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Laetitia Meets The Imf

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The experience from Laetitia's perspective is short, but effective. I don't suppose we can ever really know what it's like without doing it, and I don't feel inclined to try it, but I wonder if she looks out, what does she see? Does she see other buildings and wonder what other people are doing, what they would say if they saw her. Does she care that anyone passing in the street below can see her. I suppose Aaron and Andrea might have planned for that, to avoid unnecessary attention.

I liked the last part:

How do you act after this? She sort of got herself into this relationship, but it may have gone further than she expected. She's not exactly grateful to them for leaving her alive after all - I like that. The ambiguity of her feelings makes it seem more real. :clapping:
Thank you Jolly. Laetitia is most complex yet is the story done?
“May I borrow this” she asks as she leans on the Eldorado.

I know better and say “Sure. The corporate gas card is in the glovebox.”

I go to bed thinking I’ll never see the Cadillac in one piece again…

'Drivin' sister - rock'n'roll - she got feet on the wheel!'

Great story, Tree - it is an audacious exploration of our (usually) submerged driving forces - something about how we feel most alive when we are closest to death. And the classy details like the cars and Mott the Hoople just bring it all alive in a seductive way. Great stuff - keep it coming!
'Drivin' sister - rock'n'roll - she got feet on the wheel!'

Great story, Tree - it is an audacious exploration of our (usually) submerged driving forces - something about how we feel most alive when we are closest to death. And the classy details like the cars and Mott the Hoople just bring it all alive in a seductive way. Great stuff - keep it coming!
Damn a guy that knows Mott!!!

It would be so nice to end this story on a pleasant note but Laetitia has yet to meet the IMF and nothing good can come from that...
It has been four months since I was hanged 36 stories above Skinker Boulevard and have not heard from the Watsons since that night. I have become friends with the guy that had driven me to Watsons’ country estate. I was going to buy a car but Tree insisted I just borrow one of his. Sometimes he loans me the Eldorado. I have fond memories of car and when I drive the horrendous purple Cadillac I turn heads and I know they are gawking at the car and not my tits!

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(One of our members sent me this but I can’t find who it was… sorry)

I wrote a book documenting my life as a hanged woman. I used a pseudonym and changed everyone’s name and locations. I didn’t want to piss off the Watsons and this is my story. On the cover I used the painting that was given to me the first time they hanged me.

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The book is titled “Life at the End of a Noose” and is selling well.

Now I am working on a fictional book when I received a card in mail. It said “We have read your book. It was very well done. Please be at your studio next Friday afternoon. We have a surprise for you –A & A”

Aaron and Andrea- I wonder how they found me but I am not surprised. They found me more than 5 years before.

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I call Tree and ask what he thinks about this and if he was the source since he works for them. I worded that wrong apparently as he replies “I am hired by them but I don’t work for them. And no I did not tell them where you were. They seemed pretty good at finding you five years ago.”

I believe him and am ashamed I asked. He never has made a move on me and his bookkeeper Ulrika (who is also a dear friend) has outperformed the stock market tenfold over the last five years. I ask him if I should be here on Friday and he tells me ‘no fucking way’ adding the guest house at the Tree estate is available.

I should have listened to him but my curiosity overwhelms me. At 1:20 PM there is a knock on the door and I open it and exclaim “What are you?”

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The man in the crisp uniform is flanked by two women that are armed and look like they are part of a SWAT team. He pushes me back into the studio and says “I am the area commander of the IMF Apprehension Team. I suggest you do what you are told when you are told to do so.”

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“So, Laetitia, please strip.”

“I’ll do no such thing” I declare.

“Laetitia, strip or it will be done for you and I assure it will not be done gently.”

The women move towards me and I yell “Wait! I’ll do it; just back off.”

As I strip I ask “What is this about?”

“You are under arrest for participating in asphyxia games for hire and using fornication for profit.”

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“I… I did know such thing!”

“Tell that to the IMA court. The shoes go too, Laetitia.”

I kick them off my feet and ask “Now what?”

“Place your wrist behind you back and allow my sergeant to cuff them. That’s good… You are learning quickly” he says. “Get her laptop.”

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That night Ulrika is surfing the net…

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…when she stumbles on a site she had never seen before that had videos of Laetitia’s five years with the Watsons. She pressed the button on the 80s era NuTone intercom and said “Tree, come here. I need you.”

Well that was a short 5 years. Time just flies by.:flypig:
It's almost like she just got home and now she's in trouble again. :rolleyes::doh:

And there's the most misunderstood phrase in the world. :devil:
It is one of the first retrospectives I have done. If I ever do one again I will keep 'Cliff Notes' on each chapter. Do you like the twist?
It is one of the first retrospectives I have done. If I ever do one again I will keep 'Cliff Notes' on each chapter. Do you like the twist?
Certainly. I thought she was home and dry. I'm just trying to figure out if Aaron and Andrea set her up.
“You are under arrest for participating in asphyxia games for hire and using fornication for profit.”

So what's the crime?

Participating in asphyxia games and fornicating, or getting paid for it without giving the IMF a cut declaring it to the IRS.
So what's the crime?

Participating in asphyxia games and fornicating, or getting paid for it without giving the IMF a cut declaring it to the IRS.
Tree took two semesters of business law, not criminal law (though some would argue they a quite related). I explained the charges the best I could. Let's hope the jury doesn't find this a hanging offense...
I am sure the Watsons are behind this. I am brought to the IMF’s rented obsolete prison where my ‘slightly more than a mug-shot’ pictures are taken.


The photographer says ‘Turn’ but I don’t demanding what is going on. A voice over a speaker says “Laetitia, you have just exceeded your last warning. I suggest you turn.”

I’ve nothing to gain not obeying. The flash goes off.

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I am hoping to make this as easy as I can make it.

“Much better, Laetitia, but we need you to learn what anything less than complete obedience will earn you” the voice on the speaker says. “I’m sure you wish to learn the rules before you break another rule.”

“Thank you” I say not really meaning it but I figure it is best to play along. I begin to doubt my decision quickly. A trustee drags me into pit and forces me to kneel impaling my bum with a rounded-tipped stake.

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I am chained in the pit, wrists to ankles and gravel is shoveled around my legs.

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I look up and ask the groundskeeper “Is this what they call a ‘warning’?”

The old black man winks and says quietly “Lady, you are getting off easy. Keep your eyes closed and your mouth shut for a few minutes, OK?”

I twist on the stake I am impaled on and see a Bobcat raise its bucket. The old black guy yells from its cab “Lady I told you to close your eyes and mouth!”

He dumps the bucket and nearly a ton of stable waste dumps around my body. I watch my tits float on top of the slurry.

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Laetitia meets Kathy Summers under not the best of circumstances. By a twist of fate they are bound to I-beam whipping posts. Laetitia watches as Kathy Summers is whipped until she passes out.

Paths cross...

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Then the guard turns his attention to Laetitia and beat her every bit as mercilessly.

For a week the other inmates were secretly ordered to abuse Laetitia whenever they could without the normal repercussions.

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The guards were bad but Warden Joan Tree was worse. I didn’t know they made strap-on dildos that big!

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Back in my cell I have a surprise visit from my step-mother which I consider only my father’s second wife as I am two years older than she. I ask “What brings you to this hellhole?”

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She lights up a Madame Wu Blunt™ and takes a long drag off it before saying “You know your father and I signed a prenuptial agreement that I only get 10% if he dies if you are still alive. I went to meet with the triumvirate to make sure that eventuality doesn’t happen!”

“What a kind thing for you to do” I reply sarcastically.

“I know- I outdid myself describing what a deplorable slut you are. Did you enjoy your scourging? I certainly did…”


A few days later Laetitia is brought to court…

My spirits soar as I am allowed to shower and am given clothing to wear, albeit the blouse is a bit too small for my bosom. If I was doomed surely they wouldn’t give me clothes! I am led to the defendant’s stand with my breasts conspicuously trying to jump out of the blouse. The bailiff says “Defendant please state your full name!”

“Laetitia” I reply.

“You were asked for your full name, young lady” the senior member of the tribunal growls.

“Sir, that is my full name” I explain.

“Bailiff, for the record enter the defendant’s name “Lae Titia, a.k.a. ‘Laetitia. And enter a charge of ‘Contempt of Court’.”

“Are you fucking nuts” I scream. “My name is ‘Laetitia’!”

“Make it two counts… Ms. Titia I suggest you keep your mouth shut until you are addressed by the court.”

I think I am screwed…

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The bailiff runs a slide show that starts with my first hanging at the camp-out…

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…and includes one of the first times the Watsons hanged me.

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There were video clips of other times at their country estate.

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Where did they get these?

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They even had my ‘witch hanging’!

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Damn, they took my laptop… I thought it was encrypted!

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It was and the IMF could not crack it. Andrea Watson was all too happy to provide the images except for Laetitia being hanged high above Skinker Boulevard. Their faces showed up to often and the building was too recognizable… no, there is no privacy.

But to prove I was screwed the court played my video of me fucking ‘Sir Thomas Scott’!

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I watch video and wonder where they hid the cameras…\

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(…if that is his name... I’ve no doubt he is related to the Wragg family!)

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These bastards know no bounds. I an asked to plea my case but say “Is there any point?”

“Not really, Lae… Or Laetitia if you prefer…”




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I am found guilty of multiple counts moral turpitude for being hanged for profit and sexual engagement with the intent to profit along with two counts of contempt of court. The head tribunal says “Ms. Titia, this is a good news-bad news situation. The good news is you will get to play out your fantasy. The bad news we condemn you to hang by the neck until dead.”

My knees buckle when I hear the sentence. I look up in disbelief when he continues saying “Convict Titia, remove your clothing!”

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“What did you say” I ask obviously bewildered.

“I said remove your clothing. There is no clothing allowed on death row.”

I begin to strip. As I peel off the tight blouse I say “My name is ‘Laetitia’!”

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I pull off the panties next leaving the bra for last not that much was left to the imagination once the blouse and skirt were gone.

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They stop me before I remove the shoes and stockings and they lock my wrists behind me in heavy irons.

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Before bringing me to death row I am measured from below my chin to the floor. Warden Tree says “I’m always curious as to how much you condemned cunts’ neck will stretch and how and how much your throat will crush”.

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With utmost contempt I practically spit “Fuck yourself, you cunt!”

She grabs my neck and says “If I am in a good mood you may get away with ‘fuck yourself, Madame Cunt’ but I warn you I am rarely in a good mood. Guards, take this bitch to death row!”

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