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Put to Death: A Modern Crucifixion Story

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Unnecessary Warning: This series contains graphic descriptions of extreme pysical and pyschological torture, along with themes of restraint, helplessness, public humiliation, bodily violation and human mortality. If you are likely to be offended by anything listed above, please turn back now. Otherwise...enjoy ;)

Part One
When the governement first announced it would be reintroducing crucifixion, I didn't take them seriously. Nobody did. It was just another empty promise from a dying party, a futile attempt to claw back some public support in the face of civil unrest. When the first executions began to take place, grisly public spectacles that attracted huge crowds of onlookers, I still didn't pay much attention. Crucifixion was just too far outside my reality; a distant horror that could only affect other people, never me.

Even now, arms tied to a heavy wooden crossbeam, bare feet raw from the long march, body stripped of clothing and aching all over, I still can't quite believe it. I try to remember how I ended up here, trapped amidst this grim procession, but my mind refuses to acknowledge anything that happened before today.

Even this morning's events are a blur: I woke in a dank, stinking cell, sore all over, my hands cuffed together. I remained there until a pair of guards dragged me into an interrogation room, where a man in a cheap suit informed me that all of my assets had been liquidated. I was then made to strip, since my clothes were now property of the state, although I was permitted to keep my boxers. Or continue wearing them, at least. The man made it quite clear that they were now on "temporary loan." Emphasis on the word temporary. Cold and disoriented, I was dragged outside, where a crossbeam was tied to my arms, and then, with a dozen or so other prisoners, I was led into the streets.

No part of the gruelling march that followed made the experience seem any less surreal. The guards drove us through the city on a lengthy route to the local park, the streets lined with surprised pedestrians, hassled-looking commuters and jeering onlookers. The whole time I was expecting soneone to come running after us, some flustered legal assistant with news of a mix-up, that this had all been a big mistake.

But no such news arrived.

And now, almost half an hour later, my ragtag group is finally nearing its destination.

I glance up as we pass through the gates of the local park. On any other day I would be happy to be here; with its rolling hills and tall trees, the park is a popular destination for a reason. But today I feel only dread as we are marched along its meandering path, the coarse gravel heaping yet more pain on my bare feet.

Our journey continues, past benches and trees, until we come to a raised area where a number of crosses have been erected. A handful of men are already hanging here, and I feel sure that we will stop, but no, we are told to kept moving. I glance up at the men as we pass by: they are still alive, but only just. One is sobbing, another weakly calls for water. The guards pay them no attention.

Eventually we come to a wide clearing, already packed with hundreds of people. A great cheer goes up as we arrive, mingled with applause and scattered booing. There are murmurs of apprehension from my fellow cross-bearers, and I exhange nervous glances with a few of then. Our captors, however, are unphased. They lead us deep into the heart of the crowd, to an area where the path is lined on both sides by sturdy, upright posts.

One post for each of us, I grimly observe.

And so it begins. There is no announcement, no ceremony. The guards simply grab the first guy in the line, drag him away from us, and start work. The crowd is so dense that it's impossible to see exactly what happens next, but the man's screams are graphic enough to paint a picture on their own. Not long after, his writhing body is hoisted back into view and raised into position on one of the uprights. Then his feet are nailed too. He's no longer screaming, although it's clear from his face that he wants to. All he can manage is to turn his head left and right, then back again, eyes moving between his wounds as though in disbelief at what he sees.

Finished with their first victim, the guards claim another, and another one soon after that. The next one tries to run, but the heavy crossbeam prevents him from getting far. He goes down easily, and the guards give him a few kicks between the legs for good measure before dragging him out of sight.

I'm now just two spots from the front of the queue. Up next is a olive-skinned guy with an impressive body and plenty of tattoos. His complexion and features suggest a middle-eastern descent; the exotic lettering inked onto his muscular torso all but confirms it. He's quite clearly trying to psyche himself up: shouting at the crowd, kicking at the dirt, making aggressive little movements towards the guards. The man is still making noise when they drag him away.

And this time, im close enough for an unobstructed view of what happens next.

First, the ropes are removed from around his arms, freeing him from the weight of the heavy crossbeam. It drops to the ground with such force that I feel the earth vibrate beneath my feet. Next, The man is ordered to strip, which he does. Perhaps too eagerly. But he's clearly worked hard for his body and has no reservations about putting it on display. He casually throws his boxers aside and stands proudly, arms spread wide, daring the crowd to jeer his nakedness. Even as the guards pull him off balance, his masculine posturing remains in full effect.

"Fuck you!" he shouts defiantly as he is thrown against the wood. "I'll fuck you up!"

The guards pin him down, pulling his arms straight and holding them against the crossbeam. I see the glint of metal against his skin, watch the hammer rise, then fall...

Beneath the metallic clang, I can almost hear a loud pop as the man's protective bubble of over-confidence bursts. His eyes widen, but more from surprise than pain. He even manages to resist crying out when the hammer falls for a second time. But when the third blow lands, reality finally breaks through. He lets out a terrible howl and begins to thrash wildly, pounding the dirt with his feet, begging the guards to stop. I have never seen anyone so utterly humbled in such a short time; I doubt the guards could have broken his spirit more effectively if they were pounding the nail into his very soul. Again the hammer falls, and again, until finally the metal spike has been driven home.

With his left arm secured, the guards turn their attention to his right. "No, wait!" he pleads, voice now several octaves higher than before. "Wait!" But he is powerless to stop the next blow, or the next, or the next. His cries for mercy descend into senseless wailing, but the guards are far from done. They haul his spasming body off the ground, lock his crossbar into position on the upright, then prepare to nail his ankles.

But thats where they stop.

The mans feet are left dangling freely against the upright, his entire weight on the nails in his wrists. Its clealry an agonizing experience, and it goes on for an uncomfortable amount of time. But all he can do is hang limply, crying for mercy, while the guards make no effort to finish their work. I realise they're toying with him, punishing him for his earlier bravado.

The man begins to scrabble hopelessly against the upright with his feet, searching for support that doesnt exist. "Please," he wails, muscles straining. "Please!"

The guards simply laugh. "Not so cocky now, are you?" One of them sneers.

"I'm...sorry!" the man gasps. "Dont...Dont leave me like this!" His face is twisted beyond recognition; every feature lined with pain and fear.

The guards allow him to dangle a short while longer, then finally move back in. The man is so desperate to relieve the pain in his wrists that he actually offers his feet out to them.


The guards oblige, bending his knees up forty-five degrees then quickly driving nails through his heel bones. First his left, then his right. The man howls as the spikes pierce him, a dreadful, inhuman sound, then promptly empties his bladder. I can't watch any longer.

Unsure where to look next, I find myself studying the guy ahead of me. I carefully examine his slender body, his messy blonde hair, his tense muscles. I even find myself examing the designer logo on the waistband of his boxers. Anything to distract myself from the fact that he is now the only person ahead of me in the queue. I try to speak, to maybe wish him luck, but no words come out. Then he is gone, and I know that I am next.

Christ. I'm next.
This is an amazing start! You show for the reader exactly how the crucifixion process breaks even the toughest, fittest men (especially them!)

I eagerly await the continuation, and to see how your character reacts to his own introduction to the cross.
Part Two

Not wanting to dwell on my impending doom, I keep my attention on the blond guy as he is quietly led to a vacant post opposite the whimpering mess that was tattooed guy. he seems resigned to his fate; anxious, but not afraid, his manner more befitting some mild inconvenience than a slow and agonising death. The guards untie his arms, and when instructed, he calmly removes his underwear. Then he is thrown down against the crossbeam, and dragged into position with a brutality that seems disproportionate to his lack of resistance. He hardly makes a sound as the nails go in.

I feel sick with anxiety as I watch, knowing that any moment now, I too will suffer the same fate.

I sense more guards around me. I imagine every tiny noise to be the sound of their approach, every breeze to be their firm grip...my mind is telling me to run, but I have nowhere to go.

I look over my shoulder to scan the path that leads back the way we came, but there is still no sign of that flustered assistant I had been expecting earlier. Surely someone has realised the mistake by now? Yes, the rescue party must be just around the corner. But they need to hurry-

A firm grip on my arm brings me back to my senses. Shit. I'm out of time.

I do not feel any of the previous man's calm as I am half pushed, half dragged towards the nearest vacant upright. The crowd is now so dense that the guards have to fight their way through, and all the while people are reaching out at me, taking photos, shouting abuse.

By the time we reach our destination, my whole body is shaking. I try not to look at the wooden upright awaiting me, but a single glance is all it takes to etch the thing into my mind. Worn smooth and heavily stained, it has clearly seen a great deal of use before me. Ugly, pitted scars on each side mark where feet have been secured previously, feet of people who died here, on this very spot...

The guards quickly set about untying my arms. I feel the ropes loosen and suddenly the crushing weight of the crossbeam is gone; there's a resounding thunk as it lands on the ground behind me. I gratefully flex my aching muscles, but before I can even straighten my back, I am ordered to strip.

Fuck. this is really happening.

I reluctantly slide my boxers down, acuteley aware of the hundreds, if not thousands, of prying eyes now focused on me. When the waistband reaches my ankles, I lift one foot free, then the other, then awkwardly try to straighten up. I instintively try to cover myself, but the guards allow me no modesty. They pull my arms apart, kick my boxers aside and force me down on my knees. They hold me steady for a moment, playing to the crowd, then throw me backwards against the crossbeam. I feel the coarse wood scrape against my shoulderblades.

Two more guards descend on me, one on each side. They pull my arms taught against the crossbeam then hold me in place as yet another guard, one with a hammer, fishes some nails from a bucket. Tools in hand, he positions hinself over my left side, bends down, and puts his knee - and his full weight - painfully on my forearm.

For a few seconds, Im paralysed with terror, unable to do much nore than stare up at the clouds above. Then the clink of metal brings me back to my senses. I turn my head to watch the guard on my left. He's doing something with the nails, but his body is blocking most of my view. Another clink, and something is pressed hard againt my wrist. Something sharp. I close my eyes and wait.

I hear a grunt of exertion, followed by a loud clang. For a moment I feel nothing, just a dull ache as though someone has stepped on my wrist. I wonder if he missed, or if his previous victims were just over-reacting. But then my whole world explodes into pain. I feel everything: tendons tearing, bones being forced apart, dull metal scraping against raw nerves. the indescribable agony of a nail being driven into my flesh. My back arches, my jaw clamps shut, and my heels plough hard into ground. I howl through gritted teeth.

The hammer falls again and the pain somehow worsens. my body twists sideways, trying to pull itself away, feet scraping hopelessly against the dirt. A third time, and a fourth, although by now the pain is so intense that I barely notice.

At some point I become aware that the hammering has stopped. I can feel the guards still holding my arm steady, but the Nailer has paused, distracted perhaps. I realise that this my chance to escape. My one and only shot. But I need to act before the nail is driven home.

I need to act now.

Eyes still closed, I rally through the pain. I tense my muscles, twist my arm, then pull as hard as I can-

But nothing happens. The guards are too strong. I twist again, opening my eyes this time to see how long I have left-

But the guards are not holding me.

I'm confused for a moment, for my arm appears quite free. Its unrestrained, uninjured...and yet it won't move.

Then I spot it. The freakish, alien growth protruding grotesquely from my wrist.

The head of the nail.

It doesn't seem possible. There isn't even any blood. If one of those long spikes had truly been driven through my wrist, surely there would be blood?

I pull again, watch as my muscles tense with exertion, but my arm is completely immobile. The metal is unyielding, its hold on me absolute. A rivulet of blood finally seeps out from beneath the head...and panic sets in.

Until this moment, I had never quite given up hope. Some tiny part of me, deep down, had always clung to the belief that this couldnt be the end. That no matter how bad it was, with enough time and effort, i could work the nails loose and eventually break free. But now, as I tug hopelessly at my stricken arm, i realise i was wrong.

And I know that whatever happens, I cannot lose my other arm too.

The guard holding my right arm is unprepared for my sudden burst of strength. I wrench myself out from beneath him, pull my arm to my chest, and curl over as best I can. He grabs my shoulder, tries to wrest me back into position, but even when he finally gets a good grip on me, he is no match for my adrenaline-fuelled muscles. I have no plan, no idea what to do. All I know is that I have to keep my arm free until rescue arrives...

But then a second pair of hands grabs me, and suddenly im right back where I started, arm pinned securely against the wood. I howl in anguish.

"No. Please! Not yet!"

But its too late. The hammer falls, the pain erupts, and the fight is over.

With both arms secure, my body no longer know what to do. It tenses and twitches in strange ways, as though under somebody else's control. I lay on my back, gasping, unable to focus on anything except the pain. The sense of helplessness is extreme. I want to roll over, to curl into a ball and hide, but I cant move. Even the tiniest movement sends pain to dizzying new heights. I devote every ounce of energy to laying as still as possible, in the hope that the pain might recede.

But the guards haven't finished with me yet.

I'm still desperately trying to hold still when the crossbeam lurches beneath me, jarring the nails hard against the bones in my wrists. I cry out, beg to be left in peace, but another lurch cuts me short-

-and suddenly my body is hauled off the ground, my entire weight dragged up by those awful metal spikes. I try to stand, to ease the strain on my arms, but my legs refuse to co-operate.

Supporting my weight between them, the guards force me to hobble the final few steps towards the upright. A moment later and my feet are no longer touching the ground. My body is now fully suspended, hanging in the air as the guards heave my crossbeam into place. The connection is made clumsily, every jolt bringing new agony, every tiny movement wrenching my shoulders. My ribcage feels like its being torn apart under my own weight, and the pain in my wrists is beyond measure. I search desperately for a foothold, some way of supporting myself, but my feet can find no purchase against the smooth wood of the upright. I pray to God that the final two nails will allow me to stand.

Firm hands grasp my legs as they struggle uselessly beneath me. My knees are bent into position, and see the glint of metal near my heels. I know what is coming, but make no effort to resist. I just want it to be over.

More pain. First my left foot, then the right. What little hope I had that the final two nails might make things easier is quickly dispelled. There is no support, no relief...simply more pain.

Somewhere nearby a crowd begins to cheer, but the noise is faint, distorted in my ears. As my eyes begin to close, I distantly wonder why they are cheering. Is there a party? Oh, how nice it would be to join in. But my feet seem to be stuck. My hands, too. And the darkness seems so inviting...
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I'm not into male submissive stories but the title caught my attention. Thanks for sharing
Please, if you can, do a flashback of how the government suddenly decided to make crucifixion a means of execution for criminals and the crimes committed to receive such a punishment. <3
Please, if you can, do a flashback of how the government suddenly decided to make crucifixion a means of execution for criminals and the crimes committed to receive such a punishment. <3
Surely leaving it open to imagination is better? That way you can never know what minor offense could earn you such punishment ;)

Even so, there is a little backstory on the way!
Yes please. If possible. It would really help me flesh it out in my mind. Rn, government seems very censorship heavy. Well at least where I live. I live in Canada. Maybe in the states, I could see this happening.
Yes please. If possible. It would really help me flesh it out in my mind. Rn, government seems very censorship heavy. Well at least where I live. I live in Canada. Maybe in the states, I could see this happening.
Oh yeah, I definitely imagined this to be set in the States somewhere!
Nice story- this could be a movie but needs some flogging before the crucifixion. I believe Crucifixion should come back, at least some corporal punishment.
I agree! Flogging is always a great addition. <3
A very nice account—there're a couple of spots of description that I particularly like, such as the bit where the narrator's looking at his upright. And, whatever others might think, I'm glad that there's no flogging, which I regard as a distraction from the main event. However, I've got a few practical and aesthetic quibbles. Most notably—

We've brought our subject out to the crucifixion site with his arms tied to the crossbar and his legs free. Then we've unfastened the crossbar and allowed it to fall to the ground, leaving the subject completely untrammeled, and ordered him to strip.

So where's the resistance? The narrator might be too shocked and confused to do much, but the tattooed guy two places in front of him doesn't sound that way. He's defiant, but his defiance consists of stripping off his shorts in an insouciant manner and sneering at the executioners. He knows he's about to be tortured to death, he's strong in body and will, and he might well have some experience with brawling. So why doesn't he attack the guards? Even if they could quickly subdue him, he could leave a few of them with missing teeth or scars to remember him by. For that matter, he could pick up that crossbar and use it to inflict some serious damage; and, if he's lucky, they'd kill him quickly in the process of subduing him, or at least injure him badly enough to significantly shorten his remaining life of suffering on the cross. And since crucifixion is intended to produce maximal agony, he really doesn't have much to lose by making them mad...

No. I'd suggest that the subject be brought to the site with his wrists tied behind his back and his ankles hobbled, so he can take short steps but not run or kick. Rather than taking off his own shorts, he should have them cut away by the executioners, eliminating the opportunity for a defiant gesture and emphasizing his helplessness. The guards then pull backward on his arms while kicking his feet out from under him, forcing him to sit down on the upright (since I'd rather have all the nailing done on the recumbent cross, and only elevating it after all the nails are in). Then, one guard pulls backward and upward on each arm, they quickly cut the zip-tie on the wrists, and they pull the arms outward and down so that the subject falls onto his back on the cross, with a guard controlling each arm and forcing it into place for the nailing.
A very nice account—there're a couple of spots of description that I particularly like, such as the bit where the narrator's looking at his upright. And, whatever others might think, I'm glad that there's no flogging, which I regard as a distraction from the main event. However, I've got a few practical and aesthetic quibbles. Most notably—

We've brought our subject out to the crucifixion site with his arms tied to the crossbar and his legs free. Then we've unfastened the crossbar and allowed it to fall to the ground, leaving the subject completely untrammeled, and ordered him to strip.

So where's the resistance? The narrator might be too shocked and confused to do much, but the tattooed guy two places in front of him doesn't sound that way. He's defiant, but his defiance consists of stripping off his shorts in an insouciant manner and sneering at the executioners. He knows he's about to be tortured to death, he's strong in body and will, and he might well have some experience with brawling. So why doesn't he attack the guards? Even if they could quickly subdue him, he could leave a few of them with missing teeth or scars to remember him by. For that matter, he could pick up that crossbar and use it to inflict some serious damage; and, if he's lucky, they'd kill him quickly in the process of subduing him, or at least injure him badly enough to significantly shorten his remaining life of suffering on the cross. And since crucifixion is intended to produce maximal agony, he really doesn't have much to lose by making them mad...

No. I'd suggest that the subject be brought to the site with his wrists tied behind his back and his ankles hobbled, so he can take short steps but not run or kick. Rather than taking off his own shorts, he should have them cut away by the executioners, eliminating the opportunity for a defiant gesture and emphasizing his helplessness. The guards then pull backward on his arms while kicking his feet out from under him, forcing him to sit down on the upright (since I'd rather have all the nailing done on the recumbent cross, and only elevating it after all the nails are in). Then, one guard pulls backward and upward on each arm, they quickly cut the zip-tie on the wrists, and they pull the arms outward and down so that the subject falls onto his back on the cross, with a guard controlling each arm and forcing it into place for the nailing.
Ah, some fascinating observations!

Firstly, to strip or be stripped? It's a question that has surely existed for as long as the fantasy of crucifixion itself, and I suspect there is no wrong answer. For me at least, it is important that condemned strip themselves, as a sign they are giving themselves to the cross. This naturally limits the application of hobble ropes, since they would prevent removal of the underwear. And of course, if the prisoners took too long, the guards would wear them down with a whip or cudgel.

But as you noted, this does raise the issue of resistance. With nothing binding them, it's certain that some prisoners would attempt to fight back. I imagine tazers might come into effect here, which would quickly end the fight without causing any damage that might lessen their suffering. Perhaps the first man earned himself a few such jolts while out of sight, and the tattooed guy wished to avoid being humbled in a similar a way?

Anyway, thank you for the reply. Certainly food for thought :)
Hmm, I take just the opposite view on strip-or-be-stripped. Demanding that the prisoner strip himself gives him room for one last nominal act of defiance—he can refuse, or he can peel his shorts off and fling them into the crowd with a fuck-you air. If the guards strip him, though, it emphasizes his helplessness: he's no longer a person with agency, but a thing to be tormented for the amusement of others. And the very act of stripping him can be used to heighten that amusement: it doesn't have to be "snip, snip, you're naked, now let's get on with it"; we can cut the shorts away slowly and deliberately, revealing a little bare flesh at a time before the final slash and total exposure.

And, regarding resistance, when would the tazer be applied? If, say, 10% of our condemned are able to get in one good solid blow each before being tazed, most of our guards are going to wind up needing dental surgery at some point.
Another question I'll raise: In a modern American city, would a Via Dolorosa work at all?

In ancient Rome, it served a purpose to march the condemned through the streets to Golgotha. First and most practical, how else would you get them there? Second, it was a way to let people know that there was going to be a crucifixion, so interested spectators could follow the procession; since the streets were likely to be full of pedestrians, lots of people would see it. Third, it was a way of showing brutal justice being done: by showing bruised, bleeding, half-dead condemned stumbling toward their ugly deaths, it acted as a deterrent for prospective criminals and rebels, even if they didn't go to see the crucifixion itself.

But none of that would be necessary, or even functional, in modern America. Most streets have only sparse pedestrian traffic, so not many people would see the procession pass. Commuters would only get a brief look as they drove by; or, worse, would slow down to rubberneck, creating traffic tieups. And would we have to barricade streets, and station lots of cops to halt traffic at intersections and keep the parade moving? Sounds like a logistical nightmare, especially if we're doing it at all often (as suggested by the fact that there're earlier condemned still alive on crosses, so presumably crucified only a day or two ago).

And it's not necessary at all. People could learn about scheduled crucifixions from newspapers, television, radio, and the sheriff's Facebook page. And people could drive to the site if they wanted to see it in person, or see lots of photos and videos later—and the latter would probably give them a much better view of the initial stripping, nailing, and elevation than most spectators would get.

Which raises another question. We've got a clearing packed with hundreds of people; later, when the narrator's made to strip, he does so under the gaze of "hundreds, if not thousands, of prying eyes". If they're standing on level ground, and the crucifixion takes place on ditto, then most of those spectators aren't going to see much. Give them some sort of tiered seating/standing arrangement, so that the people in the back can see over the ones in front. Ideally, provide them some shade, so that they can later sit in comfort while watching the condemned writhing on their crosses out in the broiling sunshine. And give 'em a refreshment stand—concession sales can help defray the cost of the crucifixion, and watching them slurp up their Big Gulps will add to the torment of the thirsty men on the crosses.
"loud music theme" This is CNN!
Today on crux hill.... some far of shots of occupied crosses
Our live stream with 3 overview and an additional 6 cameras per cross will be available behind the usual paywall..
Our platyinum subscribers will have even more camera's available! Subscribe now!!! NOOOWWWW!!!!
Another question I'll raise: In a modern American city, would a Via Dolorosa work at all?

In ancient Rome, it served a purpose to march the condemned through the streets to Golgotha. First and most practical, how else would you get them there? Second, it was a way to let people know that there was going to be a crucifixion, so interested spectators could follow the procession; since the streets were likely to be full of pedestrians, lots of people would see it. Third, it was a way of showing brutal justice being done: by showing bruised, bleeding, half-dead condemned stumbling toward their ugly deaths, it acted as a deterrent for prospective criminals and rebels, even if they didn't go to see the crucifixion itself.

But none of that would be necessary, or even functional, in modern America. Most streets have only sparse pedestrian traffic, so not many people would see the procession pass. Commuters would only get a brief look as they drove by; or, worse, would slow down to rubberneck, creating traffic tieups. And would we have to barricade streets, and station lots of cops to halt traffic at intersections and keep the parade moving? Sounds like a logistical nightmare, especially if we're doing it at all often (as suggested by the fact that there're earlier condemned still alive on crosses, so presumably crucified only a day or two ago).

And it's not necessary at all. People could learn about scheduled crucifixions from newspapers, television, radio, and the sheriff's Facebook page. And people could drive to the site if they wanted to see it in person, or see lots of photos and videos later—and the latter would probably give them a much better view of the initial stripping, nailing, and elevation than most spectators would get.

Which raises another question. We've got a clearing packed with hundreds of people; later, when the narrator's made to strip, he does so under the gaze of "hundreds, if not thousands, of prying eyes". If they're standing on level ground, and the crucifixion takes place on ditto, then most of those spectators aren't going to see much. Give them some sort of tiered seating/standing arrangement, so that the people in the back can see over the ones in front. Ideally, provide them some shade, so that they can later sit in comfort while watching the condemned writhing on their crosses out in the broiling sunshine. And give 'em a refreshment stand—concession sales can help defray the cost of the crucifixion, and watching them slurp up their Big Gulps will add to the torment of the thirsty men on the crosses.
I confess that the logistical implications of such a pre-amble in the modern day did cause me some trouble, and perhaps my conflicted feelings are why that particular part of the story is comparatively short. But to forgo the long march just seemed wrong somehow.

I suppose if I went back to change it, the prisoners would be delivered to the site by armored car. The long drive would give them plenty of time to consider their fate, and the sight of the awaiting crowd when the doors opened would certainly create some interesting feelings to explore.
Another question I'll raise: In a modern American city, would a Via Dolorosa work at all?

In ancient Rome, it served a purpose to march the condemned through the streets to Golgotha. First and most practical, how else would you get them there? Second, it was a way to let people know that there was going to be a crucifixion, so interested spectators could follow the procession; since the streets were likely to be full of pedestrians, lots of people would see it. Third, it was a way of showing brutal justice being done: by showing bruised, bleeding, half-dead condemned stumbling toward their ugly deaths, it acted as a deterrent for prospective criminals and rebels, even if they didn't go to see the crucifixion itself.

But none of that would be necessary, or even functional, in modern America. Most streets have only sparse pedestrian traffic, so not many people would see the procession pass. Commuters would only get a brief look as they drove by; or, worse, would slow down to rubberneck, creating traffic tieups. And would we have to barricade streets, and station lots of cops to halt traffic at intersections and keep the parade moving? Sounds like a logistical nightmare, especially if we're doing it at all often (as suggested by the fact that there're earlier condemned still alive on crosses, so presumably crucified only a day or two ago).

And it's not necessary at all. People could learn about scheduled crucifixions from newspapers, television, radio, and the sheriff's Facebook page. And people could drive to the site if they wanted to see it in person, or see lots of photos and videos later—and the latter would probably give them a much better view of the initial stripping, nailing, and elevation than most spectators would get.

Which raises another question. We've got a clearing packed with hundreds of people; later, when the narrator's made to strip, he does so under the gaze of "hundreds, if not thousands, of prying eyes". If they're standing on level ground, and the crucifixion takes place on ditto, then most of those spectators aren't going to see much. Give them some sort of tiered seating/standing arrangement, so that the people in the back can see over the ones in front. Ideally, provide them some shade, so that they can later sit in comfort while watching the condemned writhing on their crosses out in the broiling sunshine. And give 'em a refreshment stand—concession sales can help defray the cost of the crucifixion, and watching them slurp up their Big Gulps will add to the torment of the thirsty men on the crosses.
Until the rise of the automobile, most cities were extremely compact. Ancient Rome, probably the most populous city in the world at it's height, only consisted of 3000 hectares or about 13 square kilometers within the Aurelian walls; with over a million people packed in. The Old City of Jerusalem is only 0.9 square kilometers (0.35 sq miles). The actual Via Dolorosa is only about 600 meters (2000 feet).
For a sprawling modern city, a better option would be to close off a parade route from, say, the county courthouse or city hall to the execution site, maybe in a public park. Only a mile or so would need to be closed off. If it can be done to celebrate a sports championship, it be done for a crucifixion.
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