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Marceline Longcou

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Marceline Longcou, a story in southwestern Arkansas during the Prohibition

During the 1920s, Hempstead County welcomed the nationwide ban on prohibition. It was already (and still is) a dry county and a nationwide ban on alcohol would make it easier to keep people from sneaking liquor into the county, or so they thought.

Miss Marceline Longcou was a highly revered schoolteacher in Hope, Arkansas. She took the state line and taught that prohibition would wipe the scum from Hempstead County. Like most people in southern states, she spent much of the summer in the shade of her house. This was before air conditioning became available or affordable for houses. Marceline tried to stay comfortable in the humid summer heat.

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But summer was also her most profitable months. Marceline was the county’s distributor for the Tree family’s illegal bootlegging business based west of Springdale. The Tree family covered their liquor business by running a carpentry business. That allowed quite a lot of travel that facilitated the distribution of their liquor distribution.

As the distributor of the Tree’s illegal booze business, Summer made more money for Marceline than her year’s pay teaching children. Privately, Marceline lived what would be a considerably comfortable life.

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Marceline did not have to worry about money and some of her best customers were noted leaders of the community. She had Sheriff Kwikdraw in her back pocket, and she was the sole supplier of Pastor Marlow’s speakeasy which he ran out of the back of the Church of The Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship.

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Marceline also got reckless. She started taking orders deliver (in sealed envelopes) delivered by her students. She would send confirmations back with the student, letting her buyer know when she would fill their order. She was amazed how much business she could get by taking orders at the school!

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A newcomer to Hope became a good customer. In fact, he was one of those prized ones. When he called with an order, Marceline would load the wagon herself if there was no help available. That day, Marceline delivered a very large order to Mr. Maubrey’s store. He said it was for his niece’s wedding back east, but it was hard to find liquor ‘back there’.

He even gave Miss Longcou a hundred-dollar tip- nearly two thousand dollars in today’s money- for bailing him out. Marceline thought she should thank the man and offered to have sex with him. He was not bad looking and it could only help business in the future.

Mr. Maubrey was quite receptive, but he asked Marceline to disrobe first as he did not want to be distracted while she undressed. And that was Marceline’s mistake. She stood completely naked before Mr. Maubrey when he pulled out a pair of handcuffs and locked her hands behind her.

Marceline, with a somewhat concerned voice, says she is not into that kind of sex. Mr. Maubrey says “Neither am I. I’m from the Department of Revenue. I am arresting you for violating the 18th Amendment of the United States for illegal liquor sales and the likely failure to pay taxes on your profits.”

Mr. Maubrey led Marceline out of his ‘store’ as naked as when he arrested her.

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“I have rights, you know” Marceline snaps.

“Not many” Mr. Maubrey says. “Once you are convicted, you are going to spend a long time in a federal prison unless they sentence you to be hanged.”

Miss Longcou is brought to the Hempstead count jail where Sheriff Kwikdraw allows her to dress before he takes what would be called her mugshots.

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Marceline nearly whispers “You have got to get me out of this. That fed was talking about them hanging me!”

“Aw, Marceline, they won’t hang you. The feds use the electric chair these days” Sheriff Kwikdraw says consolingly.

But there are other twists in Marceline’s story. The Feds decided to let the state of Arkansas try Marceline first since the state still hanged condemned criminals. They decided to let the state try her first and only bring Federal charges if she got off in the state court.

Arkansas hired the best attorney they could get to take Marceline’s case. He did a surprisingly good job considering he was the son of the bootlegger that had hired Marceline and had built the gallows at the state prison where Marceline would be hanged if she was found guilty.

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As it was, the evidence against Marceline was insurmountable. She was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged to death at the state prison in Little Rock. She would be held in the Hempstead jail until she could be transferred to the men’s prison where she would be executed.

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Marceline could not believe her young life would soon end with her hanging from a rope around her neck.

Marceline was taken by train to the prison in Little Rock. Back then and even today, executions were conducted in one prison. She rode locked in stall in the mail and baggage car. In Little Rock, she met by a guard who walked her across the boarding platform. The guard says “You are quite lucky. You’ll be hanged in a week. Most prisoners are in there for years to life.”

The guard looked over Marceline wearing a simple blue dress and handcuffs and shackles.

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“But the prisoners are all men though from what I hear, you wouldn’t be bored with all those guys…”
Marceline’s week in the Arkansas prison went quickly. There should be a saying that says when you know when you are going to die, time seems to fly. As a condemned prisoner, Marceline was held naked in her cell. It seems Arkansas had never had a woman condemned to death before and had not bothered to budget for a woman’s uniform.

She had several visitors, none bearing the news that her execution had been canceled. On of her visitors was a French woman named Messaline. She visited Marceline wearing a dress that barely covered her body more than Marceline’s. Messaline was quite excited when she came to the prison. She looked through the bars are Marceline’s bare body and exclaimed “I heard they were going to hang you to death, and I had to do something!”

Marceline excitedly asks “Have you gotten me a stay of execution?”

“Don’t be silly. They are selling tickets to people that want to see you hanged” Messaline says.

“You brought me a dress so I won’t be hanged naked” Marceline asks.

“Marceline, there is company that paid a fortune to film you being hanged naked” Messaline says. She leans towards the cell’s bars, looks around, and in barely a whisper Messaline says “I had to have sex with the warden, but I got you a premium French noose that they will hang you with!”

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“Will it still kill me” Marceline asks in a bewildered voice.

“Of course it will! You have been sentenced to death. But do you want to die hanging with a crude Arkansas rope around your neck or have some prime Anjou hemp squeezing the life from your throat?”

This hardly comforted Marceline nor did her Friday visitor, a seedy looking man named Spike Sharp. He looked over Marceline’s naked body that would have undressed her if she wasn’t that already. He lights up a Pall Mall cigarette and calmly says “You got a good body. I hope you dance good while you hang by your neck.”

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“I hope I don’t” Marceline says. “They are hanging me with a premium French noose.”

“It will still choke you to death. I don’t care what kind of foreign rope they string you up with. You’ll still dance when you can’t get air.”

Friday night, Marceline is brought to the prison warden’s office. She is naked but for the cuffs holding her hands behind her back. The warden, Mr. Peabody, eyes her over, appreciating her fine curves. He lights a cigarette and says “Tomorrow you will be the first woman we have executed. Do you have any last requests? And make sure it doesn’t cost much. We barely have the money to cover the payroll.”

Thinking what she could possibly want that doesn’t cost anything, Marceline says “I want to get laid before I am hanged. I don’t want some cheap fuck, either. I want a fuck I can remember when you hang me.”

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Warden ponders Marceline’s request and decides he knows who could give Marceline the fuck she won’t forget.

That night, the prison’s janitor comes to Marceline’s cell. He is a huge black man with a member equal to his size. Marceline lies on the floor and says “They are hanging me tomorrow. Can you give me the fuck I won’t forget?” as she reaches up to stroke the most magnificent cock she has ever seen.

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He replies “My name is Cleatus but any woman who’s had me calls me ‘Gunner’.”

Marceline was quite pleased. She almost accepted she would be hanged the next day.

Marceline is not fed on Saturday morning. She will be hanged at noon so if she is hungry, she won’t be concerned about that when she is hanging by her neck. Her hands are tied behind her back and Sister Angel of the Order of the Spectacular Copulation escorts her from her cell. She walks Marceline through the dingy halls of the prison when they are met by Archbishop Wragg of the Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship. His eyes do not hide the lust he feels as he looks at the condemned woman.

“Ah, Miss Longcou, what a pleasant sight” he says as he looks over her bare body. “It is appropriate you will be hanged naked before spectators after you changed my church the regular price for our adult beverages.”

“Liquor is illegal” Marceline says.

“Not for a church” the archbishop says. “I have a dispensation.”

“Yeah, for your church services. I know you were buying enough to sell it to your congregation.”

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“I really don’t have to worry about what you think” the archbishop says. “You won’t be telling anybody anything once you are hanged.”

Sister Angel tugs on Marceline’s arm and says “She has a busy day ahead of her. There is no need for you to pick on her.”

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Marceline is led outside by one of the corrections officers. She is amazed by the size of the crowd. She tried to cover herself to keep them from seeing her body. She whispers to the officer “They all came to see me hanged?”

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He laughs and says “They paid to see you hanged. We never hanged a woman before.”

Marceline is led through the crowd that is more interested in seeing her body than they are concerned about what is going to happen to it shortly. She gets to the base of the gallows and looks up at it towering overhead. Its platform is twelve feet above the ground.

“It’s awfully tall” Marceline says.

“It has to be. Someone your size has to be dropped ten feet to break your neck” he replies.

“So you’re going to break my neck” Marceline hopefully asks.

“No, you are only being dropped a couple feet. We never hanged a woman before and don’t want to pull your head off” he says calmly. “You were sentenced to hang by your neck until you are dead.”

Marceline looks at the noose dangling high over her head. Not really knowing what is about to happen to her, she licks her lips and says “I think everybody will have a good view.”

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The guard says “I’m sure all eyes will be on you. You’re the only naked lady being hanged today.”

Marceline is led up the gallows’ steps towards the platform. The crowd cheers loudly as she rises above them.

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She realizes they are not pleased to see her. They are about to see her hanged to death. Her legs get weak with each step she climbs.

She gets to the gallows’ platform and sees the noose before her. The loop hangs about breast high.

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The state employee proudly notes “We had to wrap that quite a few times so we wouldn’t break your neck when you drop.”

As hungry as Marceline is, she has to fight not to shit down her legs…
“Ah, Miss Longcou, what a pleasant sight” he says as he looks over her bare body. “It is appropriate you will be hanged naked before spectators after you changed my church the regular price for our adult beverages.”

“Liquor is illegal” Marceline says.

“Not for a church” the archbishop says. “I have a dispensation.”

“Yeah, for your church services. I know you were buying enough to sell it to your congregation.”

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“I really don’t have to worry about what you think” the archbishop says. “You won’t be telling anybody anything once you are hanged.”
Archbishop Wragg is even more wicked than I ever could imagine! :eek:
Marceline is walked across the gallows’ platform. Though built sturdily, she swears she can feel each board creak under her bare feet. The man escorting her stops her with the noose hanging before her. Marceline looks at the rope. The bottom of the loop is waist-high on her with the base of the knot just below her breasts. Trying to sound calm, Marceline says “That is not much of a drop.”

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The man says “You were sentenced to hang by your neck until you are dead. We don’t want your drop to kill you. You’ll drop a couple of feet before the noose stops your fall but it won’t break your neck. Those coils above you will stretch when you pull on them. Normally, I’d put the noose around your neck but the sheriff of Hope is up for election this fall so he and his deputy are going to get the honors. They say they have never hanged anyone but don’t worry, I’ll check the noose before you are hanged to make sure you don’t hit the ground when you are dropped.”

True to the man’s word, Sheriff Kwikdraw, one of his deputies, and Pastor Marlow from the Church of The Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship crossed the platform to put the noose around Marceline’s neck. For having her hands tied behind her and being otherwise naked, Marceline made putting the noose over her head a difficult feat to achieve. Pastor Marlow yelled at the sheriff and his deputy. “For God’s sake, get the noose around her neck so we can hang the lady. They way you are going, I won’t be back in Hope before Sunday services!”

The two lawmen finally get the noose around Marceline’s neck. The deputy looks down at Marceline’s breasts that were heaving with each breath she took. He says “She’s got nice tits. Can I feel ‘em before we hang her?”

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“No, you can’t feel her up. There are reporters here from as far as St. Louis” Sheriff Kwikdraw says. “You want to end up on the front page of their newspaper feeling a condemned woman’s boob?”

The sheriff chases off Pastor Marlow so he and his deputy can be photographed next to Marceline, now naked and noosed. He tried to run off the man in a worn, shoddy trench coat, but Spike Sharp lit a cigarette and said “I paid more to film her hanged than you make in a year. I ain’t leaving.”

So pictures were taken of Sheriff Kwikdraw and his deputy standing on either side of Marceline with Spike Sharp smoking his cigarette in the background.

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Marceline was torn between wanting this show to be over yet not wanting it to end as she knew what would come next. The near inch thick rope around her neck was surprisingly smooth but thick enough to remind her the noose would easily hold her as she hanged by her neck no matter how long it took to kill her.

The prison’s bell rang three times, noting it was eleven forty-five. There was only fifteen minutes before she would be hanged. The reporters and the Hope law enforcement men were taken from the platform. The Arkansas office comes to Marceline to check the noose. He is surprised the men from Hope had done a good job placing it around her throat. In a calm voice he says “It will do to hang you.”

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“Then get this over and hang me” Marceline snarls.

“Don’t be in such a rush. They still have to read what crimes you’ve been found guilty of and what your sentence is” he says knowing it was all part of the routine more for the crowd’s entertainment than to inform Marceline of why she was being executed.

Miss Prudence from the state’s Department of Penal Corrections comes to the front of the gallows’ platform and opens a scroll. In a loud and disdainful voice lists the crimes Marceline Longcou has committed. The list is long- failure to pay taxes on her bootlegging, using children to assist the ordering and distribution of her illegal product, violation of the Hempstead County’s dry county rules, and ignoring the U.S.’s 18th Amendment- and Marceline has been found guilty on all charges.

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With a haughty voice she says “And Miss Longcou has not been tried for the Federal laws she violated. The State of Arkansas has sentenced Marceline Longcou to death, and at noon on this day, Saturday, June 28, 1930, Marceline will be hanged by her neck until she is dead.”

A loud cheer comes from the crowd below her. The Director of the Department of Penal Corrections, holding his hat over the bulge in his trousers, says “Miss Longcou, do you have any final words before you are hanged to death?”

With anger mixed with fear, Marceline yells “I am tired of this crap. You have humiliated me by putting me naked on this this gallows to hang me before this perverted crowd.”

The cheers change to rude jeers.

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Marceline turns to the executioner and yells “Give them what they paid to see! Pull the fucking lever and get this over with!”
Marceline turns to the executioner and yells “Give them what they paid to see! Pull the fucking lever and get this over with!”

The state executioner has his hand on the lever. Instead of pulling it he says “We have to wait till noon.”

The prison’s bell begins to ring to mark the noon hour. The crowd below quiets. The naked prisoner is about to be hanged. For them it seems to take forever for it to ring twelve times.

Marceline is filled with anticipation. She knows she is about to hang but has no idea how it will feel. She squeezes her legs together hoping she would no pee or relieve her bowels. She cannot believe how fast the bell rings.

The hangman doesn’t really care. He gets paid by the day.

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The bell stops ringing and the hangman pulls the lever. Marceline feels the platform vibrate then fall from beneath her feet. She opens her mouth to scream.

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Only spit and an unintelligible squawk leaves her mouth as the noose jerks her to a halt.

The drop certainly stuns Marceline. For a few moments she hangs limp as she hangs by her neck. Pain wracks her neck, and she has trouble drawing air past the rope pressing against her throat. She is unaware she peed and wet streams of shit squirted from her ass. Marceline opens her eyes and wonders ‘What the hell happened to me?

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Marceline tries to grab at the noose but her hands are firmly secured behind her back. She looks down her body and sees gravel slowly spinning far beneath her feet. She tries to place her feet on the gravel but they cannot reach it.

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DAMN IT! They hanged me!’

Marceline begins to try to escape from the noose she hangs from. Her legs flail about and her arms jerk wildly in the futile effort to free her hands from the rope.

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Below her the crowd watches in amazement at Marceline’s efforts. They are pleased and surprised by her fight. They do not realize each move she makes slowly tightens the loop around her neck. Marceline can still get air but it can hardly be called breathing as she knew it only moments ago.

More than two minutes have passed since Marceline was hanged. Snot runs from her nose, but she can do nothing to clear it. Each breath she takes becomes more difficult to take and draws less air.

God, they are killing me!’

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Which was the real purpose of hanging her in the first place. Marceline has been hanged for more than three minutes. Each breath she takes is nowhere near enough to sustain her. Her gyrations become frantic but does nothing but close the noose tighter around her neck.

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Looking down from the gallows, its builder T. H. Tree looks down at Marceline. Her kicks have been reduced to spastic twitched. Her stomach flutters but he can tell she is not getting any air. He takes a swig of his drink and thinks “Same every time… the noose always wins.”

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Soon, Miss Prudence walks back on the gallow’s platform wearing an appropriate black dress and hat and carrying what looks like a bible but was really a novel she was half-way through reading. Normally a prisoner is left hanged for an hour after the trap is opened but her boss told her she would be up there for as long as it would take for the crowd to leave.

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Miss Prudence sweated under the hot June sun for almost two hours before the guards cleared the prison’s courtyard.

On a hot Saturday Marceline was executed, hanged to death naked in the Arkansas state prison.

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All of the crimes she was found guilty of were related to the Prohibition. Many others got lighter sentences than she got. Al Capone spent just over a decade in prison for tax evasion. But there was money and careers made over hanging Marceline.

The sheriff of Hope got reelected. Skike Sharp rose to be the editor of the Crux Chronicle. Even Pastor Marlow was able to build a new church after holding a wake for Marceline where she was displayed naked with the noose that ended her life still round her neck.

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Three and a half years after Marceline was hanged, the 19th Amendment ended Prohibition. Its results still carry on. Organized crime still exists almost a hundred years later. And Marceline is still dead, executed for crimes she committed because of Prohibition…

The End
And so ends another TH Tree special look into the past. Someday they’ll compile all of his history works into a leather bound volume and place it on display in a glass case at the Bodleian, the Smithsoniann, the Louvre, the Uffizi, the University of the Virgin Martyrs Reading Room.
And so ends another TH Tree special look into the past. Someday they’ll compile all of his history works into a leather bound volume and place it on display in a glass case at the Bodleian, the Smithsoniann, the Louvre, the Uffizi, the University of the Virgin Martyrs Reading Room.
I agree and it will be not bad, at least ... It certainly well be required !


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