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Member Birthdays

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Thanks for the constant inspiration, @Eulalia

Thank you @Loxuru

Thanks @thehangingtree , you’re so generous!

??? Don’t they usually come in pairs, still it’s the fondle that counts!

Ah, someone who understands!

Ooooh, I want to go see that in rl! I’m sure I could make a nice subject like the first pose! Exactly my preferred style! Thanks @phlebas

Ha ha ha!!!

Thanks, [COLOR=rgb(226, 80, 65)]@wulf , I’d like to let everyone know how supportive and helpful your encouragement has been on my path to recovery and especially quitting smoking. Over 14 months now![/COLOR]

Ooooohhhh, for me? You shouldn’t have, but since you did, lecke lecke!

Yes at this age a single candle is far more manageable especially when so nicely presented!

Thank you everyone!
Glad to be help, but you did the hard work. That first year smoke free is a huge accomplishment. Bravo my friend. :thumbsup:
May this Birthday be followed by many others @sifax !
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