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Modern Witch Burning at Mistakonic College! [electrocution, semi-con]

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I intend to use these lines and dialogues in a fotonovela (I have the beautiful model Ana Foxxx in mind as the executee, pics will be taken from here: https://www.kink.com/shoot/44490 ) I will assemble in the future... unless I change my mind.
In the meantime, I think they are good enough for a stand-alone story.
Hope you enjoy it.

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Modern Witch Burning at Mistakonic College!

Penny is a black student at Mistakonic Esoteric Arts College, a mysterious and eerie institution in New England.

The college is steeped in ancient traditions, relics, and supposedly magical artifacts. Originally named "Miskatonic," the college rebranded itself after H.P. Lovecraft's stories gave it a notorious reputation. Professor Erzsebet Woland, who specializes in Applied Torture Instruments, suggested the name change to prevent the college from becoming a tourist attraction for those seeking a selfie with the Necronomicon, the world - known dark book. O tempora, o mores, the Necronomicon at risk of being instagrammed!
One night, Penny is caught flying naked on a broom that once belonged to Myriana Balkan, an infamous XVII century witch. Myriana's broom is a treasured artifact in the college's collection, tied to the story of her gruesome execution. Myriana was burned at the stake naked, with chronicles describing how the flames seemed almost sentient, starting their torturous work by slowly burning her most sensitive female parts first, including her vagina and breasts. The reports detailed Myriana’s agonizing screams as the flames charred her, leaving her finally exposed to burning torment and the crowd's sadistic enjoyment...
The Disciplinary Committee, led by Professor Woland and including Penny's friends Karen, Meg, and Gina, convenes to determine Penny's fate.
Penny admits she wanted to become a witch, a violation of the college's ethics policy. The punishment for such an offense is execution by burning… fully naked, just as Myriana was before her.

Will Penny find a strange, even sexy, fascination with the idea of being publicly executed in the nude like that heroine of her?

Penny sat in the dimly lit wooden room, ready for the inquiry to commence. A mixture of anxiety and a strange sense of excitement was brewing inside her. The walls were adorned with old, dusty tomes and eerie artifacts, relics of Mistakonic's storied past. In front of her sat Professor Erzsebet Woland, an imposing figure with a wry smile, flanked by Penny’s friends Karen, Meg, and Gina. All members of the committee that will soon judge on her behavior.
They all had an air of anticipation, tempered with sympathy for their friend, who was about to face the consequences of her actions.

"Really, I think this formal indictment is really a waste of time, I mean... it's no big deal, right?" Penny started, trying to sound nonchalant, but her voice trembled slightly.

Professor Woland arched an eyebrow, her eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and sternness. "No big deal? Penny, Penny... flying naked on a broomstick in the dead of night? You know that’s hardly proper behavior for a female student at Mistakonic, don’t you?"

Karen leaned forward, her tone gentle but firm. "Penny... the Disciplinary Committee can’t exactly turn a blind eye to what you did, can we?"

"It wasn't me, I assure you,"
Penny lied, though she knew it was futile.

Penny had a smirk on her lips, couldn't very well fake her lie. "I mean, come on, flying naked? That’s hardly my style. I’d at least wear some cute boots, right?"

"You've been recorded on camera... it's definitely you, my dear,"
Karen interjected, holding up her phone where the footage played on loop.

"We all saw the footage. The security golems don’t lie," added Professor Woland, her tone both authoritative and amused.

Penny sighed, realizing there was no point in denying it any longer. "Alright, you got me," she admitted, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks.

"And you looked like you were having a lot of fun up there, too," Meg chimed in, her voice teasing.

"Yeah, well..." Penny hesitated, her embarrassment growing.

"Come on, speak freely. I mean, there's nothing for you to hide anymore, right?" Gina urged, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Penny took a deep breath, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Well, with the broomstick penetrating my pussy... I had a good cum while I was flying..."

Gina’s eyes widened in surprise, and then a grin spread across her face. "Wow! A flying orgasm!"

"I squirted my juices all over Professor Rankor's roses in the college's gardens... it was so embarrassing..."
Penny confessed, her face now a deep shade of crimson.

"Attagirl! Or, should I say, atta-witch?" Meg quipped, laughing softly.

"Maybe... atta-bitch? She cummed like a slut!" Karen added, though her tone was more playful than harsh.

"Hey, don't call our dear witch-wannabe here names! She may be in violation of the college's regulations, but there's no need to insult her," Gina scolded gently.

"Well, no offense taken, I have been called worse," Penny replied with a weak smile.

"Anyway, sorry Penny, didn't want to offend you," Karen added, her tone softening. "I was really being a Karen, sorry."

Professor Woland leaned back in her chair, her expression turning more serious. "Well, at least you enjoyed your flight, sweetheart... I hope it was worth it, 'cause you shall pay dearly for it," she said, her words heavy with implication.

Penny gulped, her earlier bravado fading. "Gulp! Will I?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm afraid so, honey... college rules, you know..." Professor Woland confirmed, though her tone was laced with a strange mix of pity and anticipation.

"I was curious, okay? Who wouldn’t be? A broom that belonged to a witch who got burned at the stake? It practically begged me to take it for a spin." Penny tried to defend herself, though she knew it was a losing battle.

"A spin indeed," Gina remarked, still amused.

"And in such a daring outfit too! Or should I say, lack thereof?" Karen added, unable to hide her grin.

Penny shrugged, trying to keep her composure. "Well, if you're going to ride a witch’s broom, you might as well do it properly," she said, her voice tinged with defiance. "I didn’t want to disrespect the artifact by doing it clothed. True witches ride broomstick naked! All folk tales agree with that!"

"That's true, and there are also literary examples of that. For instance, Margarita in Bulgakov's masterpiece also flies fully naked,"
added Professor Woland in a scholarly tone, very appropriate to her academic rank.

Gina suddenly interrupted, squinting at the footage on her phone. "Wow, look at the video: you still sport an hairy pussy in this day and age? So very retro..."

"Well, it's suitable to a witch after all,"
Meg quipped, her tone light.

"Yes, that dark well-maintained bush makes her more sinful indeed, like a true witch," Professor Woland agreed, nodding thoughtfully.

"I'm no true witch, unfortunately... I just wanted to be one, like Myriana. And the first time I rode a broomstick in the night I got caught!" Penny lamented, her frustration evident.

Karen reached out, placing a comforting hand on Penny’s arm. "Please, don't cry darling. You did your best, I'm sure," she said softly.

“Look the bright side honey: your naked flight and cum will go viral on the internet!” Meg added with a mischievous grin.

Professor Woland’s expression darkened slightly. "And that's a problem also, because... well, now Mistakonic College cannot deny the presence of a witch..."

Penny corrected, though the gravity of the situation was beginning to sink in.

"... okay, witch-in-training. Anyway, the college cannot deny anymore. So... we have to punish you for real. Otherwise, the college would lose face," Professor Woland explained, her tone now more somber, almost sinister...

"You're in for a most serious chastisement indeed," Karen agreed, nodding.

Penny looked around at the faces of her friends, feeling a mixture of fear and resignation. "Well, Professor, I just thought I'd... embrace the curriculum a bit more literally. You know, live a little, feel the night air on my skin and the stick in my twat. Isn't that what we’re here to learn? The true essence of magic?" she asked, her voice tinged with a desperate hope that maybe, just maybe, they would understand.

They would not.

Professor Woland’s smile returned, though it was tinged with a hint of scholarly attitude. "Not at all: here we learn about old traditions and customs, we don't practice sorcery or cast spells!" she corrected, her tone firm, as in an academic explanation.

"Learning esoteric arts and preserving supposedly magical artifacts doesn't mean practicing witchcraft," Karen added, her voice gentle but resolute.

"And even less riding a broom. And with the pommel in your cunt, nonetheless!" the professor remarked, shaking her head in disbelief.

"It seemed... fitting at the moment," Penny mumbled, her earlier confidence now fully eroded.

Professor Woland sighed, looking at Penny with a mix of pity and amusement. "Yeah, judging from the video, the stick fitted your vagina very well and deep..." she remarked, her voice teasing.

"A little personal touch, you know? Adds to the authenticity. Besides," Penny tried to explain, but her voice trailed off, knowing it was futile.
"I’ve always heard that magic should be felt deeply, intimately," she finished, her tone almost apologetic.

"Well, what’s more intimate than giving a royal flying fuck to the broomstick with your pussy, indeed," Karen said with a chuckle.

Professor Woland nodded in agreement. "You’ve got spirit, gal, I'll give you that," she said, her tone approving.

"Was that your first try... flying, I mean?" Meg asked, genuinely curious.

"Yeah..." Penny admitted, feeling like she was sinking deeper into her own doom.

"Well, you managed to remain airborne and, well, impaled, for a lot of time, I mean, with zero training..." Gina remarked, her tone almost admiring.

"As an apprentice-witch, you can take some pride in that," Professor Woland added, her tone encouraging.

"You accomplished a very difficult thing just the first time you tried!" Meg agreed, almost approvingly.

Penny forced a smile, though it didn’t reach her eyes. "Thanks, I guess... actually..."

Meg prompted, sensing there was more.

Penny hesitated, then sighed. "The most difficult part was, you know, balancing with my feet and thighs so as not being skewered by the fucking stick!" she confessed, her voice shaking with the memory, her cheeks red in shame as she confessed such intimate detail.

Gina winced, but nodded sympathetically. "Ouch! That would have taken your witch career to a close!"

"Well, it's not like my career is going very well anyway, is it? I have a feeling that I don't have much left, I'm afraid, right?"
Penny asked, her voice laced with dread.

Professor Woland sighed, her expression turning serious once more. "Don't be too upset, sweetie: it's just that with all these cameras and smartphones, well, the world isn't suited to witches anymore," Professor Woland continued, her tone tinged with regret. "I'm sure in the 17th century, you would have become a great witch, even greater than Myriana Balkan!" She nodded, hoping to raise Penny's morale with that.

Penny couldn't help but chuckle through her anxiety, appreciating the strange compliment. "You're most kind, thanks for your words," she replied, her voice wavering between fear and a hint of pride.

Professor Woland nodded, a weird smile on her lips. "But you understand, don’t you, Penny, that what you’ve done is a direct violation of the College Ethics Policy?" she asked, her voice softening, as if she at least partially wished there was some other way.

"Witchcraft, in its true form, is not something we condone lightly here. Especially not when it’s practiced so... flamboyantly," Karen added, her voice carrying both admiration and a sense of foreboding.

Penny sighed, feeling the weight of her actions pressing down on her. "Oh, I understand, Professor, but... this surely wouldn't mean..." she trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

Professor Woland's expression grew more somber as she continued. "You might just become the most famous student in Mistakonic history. But fame cometh with a price, my dear. We can't just let you off the hook."

Karen leaned in, her tone taking on a more serious edge. "In all New England, witches get executed, under torture, you know," she said, her words cutting through the air like a cold wind.

Penny's heart skipped a beat, her voice trembling as she asked, "E... executed?" The reality of her situation was beginning to sink in.

"Yeah, put down, so to speak. You really have to die, darling," Karen confirmed, her tone gentle yet firm.

Penny's fear deepened, her hands shaking slightly. "Oh... will I be... hanged by the neck until dead? As in Salem?" she asked, desperately clinging to the hope that her death might be swift.

Professor Woland shook her head slowly. "We are not in Salem, sweetheart."

"Oh no? Beheaded, perhaps? Drowned?"
Penny asked, her voice laced with growing desperation.

Karen eyes narrowed as she considered Penny's words. "Unfortunately, those execution methods are way too swift and pain-free to be used on a witch..."

Penny leaned closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Witch-in-training!"

"... okay, on a witch-in-training such as you. I'm afraid you have to suffer much more than that before dying,"
Karen continued, her tone betraying a hint of sadness.

Penny's eyes widened, her breath quickening as she stammered, "Then... surely not burned at the stake???"

Gina placed a reassuring hand on Penny's arm, though her words were anything but comforting. "You will be burned indeed, you'll get the full 'witch treatment' indeed, naked of course," she confirmed, her voice soft yet resolute.

"Of course," Penny swallowed hard, her mind racing. "Well, I suppose that if I’m really going to be put to death, I might as well go all the way," she said, her voice trembling yet tinged with a strange sense of acceptance. "Right?"

Professor Woland nodded approvingly. "Yes, honey, you'll go all the way indeed."

Penny's voice wavered as she continued, "I suppose that’s fitting, from a certain point of view. I mean, poor Myriana got the same treatment, didn’t she? The flames burned her body to ashes as she screamed... or so the chronicles say at least..."

Gina's voice softened, tinged with a mix of sympathy and grim fascination. "They say a roaring thunder was heard as her clit was finally exposed to the flames and burned..."

"Poor gal,"
Meg whispered, her voice barely audible.

Penny nodded, a strange mixture of fear and determination in her eyes. "Well, at least you can go out as this heroine of yours, isn't it?" Professor Woland asked, her voice filled with a curious mix of respect and anticipation.

"Yeah... that's something, at least. I may not be much of a witch, but I will go down as a witch, it seems," Penny replied, her voice trembling but resolute.

Meg's eyes lit up with admiration. "Cool line!" she exclaimed, genuinely impressed.
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Penny forced a smile, trying to keep her composure. "Actually, it's paraphrased from Kill Bill Volume 1. Something like, 'you're no samurai, but you will die as a samurai,' if I remember correctly," she explained, her voice tinged with nostalgia.

"O-Ren Ishii's words in the movie, right?" Karen asked, her tone curious.

"Yeah, great movie, and I adored the music during her duel with the Bride too," Penny added, a faint smile crossing her lips.

"‘Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood,’ right?" Karen asked, her tone brightening.

"Amazing score indeed, but I confess I prefer it instrumental-only..." Penny admitted, her voice trailing off as she realized the gravity of her situation.

Professor Woland cleared her throat, her tone turning more serious. "Girls, please, let's go back to the issue at hand!"

Penny’s smile faded as the reality of her impending fate loomed over her. "Well, if there're no copyright issues, please feel free to have it engraved on my tomb then," she said, her voice trembling with both fear and resignation.

Gina sighed, her tone softening. "Sorry honey, but... you know, witches don't get a place in a graveyard," she explained gently.

"Sorry, but it's tradition," Karen added, her voice firm, Karen being a Karen.

Penny felt a wave of despair wash over her as tears welled up in her eyes. "I see... oh, here come the tears," she whispered, her voice breaking.

Meg’s expression softened, her tone becoming more comforting. "Oh, please, honey, don't cry. Please. Think 'bout it: it's not that we push you away..."

Gina nodded in agreement, her voice soothing. "... it's more that, as a witch, you don't need a tomb in a sacred place, like a cemetery," she explained. "You don't want to rest in a holy place, do you?"

Penny sniffled, trying to hold back her tears. "Oh! Yeah, you're right! I didn't think about it!" she said, her voice brightening slightly at the thought.

Professor Woland smiled, her voice filled with encouragement. "Yeah, smile sweetheart. You're in for a most harsh punishment, but I'm sure you can go through it like a true witch with your beautiful smile on your face," she said, her tone both comforting and admiring.

Penny managed a weak smile, though her heart still pounded with fear. "Thanks!" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Professor Woland nodded, her tone turning more serious. "Anyway, as said, you will be fully nude, because we have to maximize your humiliating exposure, you see: humiliation is part of your punishment in fact," she explained, her voice tinged with a bit of... lust?

"I understand..." Penny replied, her voice trembling.

Karen leaned in, her tone more matter-of-fact. "But also for another reason," she added, her voice taking on a darker tone.

"You will undergo a more, let's say, 'modern' burning, sweetheart," Karen explained, her voice soft yet ominous.

Penny's eyes widened in fear, as Professor Woland added: "You see, we are civilized nowadays. No need to make a bonfire and burn you at the stake anymore. I mean, there's no need to burn your whole body..." Professor Woland's tone grew colder, though still tinged with sympathy.

"This is all very encouraging," Penny said, though her words belied the horror of what was to come.

Karen’s voice was gentle but firm as she continued, "As the source of a witch's power is in her sex, as your flight well demonstrated..."

Professor Woland nodded, her tone strangely amused. "... you will burn by electrocution of your precious vagina," she said, her sing-song voice almost cheerful.

Penny's eyes widened in horror, her voice trembling as she stammered, "Gulp! You wanna... electrocute my pussy?" Her hands moved between her legs, instinctively trying to protect her genitals.

Karen’s voice was calm but unyielding. "Sure, my dear. A fitting, painful and humiliating death for a witch, isn't it?" she asked, her tone laced with dark humor.

"A... sexecution!" Penny quipped, her tone light despite the gravity of the situation.

Professor Woland’s tone was amused as she explained, "The electric current will surge into you from your sex, scald it, and slowly burn your body from the inside until, well, you snuff it," she said, her voice betraying no hint of regret now.

Gina’s eyes gleamed with morbid curiosity as she added, "You'll be pussy-fried!"
"Minimal exterior damage to your pretty body, but you'll feel hell in your groin,"
Professor Woland continued, her voice emphatic and cruel at the same time, like a show-runner explaining a procedure to a performer. There was a strange blend of sorrow and anticipation in her tone, reflecting the dual emotions she harbored—a regret for what Penny had to endure, and a morbid fascination with the spectacle it would become.

Karen's eyes sparkled with dark amusement as she added, "Hellfire, specifically!" Her words were punctuated with a light chuckle, as if the concept of Penny’s suffering had become a macabre joke in the inquiry room.

"And as the electric juice can be regulated and fine-tuned, you'll last for long... surely longer than Myriana on her burning stake," Gina remarked, her tone almost admiring. There was a strange excitement in her voice, as if she was genuinely looking forward to witnessing Penny's endurance.

Penny's heart pounded in her chest, her breath quickening as the full horror of her fate dawned on her. "Think 'bout it: in a way, you'll surpass her!" Professor Woland said, her tone tinged with an eerie pride, as if she was presenting Penny with a twisted honor.

Penny tried to force a smile, though it trembled on her lips. "Yeah, that's nice but... that's gonna be... torture! A prolonged torture..." Her voice wavered, betraying the mix of fear and grim acceptance that churned within her.

Gina nodded, her expression turning somber, though her eyes still gleamed with a morbid curiosity. "Myriana lived just a couple of seconds after her clit caught fire... while your clit will last for much longer as the electricity will torture it," she explained, her tone almost clinical.

Penny's voice cracked as she whispered, "I... I don't think I can go through such horror," her fear now palpable.

Professor Woland’s tone softened slightly, though her words remained firm. "Sure you can, my dear, and you will: as a witch..."

corrected Penny.

"... as a witch-in-training, your role now is to be subject to horrific and yet spectacular torment for as long as your body can endure, and then die." She spoke with the air of someone delivering an unchangeable verdict. Her enigmatic smile sealed the finality of it.

"You have to be hurt a lot, honey," Meg added, her voice almost apologetic, as if she wished there was another way, but knew there wasn’t.

Gina leaned in, her tone conspiratorial. "And as a witch, after death you can expect further tortures in a hell-pit," she whispered, her voice laced with dark humor.

Karen nodded, her voice now carrying a note of finality. "For all eternity!" she added with a grim smile.

Penny’s eyes filled with tears, her voice trembling as she stammered, "Gulp! This ain't very reassuring," her fear now mingling with a strange sense of resignation.

Gina’s voice lightened with a playful tone as she remarked, "Your pubes will probably burn for real also, by the way," her words a strange mix of jest and cruel reality.

Penny managed a weak smile, trying to make light of the situation. "Oh, well, so my pubic hair will provide some real flame then!" she quipped, though her voice shook with fear.

Karen’s tone was gentle as she asked, "Would you... you know, please show us your vagina? We wanna see firsthand if they are suitable to catch fire, you see..." Her request was delivered with the casualness of someone asking to borrow a pen, though the gravity of the situation was far from trivial.

Penny hesitated, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Oh, well, it's embarrassing..." she mumbled, though she knew there was little point in modesty now.

"Honey, we have all watched your video and, sorry for being blunt, soon we will all admire your bare show of pain and death," Gina pointed out, her tone almost soothing.

Professor Woland nodded in agreement. "No need to be prudish now, really," she added, her voice gentle yet firm.

Penny sighed, her hands trembling as she reached down and slowly lifted her skirt, revealing her dark, neatly trimmed pubic hair. "Okay, okay... I don't wear panties anyway!" she confessed, her voice a mix of embarrassment and resignation.

Gina’s eyes gleamed with admiration as she remarked, "Such a witch!" her voice tinged with playful mockery.

Karen corrected her with a light-hearted chuckle, "Witch-in-training!"

Professor Woland nodded approvingly. "Okay, witch-in-training! Anyway, you've such a cute, black pussy..."

"But I'm sure this pussy is so PINK inside!"
Meg exclaimed, carried away by her own enthusiasm for her friend's genitals finally exposed before her eager eyes.

"A cute pussy, with perfect pubic hair," added Professor Woland, as she examined Penny’s exposed sex as laboratory sample. Academics being academics, you know...

Gina’s tone grew more excited as she added, "They will ignite splendidly as you're in the last stages of your execution," her words a chilling promise of what was to come.

Penny’s voice wavered as she asked, "Oh, and... is this a good thing?" her fear now mingling with a strange sense of anticipation.

Karen’s tone was light as she replied, "Yeah, it's important to always respect traditions!" she said, as if discussing a quaint custom rather than a brutal execution.

Gina nodded, her voice cheerful as she added, "Everything for the show!"

Karen smiled, her tone admiring as she remarked, "It's a good thing you're not fully shaved down there. You're much more witchy like that!"

Penny managed a weak smile, trying to find some comfort in their words. "Thanks... I guess. Well, I suppose I’m in for one hell of a ride, right?" she asked, her voice trembling yet tinged with a strange excitement.

"Indeed you're, girl," said the professor with a clearly sadistic smirk this time.

The room fell silent for a moment, the gravity of what was about to happen sinking in for everyone present. Despite their playful banter and morbid curiosity, there was an unspoken understanding that Penny’s fate was sealed, and the spectacle of her vaginal execution would soon unfold before them all.
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For sake of completeness, here is the movie passage referenced in my story.
... while here is the wikipedia page of Master and Margarita, Bulgakov's masterpiece.

If you have never read it, I heartily suggest you to grab a copy at your preferred book store and read it.
It's really that good, probably my favorite novel ever.

It's impressive at many different levels, from political satire to more introspective points of view.
Besides, the Devil is introduced as a character and, well, let's just say it's the greatest, funniest and most agreeable depiction of the character ever IMHO.
Difficult not being a satanist after reading Bulgakov's render of Satan :sisi1
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The five characters so far as I pictured them.
I plan to add the executioner too, and perhaps a couple of others, if I decide to continue this story (should I? comments and criticism are all very welcome).

1) Ana Foxxx as "Penny"
2) Cherie Deville as "Professor Erzsebet Woland"
3) Serena Blair as "Meg"
4) Kendra Cole as "Karen"
5) Katie Kush as "Gina"

This is an amazing story. Can’t wait for what’s next
You're most kind.
This comment from such an accomplished writer such as you means a lot to me.
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