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News From Margot

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I have previously bought the download and DVD. I will do my best to make one last push via a contribution in the future when I am slightly more able financially speaking to spare some $$$, but before the contributions close.
By Leaps And Bounds


In my previous post I was haranguing about my wish to reach the $10,000 mark during the week that began Monday, if we count Monday as the first day, knowing that for the divinity Sunday was the seventh day and it was time to rest.

Ok, so, I posted my energetic lucubration when all of a sudden our campaign jumped from 5,279 to 6,179!

I had to make sure that what I was seeing wasn’t some kind of mistake, some weird system error, some joke or even some manipulation from the dark side… but no, it was all real and I didn’t have to question my sanity. As I said to the one responsible for such a jump, I was ready to do my joy dance to Shekhina, the mother of all things.

So, as of this writing, we are 24% into our campaign, with 6,179 in the treasure box and ready to push for MORE!


One direct result of this sudden jump up, is that we’re ready to allocate resources. And I explain. Before yesterday, with little over 5,000 in funds, we were thinking where would those funds be more useful, barring a trip to Bahamas, of course, but we were thinking in general terms, nothing specific, but now we can actually allocate funds to definitive tasks. We divided the current funds into thirds. One third will go to the crew and equipment, another third will go to the cast and costumes and the last third to production costs such as props, location expenses, catering, transportation and so on.

By allocating the funds this way we know what we can pay right away and how much more we still need to raise, borrow, steal, to manage the entire production. We will match those funds, of course, we have to do it, but we prefer to have ALL the funds we need to cover those expenses.

Like I said, the production of Seditiosa is now ongoing. I will have some details of what is happening with the production during this week. In the meantime… Let’s take this project up another notch!


Crucified Life: I have previously bought the download and DVD. I will do my best to make one last push via a contribution in the future when I am slightly more able financially speaking to spare some $$$, but before the contributions close.

That’s the spirit! I don’t know how many people are really active in any of the forums I participate in and where our target audience seems to congregate. It seems to me that there aren’t that many, in other words, we have a small audience, but maybe not that small, maybe there are enough people willing to contribute to the cause and the easiest way is putting in 25 bucks and in exchange the contributor will be in the short list of the lucky ones that will see the movie before the rest of the world does.


When producers decide to make a particular movie the first question that comes to their board meetings is Who is your audience?, that question is put forth to the scriptwriters who are presenting the project to the money people… Who is your audience?

Our scriptwriter would say… ‘crux lovers‘ and the next question would be How Many Are They, how many millions and where are they?

At the end of the meeting, our scriptwriter would be taking the elevator with an empty wallet, his script wet with the cold sweat flowing from his hands holding it. The numbers in our target audience do not register well and why is that?

How can we increase the numbers in our target audience. That’s the question we need to answer.


wanttoknowmore: I am getting a bit concerned regarding timing. If I recall correctly, the 69 movie was supposed to be done filming by now, and the Double Cross movie was supposed to be released last week. Both did not meet. Given that Seditiosa is going to have a lot of outdoor sites, is it on schedule to film this summer? Is the August 2023 release date on schedule?

Each production has its own progress, 69 Année Érotique is a combination of two original scripts Jac wrote. One of them was titled Jaula, and it was loosely based in Jekyll and Hyde. During that time, Amy was writing Barbazul. The plan was to produce Barbazul and right after Jaula. Both of those films had Amy and Mila in the leading roles. It was the first time Mila was going to be in a movie.

Jaula was shelved because we got an offer with some nice cash to produce an inquisition film with a certain prop. We accepted and in November of 2010 we began producing Maleficarum, we stopped for a bit to go to a far away location to shoot Barbazul. Four weeks later we returned to continue shooting Maleficarum. We had issues with the weather sometimes and we only had Sundays early morning for the scenes in the colonial street, so we had to postpone shooting a few time times. Maleficarum was completed by the end of February. We immediately jumped into Le Marquis de la Croix because we could. By March of 2011 we had THREE big productions in the can.

7 months later we released Maleficarum online, in October 2011. Barbazul was released in October 2012 and Le Marquis was also released in October 2012.


Something similar happened in 2015. Jac wrote two scripts, Pygmalion and Justine and having released Olalla that year, the moment to jump into production was there.

Pygmalion was produced in August 2015, it was directed by Amy, while Justine was shot between the end of November and the beginning of December of 2015 and it was directed by Jac.

Amy left for the US at the end of December, the night after they shot her last scenes in Justine. In June of 2016 Jac had to go to the jungles of Bolivia for three months to shoot the Jaguars project for NatGeo and still, Justine was released in October of 2016. Pygmalion will be released in March of next year.

Maleficarum and Justine were the priority back then, like Seditiosa is now.


69 Année Érotique is an intricate film like Pygmalion, it has a complex story, it is a film within a film, there are physical and psychological changes in characters played by the protagonists, specially Jac, who has to look very different in his three impersonations.

Because of its labyrinthine structure the script goes through adjustments, revisions, changes with frequency. Even now, after it was apparently all set,.. more changes, additions, eliminations are forthcoming. Although it was planned to be produced sometime between September and October of this year, things got in the way, other and more demanding work, like the pitch and tests for Seditiosa, some slow moving post production work on the other films and issues like that..


There’s a trip to New York for the middle of November, so I don’t think if we’ll start production of 69 Année Érotique before that. We will, however, shoot it during the first three weeks of December, if all goes well with everything.

By the middle of December we will know how much money we have for Seditiosa, and we’ll begin production in January for four weeks. August still looks good for its release.

If, by any chance, 69 can’t be produced in December, as planned, it will get postponed until we’re done with Seditiosa, but the most likely scenario is that we’ll shoot 69 for three weeks and right after that we’ll go into production with Seditiosa.

As I finish this post, news come to me that we have a few of hundred more in our treasury box for a total of 6,229. Let’s go people, 10,000 this week!


Let’s get to the 10,000 mark by the end of next week!

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

Download our films


Get our DVDs by mail


I found something awesome you guys should see. I found the Christmas card I received from Pachamama Films the same year Justine was being produced. I was an Associate Producer level backer for Justine which was achieved by spending $1000+ on the Indie Gogo campaign. Too bad I don't have that kind of money now for Seditiosa! Even so, I chipped in with a pre-buy of the download, even though the economy is tough on me personally. I hope you guys enjoy seeing this awesome find from my past. It shows Margot, Jac, and the rest of the gang care about their supporters.

@Margot I wonder if you remember sending this back then. Having it signed by most of the cast and crew was awesome.

I found something awesome you guys should see. I found the Christmas card I received from Pachamama Films the same year Justine was being produced. I was an Associate Producer level backer for Justine which was achieved by spending $1000+ on the Indie Gogo campaign. Too bad I don't have that kind of money now for Seditiosa! Even so, I chipped in with a pre-buy of the download, even though the economy is tough on me personally. I hope you guys enjoy seeing this awesome find from my past. It shows Margot, Jac, and the rest of the gang care about their supporters.

@Margot I wonder if you remember sending this back then. Having it signed by most of the cast and crew was awesome.
This gives me hope!!!

I found something awesome you guys should see. I found the Christmas card I received from Pachamama Films the same year Justine was being produced. I was an Associate Producer level backer for Justine which was achieved by spending $1000+ on the Indie Gogo campaign. Too bad I don't have that kind of money now for Seditiosa! Even so, I chipped in with a pre-buy of the download, even though the economy is tough on me personally. I hope you guys enjoy seeing this awesome find from my past. It shows Margot, Jac, and the rest of the gang care about their supporters.

@Margot I wonder if you remember sending this back then. Having it signed by most of the cast and crew was awesome.

That's Amy's handwriting. I remember the cast and crew got together after the film was almost completed, when Amy was leaving for the US, and made those cards for our supporters, everyone signed. It was very nice. If I'm not mistaken Amy sent them from the US.
That's Amy's handwriting. I remember the cast and crew got together after the film was almost completed, when Amy was leaving for the US, and made those cards for our supporters, everyone signed. It was very nice. If I'm not mistaken Amy sent them from the US.
@Margot Thanks for response! You guys are so awesome to your supporters! I can't believe I still had this lying around. Will keep it as a keepsake from Amy and you guys! I hope you guys will do something similar after the production of Seditiosa for your supporters.
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All Quiet In The Naughty Front


We are ending the first week of November and I can’t say that it’s been an exciting week. Things might pick up before the week is over, in the meantime the work goes on.

Jac lost a few days because his computer needed the attention of professionals in the field of Mac Book misbehavior. So, he walked one morning, carrying his computer on a backpack he bought in Switzerland, it’s a beauty, to the Mac specialists, a 30 minute walk from his house. The specialist told him that he will have to upload the system all over again because something went fatally wrong. It meant taking all of the files out, time consuming, 500 GB worth of stuff, put the system back, put all the applications in, and upload the files all over again.

The specialist said he would have it ready by the evening or by next day, Saturday, in the morning. Jac walked back home. Good thing he has another computer, he could do some work with the scripts.


Next day, in the morning, he walked back to the place, it was closed. “I’ll be back in the afternoon” he thought to himself. He walked back home, to feed his cats, walk the dog, feed him… it was noon already and he had lunch with Erix, who was leaving for NY that night. After lunch, early afternoon, he returned to pick up his computer. The place was closed. Bitching, he walked back home where Rocky was waiting eager to have an afternoon walk. So… Jac continued walking until tea time, knowing full well that in the evening Rocky had to have his walk… again… which he did. Lots of walking.

On Monday morning he went back to the Mac place hoping to get his computer back, the joint was not officially open, but there were people there, so he barged in. He demanded to know about this computer. A gentleman, not the specialist Jac was dealing with, told him that there were some issues and it should be done in maybe 20 min, but it’s better if he returns in the afternoon, which he did, it wasn’t ready. So the gentleman told him he could deliver the computer instead of having him wait. Jac walked back home, walked the dog and waited, and waited and waited some more for the delivery that he thought would never arrive, but just before he was ready to walk the dog again, the specialist arrived in his motorcycle with the computer. While he waited he did some more work on the other computer.


We have a nice video at Patreon:

Simonne Second Test for Monxa Mala.

When we had the casting call for Monxa Mala and 69, one person stood out, Simonne. We already had the main cast, headed by Bea, Mila and the new comer Dani. All three had done extensive work under duress. For Dani it was going to be the very first film with us, but she went through a good number of tests prior to the casting call.

When Simonne first stood in front of the camera, she was looking for a role in 69 Année Érotique, but soon after her first tests, Jac felt that she would be great in Monxa Mala, in a good role, for circumstances too long to elaborate, she ended up in the leading character in the story.

Before shooting the film, Simonne was subjected to a number of tests, first alone, and later with Mila and Bea, in each case she was demonstrating her thespian talents as well as her capacity to endure harsh treatment.

The video at the VIP Patron section of our Patreon site is her second test, where she’s on The Wheel.


Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

There will be more videos, lots more, including some early videos of Camille.

After a long time, in relative terms, Jac began to work with his suffering damsels in total distress for the Seditiosa story. Jac was taken over one by his muses and began writing one scene of the three crucified women talking to each other as they are raised up the stipes, having her feet nailed and made to ‘sit’ on their terribly looking cornus, after they were nailed to their patibulums, of course.

For reasons that I’m not in liberty to discuss, the dialogue tests are produced in separate days, one day for each of the Crucified Three.

Thursday night was Simonne’s turn. She has the most dialogue lines in the partial scene. She did a superb job.


The idea came about because Jac could not get confirmation for the transport to the locations he wants to check out. Apparently there are some nasty goings in the country, road blockades, which impeeds the movement of cars, buses and so on in most of the country and the people with the transport fear to be stuck someplace for hours, or maybe days.

So, in lieu of not having transportation to the locations, Jac decided to work a little of the dialogues he was working on.

As he walked his dog Wednesday night, it suddenly came to him, the whole situation, the lines and he liked it, so when he got home and after feeding Rocky and the cats he wrote down those lines along with the intense scene description.

Then he contacted them all to arrange for them to join him for an afternoon and evening of crucifixions galore.

Not all three could make it on Thursday afternoon; but Simonne could in the evening, and she did.


Dani, on the other hand, had time Friday afternoon, and Mila was home sick and she might be able to do it Saturday.

It must be noted that this test of dialogues is not intended to look like a full production set up. Just the lights, the ladies without much clothing, the camera … and that’s it. No effects, no blood, no action of torture, no other participants. Just the three, one at a time, on the same spot, suffering and saying their lines to see how the dialogues work under those conditions.

Jac will edit a video of it when he’s done this weekend.

If the transportation blockades are over next week, they will venture to the locations.

The next time they will be able to do something like that will be after Jac returns from his planned trip to NY soon.


We have 32 days left to raise those 25,000. That’s half the time we had and we have 25% of the funds in the treasury box. That’s 6,254 dollars. Not bad. I was hoping to get to the 10,000 mark soon, so, surprise me!


Let’s get to the 10,000 mark!

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

Download our films


Get our DVDs by mail

Thursday night was Simonne’s turn. She has the most dialogue lines in the partial scene. She did a superb job.

Simonne is truly special. We are so fortunate as a community that these three beautiful women are willing to put their bodies on the line for our enjoyment.

Folks this movie is happening. To save a significant amount of money downloading the film, preorder it now on Indiegogo! And let me know so I can match you!
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All Quiet In The Naughty Front


We are ending the first week of November and I can’t say that it’s been an exciting week. Things might pick up before the week is over, in the meantime the work goes on.

Jac lost a few days because his computer needed the attention of professionals in the field of Mac Book misbehavior. So, he walked one morning, carrying his computer on a backpack he bought in Switzerland, it’s a beauty, to the Mac specialists, a 30 minute walk from his house. The specialist told him that he will have to upload the system all over again because something went fatally wrong. It meant taking all of the files out, time consuming, 500 GB worth of stuff, put the system back, put all the applications in, and upload the files all over again.

The specialist said he would have it ready by the evening or by next day, Saturday, in the morning. Jac walked back home. Good thing he has another computer, he could do some work with the scripts.


Next day, in the morning, he walked back to the place, it was closed. “I’ll be back in the afternoon” he thought to himself. He walked back home, to feed his cats, walk the dog, feed him… it was noon already and he had lunch with Erix, who was leaving for NY that night. After lunch, early afternoon, he returned to pick up his computer. The place was closed. Bitching, he walked back home where Rocky was waiting eager to have an afternoon walk. So… Jac continued walking until tea time, knowing full well that in the evening Rocky had to have his walk… again… which he did. Lots of walking.

On Monday morning he went back to the Mac place hoping to get his computer back, the joint was not officially open, but there were people there, so he barged in. He demanded to know about this computer. A gentleman, not the specialist Jac was dealing with, told him that there were some issues and it should be done in maybe 20 min, but it’s better if he returns in the afternoon, which he did, it wasn’t ready. So the gentleman told him he could deliver the computer instead of having him wait. Jac walked back home, walked the dog and waited, and waited and waited some more for the delivery that he thought would never arrive, but just before he was ready to walk the dog again, the specialist arrived in his motorcycle with the computer. While he waited he did some more work on the other computer.


We have a nice video at Patreon:

Simonne Second Test for Monxa Mala.

When we had the casting call for Monxa Mala and 69, one person stood out, Simonne. We already had the main cast, headed by Bea, Mila and the new comer Dani. All three had done extensive work under duress. For Dani it was going to be the very first film with us, but she went through a good number of tests prior to the casting call.

When Simonne first stood in front of the camera, she was looking for a role in 69 Année Érotique, but soon after her first tests, Jac felt that she would be great in Monxa Mala, in a good role, for circumstances too long to elaborate, she ended up in the leading character in the story.

Before shooting the film, Simonne was subjected to a number of tests, first alone, and later with Mila and Bea, in each case she was demonstrating her thespian talents as well as her capacity to endure harsh treatment.

The video at the VIP Patron section of our Patreon site is her second test, where she’s on The Wheel.


Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

There will be more videos, lots more, including some early videos of Camille.

After a long time, in relative terms, Jac began to work with his suffering damsels in total distress for the Seditiosa story. Jac was taken over one by his muses and began writing one scene of the three crucified women talking to each other as they are raised up the stipes, having her feet nailed and made to ‘sit’ on their terribly looking cornus, after they were nailed to their patibulums, of course.

For reasons that I’m not in liberty to discuss, the dialogue tests are produced in separate days, one day for each of the Crucified Three.

Thursday night was Simonne’s turn. She has the most dialogue lines in the partial scene. She did a superb job.


The idea came about because Jac could not get confirmation for the transport to the locations he wants to check out. Apparently there are some nasty goings in the country, road blockades, which impeeds the movement of cars, buses and so on in most of the country and the people with the transport fear to be stuck someplace for hours, or maybe days.

So, in lieu of not having transportation to the locations, Jac decided to work a little of the dialogues he was working on.

As he walked his dog Wednesday night, it suddenly came to him, the whole situation, the lines and he liked it, so when he got home and after feeding Rocky and the cats he wrote down those lines along with the intense scene description.

Then he contacted them all to arrange for them to join him for an afternoon and evening of crucifixions galore.

Not all three could make it on Thursday afternoon; but Simonne could in the evening, and she did.


Dani, on the other hand, had time Friday afternoon, and Mila was home sick and she might be able to do it Saturday.

It must be noted that this test of dialogues is not intended to look like a full production set up. Just the lights, the ladies without much clothing, the camera … and that’s it. No effects, no blood, no action of torture, no other participants. Just the three, one at a time, on the same spot, suffering and saying their lines to see how the dialogues work under those conditions.

Jac will edit a video of it when he’s done this weekend.

If the transportation blockades are over next week, they will venture to the locations.

The next time they will be able to do something like that will be after Jac returns from his planned trip to NY soon.


We have 32 days left to raise those 25,000. That’s half the time we had and we have 25% of the funds in the treasury box. That’s 6,254 dollars. Not bad. I was hoping to get to the 10,000 mark soon, so, surprise me!


Let’s get to the 10,000 mark!

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

Download our films


Get our DVDs by mail

Great to know that there will be dialogue from the crucifird ladies, not just them hanging there. Will there also be interface between them and the crowd?
Great to know that there will be dialogue from the crucifird ladies, not just them hanging there. Will there also be interface between them and the crowd?
I like the way you are thinking about this...similar to my considerations about how the crucifixion will be...
I like the way you are thinking about this...similar to my considerations about how the crucifixion will be...
Great to know that there will be dialogue from the crucifird ladies, not just them hanging there. Will there also be interface between them and the crowd?
Yes, there will be exchanges between the Crucified Three and the crowds, soldiers, disciples, and between them all the time.
Who's going to die first. Yahel?
Well, Jesus did die first then the Thieves...but then there is such a thing as artistic license, so it's anyone's guess I say.
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Slowly We Climb…


From $6,254 Saturday morning, before my previous post, we climbed painful step by painful and anxious step all the way to 6,561. We’re at 26% of our goal. I was truly hoping to see the magic number 7 by Monday and when I turned the computer in the morning we were still at the same spot.

I’m hoping we can raise a few hundred more to have 7,000 and soon, can we?

It only takes one contribution of 450 or two of 250, three of 150, 10 of 50 or simply 20 of you get a download for 25. Or any combination of those. We jumped to over 6,500 because of one contribution of 200, 2 of 25, one of 40 and one of 42… that simple.


Jac is advancing with the Seditiosa script, amongst all the other things he’s doing, like the video test of the dialogues of the Crucified Three up on their crosses. He has Simonne’s part ready as well as Dani’s. Mila was with a cold and could not do it last week. She assured Jac she’ll be on the set on Monday to be stripped of her clothing and nailed to her cross. She has her lines already in her head.


Jac’s mind took a dive into the story of Seditiosa. He was inspired to write the lines in the video and what Yahel says at one point had him thinking. Why does she say all that? Where does it come from? All those lines, and all the pearls of wisdom that come our of Yahel’s mouth, mind and heart, must have a solid bedrock.

Yahel has a very defined view of the divine which is pretty much what brings about all the horrific tribulations the Crucified Three go through.


Yahel teaches about Shekhina, who she also refers to as El Shaddai: Mother Goddess.

El Shaddai has traditionally come to be translated as “God Almighty,” and literally implies “God of the mountain.” Yet, in Hebrew “shad” means “breast” and “ai” is a feminine ending; thus, El Shaddai may also be translated as “The Breasted One” and implies Goddess the Mother from which all that lives sucks and is nourished. In other words, Mother Earth, or as she is known in some parts, Pachamama. Yes, that’s where Pachamama Films comes from.

Yahel sees herself as the child in the image of the Mother nursing her Daughter and nursing herself in her and all beings; she sees Shekhina, the mother, as the true Malkut (Kingdom, or more truly Kin’dom), not the pieces of lands people fight for.

For Jac, the point is how to bring that concept into the story and make it compelling and not preachy.


When Yahel is facing her torturers, she’s already nailed to the cross and about to be raised, she screams at them

Shekhina will swallow this body, but the Truth you see in my eyes will never die!

When she’s up on her cross, her feet nailed, she will talk to both, Shekhina and all the people who are watching her suffering.

Devour my body, drink my blood, turn my bones to ashes… It’s finished!


Some in the crowd take her words literally. Yahel’s disciples are close to the crosses at this point, watching the Crucified Three slowly and painfully die, one of the disciples is entranced by the blood coming down Yahel’s body. A drop falls on her face, she doesn’t wipe it off, she rubs it with her fingers, looks at it, it is not enough, she touches Yahel’s bloody legs, gets more blood on her fingers and then she puts the bloody fingers in her mouth to suck the blood off looking at Yahel and saying:

“You are in me now, … you are me, and I’m you“​

The task at hand is to tie all the elements in the story together, the healing, the preaching, the reactions to the message, and the ultimate ending at the cross.


Jimbob: She’s amazing. (Simonne) How did she find out about Monxa Mala?

We had a casting call for two films, 69, with a different title, and Monxa Mala. The casting took place at the Cinemateca, a good number of people showed up. We showed a film first, Olalla, for people to see the kind of film we would be making. Jac gave a talk about acting and there was a Q ad A after which people lined up to fill out applications, have pictures taken and things like that. Four of the women that appear in Monxa Mala, other than Mila and Dani, came from that casting call. They were put to ‘the test’ of torture, nudity and things like that. Simonne stood out, really. Not only because she’s so beautiful and talented, but because she was so daring by taking the role she took. She’s worthy of high praise and more intense roles in the future.


wanttoknowmore: Nice pictures. Loincloth is perfect. Need to do something about the hair covering her chest in the final product. Wish this would have ben addressed a bit in this post, especially if it is going out to a few public sites. If I were seeing this and not already committed, I would be considering waiting to buy the thing after it is out to make sure she is “visible”. When do Patreon members get to see/hear the “dialogue” short films? What happen to the release of the Double Cross film? Was supposed to be out last week?
Thank you. Yes, the pictures came out nicely. The loincloth will be smaller, more raggedy and bloodied, there will be an opening in the back side, in the middle, where a lash will break through. Details like the hair, make up, eye lashes, nail polish and so on, are going to be part of the work. We will be addressing those concerns. The clip with the dialogues will be ready sometime during this week. Mila did not do her part yet, she was with a bad cold and she’s coming out of it now. She said she was ‘afónica’, (aphonic), and could not speak clearly. She got better, she’ll do it now.

The release of Double Cross is coming soon, there were a few days lost because of computer problems. It will be released this month for sure.


LadyKiller: Who’s going to die first. Yahel?

I don’t know. I know that at one point Magdalena asks her torturers if her sister is death. She doesn’t want to die before her. When Yahel feels that the end is approaching, she tells her companions in pain,

It won’t be long now, this suffering will end.​

Perhaps we won’t know, except that we will see Yahel yell out,

“It’s finished”

We’re dying to find out! Aren’t you?!

Helps us get there if you really want to see what happens!

Let’s get to the 10,000 mark!

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them

Download our films


Get our DVDs by mail


Perhaps we won’t know, except that we will see Yahel yell out,

“It’s finished”

We’re dying to find out! Aren’t you?!
My anticipation is piqued, Margot! These are gorgeous pictures. With all the attention I was paying to Simonne/Yahel, seeing Dani/Judith on her cross is a delightful shock to the system!

I was going to buy a coffee today, but I've decided to stay home from Starbucks and give the money to the project! Will anyone else join me? Remember that I will match your contributions.
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