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«May I, you know, cum as I go? Please? Pretty please?» [crucifixion vignette, reluctant]

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My stories tend to be long and maybe a bit too graphic sometimes.
So, here I present a short vignette instead, in rather delicate tones (for my standard at least), somewhat reminiscent of DjEtla's stories (at least, so I tried).

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«May I, you know, cum as I go? Please? Pretty please?»

The morning sun cast a golden hue over the square as the townspeople gathered in anticipation of the day’s grim spectacle. The wooden cross lay on the ground, ominous and foreboding, a symbol of the suffering to come. Veronica, a slender, trembling girl of twenty, stood nearby, her hands bound in front of her. She was dressed in a simple white dress, her long, dark hair cascading over her shoulders, and her wide, fearful eyes reflecting the terror that gripped her heart.

As the crowd murmured with excitement, Lisa, the newly appointed chief executioner, approached Veronica with a calm and gentle demeanor. Lisa’s presence was a stark contrast to the brutal task she was about to perform. Her kindness was well-known, and though it seemed out of place in a world where pain was entertainment, she believed in bringing some measure of dignity to the condemned.

Veronica looked up as Lisa neared, her voice trembling as she asked, “Are you the executioner here?”

Lisa nodded, her expression soft. “Yes, Veronica. My name is Lisa. I’m here to help you through this. I mean, to put you to death.”

Veronica’s breath hitched, and she glanced nervously at the cross lying on the ground. “I don’t want to die,” she whispered, her voice quivering.

Lisa reached out and gently took Veronica’s hands in hers. “I know, sweetheart. I know you’re scared to die, and that’s okay. But I’m going to be with you every step of the way. You’re not alone in this execution.”

Veronica’s eyes filled with tears, her body shaking with fear. “Why do they have to do this to me? I didn’t mean to do anything wrong…”

Lisa squeezed her hands reassuringly. “The decision to put you down has been made, and we have to go through with it, you see. But what I can do is help you face your agony and death with courage and strength. You’re a brave girl, Veronica, even if you don’t feel like it right now.”

Veronica sniffled, trying to find some comfort in Lisa’s words. “But I don’t know if I’m strong enough…”

Lisa smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair from Veronica’s face. “I’m sure you can handle a lot, can’t you? Are you a big, grown girl now, right?”

Veronica nodded weakly, her lip trembling. “Yes… I’m big enough…”

“Then you’re big enough to suffer and snuff it, sweetheart. To be crucified naked and exposed, your delicate pussy in full view, while you're tortured and slowly die,”
Lisa said softly, her tone still gentle, but firm.

Veronica’s breath caught in her throat, and she looked down at the ground, the reality of what was to come settling heavily on her shoulders.

Lisa let her hands rest on Veronica’s shoulders, giving her a comforting squeeze. “Let’s get you ready, okay? We’ll take it one step at a time.” She paused, looking into Veronica’s frightened eyes. “There’s something I need you to do for me, Veronica. I need you to share everything you’re feeling—your fear, your pain, your emotions. Don’t hold anything back. This is your moment, and you have the right to show the world who you are.”

Veronica hesitated, her voice barely a whisper. “But… I’m so scared…”

“I know, sweetheart. But you don’t have to hide your fear. Let it out. This is your body, your life. You deserve to be seen, to be heard. There’s nothing to be ashamed of,”
Lisa assured her.

Veronica’s hands trembled as she gripped the fabric of her dress. She looked at the growing crowd, their eyes already fixed on her, waiting to see her stripped of her dignity and life.

Lisa gently took hold of the edges of Veronica’s dress. “Let’s start by removing your dress, Veronica. The crowd is here to see you—all of you. Don’t be afraid to show them who you are.”

Veronica’s heart pounded in her chest as she felt Lisa’s hands on her dress. She glanced nervously at the crowd, her face flushing with embarrassment.

“Now, show that cute body of yours, darling. Get naked for us. You see the crowd here? They’re anxious to explore every fold and crevice of your delicate flower,” Lisa whispered, her voice soft but insistent.

Veronica swallowed hard, her fingers trembling as she began to unfasten the small buttons on her dress. She could feel the eyes of the crowd on her, their anticipation palpable. As the dress slipped from her shoulders, she felt the cool air against her bare skin, her cheeks burning with humiliation.

Lisa smiled encouragingly, her voice soothing. “You’re so cute, totally sweet and adorable. And you’re brave: not many girls here would have the courage to disrobe and show their nude body before an audience who is looking to see that same body executed, struggling in pain on a cross. Remember that.”

Veronica nodded, tears welling up in her eyes as she let the dress fall to the ground, leaving her standing in nothing but her undergarments.

“You’re doing a very difficult thing, honey: something that few could do with your grace. You can take some pride in that,” Lisa said softly, her voice full of genuine admiration.

Veronica hesitated for a moment, then reached up to remove the last of her clothing. She felt exposed, vulnerable, every inch of her body on display for the eager crowd. Her hands instinctively moved to cover herself, but Lisa gently took them and held them at Veronica’s sides.

“There’s no need to hide anythin', Veronica, not anymore,” Lisa murmured. “You’re perfect just as you are. Let them see you—let them see your strength and, well, your private assets too.”

Veronica’s breathing grew rapid as she stood there, completely naked, her body trembling with a mixture of fear and shame. The crowd murmured with approval, their eyes hungrily taking in every detail of her exposed form.

Lisa placed a hand on Veronica’s chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of her breaths. “Focus on your breathing. I know it’s scary, but you can do this.”

Veronica nodded weakly, trying to calm her racing heart. She could not help but notice the nails that would soon join her to her wooden cross. “They will... pin me forever to the wood,” she whispered, her voice quaking.

Lisa’s expression softened as she nodded. “I know, dear, but it must be done. You have to feel your body nailed, and then hanging naked from these spikes. It is expected of you."

Lisa called her staff of executioners, who politely laid Veronica on the cross. "Brace yourself, darling, here comes the first nail,” said Lisa attempting to reassure the frightened girl.

Veronica’s eyes widened in terror as the execution team approached with the long, sharp nails. Her body stiffened with fear, but Lisa’s soothing voice kept her grounded.

“Let it out. Scream if you need to. Don’t hold anything back. Share your bodily pain,” Lisa whispered as the first nail was positioned against Veronica’s wrist.

The hammer came down with a sickening thud, driving the nail through Veronica’s delicate skin and into the wood. The pain was immediate and overwhelming, and Veronica’s scream pierced the air, filled with agony and despair.

“You’re doing so well, Veronica. You’re so brave,” Lisa murmured, holding Veronica’s hand as the second nail was driven into her other wrist.

Veronica’s cries echoed through the square, her body convulsing with the intensity of the pain. But Lisa stayed by her side, offering words of comfort and encouragement.

“I’m here with you, and so is everyone in this crowd. They’re all watching you, admiring your strength. This is your moment, Veronica. Show them who you are,” Lisa said, her voice firm but kind.

Veronica’s tears streamed down her face as she looked at the crowd through blurry eyes. “They’re all watching me… I feel so… exposed.”

“I know it’s hard, but this is your moment, Veronica. You’re here to show them who you are, every part of you. Don’t be afraid to share everything you’re feeling—your pain, your fear, even your desires. This is your time to be seen,”
Lisa said, her voice filled with gentle authority.

Veronica’s sobs grew quieter, her body wracked with pain but her mind slowly coming to terms with the reality of her situation. She was exposed, vulnerable, and on the brink of death, but in this moment, she was also powerful. The crowd was here to witness her, to see her in all her raw humanity.

Lisa’s hand moved to gently stroke Veronica’s cheek. “It’s okay to feel scared, and it’s okay to feel helpless. But you’re not powerless, Veronica. Right now, in this moment, you have the power to show everyone your strength, your vulnerability, and your courage. Don’t hide from it—embrace it.”

Veronica’s eyes searched Lisa’s face, looking for any sign of deceit, but all she found was compassion. She nodded weakly, her body trembling with the effort to stay conscious.

“I want you to listen to me. I know this is the hardest thing you’ve ever faced, but you need to let go. Don’t fight it. Let your body relax, let your emotions flow. This is your moment, and you have the power to own it,” Lisa whispered, her words a lifeline for the terrified girl.
Veronica took a shaky breath, trying to let go of the fear that gripped her. She focused on Lisa’s voice, the only anchor she had in this overwhelming storm of pain and terror. Her body was trembling, her wrists already burning from the nails that held her to the cross. The realization that this was just the beginning weighed heavily on her mind.

Lisa leaned in closer, her voice a soothing balm to Veronica’s frayed nerves. “I want you to focus on all the sensations in your body, bad and good. Don’t push them away—acknowledge them, and let them flow through you,” she murmured, her eyes filled with a strange mix of compassion and resolve.

Veronica nodded weakly, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. Every movement sent fresh waves of pain through her body, but she forced herself to stay present, to feel everything as Lisa had instructed. The crowd watched her intently, their excitement palpable, their eyes fixed on her exposed, vulnerable form, as even her feet were eventually nailed.

Lisa’s hand moved gently down Veronica’s body, tracing the curve of her waist with a featherlight touch. Veronica flinched at the contact, her breath hitching in her throat as Lisa’s fingers brushed against her bare skin.

“What are you doing?” Veronica asked, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and confusion.

Lisa’s touch remained soft, almost tender, as she replied, “I’m helping you, Veronica. I want you to feel everything—your pain, your fear, and yes, even your pleasure. Don’t hold back, don’t hide from it. Let yourself feel it all, and share it with the crowd. This is your moment, and you deserve to experience every sensation, every emotion.”

Veronica’s eyes widened in shock as she realized what Lisa intended to do. She could hardly believe it, but at the same time, a strange part of her—perhaps the part that had been crushed under the weight of impending death—felt a flicker of curiosity, a desperate need for any distraction from the horror of her situation.

Lisa’s hand moved lower, her fingers tracing gentle patterns along Veronica’s abdomen. Veronica’s body tensed, her muscles tightening instinctively, but she forced herself to breathe, to focus on the sensations as Lisa had told her.
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“Let it out, let everyone see your true self. The Veronica who cums as she is executed. You’re beautiful, you’re brave, and you deserve to be seen,” Lisa whispered, her voice low and intimate, meant only for Veronica to hear.

Veronica’s cheeks flushed with humiliation, but she couldn’t deny the way her body responded to Lisa’s touch. Her mind screamed that this was wrong, that she shouldn’t feel anything but pain and fear in these final moments, but her body betrayed her, leaning into the sensation, desperate for any reprieve from the agony.

Lisa’s fingers found their way between Veronica’s thighs, moving with slow, deliberate precision. Veronica gasped, her breath catching in her throat as Lisa began to gently massage her most sensitive spot. The mixture of pleasure and pain was overwhelming, a twisted cocktail of sensations that sent Veronica’s mind reeling.

“Lisa, I… I don’t know what’s happening to me,” Veronica whimpered, her voice trembling with a combination of fear, confusion, and a growing desire she couldn’t suppress.

Lisa’s touch remained steady, coaxing more intense reactions from Veronica’s trembling body. “It’s okay, Veronica. You don’t have to understand it—just let it happen. Cum as it is you last time... probably it is,” she whispered, her voice a soft command.

Veronica’s breathing grew ragged, her body responding in ways she never imagined possible under such circumstances. The crowd was still watching, their eyes filled with a mix of fascination and lust as they witnessed Veronica’s torment and her unexpected pleasure. The humiliation of being exposed and aroused in front of so many people was nearly unbearable, but it only heightened the intensity of her feelings.

Lisa’s fingers moved with a gentle but insistent rhythm, bringing Veronica closer and closer to the edge. Veronica’s head fell back against the wood of the cross, her eyes squeezed shut as she fought to hold on to any semblance of control. But it was no use—her body had taken over, and the sensations were too powerful to ignore.

“You’re doing so well, Veronica,” Lisa murmured, her voice filled with a strange kind of pride. “Let it out, let everyone see your true self.”

Veronica’s body tensed, her muscles straining as she teetered on the brink. The pain in her wrists and feet was still there, a constant reminder of her impending death, but it was mingled with the intense pleasure Lisa was coaxing from her. The contradiction was too much to bear, and with a final, shuddering gasp, Veronica gave in.

Her body convulsed as the orgasm tore through her, a wave of pleasure so intense that for a moment, it eclipsed the pain. She cried out, her voice a mix of a sob and a moan, her body trembling violently as she hung from the cross. The crowd’s reaction was immediate—a chorus of gasps, cheers, and lewd comments filled the air as they watched Veronica’s naked, writhing form.

Lisa’s fingers slowed their movements, her touch becoming more soothing as Veronica’s orgasm subsided. She leaned in close, her voice soft and reassuring. “You’re beautiful, Veronica. You’re brave. You’ve shown them all your strength, your vulnerability, and your desires. You’ve given them a performance they’ll never forget.”

Veronica’s body sagged against the wood, her strength drained from the intense mixture of pleasure and pain. Tears streamed down her face, a combination of exhaustion, humiliation, and a strange sense of release. She was still in agony, the nails in her wrists and feet a constant reminder of the fate that awaited her, but for a brief moment, she had felt something other than fear and despair.

“Lisa… thank you,” Veronica whispered, her voice barely audible.

Lisa nodded, brushing a tear from Veronica’s cheek. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Just remember—you’re not alone. I’m here with you until the end.”

Veronica closed her eyes, her body trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm and the relentless pain that continued to radiate through her limbs. The crowd’s cheers had died down, but their eyes remained fixed on her, eager to see what would happen next.

At Lisa's nod, her staff began to lift the cross, making it stand upright. The weight of her naked body began to weigh on the nails that held it to the wood, worsening her pain and her feeling of helplessness, of being totally exposed.

As the reality of her situation settled back in, Veronica felt a deep, gnawing fear return to her gut. The pleasure she had just experienced felt like a distant memory now, overshadowed by the knowledge that her death was inevitable. She would die on this cross, her young life snuffed out in front of this eager audience. The thought tormented her more than the physical pain ever could.

In fact, ss the intensity of her orgasm faded, Veronica’s mind began to spiral back into the darkness of her situation. The thought that she had experienced pleasure—had cummed—during her capital punishment was almost too much to comprehend. She hung there, her body trembling from the pain and exhaustion, but it was the guilt gnawing at her that troubled her most.

“I was supposed to suffer… just suffer… for days. Was it right to feel… anything else?” Veronica’s voice was a whisper, barely audible over the murmurs of the crowd.

Lisa, standing close, looked up at Veronica with understanding eyes. She reached up and gently stroked Veronica’s cheek, her touch a small comfort amidst the horror. “I know, Veronica. I know it seems strange, even wrong, to have felt pleasure in such a terrible moment. But the horror and pain in front of you are so terrible, so overwhelming, that you deserve a bit of relief. You deserve a bit of... cumming, sweetheart.”

Veronica’s eyes fluttered closed at Lisa’s words, a tear slipping down her cheek. The lingering warmth of the orgasm that had momentarily eclipsed her suffering was still there, but it was overshadowed by the guilt that now weighed heavily on her heart. “But… I was supposed to suffer… just suffer…” she repeated, her voice trembling.

Lisa’s hand continued its gentle caress, her voice soothing as she spoke. “Every moment on this cross is a payment in pain and suffering. But that doesn’t mean you’re not still a person—a young woman with feelings, desires, and needs. Even in the midst of your punishment, you deserve to feel something other than pain. It doesn’t make you any less brave, any less strong. If anything, it shows just how human you are.”

As she hung there, exposed and vulnerable, Veronica realized that in her final moments, she had found a strange kind of power. She had shown them who she was—every part of her. And though it had been the most terrifying experience of her life, it had also been the most liberating.
Veronica’s breath hitched as she fought back another wave of tears. She was still so young, still had so much life ahead of her—or she should have. “But it’s not over, is it?” she whispered, her voice tinged with both fear and resignation. “There’s still… so much more to endure.”

Lisa’s expression softened with sadness, and she nodded. “Yes, there is, Veronica. You will pay with your own life for every bit of love juice you squirted from your pussy, Veronica. Every drop, every moment of pleasure—it’s all part of the price you’re paying. But that doesn’t mean you have to deny it or feel ashamed of it. You’re human, and you’re allowed to feel, even in these final moments.”

The realization that there was still so much suffering ahead caused Veronica’s heart to sink. The hours that lay before her stretched out like a dark, endless road. “The hours ahead will be long and filled with pain, and there’s no way to escape that,” Lisa continued, her voice gentle but firm.

“But remember, Veronica, you’ve already proven your strength. You’ve shown everyone here who you are, and that’s something to be proud of, even in the midst of this horror.”

Veronica’s tears stopped flowing for a moment as she looked down at Lisa. There was a strange calm in her voice when she spoke again, almost as if she were contemplating something deeply. “I wonder, Lisa…” she started, hesitating.

Lisa looked up, her hand still resting on Veronica’s cheek. “Speak, my dear,” she encouraged.

Veronica bit her lip, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “Well, it's embarrassing, but... may I die, you know... orgasming?” Her voice, though still tinged with fear, had an undercurrent of curiosity, even intrigue.

Lisa raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on her lips. “Beg your pardon?” Veronica added, her voice soft but insistent.

“You know... to cum as I go? Please?” Veronica asked, a daring glint in her eyes as she attempted a winking ribaldry despite her dire situation. "Pretty please?" she added, with insistence.

Lisa smiled wider at this change of heart in Veronica, pleased to see the girl taking some control over her fate, even in this small, twisted way. “Look, darling, I just got what you need."

Lisa took a long, thick wooden pole from among the material that the carpenters who had built the cross on which Veronica was suffering and dying had abandoned. "There's this pointy wooden spike here... I can give it to you if you are good..."

asked the nailed girl.

"Sure, good: I mean, struggle a lot on that cross of yours, shake those small but perky little tits you have well, open your legs often to show your delicate lips down there, and make the crowd cheer, and I promise you, sweetheart: I shall hammer the spike deep into your pussy and let you die, much sooner and, well filled... up to your belly!” she promised, her voice carrying a mix of dark humor and genuine care, while touching her tummy just south of her sternum, indicating the depth of the incoming wooden invasion inside her body.

Veronica’s eyes widened, but then she almost looked relieved, as if the prospect of dying with a final, intense sensation offered her some solace. “Thanks, Lisa,” she said, her voice filled with a strange kind of anticipation.

“I look forward to having my slutty pussy and belly broken by some hard wood,” Veronica said, a small, almost playful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth despite her tears. "I won't conceal anything of my ordeal, I swear."

Lisa nodded, her expression one of bittersweet approval. “Then give it your all, Veronica. Show everyone the strength and courage you have left. Writhe and squirm in pain on your deadly cross. And when the time comes… you’ll have that release," and then she added, with a cruel yet sweet smile, "...bt having your pussy pierced for good!”

Veronica’s heart pounded in her chest, her mind a chaotic whirl of fear, pain, and a dark, twisted sense of hope. The hours ahead would be long, agonizing, and filled with unimaginable suffering, but now, there was something to focus on—a final, defiant act of humanity in the face of overwhelming horror.

As she braced herself for the torment yet to come, Veronica couldn’t help but feel a small spark of determination. She would endure the pain, the humiliation, and the fear, and, well, her eventual and deadly vaginal impalement. She would face her death with every bit of strength she had left, and when the end came, she would take one final, stolen moment of pleasure as her own—her last carnal act in a world that had stripped everything else from her.

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Had I written “FIN?”
Well, I seem to like to be crude and explicit... I'm not suited to writing too delicately, it seems.
Anyway, for those who like something more "in your face", here is yet another finale.

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«May I, you know, cum as I go? Please? Pretty please?» - A more showy finale

As the crowd buzzed with anticipation, Lisa approached the cross where Veronica hung, still trembling from the agony of her crucifixion. After hours of restless, desperate dance on the cross, Veronica was rather... spent. She had done as her executioner requested: shaking her boobs, showing off her pussy, squirming in pain, and generously displaying her supple, aching body.

The slim nails holding her wrists and feet in place had done their job, but now it was time for something more—something Veronica had requested in her final moments of desperation. Now, she rightly awaited her prize, deep in her, destroying her vagina.

Lisa held the thick wooden spike, its polished surface gleaming in the morning light, behind her back, as to hide it from the executee's view. She smiled at the latter, her eyes filled with a dark, twisted cheerfulness.

“Well, darling, here’s coming the guest of honor! This fine piece of wood is about to give you the most unforgettable send-off. And trust me, it’s gonna leave a lasting impression… right through to your sweaty tummy!”

Veronica's voice quivered as she tried to make light of her situation, a weak attempt at humor. “I guess I’m about to be 'nailed' in more ways than one,” she whispered, her breath catching as she eyed the imposing spike.

“Meet your new boyfriend—a strong, silent type who’s really going to get under your skin. Or should I say, into your guts?” Lisa teased, finally showing the wooden spike with a overly theatrical presentation.

Veronica’s voice trembled, “Is… is that the spike you’ll use on me?” Then she corrected herself: "In me?"

Lisa chuckled softly, her tone playful yet menacing. “Oh, yes, darling. The other one was... well, I decided it wasn't thick enough for you. Your tight, cute flower there, whose pink petals you've flashed so long to us, deserves the best one,” she said, positioning the spike at Veronica’s entrance.

Veronica’s eyes widened in shock. “I… I didn’t think it would be so big,” she stammered, her body tensing in anticipation.

“What did you expect? You’re about to go all the way, sweetie. But look on the bright side—at least you won’t have to worry about feeling empty inside ever again!” Lisa quipped with a dark humor that made the crowd murmur with laughter, while positioning the wooden spike at the entrance to Veronica’s most tender and intimate flesh.

“You’ve got a twisted sense of humor, Lisa.” Veronica managed a weak smile despite her fear.

“It’s big enough to make sure you feel every last inch of it, darling. But that’s what you craved, isn’t it? A final, deep sensation before you go.” Lisa’s voice was soft, almost tender, as she began to press the spike into the helpless girl’s private orifice.

Veronica winced as the wood began to stretch her, the pain mingling with an unwanted pleasure. “Oh God… I feel it… it’s so… deep… and it's just the tip!” she moaned, her body arching slightly.

“That’s right, honey,” Lisa murmured, her hand steady as she pushed the spike further inside. “This is going to be the deepest goodbye ever to life. But hey, at least you’ll leave them all… 'hammered' with your performance!”

Veronica’s voice wavered, “I’m… I’m not so sure anymore, Lisa,” she confessed, her eyes wide with dread.

“Oh, I am sure, instead.” Lisa grinned wickedly, “I’m sure this’ll be the most 'penetrating' experience of your life. Consider it a parting gift… though it’s not exactly a 'going away' present—more of a 'staying put' one!” Lisa winked, enjoying the dark humor as she pushed the spike even deeper, the wood slowly entering Veronica from her pleasure’s door.

Veronica gasped, her body shuddering as she felt the thick wood invade her. “Oh God… I feel it… it’s so… deep… and it's just the tip!” she moaned, her voice a mix of pain and twisted pleasure.

“That’s right, honey. Feel it filling you up, stretching you out. You wanted to feel it all, didn’t you? Now, let’s give you that release you’re so desperate for,” Lisa whispered, her voice both soothing and sinister.

Veronica gasped, “At least, it will be quick, right? Right?”

Lisa’s grin widened, “Quicker than snuffing it on the cross? Yes… But, quick, as in 'really quick'? Oh, I don’t think so, darling. We’ll take our time, savor every moment. The crowd is eager to see how a cute girl like you handles such big boy in her cunt.”


“Let yourself be opened up, darling. You know, they say the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach… but in this case, I think we’ll take the scenic route... your fuck-hole,” Lisa added with a sadistic glee.

Veronica whimpered as the spike continued its journey into her body, “Oh God… Lisa, it’s… it’s really happening…”

“That’s right, sweetheart. Just relax and let it happen. Think of it as one last, deep breath—except instead of air, you’re taking in a whole lot of wood. A real bellyful!” Lisa cooed, her voice laced with a twisted tenderness.

Veronica’s body arched against the cross, the sensation overwhelming her. “Ahh… It’s... it’s so intense… I’m... I’m so full already…” she whimpered, her voice shaking as the spike drove deeper.

Lisa’s eyes gleamed with cruel delight. “You’re doing great, Veronica, but hey, you think you're full? This is just the beginning! There's still a whole lot of punishment in store for you!”

"Lisa, it's too much, it's too much!"

“Don't be silly, honey. And now, for the final touch… some hammering is needed, I fear,”
Lisa said, holding down a heavy hammer, its surface gleaming menacingly.

Veronica’s eyes widened in horror. “You really wanna hammer it straight up in my pussy?!” she cried out, her voice filled with both terror and disbelief.

“How else, darling! I have to hammer it true through you, crucified girl!” Lisa declared, her voice filled with a dark cheerfulness as she positioned the hammer just below the spike’s exposed end.

The crowd held its breath as prepared herself to strike true, with a vengeance: with a great swing, she brought the hammer up with a sickening crunch, driving the spike much deeper into Veronica’s tortured body. “Ohhh! Oh God! It’s… it’s tearing me apart!” Veronica screamed, her body convulsing as inch after inch of the spike disappeared into her.

“That’s it, sweetheart, that's precisely the idea, a full-fledged penetration of your body,” Lisa said with a satisfied grin, as another swing of the hammer sent five inches of the spike into Veronica's trembling belly.

Veronica’s body convulsed as the spike tore through her insides, the pain reaching an unbearable intensity. “I… I can’t… it’s too much… I… I’m going to…” she gasped, her voice trailing off.

Lisa’s eyes gleamed with dark satisfaction. “Don't worry darling, by the time I’m done, you’ll be 'full' in more ways than one!” she chuckled, the hammer striking again, and again, each blow embedding the willing wooden pole further into Veronica, red blood spurting out of her torn sex-hole.

“Lisa… you really know how to… 'nail' a punchline,” Veronica managed to gasp out, her body trembling violently as she felt her most private part lacerate.

“Now that’s the spirit! They say laughter is the best medicine… though in your case, a little more wood might do the trick!” Lisa quipped, raising the hammer for yet another swing. "And you, Veronica, really know how to take this pounding like a pro. Now, you just hang tight and enjoy the ride, sweetie."

Veronica’s body convulsed as the spike tore through her insides, shredding everything in its path of destruction, her senses overwhelmed. “I… I’m ‘bout to cum… I’m… oh God… I’m 'bout to cum like a slut,” she cried out, her voice breaking as the final orgasm was close to rip through her.

“There you go, Veronica! Now cum for me, slut, cum for everyone watching as you’re filled to the brim!” Lisa urged, her words pushing Veronica over the edge.

“Cumming!” shrieked Veronica with a tortured scream, so excruciating that only an audience as accustomed to death and suffering as the one gathered around her cross could manage to laugh at it and take pleasure in it, rather than feeling the blood freeze in their veins.

“Brace yourself now, sweetheart! The next swing will push it into your diaphragm,” Lisa announced proudly. “It will make you breathless much sooner than slowly asphyxiating from crucifixion! You're 'bout to snuff it!”

Veronica’s body shook violently as she reached her final climax, the mixture of pain and pleasure overwhelming her senses.

BAM! The death throes started ripping through Veronica's abused body, making her dance like a convulsing dancer, for everybody's sadistic enjoyment.

Lisa watched with satisfaction as Veronica’s body trembled and twitched, her life slowly draining away. “Yes, Veronica, that’s it… let it all out… you’re almost dead now,” she whispered, her tone both soothing and cruel. "A pretty, impaled corpse."

Veronica felt it all, right up to the last moment: the nails in her mutilated limbs, her pussy disintegrated, her belly mercilessly transfixed by the wooden pole, her lungs suddenly unable to fill with air. And as she died, torn apart by agony and her longed-for cum, she felt darkness surround her, an empty abyss about to reduce her to nothing. She vainly tried to emit a scream as she felt her body shut down, having no more time to comprehend whether it would have been out of pleasure, or of pain, or of fear of her own destruction.

Finally, as Veronica’s body went limp, her head lolling to the side, Lisa turned to the cheering crowd, raising her arms in triumph, the killing hammer still in her bloody hands. “Ladies and gentlemen, our dear Veronica has given a show you’ll never forget. Let’s give our crux-performer one final round of applause for her bravery," she called out, her voice filled with dark cheer.

The crowd erupted in applause, their cheers echoing through the land as they celebrated the final, twisted performance of the courageous girl on the cross. Lisa looked up at the lifeless body of Veronica, still pinned to the cross, a wicked smile on her lips. "This expired death-slut here really deserved it," Lisa added with a sadistic wink, her eyes gleaming with dark amusement.
You're productive Zephirantes.
Maybe too much, 'cause as I re-read this story before posting on another forum too, I spotted typos, a couple of mistakes here and there and... that I missed to include three entire paragraphs!
And without these three paragraph there are a couple of scenes that do not make much sense :nusenuse:
Sorry for that.
I would gladly edit here too but I'm afraid I'll be rather busy in the coming days. Not sure I could.

Here are the parts that should be replaced with the missing text and the revised linking paragraphs.

Lisa placed a hand on Veronica’s chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of her breaths. “Focus on your breathing. I know it’s scary, but you can do this.”

Veronica nodded weakly, trying to calm her racing heart. She could not help but notice the nails that would soon join her to her wooden cross. “They will... pin me forever to the wood,” she whispered, her voice quaking.

Lisa’s expression softened as she nodded. “I know, dear, but it must be done. You have to feel your body nailed, and then hanging naked from these spikes. It is expected of you."

Lisa called her staff of executioners, who politely laid Veronica on the cross. "Brace yourself, darling, here comes the first nail,” said Lisa attempting to reassure the frightened girl.

Veronica’s eyes widened in terror as the execution team approached with the long, sharp nails. Her body stiffened with fear, but Lisa’s soothing voice kept her grounded.

Lisa leaned in closer, her voice a soothing balm to Veronica’s frayed nerves. “I want you to focus on all the sensations in your body, bad and good. Don’t push them away—acknowledge them, and let them flow through you,” she murmured, her eyes filled with a strange mix of compassion and resolve.

Veronica nodded weakly, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. Every movement sent fresh waves of pain through her body, but she forced herself to stay present, to feel everything as Lisa had instructed. The crowd watched her intently, their excitement palpable, their eyes fixed on her exposed, vulnerable form, as even her feet were eventually nailed.

Lisa’s hand moved gently down Veronica’s body, tracing the curve of her waist with a featherlight touch. Veronica flinched at the contact, her breath hitching in her throat as Lisa’s fingers brushed against her bare skin.

Veronica closed her eyes, her body trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm and the relentless pain that continued to radiate through her limbs. The crowd’s cheers had died down, but their eyes remained fixed on her, eager to see what would happen next.

At Lisa's nod, her staff began to lift the cross, making it stand upright. The weight of her naked body began to weigh on the nails that held it to the wood, worsening her pain and her feeling of helplessness, of being totally exposed.

As the reality of her situation settled back in, Veronica felt a deep, gnawing fear return to her gut. The pleasure she had just experienced felt like a distant memory now, overshadowed by the knowledge that her death was inevitable. She would die on this cross, her young life snuffed out in front of this eager audience. The thought tormented her more than the physical pain ever could.
Maybe too much, 'cause as I re-read this story before posting on another forum too, I spotted typos, a couple of mistakes here and there and... that I missed to include three entire paragraphs!
And without these three paragraph there are a couple of scenes that do not make much sense :nusenuse:
Sorry for that.
I would gladly edit here too but I'm afraid I'll be rather busy in the coming days. Not sure I could.

Here are the parts that should be replaced with the missing text and the revised linking paragraphs.
All edited, please check you're happy and pm me if not, Zephirantes.
Is this someone else opinion or is this what you think about your own work?
My own, mainly.
It's way easier to maintain tension and thrill in short stories rather than in long ones, and I don't think I'm good enough to do the latter.
Probably, the best compromise (for me at least) would be to create short, stand-alone "vignettes" that can form a more complex storyline when read consecutively.

All edited, please check you're happy and pm me if not, Zephirantes.
Thank you, you've been incredibly efficient and fast!
Sorry for the inconvenience: most of my stories are written rather... impulsively, and sometimes I spot mistakes only well after I posted them here.
Merci beaucoup.
Had I written “FIN?”
Well, I seem to like to be crude and explicit... I'm not suited to writing too delicately, it seems.
Anyway, for those who like something more "in your face", here is yet another finale.

- - -

«May I, you know, cum as I go? Please? Pretty please?» - A more showy finale

As the crowd buzzed with anticipation, Lisa approached the cross where Veronica hung, still trembling from the agony of her crucifixion. After hours of restless, desperate dance on the cross, Veronica was rather... spent. She had done as her executioner requested: shaking her boobs, showing off her pussy, squirming in pain, and generously displaying her supple, aching body.

The slim nails holding her wrists and feet in place had done their job, but now it was time for something more—something Veronica had requested in her final moments of desperation. Now, she rightly awaited her prize, deep in her, destroying her vagina.

Lisa held the thick wooden spike, its polished surface gleaming in the morning light, behind her back, as to hide it from the executee's view. She smiled at the latter, her eyes filled with a dark, twisted cheerfulness.

“Well, darling, here’s coming the guest of honor! This fine piece of wood is about to give you the most unforgettable send-off. And trust me, it’s gonna leave a lasting impression… right through to your sweaty tummy!”

Veronica's voice quivered as she tried to make light of her situation, a weak attempt at humor. “I guess I’m about to be 'nailed' in more ways than one,” she whispered, her breath catching as she eyed the imposing spike.

“Meet your new boyfriend—a strong, silent type who’s really going to get under your skin. Or should I say, into your guts?” Lisa teased, finally showing the wooden spike with a overly theatrical presentation.

Veronica’s voice trembled, “Is… is that the spike you’ll use on me?” Then she corrected herself: "In me?"

Lisa chuckled softly, her tone playful yet menacing. “Oh, yes, darling. The other one was... well, I decided it wasn't thick enough for you. Your tight, cute flower there, whose pink petals you've flashed so long to us, deserves the best one,” she said, positioning the spike at Veronica’s entrance.

Veronica’s eyes widened in shock. “I… I didn’t think it would be so big,” she stammered, her body tensing in anticipation.

“What did you expect? You’re about to go all the way, sweetie. But look on the bright side—at least you won’t have to worry about feeling empty inside ever again!” Lisa quipped with a dark humor that made the crowd murmur with laughter, while positioning the wooden spike at the entrance to Veronica’s most tender and intimate flesh.

“You’ve got a twisted sense of humor, Lisa.” Veronica managed a weak smile despite her fear.

“It’s big enough to make sure you feel every last inch of it, darling. But that’s what you craved, isn’t it? A final, deep sensation before you go.” Lisa’s voice was soft, almost tender, as she began to press the spike into the helpless girl’s private orifice.

Veronica winced as the wood began to stretch her, the pain mingling with an unwanted pleasure. “Oh God… I feel it… it’s so… deep… and it's just the tip!” she moaned, her body arching slightly.

“That’s right, honey,” Lisa murmured, her hand steady as she pushed the spike further inside. “This is going to be the deepest goodbye ever to life. But hey, at least you’ll leave them all… 'hammered' with your performance!”

Veronica’s voice wavered, “I’m… I’m not so sure anymore, Lisa,” she confessed, her eyes wide with dread.

“Oh, I am sure, instead.” Lisa grinned wickedly, “I’m sure this’ll be the most 'penetrating' experience of your life. Consider it a parting gift… though it’s not exactly a 'going away' present—more of a 'staying put' one!” Lisa winked, enjoying the dark humor as she pushed the spike even deeper, the wood slowly entering Veronica from her pleasure’s door.

Veronica gasped, her body shuddering as she felt the thick wood invade her. “Oh God… I feel it… it’s so… deep… and it's just the tip!” she moaned, her voice a mix of pain and twisted pleasure.

“That’s right, honey. Feel it filling you up, stretching you out. You wanted to feel it all, didn’t you? Now, let’s give you that release you’re so desperate for,” Lisa whispered, her voice both soothing and sinister.

Veronica gasped, “At least, it will be quick, right? Right?”

Lisa’s grin widened, “Quicker than snuffing it on the cross? Yes… But, quick, as in 'really quick'? Oh, I don’t think so, darling. We’ll take our time, savor every moment. The crowd is eager to see how a cute girl like you handles such big boy in her cunt.”


“Let yourself be opened up, darling. You know, they say the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach… but in this case, I think we’ll take the scenic route... your fuck-hole,” Lisa added with a sadistic glee.

Veronica whimpered as the spike continued its journey into her body, “Oh God… Lisa, it’s… it’s really happening…”

“That’s right, sweetheart. Just relax and let it happen. Think of it as one last, deep breath—except instead of air, you’re taking in a whole lot of wood. A real bellyful!” Lisa cooed, her voice laced with a twisted tenderness.

Veronica’s body arched against the cross, the sensation overwhelming her. “Ahh… It’s... it’s so intense… I’m... I’m so full already…” she whimpered, her voice shaking as the spike drove deeper.

Lisa’s eyes gleamed with cruel delight. “You’re doing great, Veronica, but hey, you think you're full? This is just the beginning! There's still a whole lot of punishment in store for you!”

"Lisa, it's too much, it's too much!"

“Don't be silly, honey. And now, for the final touch… some hammering is needed, I fear,”
Lisa said, holding down a heavy hammer, its surface gleaming menacingly.

Veronica’s eyes widened in horror. “You really wanna hammer it straight up in my pussy?!” she cried out, her voice filled with both terror and disbelief.

“How else, darling! I have to hammer it true through you, crucified girl!” Lisa declared, her voice filled with a dark cheerfulness as she positioned the hammer just below the spike’s exposed end.

The crowd held its breath as prepared herself to strike true, with a vengeance: with a great swing, she brought the hammer up with a sickening crunch, driving the spike much deeper into Veronica’s tortured body. “Ohhh! Oh God! It’s… it’s tearing me apart!” Veronica screamed, her body convulsing as inch after inch of the spike disappeared into her.

“That’s it, sweetheart, that's precisely the idea, a full-fledged penetration of your body,” Lisa said with a satisfied grin, as another swing of the hammer sent five inches of the spike into Veronica's trembling belly.

Veronica’s body convulsed as the spike tore through her insides, the pain reaching an unbearable intensity. “I… I can’t… it’s too much… I… I’m going to…” she gasped, her voice trailing off.

Lisa’s eyes gleamed with dark satisfaction. “Don't worry darling, by the time I’m done, you’ll be 'full' in more ways than one!” she chuckled, the hammer striking again, and again, each blow embedding the willing wooden pole further into Veronica, red blood spurting out of her torn sex-hole.

“Lisa… you really know how to… 'nail' a punchline,” Veronica managed to gasp out, her body trembling violently as she felt her most private part lacerate.

“Now that’s the spirit! They say laughter is the best medicine… though in your case, a little more wood might do the trick!” Lisa quipped, raising the hammer for yet another swing. "And you, Veronica, really know how to take this pounding like a pro. Now, you just hang tight and enjoy the ride, sweetie."

Veronica’s body convulsed as the spike tore through her insides, shredding everything in its path of destruction, her senses overwhelmed. “I… I’m ‘bout to cum… I’m… oh God… I’m 'bout to cum like a slut,” she cried out, her voice breaking as the final orgasm was close to rip through her.

“There you go, Veronica! Now cum for me, slut, cum for everyone watching as you’re filled to the brim!” Lisa urged, her words pushing Veronica over the edge.

“Cumming!” shrieked Veronica with a tortured scream, so excruciating that only an audience as accustomed to death and suffering as the one gathered around her cross could manage to laugh at it and take pleasure in it, rather than feeling the blood freeze in their veins.

“Brace yourself now, sweetheart! The next swing will push it into your diaphragm,” Lisa announced proudly. “It will make you breathless much sooner than slowly asphyxiating from crucifixion! You're 'bout to snuff it!”

Veronica’s body shook violently as she reached her final climax, the mixture of pain and pleasure overwhelming her senses.

BAM! The death throes started ripping through Veronica's abused body, making her dance like a convulsing dancer, for everybody's sadistic enjoyment.

Lisa watched with satisfaction as Veronica’s body trembled and twitched, her life slowly draining away. “Yes, Veronica, that’s it… let it all out… you’re almost dead now,” she whispered, her tone both soothing and cruel. "A pretty, impaled corpse."

Veronica felt it all, right up to the last moment: the nails in her mutilated limbs, her pussy disintegrated, her belly mercilessly transfixed by the wooden pole, her lungs suddenly unable to fill with air. And as she died, torn apart by agony and her longed-for cum, she felt darkness surround her, an empty abyss about to reduce her to nothing. She vainly tried to emit a scream as she felt her body shut down, having no more time to comprehend whether it would have been out of pleasure, or of pain, or of fear of her own destruction.

Finally, as Veronica’s body went limp, her head lolling to the side, Lisa turned to the cheering crowd, raising her arms in triumph, the killing hammer still in her bloody hands. “Ladies and gentlemen, our dear Veronica has given a show you’ll never forget. Let’s give our crux-performer one final round of applause for her bravery," she called out, her voice filled with dark cheer.

The crowd erupted in applause, their cheers echoing through the land as they celebrated the final, twisted performance of the courageous girl on the cross. Lisa looked up at the lifeless body of Veronica, still pinned to the cross, a wicked smile on her lips. "This expired death-slut here really deserved it," Lisa added with a sadistic wink, her eyes gleaming with dark amusement.
Amazing once again. You are really tiring me out lately in a good way.
Amazing once again. You are really tiring me out lately in a good way.
Thank you dear.
It's always a pleasure to know I've entertained such a good writer as you are.
It gives me hope me writing stories might have a meaning after all.

Thanks again.
Love the title of this thread...
Yeah, it is such a cute, polite request, that I think no executioner could deny it to a dying girl.
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