Hanging by the outstretched arms is really arousing. Everything described here in this forum will happen: getting cramps soon in the arms and afterwards in the legs, too, if the toes show downwards, therefore always changing position, I imagine the excruciating pain with nails in wrists and feet. Even I felt the sensation when the shoulders begin to dislocate. I was covered with sweat even in a cold room. Dr. Barbet was correct: Also the breast muscles will cramp and the solarplexus will sink in, with resulting difficulties in breathing, especially exhaling, when hanging like "Y", not like "T" (Dr. Zugibe's experiment). For best result the legs should be flexed and the feet fixed at the side of the stipes or at an X-cross, so you are always using only your muscles without taking your leg bones to hold your weight. What a pity, at last always my arms get numb, and this is not a great feeling, will the blood circulation be interrupted? Have you also this impression? I wonder whether the old Romans had prevented such numb arms, otherwise the pain in the nailed wrists would get weaker after some time, I think...