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2:First there disappear all men.The girls look for them. However, after weeks unsuccessful searching,the girls get used of necessity to it. The silly girls do not knowthat spaceships circle above ground. Spaceships with mentheyhave another world view, than they. A picture of the world, in thebig green sauriansrule.Thesaurianswhich are godsof the men.Sauriansthegirls as bowels use. Thesaurianswhichuse girl to digest their food and their piss. Thesauriansandtheirassistants,sadistic,chauvinist, pervertedmen,havesucked the men of the world in the space with the help ofsophisticated technology and killed them in space. Indeed, allperverted sexualmenthesauriansand their assistants,sadistic, chauvinisticoffenderswerereleased before from the madhouses and prisons of the earth tointegrate them into the religious community of thesaurian'sworld.Thesesexual offendersmay live on. And now the hunt on girl can begin!


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3:nurie hears scraredly the shouts of many girls. girls, they are hit,are tied up and are violated. Soon she also hears how girls call thatthey liked to obey immediately. But the virtuous goes on. However,now many girls run before their trainersto thecollective places where the gigantic shuttles stand which catch 1000girls in their storerooms. nurie creeps scraredly in bushes. Thereshe sees on the street two girl standing. But they do not run away atall! Are both girls not afraid? However! The girls tremble. Theirbosoms and bottoms wobble like pudding and they piss on the street.Oh God!The girls are like cattle staked to a post. And... And they have nomore arms! The arm butts of the girls are sewn off. And they aredressed like chambermaids. Only bad! The girls carry anoraks withhoods, aprons and straps. And their whole clothes are from rubber andplastic! And they are gagged and carry harnisses like cows! And...The girls stink! The girls stink after...? Oh! The girls stink ofurine, shit and puke! And sweat! And scruffy cheese! And... Nurijedoes not know the smell of seeds yet. But then the girls stink asstrongly as of shit. When Nurije recognises that the girls are onlypork sausages with which the menmakeawful things, Nurije pisses in her trousers and also her shit shecannot hold any more. Nurijes shit runs in her legs down. She hasfailure before fear. Empty she shits to herself when a catcherdiscoversher. The girls there in the post are decoys for scared girls likeNurije. Today Nurije is the tenth whom the catchercatches so. Both girls without arms are already trained and on theword obeying crapsausages.

Now Nurijebecomes from the girl Nurije to nurijecrapsausage. Now she has becomea piece of shit.

4.Although in many towns the shouts and the smacks of the blows ongirl's meat ares to be failed to hear any more, there are quietly theplaces in which the girl's hunt has become known yet. Thus Stefanieand Ulrike stood quietly how dull to women ares in look a way, in adepartment net curtain and miniskirts try on in the purchasedrunkenness. Stefanie is a dominant woman. Her friend has acted inthe household precisely as much like here. But he has disappearedwith all other men. But Stefanie insists the fun in trying on. Whatare already men! There she hears an smack behind herself and a quiet,fatherly one it voicesays: „Wave, girls! You ares quite cheeky!“ Stefanie and Ulriketurn round. Before them astrong manstands in soldier's uniform and claps with his truncheon in hishand.While Ulrike gets some fear, Stefanie is unimpressed: „Why we arecheeky? Who are you generally and where are our men? If you kindlyanswer!“ Instead of an answer Stefanie gets the beating of herlife: Her face swells in by the blows, her bosom seems to explode,her thighs feel like pudding, her bottom apparently swells on doublesize. After this beating a small touch is enough somewhere in herbody and she shouts on with intolerable pain. Ulrike passes watching.When girlhandlersays: „Off! From to the place of the coating! “, bothcrapsausagegirls run obediently in front of him.


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5:On the place of the coating there rules active activity: girls arehit, mostly from other girls in plastic clothes, other girls getundressed in a great hurry and throw their old clothes in being readygarbage tonnes. Other girls dress under instructions obviouslyalready of trained girls their new plastic clothes. Also Stefanie andUlrike do not hesitate to get rid of their old clothes as soon aspossible, because they see how girls get cuffed which ares too slowobviously in it. Then says them already one of the trained girl whichare called crapsausagemaids in which order and as closely knotted thesingle plastic clothes are to be dress. First they must bind thewhite plastik straps around the hip, then they must dress the blueplastic socks and fasten to it, then they must dress the blue plasticdress with plastic hood, then they must put on the white plasticbonnet and tie closely under the chin. The crapsausagemaid binds thebonnets then once more much more firmly, thus firmly that they cutinto in the chin and the girls squeal, But when Stefanie wants totear the bonnet of the head, throws to her the crapsausagemaid awarning look and indicates with her eyes at the mencomfortablytalking in a corner. Stefanie hardly means pain under the chin to beable to endure, but now she learns something new: Intolerable pain isto be tolerated if even bigger pain threatens. And the blue spots ofthe first beating still hurt incredibly strongly. Now the girls dresstheir white plastic aprons and the crapsausagemaid whispers to them:„Power to you never dirtily! Aboveall keep clean your aprons always!“

6:At last the girls must dress their gumboots. „Now you are packedvirtuous as it is proper for us crapsausages!“ shouts acrapsausagemaid resound in the hall, „Here are your ridge mannersrules: Never shits and pisses without permission! Hold the headalways lowered! Never speak without permission! If manappealsto you, answer in every sentence with „dear master!“ Notes that you must say in the second sentence two "dear"before the "master",in the third sentence three "dear" in the fourth four, inthe fifth five and then you start again with one "dear"! Ifyou are tied up, sweetly the arm always high on the bake crossed!Sweats and stinks without permission! Always obeys with servileobedience! Shits, pisses, sweats and vomits immediately, as soon asyou are requested to it, in the plastic clothes!” Under shock thegirls follow one of theirs girl handler.

6a:Dressed according to the regulation, the first cunts follow theircrapsausagegirltrainerin another room. There the Chastisershowsthem an image on which asaurianis to be seen who uses 2 cunts as recta before his belly. The cuntsare distressed. Only stefaniecunt protests spontaneously andunthinkingly, but thesupervisorkeeps calm astonishingly. Later the girls are gagged and tied up andstowed away in the cargo hold. However, there they must still waitlong, before the spaceship flies off, because the cargo holds are notstill filled with the prescribed number of cunts. stefaniecrapsausageis hungry and thirsty and she sits uncomfortable, however, can notstir.

7:The loading bay with nurijecrapsausage and ulrikecrapsausage soclosely with gagged and to packages is limited tied girlcrapsausagesthus closely fullly that no more ground is to see here areninacrapsausage, carolincrapsausage, jaidacrapsausage,scumcrapsausage, yacharacrapsausage and janacrapsausage. They have astill relatively better place because they were loaded as last, soonly a little later in the corded package position, the legs and armsclosely to the body laced, must pause. Moreover, the air goes offgirlcrapsausages in the rear corner of the only 90 centimetre highloading bay now already scarcely and. many of 10000 girls in thisloading bay sit here already during two weeks closely cordedly andwait that the loading bay finally, becomes full. These girls havealready shitted in their plastic clothes and sweat and urinate asmoved. Also they were already fattened with an awful mash five timesdaily. Now these six cunts also see for the first time a saurian.Hestands tremendously above the hatch. Two girls writhe in bowels withtheir belly, but thesauriandoes not concern this. On the contrary: Sometimes pricks thesaurianwith his claws one of the girls at all where. However, cannot shoutgirlcrapsausages, because in their mouthes like in all their openingsthick bowels of thesaurianare. Thesaurianlooks once to twomen whostand in the switchboard for the hatch and immediately one of menpresses a button. The hatch shuts. janacrapsausage still hears howone of the mensays to the other: „I suppose. It survive well in 7000.“ Theother man answers:„ I suppose, it survive only in 4000“ Slam! Thehatch is shutten. The stench of 10000 shitting and sweating girlslies like butter thickly in the air. Three weeks remain cordedcrapsausages here as long as the home flight lasts to one of themillions planets of thesaurians.


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