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Laetitia Meets The Imf

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You know how to confuse us Tree.

And what has the IMF to do with it all?
Well that is why you should not have been confused. Since the name of the thread is "Laetitia Meets the IMF" you should have known the Wastons weren't really going to kill her since their plaything Laetitia has not as you noticed met with the IMF and all the mayhem that comes with it...

Well that is why you should not have been confused. Since the name of the thread is "Laetitia Meets the IMF" you should have known the Wastons weren't really going to kill her since their plaything Laetitia has not as you noticed met with the IMF and all the mayhem that comes with it...


I have no idea what he just said here :confused:
Barb has really gotten on Tree's last nerve. Ladies and Gentle please take you seats as in ten minutes we commence with the witty wench's hanging...
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hang 309 a.jpg Oooops! Me and my big mouth!:confused:

I guess this is what one calls a "command performance".:rolleyes:

Certainly isn't voluntary.:oops::eek:
What Latitia experienced was a cocktail of model railroad smoke, Liquid Fence, pepper spray, and sevoflurane. The model railroad smoke is what makes scale model steam engines have steam and smoke as they are operated. It is harmless but provided the fog in the chamber. Liquid Fence is a deer repellant whose active ingredient is putrefied egg- again harmless to Laetitia but caused the rancid smell. The pepper spray caused the eyes to water and the lungs to burn but still harmless to her. The sevoflurane is a general anesthetic that caused the appearance of death and was administered by a professional…

But we are just a week into her month visit with the Watsons. During the week Andrea shows Laetitia the sites around the Central West End and they shop and barhop.

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When Friday night comes it is back to business.

There are several types of garrotes but the ‘judicial’ garrotes consisted of two kinds. One had a metal collar that held the condemned prisoner’s neck against the post and a metal spike would be driven into the back of her neck breaking her spine.

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That is what I am locked into Friday night and while the spike is tightened to the point of pain the Watsons aren’t ready to see me dead… yet.

Instead I have a private showing to the man with the blonde chick that watched so intensely as Bull pummeled my ass before I went to the gas chamber. The overseer has spread my legs and locked my ankles to a bar a half meter out from the post my backside rests against and wrists are bound in irons behind the thick beam. The well-dress man leans towards from his wingback armchair. He takes a sip of his drink and says “Laetitia, I am Lord Thomas Scott but I would prefer you address me simply as ‘Thom’.”

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“Hello Thom” I reply wondering if the Watsons have granted him permission to use me as he wishes.

“You intrigue me as to how well you both accept your torments, how brutally the Watsons treat you yet you keep coming back. Tell me do you enjoy what they do to you?”

“I… I don’t think ‘enjoy’ is the right term. I anticipate the sessions greatly and they are very intense both physically and emotionally. When the gassed me it was the first time I felt like I wasn’t coming back from it. When they hang me I struggle to escape. It is natural. But a week later my muscles are still sore from fighting the chair’s restraints” I tell him. “So what happens now, Thom? Are you going to take me?”

“’Take you’? No, girl, I want you to accompany to their party tonight; well it will be more an orgy!”

“I would love to accompany you. Is it approved by Aaron and Andrea” I ask.

Thom gets very agitated and angrily yells “I ask permission from nobody! I could buy out the Watsons for double their net worth and not notice a change in my ‘petty cash’! Will you accompany to the party, Laetitia?”

Perhaps stupidly but also daringly I reply “If you ask permission from ‘nobody’ why are you asking it from me? Can’t you just take me?”

I meant to the party but he indeed rapes me. He uses a towel to wipe his cock off then after tucking it back into his pants retreats to his chair saying “Overseer, please convince Laetitia to accept my generous offer.”

The overseer rams a long fat dildo into my pussy and wedges the shaft it is mounted to on the block the spreader bar is mounted to. He lifts a fork-like thing that I can sort of sit upon then turns the wheel behind me to drive the damn wedge hard enough that it constricts my breathing somewhat but while not snapping my spine I am far from comfortable! He jerks my head back against the beam and twists my nipple saying “It isn’t wise to displease Lord Scott!”

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“I have a contract with the Watsons. I doubt it would be wise to violate that either” I grunt. The overseer looks up at Lord Scott and shakes his head. Lord Scott stands, finishes his drink, and say “Let her know the mistake of her ways!”

He walks out and the overseer sets to work on me. He pulls the dildo free of my pussy and chats “You are quite a principled woman” as he starts stuffing stainless steel into my ass and sex.

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I squeal a bit and asked “If he’s so damn rich why couldn’t he afford some lubricant?”

“He’s ‘so damn rich’ because he can squeeze blood from a penny. Perhaps he thinks you don’t need any lubricant. Listen, I like you, Laetitia. There is going to be a big ‘row’ over this between the Watsons and Lord Scott and I’m just doing my job” he says ask he stuffs the bigger shaft into my sex.

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“I will make my life a lot easier if when the Watsons ask you who did this you just say ‘a big guy wearing black with a black cap’. That describes almost all the overseers. My somewhat bald head is unique.”

He finishes locking the chastity belt/plugs to the iron ‘belt’ squeezing my waist.

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I tell him “Your secret is safe.”

“Thank you, Laetitia. I’ll get a message to the butler as soon as I can. He’s the only one that can get you out of this” the overseer says.

He leaves without telling me his name and I did not ask. I fear I am in a more precarious position than even how I am bound and if I knew his name I would ‘spill the beans.

It has to be hours that passed before I hear the door to the chamber open. I look over and see the butler Jives. He says “Hmmm, Laetitia, what a stir you have caused. This ‘Lord Scott’ that I have no knowledge of- and that doesn’t happen to me- wants to claim you. He offered a staggering sum of money for you.”

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“He already fucked me for free. Why should he pay?”

“You don’t understand, Laetitia. He wants your contract.”

“Look, I don’t understand all this but can you get me out of this thing and then we can talk?”

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“Of course Laetitia” Riff replies.


I suspect something is going on that does not bode well for Laetitia…
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