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Megan and Ruth's Journey

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I didn't blame the horse. He can't have really noticed the slight barefoot girl being dragged along by a rope behind him . The road was Stony and my bare feet hurt like hell as pointed little stones added to my pain. Little marks of blood followed my path behind the horse as we made our way to the jail. The two soldiers who had taken me from my bed and hour before were bored. One was saddled on the horse in front of me the other rode behind us. It was a hot morning already as we made our way up towards Newlyn. My light shift I wore to bed barely covered my modesty and interested farmhands in the fields stopped working to watch me stumble along. The rope dug into my wrists a bit and the piece of a nightdress I wore was marked with my sweat from the walk. Ahead I saw the imposing presence of Newlyn Castle and Jail. Not long now..

I'm Megan. I'm 24 and I'm my Father's only Child. My poor Mother died bringing me into this World but my Childhood was happy in the Cornish Countryside. My Father did his best on his own to raise me and I did my best to help him by keeping our house and the small yard that came with it. It is the year of Our Lord 1790 and Cornwall is a rural fishing County at least that's what I know of it. My Dad is away out at sea today so when the two soldiers came for me this morning it was easy for them. They simply walked in to Our little home and pulled me from my bed screaming and kicking. A sharp strike from one of them knocked me senseless as they dragged me outside. Tying my wrists they started along with me behind. I shouted and roared and all I got was a lash of a whip across my bare legs. ' Why am I being taken ' I shouted at one of them!
' You are being taken to Newlyn Castle for questioning bitch' was all I got back.
I shuddered inside. That fearsome place. Stories came of it of disappeared people and disfigured victims of torture. But why me!
I counted myself lucky I was not raped by my two arresting officers as we made our way into the courtyard of the castle. I had expected they would assault me in some way but as they led me inside they were very matter of fact . Petrified I allowed them pull me along by the rope my bare feet cold with the stone underneath. I started to struggle against them and scream but all I got was another belt across my mouth. They had to drag me the rest of the way, through doors and down stone steps till we went through one last door. Noises helped me regain my wits and I realized with horror we are in the dungeon, it's devices of torture all around. Why am I here?

My path to Womanhood was not a normal one. I was a playful child of the country. I grew up playing and working amongst the other boys and girls my own age but my work around the house and yard came first always. We were poor but fairly happy. As I reached puberty my body developed and so did the boys interest in me. But I was looking another way. My friend Ruth was like a Sister to me. We did everything together in our spare time as as we grew into our teenage years we would often swim together naked in Watergate Bay. On one such Summers Evening as we lay in the sand drying off I reached for her hand in the sand. It clasped mine and our eyes locked into each other. I shuffled along the sand awkwardly closer to her naked body and kissed her lightly. She responded a little. I was scared but aroused. I kissed her more and Ruth responded to my kiss. I put my hand in her long black hair and told her I loved her. She put her hand on my back and pulled me into her so our breasts touched for the first time. I could feel her nipples hard against my skin as we kissed passionately. Her hands pulled me into her ever closer as our lovemaking got more and more intense. We whispered erotic things of love to each other as we both felt and held each other's bodies in the evening sun. I felt I was in love as I felt my way along to her wet pussy. She let out a little shriek as I fingered her and felt her wet cum for the first time. Our bodies were as one as we made love under the sun. We swore love and allegiances as we kissed and rolled on each other in the sand. That evening as we ran back into the sea holding hands we laughed and giggled and kissed again in the waves. We were in love. We walked back to our homes that night holding each other. We kissed goodnight out of sight and went out separate ways. Ahh dear Ruth my beloved if we only knew then where our love would lead us to maybe we would have stopped there and then. But love is blind. Our Cornwall back then was not in any way ready for us two.
See our ancestors now? Our girls in that modern World can have their love together. Our outcome was so different and I must go back to telling it....
Beautiful story, congratulations!
Why do these men hate me so much thought Megan as she strained herself to accept the first lash. When it came it was vicious in the intensity of its pain. Across her lower back it ripped into her flesh and seemed to drag across her mortified skin. Her screaming was loud and anguished as the jailer Rob smiled happily behind her. The second lash crossed across her upper back and shoulders and even stung her armpit a bit. The whip he was using had many strands of leather into which was embedded tiny stones and bits of metal that dug themselves into her skin and tore at her. Meg screamed for mercy but these 2 bastards enjoyed this too much. The cunt Jim again whispered in her ear , ' only 47 to go bitch, who's the other cunt you're fornicating with while you can still talk eh? Megan filled her mouth with spit and coughed it into his face. ' I'll never tell you bastards ' she spat the words at him but instantly regretted it as he tore the remains of cloth from her body and tossed it on the floor. Meg looked at it. Little specs of blood were on it. She lifted her head and cried out , ' Noooooooo God save me please! Jim took the whip and lashed her across her ass and hips. Megan wailed and turned as much as she could to avoid his next blow which as a result caught her ribs and tummy. Sweat now started to shine on her as Jim started to enjoy his task. Lash after lash he tortured her little body till after 20 lashes Meg hung completely limp and motionless from the rope. Jim ordered Rob to fetch a pail of water. Megan hung there barely conscious and thought of Ruth. What was she doing now? Did she notice Meg missing? A little patch of blood and sweat had gathered under Megan's body. Rob returned with the pail and threw it over her now badly marked body. It revived Megan but now the two men took turns to run their hands across her. Megan could feel bile gathering in her throat as their rough fingers explored her most private places. Now for the first time Megan wished she was dead. The only thing now keeping her alive was the thought of Ruth and her Father. She resolved as the 2 brutes defiled her not to give up Ruth's name to them. Even now as she realized it meant her death in this morbid place.
Across her lower back it ripped into her flesh and seemed to drag across her mortified skin. Her screaming was loud and anguished as the jailer Rob smiled happily behind her. The second lash crossed across her upper back and shoulders and even stung her armpit a bit.
Two well laid blows. I love thinking of Megan’s thin body as sweat and blood are drawn out by the cruel whip.
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