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Jesus Christ Superstar: Crucifixion (pass The Drill...)

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Always one for the Easter season. There are some interesting versions of this around. The pic below has always been my favourite JCS pics, I don't know where it's from but I've had a version of it since the late 90s. It has a power that is rare in most performances of the musical.

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It's not really a drill, it's an air wrench. They use it first to affix the step he stands on.

A drill would actually make a real mess out of human flesh and likely cause death from hemorrhaging.
A nail gun would be much better for a modern crucifixion. It would be quick and cause very little blood loss. For the victim, it would be like getting shot through the wrist with a .22 at point-blank range.
We did Superstar at school, I was only in the chorus, just another bit of my crux-rich education :D
But it wasn't done as well as that :(
Today I found another performance of Jesus Christ Superstar where Jesus is played by a girl. Don't expect nude scenes, it's a theater show, but it's sure to please you that after a long time there's something new. Enjoy

That looks a very good effort. We did a performance of that - likewise, not bothering about pronouns - when you're singing, dancing, acting, you really don't bother with 'he' or 'she'!
The cast of Jesus Christ Superstar according to you.
(Condition: Cast must be female)

Hi friends,

I had an idea that you might like. Surely you all know the project - the theater Jesus Christ Superstar. I wonder who you would have cast in the lead roles of this show if the only criteria was that they had to be women.

You can choose any actress, singer. Try to look at the character in one of her roles. Please cast the following characters:

1. Jesus
2. Judas
3. Some apostles
4. To the judge (who judges Jesus)
5. The soldier who scourges Jesus
6. 3 soldiers who lead and crucify Jesus

I am curious about your imagination. Let's have fun.
The cast of Jesus Christ Superstar according to you.
(Condition: Cast must be female)

Hi friends,

I had an idea that you might like. Surely you all know the project - the theater Jesus Christ Superstar. I wonder who you would have cast in the lead roles of this show if the only criteria was that they had to be women.
Let me take a crack at this... Disclaimer: I am speaking here as an amateur musical theatre critic and not as a crux-loving pervert. No stars are to be harmed in the making of this rock opera. :angel2:
You can choose any actress, singer.
Gotta have (mostly) singers with strong voices for JCS.
Try to look at the character in one of her roles. Please cast the following characters:

1. Jesus
Demi Lovato. She has a strong voice, is engaging with the subject artistically HF.jpg , might as well go all the way.

For something completely different as an understudy, RAYE. I'd like to hear her tackling 'Gethsemane'.

Hayley Williams of Paramore. :D
3. Some apostles
Miley Cyrus as Simon the Zealot! She won't hold anything back; she'll let it all out, tongue and etc. :tits:

Easing up on superstars -- Marli Siu as Magdalene.
4. To the judge (who judges Jesus)
Pilate mus be someone from the olden days. Shirley Manson, I think.

Lady Gaga does a cameo as Herodes. :devil:
5. The soldier who scourges Jesus
Now that's a non-singing role, so I'd go with an actress.

Amber Heard. :D
6. 3 soldiers who lead and crucify Jesus
Frankly, any three young, ripped actresses will do. Mayling Ng is one.
Hi friends,

I came across an interesting piece while browsing the internet last night. Students from the Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group (EUSOG) presented their adaptation of Jesus Christ Superstar in late January 2023. Yes, you guessed correctly, women played the main roles of Jesus and Judas. Since I came across this work I have been looking for new information and have also contacted EUSOG directly to see if it is possible to get more photos or a video recording of the entire show. I just hope they answer me and it will be possible. Keep your fingers crossed. It looks really good (judge for yourself) attached link to the EUSOG instagram.

Please help me get more information about this show. Thank you all

I will not forgive myself the question. Do you think that such works should be created more often? I mean, a girl/woman in the role of a suffering Jesus?
According to Instagram this was a non-binary portrayal. I can see that working politically and maybe in even theologically but it doesn't work for me erotically. It does open up some potential scenarios though, where nudity on the cross adds forced gendering to the humiliations suffered.

I will not forgive myself the question. Do you think that such works should be created more often? I mean, a girl/woman in the role of a suffering Jesus?

It does open up some potential scenarios though, where nudity on the cross adds forced gendering to the humiliations suffered.
I totally agree with this. If there is a woman in the role of Christ, more opportunities are offered to depict suffering and humiliation, because the expression of a woman on the cross often shows suffering and love at the same time - especially if she acts as a martyr.
Easter is approaching. And so I think and hope that more and more productions like this one will be created. The musical choirs of "der Jugendkantorei der Christuskirche" performed their adaptation of Jesus Christ Superstar. Here, a girl plays the lead role.

Neither nudity nor eroticism is part of the play. Even the scourging scene of Jesus is omitted. However, since it is an adaptation of this work, you can watch it here on YouTube.

I hope that more such adaptations will be made (perhaps made more realistically) but the effort is also appreciated.

Enjoy it

Hi friends,

I found a new adaptation of the game Jesus Christ Superstar, this time by students of a school. The role of Jesus is played by a girl, and from what I've seen, she plays it very well. Judge for yourself and enjoy.

It's a very lively, well choreographed and performed interpretation, I think.
Hello friends. I've been wandering around the internet recently looking for new inspiration about crucifixion. I came across the play Jesus Christ Superstar where the role of Jesus was played by a girl and the whole play revolves around the modern problems of today. Especially here it is LGBTI. Quite interestingly conceived. Is there anyone who has found the game Jesus Christ Superstar starring a woman, please share and send a link to a photo gallery, video or other article. I'm adding the link. Enjoy.

Theatre TCU - Jesus Christ Superstar 2024
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