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@bindhertothecross , at first I asked Zardoz if he will accept to make a story with one of my fantasy , I gave him and explain it and he had accepted to try it . At first I write what I had in my head , and a friend Arcturus wrote and developed my story too with some exchanges with me … I am here for share and pass good time .. and naturally we asked other member if they have some ideas to continue and finish this story … it s only fantasy and it s not to be sold of course … everyone can make their contribution…. …sorry for my English so bad !!
Yes. as Elisa says, the first part of the story posted here is the first part of a multipart story I am in the process of writing, based on her fantasy. When it is finished, I intend to post it on my own thread. I was not aware until now that it was posted here.
As I said above, I had originally intended to wait until the whole story was finished and then post it on my own thread in multiple parts, as I had been doing in my conversation with Elisa. But as "the cat is now out of the bag," so to speak, I have posted the story, though still unfinished, on my thread now. I will continue to post it in parts, bit by bit, until it reaches its horrible end.
Hi everyone, it is important that I take this time to write to you. To begin with, a friend of the bdsmir site told me about this forum. I decided to join you, and I met many members with whom I was able to exchange. I admit that I was not disappointed even if certain themes or subjects do not interest me or little, it is a place of sharing, exchange and discovery that nourishes our imagination and our fantasies. Several weeks ago I met Arcturus and I discovered these different writings that l immediately liked. He has this gift of making us feel the sensations and emotions of his characters with his words, we exchanged several times and I told him about one of my hidden fantasies (quite common I think among women.), I sent him a summary and he accepted although he is very busy developing with his know-how and his details a story with several parts, I did not expect so much. With each new game I imagined myself in these different terrible and exciting situations... by watching and discovering the other threads of the forums I saw the achievements of some professional or amateur artists on 3D and I dared to ask if they wanted and had the time to put my story into images. OZ accepted and I sent him my basic summary. I told Arcturus that I would like to put this story into images... he answered me positively but I made a mistake! The problem is that English is not my language, mine is basic and so l use Google translator, and when Arcturus answered me I did not read completely or did not understand his answer well, and I did not take into account his request to wait for the end of the story and for him to publish it first himself. and then I sent the first chapter to OZ (the only one ! shared it with!) in order to show him the environment and the atmosphere that Arcturus brought out in his incredible work... while telling him that he was free to imagine the rest of the story and its end as well, which he did with his incomparable talent. I admit that I was impatient surely, I admit thatI was impatient surely, I admit that exchanging with several members and on many subjects at the same time is sometimes complicated but very rich cerebrally speaking. my goal was not to hide things since all the threads are generally freely accessible, I should have communicated more and listened better. I want to sincerely apologize to Arcturus who is a fantastic author and narrator, I did not want to hurt him or bother him, he is a good man who dares and who allowed me to talk about intimate things, and of course I want to apologize to OZ for embarrassing him following my mistake. he listened to me and did a remarkable job, thank you very much! there I have explained everything to you, this site is an escape from my desires, hidden and perverse thoughts, I thank those who created it.. Elisa
Here is as much of that story as I have written so far.

Hello, I'm sorry that I ignored your authorship of the text, that wasn't intended. But it's just as well that I only knew your first chapter and not the ones you've now published, because I certainly wouldn't have done the other illustrations. Mutilations and killings are not the themes I work on. But everyone has their own imagination. Besides, Elisa is so nice, it would be a shame to lose her...
Hello, I'm sorry that I ignored your authorship of the text, that wasn't intended. But it's just as well that I only knew your first chapter and not the ones you've now published, because I certainly wouldn't have done the other illustrations. Mutilations and killings are not the themes I work on. But everyone has their own imagination. Besides, Elisa is so nice, it would be a shame to lose her...
I agree with both your points, one about mutilations and killing and one about it being a shame to lose Elisa. However, I do feel that, given her carelessness and failure to read and carefully pay attention to what was written to her, she needs to be tortured and punished to help improve her attention.
Hi everyone, it is important that I take this time to write to you. To begin with, a friend of the bdsmir site told me about this forum. I decided to join you, and I met many members with whom I was able to exchange. I admit that I was not disappointed even if certain themes or subjects do not interest me or little, it is a place of sharing, exchange and discovery that nourishes our imagination and our fantasies. Several weeks ago I met Arcturus and I discovered these different writings that l immediately liked. He has this gift of making us feel the sensations and emotions of his characters with his words, we exchanged several times and I told him about one of my hidden fantasies (quite common I think among women.), I sent him a summary and he accepted although he is very busy developing with his know-how and his details a story with several parts, I did not expect so much. With each new game I imagined myself in these different terrible and exciting situations... by watching and discovering the other threads of the forums I saw the achievements of some professional or amateur artists on 3D and I dared to ask if they wanted and had the time to put my story into images. OZ accepted and I sent him my basic summary. I told Arcturus that I would like to put this story into images... he answered me positively but I made a mistake! The problem is that English is not my language, mine is basic and so l use Google translator, and when Arcturus answered me I did not read completely or did not understand his answer well, and I did not take into account his request to wait for the end of the story and for him to publish it first himself. and then I sent the first chapter to OZ (the only one ! shared it with!) in order to show him the environment and the atmosphere that Arcturus brought out in his incredible work... while telling him that he was free to imagine the rest of the story and its end as well, which he did with his incomparable talent. I admit that I was impatient surely, I admit thatI was impatient surely, I admit that exchanging with several members and on many subjects at the same time is sometimes complicated but very rich cerebrally speaking. my goal was not to hide things since all the threads are generally freely accessible, I should have communicated more and listened better. I want to sincerely apologize to Arcturus who is a fantastic author and narrator, I did not want to hurt him or bother him, he is a good man who dares and who allowed me to talk about intimate things, and of course I want to apologize to OZ for embarrassing him following my mistake. he listened to me and did a remarkable job, thank you very much! there I have explained everything to you, this site is an escape from my desires, hidden and perverse thoughts, I thank those who created it.. Elisa
Thank you, Elisa, for all these compliments on my writing.
Hello, I'm sorry that I ignored your authorship of the text, that wasn't intended. But it's just as well that I only knew your first chapter and not the ones you've now published, because I certainly wouldn't have done the other illustrations. Mutilations and killings are not the themes I work on. But everyone has their own imagination. Besides, Elisa is so nice, it would be a shame to lose her...
Yes, Elisa is a delight.

And, by the way, I love your illustrations.
I agree with both your points, one about mutilations and killing and one about it being a shame to lose Elisa. However, I do feel that, given her carelessness and failure to read and carefully pay attention to what was written to her, she needs to be tortured and punished to help improve her attention.
A little time hanging upside down from her ankles perhaps.
And Now for Something Completely Different
I have been experimenting with AI-generated or enhanced images for some time now. Some of my successes and failures can be found at Vision of Darkness.
The problem with AI-generated images is still that it's not easy to get the AI to do what you want, especially with more complicated scenes with a lot of detail, the technology still fails. Things are a little better with enhanced images, but there are still limits.
Quite good results are achieved less with specific images and more with themes. Sometimes you have to find a way into the pictures to tease out the stories hidden in them, but that also has its charm. Writing a short text for existing pictures is a genre in its own right, and some people on this website do it very well.

I started something like that once and combined AI-generated images with texts. Let your imagination run wild....

And Now for Something Completely Different
I have been experimenting with AI-generated or enhanced images for some time now. Some of my successes and failures can be found at Vision of Darkness.
The problem with AI-generated images is still that it's not easy to get the AI to do what you want, especially with more complicated scenes with a lot of detail, the technology still fails. Things are a little better with enhanced images, but there are still limits.
Quite good results are achieved less with specific images and more with themes. Sometimes you have to find a way into the pictures to tease out the stories hidden in them, but that also has its charm. Writing a short text for existing pictures is a genre in its own right, and some people on this website do it very well.

I started something like that once and combined AI-generated images with texts. Let your imagination run wild....

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Hi , I m very happy to read you again!! Intéressant work and image from AI , my preference go to your precedent artwork with me for exemple , but yes the quality is incredible….
And Now for Something Completely Different
I have been experimenting with AI-generated or enhanced images for some time now. Some of my successes and failures can be found at Vision of Darkness.
The problem with AI-generated images is still that it's not easy to get the AI to do what you want, especially with more complicated scenes with a lot of detail, the technology still fails. Things are a little better with enhanced images, but there are still limits.
Quite good results are achieved less with specific images and more with themes. Sometimes you have to find a way into the pictures to tease out the stories hidden in them, but that also has its charm. Writing a short text for existing pictures is a genre in its own right, and some people on this website do it very well.

I started something like that once and combined AI-generated images with texts. Let your imagination run wild....

View attachment 1501147View attachment 1501148View attachment 1501149View attachment 1501150
Beautiful work. #3 & 4 especially clearly tell a story of despair and hopelessness. Very impressive, and thanks for sharing.

This artwork is so beautiful and erotic. She is a drop dead gorgeous mature character . I don't know where you captured this women but you nailed it,
Do you have more of her in erotic images?
And If so can you please share them?
I'm afraid that won't work. I have a few pictures that were taken on the way to this one, but there are always subtle differences in character. Generating images with AI is always very random, you need hundreds of images to get the right one, very few of which I have saved. The character of the figure also changes with every creation. There are ways to work with a constant character, but that is very time-consuming.
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