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Judicial Corporal Punishment Of Women: Illustrations

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Well, my 'Folterlove' account on DA got cancelled/deleted/erased by the 'moderator(s)'. Had gained about 600 followers in about 6 months (clickbait, I know). I guess the quality of my posts must have been too high. My content didn't seem to me to particularly offensive nor graphic (no blood, nor a whip mark in sight). Stuff like below. They cited 'non-consensual' material. But how did they know that these AI-generated pixels in the shape of women were not consenting? The days of the true liberal are definitely numbered.
I love the picture Serbia 1941. A woman captured as a spy or partizan is going to be punished by the army. They want to punish her femaleness. So they are going to cane her bare breasts. Humiliating and painful. She tries to stay strong and to keep her dignity.
A strong woman who stood to her believes despite of pain and humiliation.
Today is the 80th anniversary of the D-day Normandy invasion and my father was there. When I see videos like this and read about the Nazi atrocities of the Soviet women soldiers who were entitled to be treated as POW's but were tortured and raped and executed I am so proud to know that my father
did his bit to kill those Nazi bastards.
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Today is the 80th anniversary of the D-day Normandy invasion and my father was there. When I see videos like this and read about the Nazi atrocities of the Soviet women soldiers who were entitled to be treated as POW's but were tortured and raped and executed I am so proud to know that my father
did his bit to kill those Nazi bastards.
It was a dark time where evil men could do these things without fear of prosecution. It shows what happens when you give people free hand. As a German I am ashamed of such herritage. And see it as obligation to make sure such times will never repeat and to vote for parties who will ensure that. But in some corners of the world it still happens.
It was a dark time where evil men could do these things without fear of prosecution. It shows what happens when you give people free hand. As a German I am ashamed of such herritage. And see it as obligation to make sure such times will never repeat and to vote for parties who will ensure that. But in some corners of the world it still happens.
Without delving in to politics it just goes to show that as long as there is an evil spirit around it may start all over again for no reason at all. It's happening right now...
Yes, might be the wrong place to discuss politics but history repeats itself.
It does indeed. Sad, really. Maybe Vlad should come to this forum and indulge more in his secret fantasies?
Wonderful! I have already said - if such wonderful times would come, when judicial corporal punishments for women would be restored, then I believe that they should happen exactly as in these pictures!
To make these things legal is a frightning but also exciting thought.
When American tourist. Barbara Moore, decided to appear in the market place of the capital city of this small Middle Eastern country dressed in only a short thin summer dress and no underwear, she failed to realise the inevitable consequences.
She was immediately arrested by the Morality Police and taken back to the police station where she was summarily sentenced to a flogging.
She spent the next twenty minutes secured naked to the unique whipping bench to receive fifty strokes of the cane on her bare buttocks which were the highest point of her body. A very painful lesson indeed.
Happened strict by the letters of the law.
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