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Looking for Love in All the Wrong Place (video)

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Staff member
This week we plan to begin to publish video "Looking for Love in All the Wrong Place".
Demonstration video possible to see here - http://www.cruxforums.com/demos/crux_mi ... er_wmv.wmv

Full video (hour and a half) in crystal quality with original sound (without music) possible to see only on http://www.cruxdreams.com

Good! Good.

I have a few questions:

Did she cum on the cross?

And if I sign up for Cruxdreams now - how long until the whole series of videos are up on the site?

In anyway, thanks!
zarathustra said:
Did she cum on the cross?

And if I sign up for Cruxdreams now - how long until the whole series of videos are up on the site?

He will finish several times and on cross too.

The Whole will be 27 serieses on 3 minutes each. I do not know when ends this series since we publish other photo and video series simultaneously.
Our members already saw the photo a series "Looking for Love in All the Wrong Place" and presently we publish video.
Next time hire a guy who won't wear that silly Wild West Bandit mask, doggone it!!!

Sorry, but I was truly pissed off about that. You and Makar need to use the guys from Slaves in Love, or other fine BDSM sites, which seem to prosper in Russia at this point in history.

In the meantime, the lady in this video could dance up a strom on a cross, and could also "suck the chrome off of a Buick."

That's a good thing.

IM, this was a less than perfect shoot. But It shows pormise for what you will do in the futre.

Low stress.
I really don't care which man you use in any series; actually I like no one but lady on the cross so I can imagine me there. However, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you aren't going to play that stupid music throughout the video! I would hate to have to mute the whole thing, because I like hearing the gasps and moans, but I'm afraid I'm the wrong age bracket for that noise! It ruins the whole video for me!
thehang said:
However, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you aren't going to play that stupid music throughout the video! I would hate to have to mute the whole thing, because I like hearing the gasps and moans, but I'm afraid I'm the wrong age bracket for that noise! It ruins the whole video for me!
ImageMaker said:
Full video (hour and a half) in crystal quality with original sound (without music) possible to see only on http://www.cruxdreams.com
Image Maker (and crew):

That is a good demonstration video.

Very witty to show both on the crux. Your erotica score wins.

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