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I and the Roman Catholic Church stand corrected, Eulalia. :rolleyes:

So I decided to further my damnation and google "Virgin Mary crucified nude." Sadly, no luck.

Mind you, many who hang out here are familiar with the Mary Magdalene sculpture, but in this unholy context she doesn’t count. The "ECCE HIC MULIER" statue might, though.
For the newer members the Catholic prayer I know as 'Hail Mary' does not mention (in my lifetime, at least) her virginity...

Most Catholic church writings refer to her 'virgin birth' (Joseph was asleep that naughty night???) but not her virginity!!!
There’s a difference???? :confused:

Please explain ... I’m not Catholic but ...

It’s like this Barb. In 1st grade Sister Felicity of the order of Our Lady of Perpetual Agony explained to us that the Virgin Mary gave birth to Our Lord and Savior without sin.

She never got around to explaining what a virgin is, nor the nature of the sin she was without.

Clear now? Glad to help.
It’s like this Barb. In 1st grade Sister Felicity of the order of Our Lady of Perpetual Agony explained to us that the Virgin Mary gave birth to Our Lord and Savior without sin.

She never got around to explaining what a virgin is, nor the nature of the sin she was without.

Clear now? Glad to help.

But she’s known as the VIRGIN Mary, right?:confused:
There’s a difference???? :confused:

Please explain ... I’m not Catholic but ...
There is a big difference. The 'virgin birth' implies that Jesus' conception was not the result of Mary and Joseph copulating, not that Mary and Joseph did not engage in sex at all. It messed up a lot of young Catholic boys sex life!
the Catholic prayer I know as 'Hail Mary' does not mention (in my lifetime, at least) her virginity...
That's because it's basically the words of the angel who visited Mary to tell her she was going to get pregnant,
to which she replied 'How can that be, for I know not a man?' :confused:
But it is a puzzle, as the adult Jesus is said to have brothers, and presumably Joseph was their dad.
On the other hand, the Church does keep on about her being 'semper virgo' 'virgin for ever' etc.
That's because it's basically the words of the angel who visited Mary to tell her she was going to get pregnant,
to which she replied 'How can that be, for I know not a man?' :confused:
But it is a puzzle, as the adult Jesus is aid to have brothers, and presumably Joseph was their dad.
On the other hand, the Church does keep on about her being 'semper virgo' 'virgin for ever' etc.
I don't know about all this crap... I can barely afford my DirecTV bill!!!
Virgin Nail? We have Virgin Rail, that's bad enough! :eek:

Re that "semper virgo" thing, I’m not sure about Mary’s status, but the Catholic Martyrology does go on about Saint Frigida the Perpetual Virgin.


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The english text is

"The Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace! the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."

Wikipedia says the text has been settled by Pope Ius V. (1566-1572).
I like this version:

Hail Mary, full of grace,
Bless my boyfriend's hand and face,
Bless his head so full of curls,
And keep him away from other girls.
Bless his arms so big and strong,
And keeps his hands where they belong.
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