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Passion of a Goddess Thread

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OK, so I took the bait and "rented" (also screen captured for future perusal) Asian Passion Play.

The pros:
1-model has a beautiful body
2-flagellist does a good job
3-nailing scene is ok (not great), and close-up of nailed feet is very good (see below)

The cons:
1-model can't act. In fact, her next acting job may be as a woman who gets bored while being tortured.
2- model "walks" while carrying cross by moving her feet back and forth in the same place. Unintentionally funny.
3-raising of cross. The flagellist/nailer lifts the head of the cross with the model on it a distance of two feet from the floor. Then stops. Later, cross magically appears upright.
4-loincloth simply disappears. No one removes it; we don't see it drop. It's just suddenly gone.
5-no open crotch shots of model. Not even close. She's very tight-legged.

6-model repeats, "Mother, forgive them for they... (you know the rest)" about a zillion times. Why? Again, unintentionally funny.
7-near the end there is an overhead shot that looks ok in the outtakes, but which Ramon overexposes in the finished video so that all we see is an upturned face against a white background. Maybe he did this because he didn't want us to see how the cross was held upright, i.e., by a bunch of boxes on the floor (as seen in the outtake). He should have covered the boxes somehow (maybe with that loincloth!).
8-at the end, the model rests on her cross on the floor. Why? If she were playing dead, I could see it. But she's still breathing, still looking bored. . . .

I would not recommend renting this. In fact, of all the works of Ramon that I've seen, the only one truly worthy of praise is the Roman Crucifixion from many years ago. His more recent Roman Movie (which I also rented) is ok because the model can act and he filmed it outside. The rest of Ramon's stuff is so poorly directed I won't be wasting any more rental fees on him.

Here's a screen capture of the aforementioned nailed feet (pro #3 above).

View attachment 1277888

Thanks for the critique on this. I still get giggles over the idea that this guy thinks he's doing all this for 'art'.
Fortunately there are hundreds of artists from all over the world who don't think like you. I'm not sure you know how to correctly define what "art" is.
The meaning of "art" according Wikipedia:
I agree that most of Ramon's productions show a lack of resources that cannot be compared to Hollywood. But I think that in the movies Roman movie and The passion of the Christa, Ramon has shown to have a capacity that no other has shown in this thing of female Jesus crucifixion so far.
OK, so I took the bait and "rented" (also screen captured for future perusal) Asian Passion Play.

The pros:
1-model has a beautiful body
2-flagellist does a good job
3-nailing scene is ok (not great), and close-up of nailed feet is very good (see below)

The cons:
1-model can't act. In fact, her next acting job may be as a woman who gets bored while being tortured.
2- model "walks" while carrying cross by moving her feet back and forth in the same place. Unintentionally funny.
3-raising of cross. The flagellist/nailer lifts the head of the cross with the model on it a distance of two feet from the floor. Then stops. Later, cross magically appears upright.
4-loincloth simply disappears. No one removes it; we don't see it drop. It's just suddenly gone.
5-no open crotch shots of model. Not even close. She's very tight-legged.

6-model repeats, "Mother, forgive them for they... (you know the rest)" about a zillion times. Why? Again, unintentionally funny.
7-near the end there is an overhead shot that looks ok in the outtakes, but which Ramon overexposes in the finished video so that all we see is an upturned face against a white background. Maybe he did this because he didn't want us to see how the cross was held upright, i.e., by a bunch of boxes on the floor (as seen in the outtake). He should have covered the boxes somehow (maybe with that loincloth!).
8-at the end, the model rests on her cross on the floor. Why? If she were playing dead, I could see it. But she's still breathing, still looking bored. . . .

I would not recommend renting this. In fact, of all the works of Ramon that I've seen, the only one truly worthy of praise is the Roman Crucifixion from many years ago. His more recent Roman Movie (which I also rented) is ok because the model can act and he filmed it outside. The rest of Ramon's stuff is so poorly directed I won't be wasting any more rental fees on him.

Here's a screen capture of the aforementioned nailed feet (pro #3 above).

View attachment 1277888
I love your critique of Ramon Marinez's Asian Passion Play. It was spot on.
If people don’t want to watch 3D crux films, that’s fine.

What I don’t like is seeing this perpetual stream of negativity directed at an artist. Crux art, live action or not, is extremely rare. If this forum is to survive and thrive, it would do well to become a more encouraging space for original art.
If people don’t want to watch 3D crux films, that’s fine.

What I don’t like is seeing this perpetual stream of negativity directed at an artist. Crux art, live action or not, is extremely rare. If this forum is to survive and thrive, it would do well to become a more encouraging space for original art.
If people don’t want to watch 3D crux films, that’s fine.

What I don’t like is seeing this perpetual stream of negativity directed at an artist. Crux art, live action or not, is extremely rare. If this forum is to survive and thrive, it would do well to become a more encouraging space for original art.
I agree. If Ramon does not have the resources to make very expensive productions, it is always appreciated that new gorgeous models can still be seen on a cross. Ramón gets some beautiful images. I don't quite understand why these harsh criticisms against Ramón when they are not made with other artists.
I agree. If Ramon does not have the resources to make very expensive productions, it is always appreciated that new gorgeous models can still be seen on a cross. Ramón gets some beautiful images. I don't quite understand why these harsh criticisms against Ramón when they are not made with other artists.
I think we have the right to offer reviews of people's creative work here, much the same as reviewing a mainstream film. There are differences between a review and what you call "harsh criticism." Note, please, that I have three points praising Ramon's efforts. And my negative points are very specific. I don't just say "I hate his work" anymore than I'd say "I love his work." I've taken the time to think through what Ramon ( and other artists such as Alex Bald) do. The result is what's called constructive criticism. How the artist chooses to respond is entirely up to him.

BTW, I've been doing this for over 50 years, in the field of writing. I understand that artists and writers only use about 20% of the feedback that they get, and that's a good thing. I also understand that fans of those artists may feel offended by what they feel is harsh criticism. That's only human. So I understand your feelings. But I'd ask you to try to differentiate between affective response ("That sucks, man!) and a more thoughtful, specific, and fair assessment.
I think we have the right to offer reviews of people's creative work here, much the same as reviewing a mainstream film. There are differences between a review and what you call "harsh criticism." Note, please, that I have three points praising Ramon's efforts. And my negative points are very specific. I don't just say "I hate his work" anymore than I'd say "I love his work." I've taken the time to think through what Ramon ( and other artists such as Alex Bald) do. The result is what's called constructive criticism. How the artist chooses to respond is entirely up to him. BTW, I've been doing this for over 50 years, in the field of writing. I understand that artists and writers only use about 20% of the feedback that they get, and that's a good thing. I also understand that fans of those artists may feel offended by what they feel is harsh criticism. That's only human. So I understand your feelings. But I'd ask you to try to differentiate between affective response ("That sucks, man!) and a more thoughtful, specific, and fair assessment.
I think we have the right to offer reviews of people's creative work here, much the same as reviewing a mainstream film. There are differences between a review and what you call "harsh criticism." Note, please, that I have three points praising Ramon's efforts. And my negative points are very specific. I don't just say "I hate his work" anymore than I'd say "I love his work." I've taken the time to think through what Ramon ( and other artists such as Alex Bald) do. The result is what's called constructive criticism. How the artist chooses to respond is entirely up to him. BTW, I've been doing this for over 50 years, in the field of writing. I understand that artists and writers only use about 20% of the feedback that they get, and that's a good thing. I also understand that fans of those artists may feel offended by what they feel is harsh criticism. That's only human. So I understand your feelings. But I'd ask you to try to differentiate between affective response ("That sucks, man!) and a more thoughtful, specific, and fair assessment.
Does anyone know where to get these for free like an archive or drive or something?
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