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I found it rather difficult to join this forum. When you register there is no feedback about whether you are successful or not. I had to check if there was an email.
I'm sorry about that, @tiny314. Most of the functionality of this site is dictated by the host service, Xenforo, and there are one or two things about it that we find clunky, but on the whole it does the job!

Anyhow, you made it through, and you are very welcome! :)
Also, we are a small team of genuinely human moderators - which members mostly appreciate, as being much more friendly and helpful than robots or AI - and we do try to process new registrations promptly, but we can't guarantee a 24/7 service for all time-zones around the planet, so there may be some delay between first registering and receiving the confirmation email.
Also, we are a small team of genuinely human moderators - which members mostly appreciate, as being much more friendly and helpful than robots or AI - and we do try to process new registrations promptly, but we can't guarantee a 24/7 service for all time-zones around the planet, so there may be some delay between first registering and receiving the confirmation email.

Oh, no!

You’re not a robot??

A part of me is SO disappointed! (probably my logical side)
I am not complaining about how long humans took to process my request. Is the operation of the registration form which is very confusing since it gives no feedback that you were successful.
Well, you're 'successful' when we've manually approved your registration - that triggers the email confirmation.
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