scene in any event as the condemned repeatedly attempted to lift his or her buttocks off the cornu filling the rectum. I heard that the phallus was positioned in such a way as to make extraction impossible. Would the male experiencing crucifixion in this case ejaculate repeatedly until emptied of semen. What about the women, would she continue her orgasm and discharge until death?
She should cheer up. The Vulchurs will probably be by in a bit.

(And Jas, if you want to put out a hit on me for that, I won’t blame you a bit. :rolleyes:)
The first picture is I believe one of the more usual practices of crucifixion in ancient times. With the legs drawn up to the side of the stipes, her ankles are nailed through the hollow area between the lower leg and ankle. I believe the nail first driven through a small block of wood was normally used to keep the condemned man or woman's legs in place. With the legs splayed opened using this method, I envision that torture of the genitals would eventually follow.
I wonder if the woman impaled by a phallus on the cross would in the same way eventually succumb to discharge and ejaculation? It must have been a hectic scene in any event as the condemned repeatedly attempted to lift his or her buttocks off the cornu filling the rectum. I heard that the phallus was positioned in such a way as to make extraction impossible. Would the male experiencing crucifixion in this case ejaculate repeatedly until emptied of semen. What about the women, would she continue her orgasm and discharge until death?

James, have you read Jedakk's "The Serpent's Eye?"


On page 367, at the very end, a carnifex describes the woman he’s just crucified, orgasming on the cornu until she died:

“The signs were all there for anyone to see. What she did when she was whipped, on the cross before the storm, she did that over and over for three days, so my slaves tell me. Vassus thinks she even did it as she was dying."
Thursday, August 2, 2018–Day 213. As promised, here is the first of the Andyman-inspired Regina series. This one is called "Regina at Dawn". "It was a beautiful sunrise but she really didn’t appreciate it. She’d only been nailed to the cross a short while, but already the pain was already unbelievable. How would she ever be able to endure it? The reality was that she wouldn’t–that the horrific agony she now felt would only grow and encompass completely until, at last, death released her. Unfortunately for her, that was still some time away...Suffer on., Regina..."


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Unfortunately for her, that was still some time away...Suffer on., Regina..."

Perversely and probably pervertedly I’m reminded of a Marian hymn I used to sing as a pious altar boy.

Hail, Holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria!
Hail, Mother of mercy and of love, O Maria!
Triumph all ye cherubim!
Sing with us ye seraphim!
Heaven and earth resound the hymn!
Salve, salve, salve, Regina!
But in this case, 'Salve, salve, salve, Reginam!'
(that single letter changes it from 'Hail, hail, hail O Queen',
to 'Save, save, save Regina!' ;) )

I and the Roman Catholic Church stand corrected, Eulalia. :rolleyes:

So I decided to further my damnation and google "Virgin Mary crucified nude." Sadly, no luck.

Mind you, many who hang out here are familiar with the Mary Magdalene sculpture, but in this unholy context she doesn’t count. The "ECCE HIC MULIER" statue might, though.


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