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Odds And Ends And Anything You Fancy

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An intriguing scenario by the imaginative Deviant Artist Esday:


Is it his fantasy? Her fantasy?
Or have they really crucified that girl (looks like me ;) )
and they're mocking her?
An intriguing scenario by the imaginative Deviant Artist Esday:

Is it his fantasy? Her fantasy?
Or have they really crucified that girl (looks like me ;) )
and they're mocking her?

At some posh English country houses the guests amuse themselves by sipping tea and playing croquet on the lawn. At Cruxton Abbey things are a bit different. As a special amusement, lots are drawn and the loser gets to hang naked on a cross while everyone else makes polite conversation. On this day, Eul drew the short straw. Everyone agreed afterwards that it was a grand time, and that Eul's dance was really quite entertaining. Plans were made to do it again on the following weekend.
At some posh English country houses the guests amuse themselves by sipping tea and playing croquet on the lawn. At Cruxton Abbey things are a bit different. As a special amusement, lots are drawn and the loser gets to hang naked on a cross while everyone else makes polite conversation. On this day, Eul drew the short straw. Everyone agreed afterwards that it was a grand time, and that Eul's dance was really quite entertaining. Plans were made to do it again on the following weekend.
Even in England's green and pleasant countryside, playing cricket all the time gets boring at a certain moment. Time for another excitement.:firedevil:
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality

Sorry, just a random association!
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Bismillah! No, we will not let you go. (Let him her go!)
Bismillah! We will not let you go. (Let him her go!)
Bismillah! We will not let you go. (Let me go!)
Will not let you go. (Let me go!)
Never let you go (Never, never, never, never let me go)
Oh oh oh oh
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Oh, mama mia, mama mia (Mama mia, let me go.)
Kind of an Arabic contraction for "b'ism Allah" - "in the name of God." I thought that a very strange thing to hear in a rock song back when I first saw the lyrics written down.
Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar & went to school in Mumbai (Bombay), he didn't move to England until he was in his teens. Although his family were Parsis (Zoroastrians), he would have certainly been familiar with the phrase.

And now - because it's stuck in my head - I want to stick it in yours.:rocker:
Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar & went to school in Mumbai (Bombay), he didn't move to England until he was in his teens. Although his family were Parsis (Zoroastrians), he would have certainly been familiar with the phrase.

I knew he was from that part of the world but I'd never looked it up to see just where he came from. I've known a good many Parsis whom I worked with in the Middle East. I never hear or read the word "parsi" or "parsee", as Rudyard Kipling spelled it, without remembering the lines from his story How the Rhinoceros got his Skin: "Them that takes cakes that the parsee-man bakes makes dreadful mistakes!"
This lady is called Hayley Moss and she is a busker in the city of Norwich, UK.

Amazing :)

Bit of a treat today!

Had a day off work today. (Good thing :) )

Mrs Wragg dragged me off to Cambridge for some shopping. (Not quite such a good thing :( )

Got into Sidney Street, heard an angel singing, and there was Hayley! (And that was an excellent thing! :) :) )
Is this the bondage equivalent of planking?

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