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Member Birthdays

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Happy belated birthday, Jedakk.
I noticed that Jedakk only holds the title of "Executioner". Why don't we give him a title more befitting his contributions as a birthday present?
My suggestion would be "Carnifex Maximus".
I'm sure that's not proper Latin, maybe someone can polish it up.:cool:
Good point Naraku, Jedakk's marked his birthday by 1000 posts, and has > 5000 likes.
'Carnifex Maximus' looks good to me. I'll consult Jedakk and check with colleagues.
Okay so we have
kangaroo.jpg a kangaroo at the beach

Kookaburra.jpg a Kookaburra in a tree (possibly a gum tree)

koala.jpg A koala in another tree....perhaps plotting to drop on a hapless tourist

squirrelplayspiana.jpg and a squirrel playing piano

What does it all mean?

Why it is Phlebas's Birthday of course :D

Happy Birthday Phlebas :D
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