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Justice is served- The execution of Teresa Goodbody

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In the early 1700s, Teresa Goodbody was tried and condemned to death by being hanged to death in the town’s square. Her story is covered here, much as told by her prior to her youthful demise…

Hello, I am Teresa Goodbody. I am going to be put to death tonight. I am going to be hanged in the town square. Are you going to come and watch me have my neck stretched until I am dead? You know they don’t hang wealthy women too often.

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It should be a good show. I have a pretty nice body. Most men seem to enjoy it though a couple think I should have more meat on my bones. Those silly bastards never turned down running their hands across my naked body though.

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A few week ago, I made a (rather suggestive) move at the town’s commissioner. Much to my surprise, he turned me down!

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That night, a pair of soldiers from his majesty’s army came by my house to arrest me for ‘corrupt behavior’. In my nightgown I offered them things that would make them forget why they came for me. To my chagrin, they arrested me, locking my hands in irons.

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How was I to know the commissioner had recently become engaged to the niece of the archbishop of the Cruxton Abbey and part of the dowery was the archbishop would have him appointed the territory’s governor?

My trial came up swiftly and I hired the best barrister I could to represent me. I don’t know if he was not very good or it was my mother calling out ‘Hang the bitch’, but I was found guilty of soliciting lewd sexual acts.

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To my shock I was declared a whore and sentenced to be hanged to death in the town’s square. At this time, hanging prisoners accused of high crimes was not that uncommon. I’ve been to more than a few of the executions. I have always enjoyed watch the men have their pants pulled down past their knees and watching their limp peckers swish between their legs. It was fun to watch their manhood dangle between their thighs as they choked hanging from a noose.

I was not expecting what the judges said next. “Miss Teresa Goodbody, it is rare when a woman of your status is found to be whore and condemned to be hanged to death. But the court’s decision is final, and you will be hanged like the whore you are.”

I am in shock! Whores are hanged naked wearing only a sack over their head. He cannot be planning to put me to death like that!

The court fell silent except for my mother who yelled “Take her clothes! Whores are hanged naked!”

The judge said “Miss Goodbody, remove your clothing before the guards take you to the city’s jail where you will be held until you are hanged to death.”

I start to remove my clothing.

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I look down my opened dress as my bare breasts heaved with each breath I take. ‘He cannot be serious’ I think. Then suddenly the judge yells “Remove all your cloths NOW!”
There is something magical about the execution of privileged women. With their upbringing they would never expect to be brought to the gallows and be hanged to death by their necks before friends and family. They are brought to the gallows wearing their finest dress, looking quite ladylike, except for the rope binding their hands behind their backs.

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They try to act properly while the charges they have been found guilty of committing are read and their sentence is told to the spectators. Their clothing is something the condemned whores don’t get to wear when they are hanged. They are naked when they are brought to be hanged.

The other difference is the whores have a hood placed over their heads when they are hanged. The privileged women do not.

I have seen a few of my friends and acquaintances hanged. It is a spectacular sight. All their proper upbringing is forgotten once the rope is pulled and they are hoisted off the platform. Their eyes bulge and their mouths open as if to scream but nothing but spit and drool leaves their lips. Their legs flair about as they search for the ground that is far out of reach.

They are hanged as ladies but when their legs hang limp below them, I know the noose has won its fight. An interesting thing is they aren’t wearing pantaloons. Just like the whores hanged naked, a river of pee streams between their legs and splashes on the deck below them. I always loved watching them piss. I would always congratulate the commissioner that he has successfully terminated another vile criminal.

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Now I lay on the cot in my cell days away from feeling the noose do its work on my neck as I hang above the crowd. You would think I would be scared but the thought of being hanged to death. On the contrary, I find the thought very exciting!

I imagine over a hundred people forming a crowd around the gallows. I am marched from the jail naked but for the rope binding my hands behind me. The people, many of them friends and family, are not shy about reminding me I am naked before them. Even my mother yells “hang the naked bitch”.

I have never been exposed like this as an adult except for intimate times with lovers. I am wet between my thighs and I have not peed. I cannot believe I am having a climax as I am being marched to my execution.

On the gallows the charges I have been found guilty of are read and the woman announces with scorn I will be hanged by neck until I am dead. The hangman pulls a dark sack over my head. I look though the course fabric at the crowd staring at me. I whisper to the hangman I really need a fuck. His answer is pulling the noose over my head. As he tightens the loop around my neck he says “I have a wife when I need that. I have more important things to do today.

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The whole idea of being hanged naked in front of friends and strangers excites me. I hope when they do it I am as excited as I am now.

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Maybe when my case is reviewed, I can talk them out of binding my hands behind my back…
It is the day before Teresa is to be executed. She has appealed to His Majesty’s High Court that she should not be brought bound and naked to the gallows. Furthermore, she has beseeched the crown she should be executed as loyal subject to the crown and should be allowed to wear a fine dress when she is hanged to death. Her day in court, which she was damn lucky to get, did not go well for Teresa. She is brought naked to the courtroom and locked in a barred cell. After all, she is a condemned whore asking for mercies she hardly deserves.

Teresa waits in the cage as the judge is over a half hour late because he was drinking his having lunch. Teresa is not comfortable with the delay. She has a terrible urge to relieve herself but pissing in the cell would hardly be ladylike. She fidgets inside the bars hoping the judge arrives soon.

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He finally shows at the bottom of the hour. He looks over Teresa’s case for a quarter hour before he addresses Teresa. He looks up and says “Miss Goodbody, the document here says you tried to sexually seduce the town’s commissioner and you have been condemned to be hanged to death as a common whore. Yet you appeal to the court for treatment a criminal does not deserve. Would you care to explain why I should consider your appeal?”

I somewhat panicked. I have only been in court once before and that got me sentenced to be hanged to death. I was hardly expecting to be questioned as to why the court should offer me any mercy. Trying to look as proper as possible as I stand naked in this damn cage, I explain to the judge I have always been a proper lady. I have attended the hangings of women condemned by the courts. And I would be mortified if I was brought naked to the gallows to hanged to death.”

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The judge contemplated my pleas and after a few minutes he said “Miss Goodbody, we take the executions of prisoners very seriously- even more so when the prisoner is a woman such as you.

“You were accused of trying to seduce the town’s commissioner. I understand he is a quite handsome man. I have taken this into my considerations…”

My heart races. The judge might not just consider hanging me wearing cloths, he may even commute my sentence. I listen anxiously.

“…and considering the commissioner is being considered for a governorship and has recent became engaged to the archbishop of the Cruxton Abbey’s niece, I confirm your sentence to be hanged to death in the square as the whore you are!”

I grab the bars and yell “Tree, you are a son of a bitch!”

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“Leave my mother’s sexual habits out of the court room” the judge exclaims. “Miss Goodbody, I would have you burned at the stake if it was still legal to do so. By the power invested in me, I instead order you to be brought to the square an hour before you are to be hanged so the citizens have adequate time to voice their pleasure in your punishment!”

I lean against the cage.

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Not only has the court shown me no mercy, but the judge will also make the hour leading to my hanging the most horrible time of my life!
Market day in the town- a crowd has formed to see Teresa Goodbody, a lady of privileged wealth and charms, hanged a common whore. The story continues…

Archbishop Wragg takes time from his vast duties to see Teresa before she is hanged. Teresa, not a very religious woman, presents herself in a most appealing way to the cleric.

“Archbishop Wragg, what an honor you have come to see me before they stretch my neck. Have you come to commute my death sentence?” I ask him in my most alluring voice. I sure it worked. He gets a bulge under his ornate outfit.

“Teresa Goodbody, if it wasn’t required to bestow your last rites, I would condemn you to the eternal fires of hell as Satan’s personal whore” the archbishop growls.

“Well, if I am damned to hell, perhaps I can convince you to release this sinful whore from the horrible work of the noose” I say pleadingly as I thrust my breasts between the bars.

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His bulge gets bigger but his tone does not change. He says “You tried to seduce my niece’s beau and now to save your neck from the rope you throw yourself at me? I will not be bound by religious status as I cheer while the noose closes around your throat!”

So much for religion saving me. I am left alone till midafternoon when the guard tosses me a bucket and suggests I relieve myself before I am hanged. I really don’t have to but he says the crowd would enjoy watching me shit while I am hanging by neck. I manage a small turd and ask for a rag to wipe myself with.

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He says “You don’t need one. You’ll be dead in a few hours. Get up and turn around. I need to tie your hands.”

I scoot up the wall and say “You can let me go. There is no need to hang me. I’ll give you the best lay you have ever had, and you can say I escaped.”

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I look as appealing as a condemned naked woman can, but the guard isn’t buying my offer. He tells me to turn around and put my hands behind me. He starts to tie my wrists together. Considering I am just hours from being hanged, I still find his rough handling of me quite erotic. I say to him “You sure you don’t want to fuck me?”

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Gruffly he says “Not interested. I have to get you ready to be hanged.”

He tightens the rope around my wrists. I can’t explain why but my pussy squirts warm juices. I tell him “I could really use a fuck before I am hanged.”

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It does me no good. He knots the rope tightly around my wrists. I never thought being tied up while naked could turn me on so much. I am shocked when he walks me out of the jail. There is a big crowd that has come to see me hanged. The town’s commissioner calls out “Dear citizens, I present Teresa Goodbody, sentenced to hanged later today. Let it be known even privileged women convicted of being a whore get hanged like a whore.”

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The crowd cheers their approval at my sentence and I come yet again…
I am not a shy woman. I think I have been blessed with a very nice body and my lovers seem to agree with me. But I have never been exposed naked to a crowd of strangers as I am now. The jeers they make are the lewdest things I have ever been called. I want to cover myself but the rope binding my hands make it impossible to hide my private parts. There is a monk next to my that says “Show the people what God has given you. They want to see you before you are hanged.”

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There was no mocking in his words. I think he admires my bare body as I start my march to the gallows. My breasts sway with each step I take. How I want to touch those orbs. The guard in the jail had told me my arms had to tied when I am hanged so I don’t get my neck all bloody as the noose chokes me, but he didn’t tell me how much I would want to touch myself on the way to the gallows!

I had been warned- if that’s what you want to call it- I would be harassed on the way to the gallows. Harassment is too nice a term. I am called a whore and slut and words I don’t even know the meanings of. Some comment that I have nice breasts- if ‘She’s got great tits’ is a compliment. Some say I am the best-looking whore they have ever hanged. I am not a whore! I may have made a pass at the commissioner, but I never asked anything from him. Whores just spread their legs for money and I never needed some bloke’s money enough to fuck one of them.

I look down my body and think I am damn good looking. These bastards aren’t worthy of seeing me naked!

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Maybe it is a good thing I have guards escorting me. These filthy bastards would be groping me the whole way to the gallows.

We get to the street corner and turn to the left. Ahead of me stands the gallows. Usually it is short platform, just a few feet above the street but this thing towers over me, with the platform about ten feet above the street. One of the guards proudly says “We built it just for you. You are the best looking whore we ever hanged and wanted to make sure everyone could see you hangin’ by your neck!”

One of the women there glares at me and says “This skinny thing tried to seduce my fiancé? I hope the bitch takes a half hour to die!”

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I think ‘honey, I’d have had him easily if he wasn’t trying to become the governor.’

A nun takes my arm and leads me from my escorts and takes me to the base of the gallows. She says “I can’t wait to see your breasts bouncing while you hang from the noose.”

I assure her I will put on a good show for her as the noose does its job. It is a damn good thing she cannot stick her fingers between my legs because she would know I am telling the truth.

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A man from the Department of Penal Corrections grabs my arm and walks me up the stairs. It is a good thing he has a strong grip. I don’t think I would make it with my hands tied and my feet bare. I look at the crowd as I climb the steps.

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‘You don’t know how lucky you are to see me hanged’

I get to the top and the platform is more crowded than I expected. There are the expected guards and an old priest from the local church there. I don’t know if he is praying for my soul or thanking God how good I look. Right in front of me the noose I will be hanged from dangles before my face.

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I thank God the guard had me shit while I was in the jail. Never has such a lifeless object scared me this much…
I made the march to the gallows. Never have been called such obscene things in my life. You would think I would have been embarrassed and wracked with shame. But the closer I got to where I will be hanged, I felt somewhat proud. These commoners have never seen a woman such as I! Even as I climbed the steps to the gallows’ platform, I gloated how damn lucky they were to see a woman like me brought here to be hanged to death naked for their entertainment.

Now I stand on the platform high above the common pigs and the reality that I am about to have my life ended hits me. They are going to kill me with this rope made from a dead tree! Behind me the current governor tells someone to put the noose around my neck.

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I am pushed forward, and a man grabs the rope and opens the loop. Lost for words, I ask “Are you my executioner?”

He pulls the rope towards my head and says “No ma’am, I just won the lottery and get to put the rope around your neck.”

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It doesn’t take but a moment for him to put the noose around my throat. Someone grabs my arms to brace me as the noose is tightened my neck.

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I tell him it is not tight enough, but he doesn’t seem to care. He steps back and says “You won’t be going anywhere before you are hanged.”

The man from the Department of Penal Corrections steps up and checks the noose. The fine hemp fibers gnaw at the skin of my neck. I mention he is hurting me, and he coldly tells me “Getting hanged isn’t supposed to comfortable.”

I don’t know if it is normal for a woman to be oozing juices from her pussy when she is being prepared to be hanged but I whisper to the man “I could really use a fuck right now!”

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There is only coldness as he replies “The only fuck you are going to get is when you are lifted up by the rope.”

Next the hangman looks me over. I should say gropes me over. He checks the rope tied around my wrists then feels up my naked butt while grabbing my right breast. ‘Damn it, rub my cunt’ I think but he doesn’t touch me there. The son of bitch. I guess he doesn’t go for women with only a few minutes left to live.

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He followed by a huge man that tugs on the rope the noose is on. I ask what the hell is he doing. “Sanitation, ma’am. Just making sure the rope will hang you. Your body is easier to clean up if it don’t splatter on the ground down there.”

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So now I am standing naked on the gallows with my hands tied and a rope around my neck. There has to be a couple hundred people beneath me yelling horrible things at and about me. I growl at the hangman “Would you get this over with and hang me?”

He says somewhat sadly “The judge said we have to make you stand there for an hour before we string you up.”

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There is no point in asking him to rub my cunt and make me come.

I remember when I appealed my sentence. I had hoped I would be allowed to dress and even had a brief moment when I thought the judge was going to get me out of being hanged. But after he confirmed I would be hanged a whore, I called him a son of a bitch and now I am paying the price for doing so. Below me the crowd is not shy about yelling what they think of me.

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I don’t know if it is from fear of being hanged or if I am really turned on by the thought of being hanged naked before these disgusting people. Near me, Sister Angel is doing whatever holy things a nun is supposed to do when someone is waiting to be hanged. I whisper to her “Sister, would you rub my pussy?”

“WHAT?” she asks either because she didn’t hear me or she couldn’t believe what I asked.

“I need to come before they hang me. I can’t reach my cunt” I hiss. “Can you help me?”

“Oh, Miss Goodbody, I couldn’t do that with all these people looking” she says. “Now, if I had you in the convent, I could lick you little bud and give you the best climax you ever had.”

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“I suggest you think about the best sex you ever had and maybe you will come before you are hanged.”

“I can’t just think about sex when I am standing naked with a rope around my neck” I hiss.

“That’s too bad, because I can’t help but think about licking your rosebud” Sister Angel whispers. “But don’t worry. Archbishop Wragg swears most whores come while they are hanged.”

“I am not a whore!” I snap.

“I didn’t say you are” Sister Angel replies “but there is a chance you’ll come while you are hanging to death and your naked legs are swinging around in the air…”

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Sentenced to death, Teresa stands naked on the gallows with her hands tied behind her and a noose around her neck. Had she been any other hooker, she’d have been hoisted up and be thrashing her last as she strangled to death as she hanged from the noose bit her execution is an exceptional one. She has been found guilty of trying to seduce the town’s commissioner and been sentenced to be hanged to death as any whore would be. In appealing for some kind of mercy, she pissed of the judge by questioning the legitimacy of his birth. He ordered her to be presented on the gallows for an hour before she is hanged so she can be mocked by the people who came to see her hanged. So in the last hour of her life, she stands above the crowd who make lewd comments about her breasts heaving on her chest with each breath she takes.

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We will explore how Teresa took this horrendous wait from her point of view…

I’ve been to more than a few hangings as a spectator. I always liked going to them. The guys they hanged were usually scared when they were brought to the gallows. A few of them acted cocky like they weren’t afraid of being put to death. They all looked the same once they were hanged. They all kicked and swung as they hung from their noose. A few had hard cocks while they were standing on the gallows, but it was funny to watch them disappear when the guys choked as they hanged.

The women were different. The women with connections were hanged wearing their finest dresses. They usually looked pretty nice on the gallows. Once they were hanged, their eyes bulged and all the women’s faces changed color as the noose squeezed their throats, cutting off the air and flow of blood. No matter how lady-like they looked, all of them pissed either while they choked to death or when the noose had taken their lives.

The whores were different. Some weren’t that good looking, but it didn’t matter as they would have a hood pulled over their heads before they were hanged. They were hoisted off the platform and they all did an animated dance as they were choked by the noose. Most of them peed as they strangled or after the noose had done its job.

Now I am the one they have come to see hanged. I have been to lots of hangings but have never seen a crowd like this show up. There has to be over two hundred people standing below me. They have never seen a privileged woman hanged naked like a whore. They are yelling things at me that they wouldn’t say to any of the whores. Standing nude with my hands tied and the rope around my neck there is no escaping their abuse. I look down at the people calling me things I have never been called before and I have to take it for a whole hour!

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They yell things like what a fine cunt and what a good pair of tits I have. More than few shout they can’t wait to see my ass swinging as I hang by my neck. No one- especially the women down there- say anything about how beautiful I look. You’d think I would be shamed by their calls, but the opposite is happening. I know their lewd comments are reflections of their horny admiration. And really, they have come to see me hanged! They want to see a beautiful woman hanged!

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Author’s note:

The exhibition being made of Teresa’s execution is far more than simply putting her to death. Before the modern era of having executions being private, civil and humane, putting someone to death was an exhibition of power by the people performing the person’s punishment. Such brutal executions such as crucifying a criminal or burning them to death had long been abandoned by ‘civil’ societies, it is not more than people were put to death in a very formal and public way. If you could ask any of the people publicly executed if they wanted to be put to death in public, you would not find any who thought they should have been executed before a crowd.

But we have it on good sources Teresa Goodbody found her hour on the gallows quite exciting. This came from both the people executing her and collaborated by a Sister Angel who told Spike Sharp from the magazine Crux Chonicle that her only complaint was she could not finger her wet pussy while she stood on the gallows with her hands tied behind her back.

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But enough from me. Let us return to Teresa’s execution while her time alive is running short…

The governor steps up behind me and says “You have completed you punishment for insulting the judge.”

“Good, are you going to let me go, then” I ask. I have worn this damn rope around my neck long enough. It is not a premium French noose and it has rubbed my neck raw.

“No, Miss Goodbody, I believe we shall begin your execution” he replies sternly. I don’t think that is womanly juices that just ran down my leg.

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“Then pull the rope and hoist me up. That’s what they have come to see” I snarl as angry as I can.

“Miss Goodbody, it is important the people know why you are being hanged” he pompously states.

A woman climbs the gallows’ stairs. She looks me over, not trying to hide her contempt of me. She turns to the crowd below and in a loud voice she says “I am Mrs. Stillhart, the district recorder of taxes and recent births and deaths. Welcome to today’s hanging.”

A large cheer rises from below. Damn, I don’t think there is a person down there that doesn’t want to see me hanged.

She opens a scroll and says “Today, Miss Teresa Goodbody is going to serve her court ordered sentence. I will read the charges she has been convicted of committing.”

It is a short list but each crime I have supposedly committed carries the penalty of death.

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“Miss Goodbody attempted to seduce the commissioner of this town. We are fortunate she did not succeed in her quest.”

A round of jeers rise from the crowd. I don’t know if they are meant for me or their dickless commissioner.

“Her actions were found to be whorelike by the court.” She tells towards the crowd and says “Miss Teresa Goodbody was found guilty of both charges and has been sentence to death.”

“Quit talking and get this over with” I growl.

Mrs. Stillhart clears her throat and loudly announces “Miss Goodbody will be hanged by her neck until she is dead.”

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A huge cheer roars. I think I pee a little more. Angrily I hiss “Quit fucking with me and hang me!”

I am premature with my request as there is more to their show…
I have forgotten I am to be hanged as a condemned whore. I have stood naked here for an hour with the damn noose around my neck and my hands tied behind my back. When Mrs. Stillhart proclaimed I will be hanged by neck until I am dead, I was ready for them to haul me up and find out how my hanging would feel. But there is one detail I forgot. Whores wear a hood when they are hanged!

The hangman tries to put the hood over my head but I resist the best I can, jerking my body around so he cannot put the sack over my head. Finally, Archbishop Wragg exclaims “These people have to go to church in the morning and you won’t even have hanged her by then. Take the noose off her neck and I will take care of bagging her head!”

The hangman pulls the noose from my head and as the archbishop approaches me I step back from him. He pulls a cloth from his pocket and quietly but sternly says “Miss Goodbody, you have been sentenced to death and will be hanged as whore. That means you will wear a hood as you expire hanging from the rope. Either you let me put the hood over your head or I will summon the guards to hold you while the hood is put over your head. If I have to do that, I will instruct the hangman to undo the noose and tie the rope around your neck. It will take much longer for you to expire that way.

“May I put the sack over your head?”

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I nod to him. He is given a pair of gloves so his hands do not have to touch the flesh of ‘a whore’ and hold still while he lowers the hood over my head.

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A blurred darkness covers my eyes and the hangman put the noose around my neck. With complete calmness he says “There, wasn’t that easier?”

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He reaches up and grabs my breasts and says “I would have screwed in in jail instead of taking pay to hang you.”

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“Why don’t you finger my pussy so I can come before you hang me” I ask.

“I’d like to, but my wife is in the front row down there” he replies. Do I catch a touch of regret in his voice?

Mrs. Stillhart loudly announces I will be hanged at the top of the hour. I have to admit I never looked at the clock facing the square. I have no idea how long I will stand here.

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I fidget about as I wait to be hanged. I am wet in my crotch but I don’t know if it fear or excitement from what’s to come. I feel the hood pull against my face when I inhale. It is damp from my breath.

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Behind me the governor leans over and calls down to a pair of men “Hoist her up and hang the whore!”

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Shit, this is about to happen. I take a deep breath and hope it is not my last one…
“These people have to go to church in the morning and you won’t even have hanged her by then. Take the noose off her neck and I will take care of bagging her head!”
Oh yes... wouldn't it just be so awful if they all ended up in Hell because they were late for church... :facepalm:
I have seen more than a few hangings. I preferred watching the whores being hanged. Not all of them were what I’d call ‘pretty ladies’ but more than a few were good looking. If I paid a fee, I could get close to the condemned woman and give her my thoughts without having to compete with the jeers from the crowd. They would react differently. Most would beg for mercy they would not receive. They all got hoisted up and hanged till they were dead.

But there were a few brave women who would curse me and the crowd. I liked those women’s hangings the best. I always made sure I would remind her how she deserved to die hanging by her neck.

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The women’s protests always stopped when they were lifted off the platform. I hear it is hard to talk when the noose starts squeezing their throats.

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Watching a woman being hanged is an exciting thing. Someone could have explained every horrible thing that would happen to her, but the words cannot prepare her for when she is hanging by her neck. The woman’s legs swing wildly as they search for something to stand on. Her elbows flail wildly as she tries to grab the noose. The rope never fails to keep her hands tied behind her back.

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With the hood over the woman’s head you can’t see her eyes bulge as she hangs from her noose. I’ve seen the privileged women hanged. They get to wear clothes, but they don’t wear a hood. Their eyes all bug out when they can’t breathe anymore.

One thing is the same for the privileged women and the whores- they all pee! Well, the men do too, but guys do that next to building whether or not they are being hanged. We ladies- even the whores- don’t show anything when we have to go. Our dresses hide our necessary ‘indiscretion’.

But when a woman is hanged, they can’t hide their stream of pee! I liked it when a whore is hanged and she pisses before she is dead. She puts on a much better show. With their hands tied behind their backs, some off them even spread their legs when they let it fly.

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I don’t know if they are aware they do that. I guess I’ll find out in a few minutes.

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I stand on the new gallows high above the crowd that have come to see me hanged. My hands are tied behind my back and the noose is secured tight enough around my neck I have no way to escape being hanged by my neck. The noose holds the hood around my neck. I can’t see the people who are staring at my naked body…
“Hoist her up and hang the whore!” the governor yells. Someone pulls the rope, and the noose tightens under my neck. A man says “Next one puts you in the air, lady.”

I am already standing on my toes and already this is not comfortable. I wonder what hanging from the noose will feel like.

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I can’t see the men (the damn hood!) but I hear the men grunt. The rope shakes against my head and the wood disappears from beneath my feet. Fuck, I have to pee!

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My ears ring and I cannot breathe! Where the hell is the Goddamn ground?”

“Look at the bitch. She just got lifted off the ground and she’s pissing already” the town’s commissioner says.

His guest Joan Tree says “That is the quickest any of the whores ever peed.”

I hear the rope groan and the noose rubs against my head. I don’t know what is happening, but I can’t breathe right.

A loud cheer rises from the crowd. Teresa has been lifted high enough everyone can see her naked body swinging from the noose.

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Teresa’s legs swing wildly as they search for something to stand on. The crowd cheers at her useless flailing. Teresa tries to free her hands from the rope binding them behind back. She does not win her fight with the rope.

If Teresa was not blinded by the hood covering her head she might be entertained by the gyrations she is doing. Her body twists wildly as she tries to find relief from the noose she hangs from.

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Though Teresa might not agree, she was quite enjoyable to watch as she is hanged. She has been lifted six feet above the gallows’ platform so everyone can see her struggles as the noose slowly tightens around her neck. The dance she performs (OK, she is trying to find relief from the rope closing around her throat) is quite animated. She kicks and bucks as she tries to find an escape from being choked to death. The crowd admires her struggles as much as she wishes she could find relief.

Joan Tree comments “She has been hanged more than three minutes. How long can she last?”

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The governor says “I had the noose made just for her. The knot is very tight and the rope is some from the harbor used to tie up boats. She could last more than five minutes hanging by her neck. Some woman wanted us to use her ‘premium French noose’, but Miss Goodbody is a convicted whore and should be hanged like one!”

And Teresa does last five minutes and a bit more. Her kicking and trashing begin to slow as finally she can hardly get any air. Her jerks are desperate and she is probably unaware she is doing.

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Barbara Moore, visiting from the colonies looks up at Teresa as she twitches her last. She comments “That is a truly cruel way to execute somebody. Why didn’t they just shoot her?’

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Next to her, T. H. Tree, who brought her across the Atlantic on one of his freighters, says “Do you know how much a bullet costs? You can only kill one person with one. There’s no telling how many women you can hang using the same rope. Besides, if she can’t do the time, she shouldn’t do the crime.”

“And what was her crime” Barbara asks.

Tree takes a drink and doesn’t answer. He really can’t remember why they hanged Teresa.

It took over six minutes for the noose to do its job. Teresa was left hanging by her neck until sunset so that the crowd could get a close look at the hanged woman’s body.

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The epilogue to this story will soon be presented. Do stay tuned…
the epilogue

Teresa was hanged for being a whore. Barbara Moore, Messaline, and Tree stand on the gallows’ deck looking up at her hanged body. Messaline cannot believe Teresa was hanged using a noose made from old harbor rope. She mournfully says “I offered them one of my premium French nooses but they refused.”

Tree says “Their rope did the job. She is quite dead.”

“But I am sure her neck is a mess. That wouldn’t have happened with one of my nooses” Messa declares confidently.

“The whole thing was politically motivated” Barbara says. “They hanged her for making a pass at the town’s commissioner. If he wasn’t up for replacing the governor, he would have taken her up and screwed her. She would have been fucked instead of hanging dead.”

Tree took another swig of his drink. He couldn’t argue with Barb. Politics does funny things to people.

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As the sun set, Teresa body was taken down.

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Barb insisted Teresa be given a proper burial instead of her body being given to the pig farmer that had bought her body for sow food. The town’s commissioner, seeking to show he had only the town’s best interest in mind, demanded that Teresa be given a proper wake. He also demanded she would be presented with the noose that had death was still around her neck so everyone knew she was hanged as a criminal.

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Tree had to pay the twenty-five pounds the commissioner demanded (almost six thousand pounds in today’s money), but that was the price he had to pay to keep Barbara happy. He didn’t want to hear Barb complaining about how Teresa’s body was taken care of as he took her back across the Atlantic…
Hey!!! Watch who you’re calling funny!!!!

Great story, Tree ❤️
Thanks, Barb. As I mentioned to you and few others, I am semi-retiring from writing stories. Age and 15 years of writing these has sort of worn me out. There will be more to come, but Tree's hanging his hat up on the regular barrage of stories. Thanks to all who have enjoyed them over the years! I am not retiring, just acknowledging my limitations!
Thanks, Barb. As I mentioned to you and few others, I am semi-retiring from writing stories. Age and 15 years of writing these has sort of worn me out. There will be more to come, but Tree's hanging his hat up on the regular barrage of stories. Thanks to all who have enjoyed them over the years! I am not retiring, just acknowledging my limitations!
I think you’re forever young, Tree. ❤️❤️
Thanks, Barb. As I mentioned to you and few others, I am semi-retiring from writing stories. Age and 15 years of writing these has sort of worn me out. There will be more to come, but Tree's hanging his hat up on the regular barrage of stories. Thanks to all who have enjoyed them over the years! I am not retiring, just acknowledging my limitations!
Oh, that's sad :(

No more Tree crucifixions? :crybaby2:

But thanks for a whole lot of fun over the years! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
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