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Just links to THW stories

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I'm not going to spam all my stuff here, but occasionally post links to popular / harder stories I hope ppl here will like.

Moth is one of the more popular stories, even though it's not very subtle - essentially a take down of a young intern by an experienced and ruthless lesbian domme.

The original is quite old - five longish parts make up the first chapter, but I'm just embarking on a second chapter, so I thought I'd share.

Moth, Chapter 1, Part 1

Moth, Chapter 1, Part 2

Moth, Chapter 1, Part 3

Moth, Chapter 1, Part 4

Moth, Chapter 1, Part 5

Moth, Chapter 2, Part 1

There's a side story, stemming from an incident in Chapter 1, Part 5:

Candace Annexed, Part 1

Incantata Fiammina, the domme here, is part of a loose group who share girls around, called 'the Cabal' (they also call themselves 'the Depraved'). There are some other stories about this group:

Cabal stories.

If you read these, you might notice some apparent inconsistencies in Incantata's position in life - an academic in one story, a management consultant in another. This is pure laziness on my part, of course.

However, I have engineered a resolution...

As with another through character of mine - Anne-Marie in the Castle stories - Incantata's supreme confidence and extraordinary ability in managing young women in degrading circumstances, coupled with the way the Cabal brings together powerful people from all walks of life, has resulted in various offers of employment.

Unlike Anne-Marie, Incantata took up the offer, and thus, from her original position as a high flying academic, she has transitioned into an elevated (and significantly better paid) position in a management consultancy - specialising in HR, of course.

She is particularly skilled in aiding managements (of the type which can only be described as 'deeply corrupt') in the subtle coercion of younger, more malleable staff members, until they find themselves volunteering for extraordinary levels of intimate service to their superiors. In this era of #MeToo, such arrangements must, of course, be particularly carefully handled - and Incantata is the go-to girl for this. Her new employers are very happy with her, and consequently allow her significant leeway with recruitment - which is how poor Paige gets to star in the Moth series!

That's the great thing about writing genre fiction - as an author, you just have to say things, and as long as it doesn't jar with the expectations of the genre, there is no need at all to explain them! They simply become true! I think this is possible because, in genre fiction, the reader has already consented to a certain level of suspension of disbelief before starting to read - it's part of the contract. Whereas in 'literary' writing, all the onus is on the author, and the reader's consent must be worked for at every plot twist.

The 'quid pro quo' of course, is that the genre author has to stay in her lane. If my 'engineering' had involved some quantum mechanics explanation of mutliple universes, or time travel, or witchcraft, then I would have mixed genres, at the risk of alienating whole swathes of readers.

Anyway, blah blah.

I hope you like the stories!
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do you think you could plausible do this?
I claim zero expertise on the subject, but from my superficial grasp of physics, it seems implausible for many reasons.

I certainly wouldn't use time travel in a THW story, because of the implausibility - it would detract from what I'm trying to do with those (I tried to write something about this).

But I do enjoy another kind of genre fiction - SciFi - where people do it all the time.

Words are all metaphors - at some level, they are all implausible. The word 'trousers' is ridiculous (and they all are, if you say them over and over again). The point is what we can weave with them.
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