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Mademoiselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation (Part One)

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Mademoiselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation (Part One)

There lives a pair of women named Amanda Knox and Marlene Green. They are the daughters of wealthy parents and have grown up having a pampered youth in a rich beachfront community up the coast from Malibu, California. They became women under the laisse-a-faire watch of their parents and as young ladies they matured into very desirable woman. Amanda and Marlene grew to be more than just good friends.

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Their attitudes toward sex were not limited to each other. In fact they became known as the playmates of the rich men of the area.

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This is not to say they did not appreciate their time together as they were quite capable of pleasing each other.

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One could say they pleased each other very well.

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For their college graduation their parents gave them a trip to Europe, chartering a private jet to fly them there and back. The young ladies had quite a fine time in Europe prowling the streets and enjoying romantic encounters along the way.


But not long after they came home, Amanda called Marlene with and interesting proposition. It seems she had found a place of (unusual) recreation in northwest Arkansas in the hills of the Ozark Mountains. It offered women a chance to become harem women and, if accepted to be one, paid them rather generously for their services.

Marlene checked into Amanda’s discovery and called her about it. She seemed rather disturbed that they would have to apply for the position as individuals. Marlene wanted to know what would happen if only one of them was selected.

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Amanda lit a Madame Wu and says “It’s simple. We apply as a pair with the condition we both are accepted or neither of us go.”

Does Amanda have a workable solution to the problem?
Mademoiselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation (Part One)

There lives a pair of women named Amanda Knox and Marlene Green. They are the daughters of wealthy parents and have grown up having a pampered youth in a rich beachfront community up the coast from Malibu, California. They became women under the laisse-a-faire watch of their parents and as young ladies they matured into very desirable woman. Amanda and Marlene grew to be more than just good friends.

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Their attitudes toward sex were not limited to each other. In fact they became known as the playmates of the rich men of the area.

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This is not to say they did not appreciate their time together as they were quite capable of pleasing each other.

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One could say they pleased each other very well.

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For their college graduation their parents gave them a trip to Europe, chartering a private jet to fly them there and back. The young ladies had quite a fine time in Europe prowling the streets and enjoying romantic encounters along the way.

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But not long after they came home, Amanda called Marlene with and interesting proposition. It seems she had found a place of (unusual) recreation in northwest Arkansas in the hills of the Ozark Mountains. It offered women a chance to become harem women and, if accepted to be one, paid them rather generously for their services.

Marlene checked into Amanda’s discovery and called her about it. She seemed rather disturbed that they would have to apply for the position as individuals. Marlene wanted to know what would happen if only one of them was selected.

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Amanda lit a Madame Wu and says “It’s simple. We apply as a pair with the condition we both are accepted or neither of us go.”

Does Amanda have a workable solution to the problem?
I would say, maybe at first but Madams run a strict business. Perhaps a caning is in line for Amanda?
Amanda has a difficult time getting Marlene to agree to apply for acceptance at the resort. First, there is a minimum term for employment of six months. That is a long period of time for a young woman to commit. Secondly, the resort is in Arkansas, hardly the place to go when the closest Marlene has been to the state is in a plane almost 40,000 feet over it. The third thing it neighbors the Tree Estate, not known for its stellar reputation. And the name of the resort is less than inviting.

The resort is named ‘Mademoiselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation’ after its owner known only as Mademoiselle Medusa. Very little is known about her, but internet searches produce pictures of a beautiful but stern-looking woman and not much else about her.

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During one of Amanda’s and Marlene’s nights out on the town, they disappear to the restroom to freshen up. Amanda huffs “We aren’t going to get rich dating these guys!”

Marlene replies “It is not costing us anything to be with them.”

“Yeah, they are picking up the tab but we could be making real money at Mademoiselle Medusa’s place” Amanda snapped back.

“Hey, we’ll have plenty of money when our parents kick the bucket” Marlene says.

“Marlene, they are in their fifties! Do you want to live on an allowance till then?” Amanda exclaims.

There is a long pause before Marlene sighs “Alright, set up the interviews. But don’t forget, they take both of us or we’re not doing it!”

“You’ll do it?” Amanda practically shouts.

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“Yes, I’ll do it. Now let’s get back to our dates before they forget about us!”

Amanda wasted no time sending in their applications. Part of the requirements was pictures of the women had to be included. The pictures, along with their known family names, got Amanda and Marlene moved to the front of the que. In was mere weeks before they were in northwest Arkansas being interviewed.

Marlene was taken to a room where she met her male interviewer. She was somewhat surprised when he asked her to remove her clothes. She asked “Is this really necessary?”

The gentleman replied “It’s in the brochure. Didn’t you read it?”

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Marlene started to remove her clothing, not admitting she had not even seen the brochure, not to mention that, no, she hadn’t read it. As she stripped off the last of her clothes the man commented “Your picture does not do you justice!”

The naked Marlene blushed and thanked him for what she assumed was a compliment.

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Amanda’s interview was with both a man and a woman from the staff. She too was surprised when they asked her to disrobe (she had not bothered to read the fine print). The woman started undressing her while admonishing Amanda “Shyness doesn’t work well for a harem girl.”

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Amanda is hardly shy and quickly warmed up to friendly staff and enjoyed their compliments of her now bare body.

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It was only a week later that Amanda received the letter that she and Marlene had been accepted. She picked up the phone and called Marlene.

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“Hi, sweety, great news! We made the cut!” Amanda exclaims…
Amanda and Marlene flew to Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport on a commercial flight. They had to buy their own tickets as their parents refused to charter a plane to take their daughters to become slaves servants for a woman of questionable repute.

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They took a cab to Mademoiselle Medusa’s resort that is just outside of Rogers, Ar. And discovered the two-hundred-and-twenty-mile trip was more expensive than they anticipated.

After the formalities of being welcomed the two were brought to Mademoiselle Medusa’s private quarters. She seems friendlier than they expected and was well-attended to by her servants.

Mademoiselle Medusa cordially greeted them and seemed impressed they came from Little Rock by cab. Mademoiselle Medusa said “Most of my girls couldn’t- or wouldn’t- spend that kind of cash to get here. You most have had a charmed life before now.”

The women shyly downplayed their pampered youth but Mademoiselle Medusa was not interested. Sternly she told them “However you grew up, here I am the mistress of all I see. Your past does not interest me. Here you are simply members of my harem and will do as you are told. Is that understood?”

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Amanda and Marlene were actually excited about the prospect of being Mademoiselle Medusa’s servants. Never had they been in such a situation that they could remember. Mademoiselle Medusa had them dress in outfits suitable for their status at the ranch. Marlene was garbed in an outfit copied from Star War’s Princess Lia’s, complete with a metal collar around her neck that sported a chain suitable to lead her with.

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Amanda’s outfit was less modest leaving her mostly exposed. She too wore a collar but it had no chain attached though a heavy ring hung down on the back of her neck, reminding her she could have one attached whenever the need was desired.

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Mademoiselle Medusa escorted Amanda and Marlene to her bedroom and spent considerable time discovering the two of them were well-versed at pleasing her sexually. She somewhat haughtily asked “Are you as good at pleasing gentlemen as you are with me?”

Marlene confidently (or perhaps stupidly) bragged “We’re the best you can get!”

Mademoiselle Medusa calmly said “We’ll see. Ladies, take Marlene to the chamber and let’s see how good she is!”

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She then turned to Amanda and coolly asked “Does the same hold true for you?”

Amanda proudly bragged “There is nothing I cannot handle!”

Mademoiselle Medusa sneered “We’ll soon see!”

A servant bound Amanda’s hands behind her back then tore off what little clothing Amanda wore. She and Mademoiselle Medusa escorted the now-naked Amanda to Medusa’s office. There, servant women attended to Mademoiselle Medusa’s comforts while a surly man named Tree met with Medusa. Medusa had gotten her ranch from Tree but he still provides the security needed to keep the unwanteds out and the servants kept within. Medusa asked Tree if Amanda would do without concern for what Amanda thought.

Tree looked over Amanda and noted “She advertises well. Let’s see how she performs.”

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Amanda was led to a room where a pillory was centered. As Amanda was bent over and locked in the devise, Tree calmly says “We’ll see how good you are being ass-fucked while in a stock.”

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Things were not going better for Marlene. Her wrists were locked in manacles dangling over her head. She asked what was going to happen to her. One of the servants smugly says “You’re about to be whipped.”

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“And if the guest is pleased, he might fuck your ass.”

The whipping must have gone well. Marlene stood panting with marks crisscrossing her body.

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The man set down his whip and said “You have done well. Let’s see if you can please my cock as well…”
As time passed, Amanda and Marlene were in high demand at Mademoiselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation. As an astute businesswoman, Medusa saw that two women were in high demand. Amanda and Marlene did not oppose being taken in ways most women would object to and even seemed to enjoy being sodomized, something the guests’ wives or lovers made not appreciate being done to themselves.

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And for having attractive bodies, the pair never put up a protest over being subjected to a flogging.

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Well, they did while they were being whipped but one wonders if that was out of pain or them trying to please the guests whipping them.

Either way, Medusa realized she could expand her coffers by holding auctions for access to the women. Soon she would have herds of foreigner lined up bidding on the duo.

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Medusa also found that she could turn a better profit auctioning the women individually. It seems that Amanda and Marlene could easily sexually outdo an individual bidder so she would auction them as single stock to enhance bidding wars on their auctions. This could be seen as a violation of the women’s agreement that they would be kept as a pair, but Medusa was not selling them to the bidders, only their services for a period of time. This meant that on some occasions a group would buy one of the women.

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But then Medusa never promised the work would be easy for what she was paying the women. The groups were tireless with the women, with another member waiting to replace the spent one.

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They used the women until they could not take anymore then find new ways to use the spent women.

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Physically exhausted from their use, Amanda and Marlene carried on.

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Medusa quietly considered them her goldmine…
Amanda and Marlene signed up for the minimum term allowed at the Ranch of Recreation. For six months they would be Mademoiselle Medusa’s property, officially known as ‘harem women’. It would not be inaccurate to say they become whores for the mademoiselle. They were provided as ‘tricks’ for guests of the ranch, provided individually or as part of a group of women auctioned off in a group.

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The women were popular purchases and often spent their time with the guests in Mademoiselle Medusa’s well-equipped dungeon.


In the confines of Mademoiselle Medusa’s resort Amanda and Marlene were subject to the bizarre desires of the guests. It was not uncommon for them to be mounted in a pillory and be raped or sodomized.

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Often it was a humiliating show where the guests would place them in a devise and taunt them in front of other guests.

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This humiliation would almost always precede a hardy rape or sodomization, if not both.

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Mademoiselle Medusa would often remind the women she was paying them well for their services.

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Which was very true! Amanda and Marlene would make $100,000 each for their six months spent at the ranch. That was after all taxes were paid and they had no living expenses while at the ranch. Food and shelter were provided while they were employed.

Amanda and Marlene made far more for Mademoiselle Medusa in the six months they were there. Medusa got the word out that the pair were from a pampered background and did not hesitate to put them in embarrassing situations when she auctioned them. One of Medusa’s favorite gigs was dressing the women in medieval gowns and ‘selling’ them while they were locked in a pillory. She would borrow a man named ‘Gunner’ from her neighbor Tree. He seemed to take great at getting the price high on the purchase of Amanda and Marlene making sure the bidders knew that they were buying privileged woman that were unaccustomed to being disgraced in this way.

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Amanda and Marlene would wonder how mush of his ritual was an act or did he really feel such contempt towards them.

As humiliating as being actioned off is for the women, they particularly hate when Joan Tree is the winning bidder.

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Joan has the unfortunate habit of strapping on a large hard dildo and ass-fucking the women. The more they scream the better she likes it…
Amanda’s and Marlene’s last week at Mademioselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation…

It has been quite an ordeal for Amanda and Marlene to make it through their six months at the Ranch of Recreation. They have had to endure not only sexually gratifying Medusa’s guests but whatever perversions they brought along with them to inflict on the women. More than a few guests took pleasure in whipping the women. Was it because it made them feel power that they really didn’t have?

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The two women never found out. It was not the place for a ‘harem woman’ to ask one of her mistress’ guests such interesting questions. During their stay at the ranch, Amanda figured out a way to avoid most of the deviant acts her guests would have inflicted on her. She would look at the guest and with eyes wide pretend to marvel at the size of his member, often commenting she had never seen such a cock the size of his.

The guest would get a ‘big head’ and suggest Amanda attempt to satisfy him by sucking it and swallowing the load it would shoot down her throat. Amanda would timidly reach for his cock and ‘struggle’ to take it into her mouth. She would suck the man’s erection and he would always shoot his cum in her mouth.

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She would swoon that she had never had a cock like that before. This accomplished a few things. The guest was satisfied that a strange woman was impressed with his cock. The blowjob also wore him out so whatever he had in mind would not happen. The third thing was a quick blowjob on quite an average cock would mean she would not have to attend to the fantasies he may have had.

It is the last day at the ranch for Amanda and Marlene. Mademoiselle Medusa does not give them a break even though they will be leaving tomorrow. They are led to the auction block and mounted in a pair of pillories. Marlene complains saying that she is a short-timer and doesn’t deserve such treatment.

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Her handlers seem unimpressed leaving her bent forward in the wood. They march Amanda out to a second pillory and lock her in it. Amanda mockingly asks if they aren’t going to give her a ‘good-bye fuck’.

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They silently decline her offer and after spotlights are turned on to virtually blind the two women, bidding on the women begin. It was a quick auction and the two have no idea who bought them or if they went for a good price.

They were taken to a rather opulent room they had never seen before. They were even more surprised when the winning bidder walked in. She lights up a ‘Madame Wu’, takes a deep puff and in a sultry voice, Mademoiselle Medusa says “Hello, ladies, I have an offer to make to you…
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“Hello, ladies, I have an offer to make to you” Mademoiselle Medusa says to Amanda and Marlene. “You have been quite a benefit to me my bank account. You obviously didn’t learn everything about sex from each other. I want you to use your contacts and find me requites that are as experienced as you are.”

“I don’t know of anyone looking for the kind of experiences we have had” Marlene says with doubt in her voice.

Mademoiselle Medusa lit up a large Madame Wu, takes a puff, and in a sultry voice says “I think you do and you know how well I pay.”

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“I assure you, that is nothing compared to what I’ll pay if you find requites as good as you were. You leave tomorrow. Give it some thought.”

That night, Amanda and Marlene contemplated Medusa’s offer. Marlene was still skeptical about the offer. She said she would have bad feelings about sending women to the ranch. Amanda lit a Madame Wu and calmly said “It’s not like they won’t get paid. We know dozens of women that would take what we made the last six months!”

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They ended up taking Mademoiselle Medusa’s offer and once back in California began requiting acquaintances for Mademoiselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation. The women they picked were surprising willing to go. Maybe it was just the money but Amanda and Marlene still think it was their requiting skills.
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They certainly had little trouble fulfilling Mademoiselle Medusa’s needs.

To be continued...

maybe later
Mademoiselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation continues. This is the next part of the story. I suppose you could call it ‘Part Two’ but for continuity we’ll continue it here…

Amanda and Marlene went back to California to recruit new ‘harem girls’ for Mademoiselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation. They were very successful at finding new recruits and reaped large payments from Medusa. Along with their parents’ allowance and the money coming in from Medusa, the pair joined a club that had a private island off the coast of California. Dressed as the members do, or perhaps it should be said ‘as the members don’t’ Amanda and Marlene were an attraction for both men and women that visited the island.

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This did not hurt their pursuit of new recruits. Not only did they score new women for the ranch, they were quite successful at getting new members to join the ranch’s membership. They of course got a cut of the new members’ dues.

Amanda and Marlene used all their skills to recruit new women.

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This is not to say they were suffering because of their efforts. They actually enjoyed their encounters with the new recruits.

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Sometimes their sessions with the recruits became rather… um… physical. They, with the recruit, would retreat to the shower to cool off and clean up. The new women didn’t seem to mind the break.

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It often was the distraction needed to close the deal.

New ‘harem women’ were sent to the ranch and would receive an orientation when they arrived. Most women fit into their new life quite easily. They quickly adapted to serving the members. It was a big adjustment to be auctioned at the ‘harem women’s sale’. It was somewhat of a shock to sold to unknown men (and occasionally women). It was surprising to the women that people from all over the globe would come to northwestern Arkansas to bid on them. It was rather regularly some well dressed middle eastern gentleman would buy the women.

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But they soon learned in an auction the ones loosest with the cash often won the bids.

And then there was the issue with the ranch’s neighbor. Since he provided security to the ranch, Mademoiselle Medusa would pay him in part with one of her harem women. Tree was an older man, perhaps not versed in impressing a harem girl. But if the woman was selected to serve him, she did her best to please what simple fetishes he had.

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Amanda and Marlene would occasionally have discussions about sending women to the ranch. Marlene wondered if it was fair to send women there. Amanda noted they easily survived their six months at the ranch. Marlene would pout that the women didn’t know what they were getting into.

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Amanda would reply “Hey, Medusa keeps sending our checks. It must be working out well.”

She then would continue licking Marlene’s pussy…
Amanda and Marlene had plenty of spending cash now they were on Mademoiselle Medusa’s payroll. They were making far more than their allowances were. In the six months after their ‘employment’ as harem women, they raked in double the cash that they had earned at the ranch. They turned out to be damn good recruiters!

During this time, Marlene became almost infatuated with a woman named Diane Collier. She was young enough she would not have graduated from college and while not the most beautiful woman she was certainly damn well versed in the arts of bedroom pleasures.

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She’s the one on the right side of the picture. Marlene was sure she would be great at the ranch though anytime she approached Diane about working there Diane always came up with an excuse. It might be she didn’t want to go to Arkansas or she wasn’t ready for even a six month commitment.

One day Amanda confronted Marlene and said it was time to get Diane to go to the ranch or forget about her. Amanda even volunteered to help Marlene talk Diane into going to the ranch, but she added the caveat that either Diane signs up or Marlene quits wasting time on her.

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The next afternoon, Amanda and Marlene had Diane come to their condominium.


Their visit started as it often does with the three women enjoying the gentle feel of each other’s body. But eventually the topic of the Ranch of Recreation came up. Diane did her best to get off the topic, saying things like she was too young to consider even a six month commitment and that Arkansas was a ‘fly-over state’.

Amanda was having none of Diane’s excuses and pointed out “You love having sex. You are damn good at it. In six months you could come home with a hundred grand in your pocket. Invest it well and you could be living the high life retired by the time you are forty!”

Amanda and Marlene made Diane feel very comfortable about going to the Ranch.


Diane finally gave in and said she would try the ranch. She tried to hedge her bet asking if she didn’t like it there could she leave. Amanda told her that it would be a six-month commitment Diane would be signing up for, but it would go by quickly.


She added “You’ll have so much fun the time pass before you know it.”

Diane smugly said “Well, I could always leave if I don’t like it.”

Marlene wrapped her arm around Diane’s neck and scolded “They treat runaways severely. Mademoiselle Medusa told us they hang women that try to escape!”


Mademoiselle Medusa indeed told Amanda and Marlene that, but no one tried to escape while they were at the ranch, so they really didn’t know if that was true or not.

That night while Amanda and Marlene were showering, Marlene asked Amanda if Medusa would hang a woman who tried to escape. Amanda gently scrubbed Marlene’s back and reached between Marlene’s gapped legs.

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She kissed Marlene’s shoulder and scoffed “Hanging someone is illegal. Surely Medusa wouldn’t do that!”
Diane Collier flew to the Northwest Arkansas National Airport and was met by a car bearing a license plate that read ‘MMROR’, the initials for Medusa’s resort. It was a short drive to the Ranch where she was greeted by and shown around by the mademoiselle herself. The first few weeks was everything Amanda and Marlene had promised. Diana was housed in a lovely cabin and she ‘entertained’ guests on a regular basis. As had been promised, she had sex often and the guests seemed as pleased as she was.

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Diane was treated with enthused politeness by the guests.

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Once Mademoiselle Medusa was convinced Diane could handle the guests more than adequately she was allowed guests that wanted something more than just intercourse. Diane seemed to have both hands on the task.
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After a month, she would service guests that wanted things a little harder core. Diane fulfilled their wants the best she could.

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Before long guests were giving Diane more demanding requests. Soon she was servicing guests that took her as they wanted her.

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Before long, certain ‘toys’ were being used. At first it was simply sex while her hands were cuffed behind her back.

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It wasn’t long after that, ropes were added to the list. The guests seemed only intent on satisfying their own desires and whether Diane liked how she was treated did not cross their minds.

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Soon guests were subjecting Diane to things that were more demanding of her. She would be chained in awkward positions and practically raped by the guests.
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Diane’s complaints to the staff were taken with indifference. After all, she did volunteer to be there. Diane decided she had to do something…
Diane made a bold but perhaps irrational choice. She had been at Mademoiselle Medusa’s Ranch of Recreation under three months and had already decided she was not being treated as a harem woman but instead was a (well-paid) slave that was being subjected to barbaric sexual fantasies of the mademoiselle’s guest. She decided to escape the ranch and the debauchery that went on there.

Unfortunately for Diane she picked the last Saturday of the month to make her break. What she did not know was that Saturday was when the ranch held its ‘harem hunt’. Medusa would turn out a bevy of women that an hour later guests would be released to hunt the women down. It was, for the women, a ruthless affair as the hunters were not only on horseback and had hunting dogs to assist them but the hunters were armed with bows and arrows. The hunters maliciously tracked down the women and would take them with arrows shot their bodies.

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Diane knew nothing about the hunt and made her break. She never made it near the ranch’s border before the dogs were on her tail.

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She was taken alive and except for timed muscles and tender feet was captured unharmed and brought back to the main compound.

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That night Diane was brought to the head of security’s cabin. Joan Tree spread her over the bed and held her arms against the mattress. With a hiss, Joan said “You’re damn luck you didn’t make it to the fence. You’d be dead by now if you had. Unfortunately, the boss likes the money you bring in so she won’t let me kill you. But don’t worry, Diane, I can still make your life a living hell!”

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And Joan Tree loved up to her word! For the next month all the ranch’s guest would take Diane while she was bent over locked in a pillory.

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She would be subjected to being raped ‘doggy-style’ or be brutally ass-fucked as she stood in the pillory..

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Some of the clients were not satisfied just reaming Diane’s ass. Some would even force her to clean their cocks after they had buggered her.

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None of that was as bad as when Joan gave her a break from the pillory. As bad as being raped and having her ass reamed as she was bent over in the pillory, there cannot be words to describe Diane’s pain and humiliation of being tied to a bench and having her body beaten with a whip by Joan Tree with a room full of guests watching Joan flog Diane.

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“Hey, the bitch deserves and people pay good money to watch me beat her tits” Joan Tree comments…
Diane had become totally disillusioned with the Ranch of Recreation. Instead of having enjoyable sex and being paid for having it, the ranch was nothing like Amanda and Marlene had sold to her. She was nothing more that a fuck-toy to be used however the guests chose to use her. She had tired of being bound and raped however the clients wanted.

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Despite her unsuccessful first attempt at escaping, Diane resolved to try again the first opportunity she had. During one of her breaks between clients, the guards let down their watch. Diane made a daring escape on the west border of the ranch running under the railroad spur line bridge. Guards launched a barrage of arrows but whether she was good or lucky, she got away without being hit by any.


Diane dogged her pursuers for several days, hiding in the woods and in abandoned shacks. But on the third day, a moonshiner caught her hiding near his still. Diane tried to bribe her way to freedom offering the man the best sex he ever had.

He took her up on her offer but first locked her in chains.

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He took advantage of Diane’s offer. While sex with her would probably about the best he ever had, a naked woman couldn’t match the reward that had been posted for Diane’s return. The next morning, he tied her wrists and ankles, gagged her, and brought her back to Mademoiselle Medusa’s ranch where he collected the hundred-dollar reward for her safe return.

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It may not seem like much, but it was more than he cleared selling a case of his ‘white lightning’ and Diane was indeed less work and more enjoyable than brewing his mash.

Diane was taken to basement of one of the buildings by the director of discipline Joan Tree.

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Joan gloated “So you made it out of the ranch. Let’s see in Medusa will protect your ass this time!”

As Diane waited to meet with Medusa, the guards took unspeakable liberties with her. With her wrists bound behind her, they used her in ways she had never been taken before.

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Later in the day a collar was locked around her neck and she was led to Mademoiselle Medusa’s office.

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In the office, she stood before Medusa’s deck where the ranch owner glared at her.

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“Well, Diane, you fucked up this time. You managed to leave the Ranch. You’re going to have to pay for that!”

Diane boldly snapped back “What are you going to do to me? I’ve been used worse than a dog here!”

“Oh, Diane, I have something special in mind for you” Medusa replied with a sinister purr…
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