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Ridingham Blues

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Before I forget, back to the pub. Like I said, it was great to spend time with the girls. We had a good laugh. But all the time I could tell that Romy was looking at me in a somehow different way. And I was looking at her in a different way too. It was Warwick she was at, doing Psychology. I wondered if this gave her a deeper insight, but as it was just the first term, probably not. She’s nice, Romy. I haven’t said much about her before because, well, there wasn’t that much to say really. She was just one of the girls. OK, she was pretty cool too. She’d got herself a nose ring and a couple of tatts, but then nearly everyone had now. She’d had her hair cut really short as well, which I liked. So, after a while and a few more drinks I went to the loos, and she came too. I sort of guessed why. She asked me a few questions and then told me all about how she’d decided to come out and that she hadn’t told her parents yet but she would do, probably after Christmas though. Then I just pushed her against the mirror and snogged her really deep, and she shoved her hand down my jeans and for a moment recoiled when she felt the chain, then just pulled it tight so it cut right into me. I gave a little gasp and then grabbed her around the back of her head and just kissed her again, pushing my tongue right into her mouth. It felt so sexy doing it there and even more so when another girl, not one of our friends, came in. We just carried on. Wow! That was a blast. I knew then that everyone in town would know about us, and that was sort of exciting.

The next night we all went to M.... to one of the clubs. We met at Kate’s and had quite a lot to drink first, then got the bus. We’d booked taxis to get home later on. It’s about half an hour up over the hills to M.... Just a few villages in between, then the deep hollow at L... where the stone for Canterbury Cathedral came from. Then down into the valley. It’s an ugly sort of town, but the river is really nice and the road goes right by the Bishop’s Palace and then by the side of the water. We got off there and walked up the main street to the club. It was already buzzing and really noisy. We had lots to drink, you know, shorts and that sort of thing. I enjoyed the dancing. It was crowded and sweaty and that’s a nice feeling. A few guys groped me a bit, which I also quite liked. Funny that really. Then me and Romy started dancing really dirty with each other. It was so full that no one really noticed, but it was fun letting our sweaty legs slide over each other’s and to clinch each other really close. She’s a great kisser. Wow, it was hot. And so were we. By the time we had to leave and get the cabs I was exhausted. We agreed we’d meet up again after Boxing Day. She’s fun. I like her. But I think we both know it’s just fun, some Christmas holiday fun.

Before I forget, back to the pub. Like I said, it was great to spend time with the girls. We had a good laugh. But all the time I could tell that Romy was looking at me in a somehow different way. And I was looking at her in a different way too. It was Warwick she was at, doing Psychology. I wondered if this gave her a deeper insight, but as it was just the first term, probably not. She’s nice, Romy. I haven’t said much about her before because, well, there wasn’t that much to say really. She was just one of the girls. OK, she was pretty cool too. She’d got herself a nose ring and a couple of tatts, but then nearly everyone had now. She’d had her hair cut really short as well, which I liked. So, after a while and a few more drinks I went to the loos, and she came too. I sort of guessed why. She asked me a few questions and then told me all about how she’d decided to come out and that she hadn’t told her parents yet but she would do, probably after Christmas though. Then I just pushed her against the mirror and snogged her really deep, and she shoved her hand down my jeans and for a moment recoiled when she felt the chain, then just pulled it tight so it cut right into me. I gave a little gasp and then grabbed her around the back of her head and just kissed her again, pushing my tongue right into her mouth. It felt so sexy doing it there and even more so when another girl, not one of our friends, came in. We just carried on. Wow! That was a blast. I knew then that everyone in town would know about us, and that was sort of exciting.

The next night we all went to M.... to one of the clubs. We met at Kate’s and had quite a lot to drink first, then got the bus. We’d booked taxis to get home later on. It’s about half an hour up over the hills to M.... Just a few villages in between, then the deep hollow at L... where the stone for Canterbury Cathedral came from. Then down into the valley. It’s an ugly sort of town, but the river is really nice and the road goes right by the Bishop’s Palace and then by the side of the water. We got off there and walked up the main street to the club. It was already buzzing and really noisy. We had lots to drink, you know, shorts and that sort of thing. I enjoyed the dancing. It was crowded and sweaty and that’s a nice feeling. A few guys groped me a bit, which I also quite liked. Funny that really. Then me and Romy started dancing really dirty with each other. It was so full that no one really noticed, but it was fun letting our sweaty legs slide over each other’s and to clinch each other really close. She’s a great kisser. Wow, it was hot. And so were we. By the time we had to leave and get the cabs I was exhausted. We agreed we’d meet up again after Boxing Day. She’s fun. I like her. But I think we both know it’s just fun, some Christmas holiday fun.

Oh my ... those eyes and that sweet smile, so pixy-devilish like!!:rolleyes:
It’s Christmas! It’s nine in the morning, but I’ve already been up ages, I suppose I should be downstairs, helping mum with the sprouts or something, but, well...I’m here, with my lovely laptop, and the sun’s streaming in through the window and it is the most beautiful day! I’ve already opened my stocking and yes, as ever, mum’s got me some anchovies too... and some really nice things as well. But I have been up ages! I love it on Christmas morning when it is just so quiet. So I like to get up really early and take a walk. And, even though I’m back now, and because, as you know, I am studying Eng. Lit., and because I want it to feel really “present”, I am going to tell you in the present tense.

So, I’m up and I pull my things on and unlock the door and walk into the street. The sun is just hovering on the edge of the day. It’s a perfect day. Blue sky, but a wintery blue, an almost white-blue. I cross over the main road and head into the woods. My wood. My chestnut wood. The ground is soft, but not too muddy. And in the shaded hollows there is just the faintest hint of a frost. Barely any. There’s a robin on a twig, and the sound of birds. No noise from the road. No cars at all. Perfect.

I’m deep in the wood now, I can see my breath, faintly. I turn off the path and push through the thin branches of the pollarded trees. I am nearly there, at my tree. I love my tree so much. I’m there now. I smile and look at my tree and stoop forward and kiss the bark. The tree embraces me. I have to embrace the tree back I think. I can hear my breathing speed up and I know I’m smiling. Hurriedly I pull off my parka and my t-shirt and drop them without a thought. I hug my tree and feel the harshness of its surface against my skin, against my breasts. I unzip my jeans and with one hand push them down. I wrap my bare legs around my tree and let its hardness enter me. I am with my tree. I lay my head against the wood and with a single finger touch myself, then with the same finger part my lips. I’m standing back now, naked. I reach down to my parka and pull it from the pocket and hold it in my hand. We used to have a dog. I hold it between my fingers. It’s red, with a little metal ring at the end. I kiss it. I raise it up over my head and bring it down. Not hard enough. I do it again, but harder. Harder. Harder. It wraps around me. I hardly feel it against my back, but where it cuts my side and my belly it is wonderful. I hit again and it wraps over my breast. I hit again and again. I love this feeling. But I have to be careful. I have to stop. I put the lead down and pull on my clothes. I am feeling so happy, so warm. I kiss my tree again, because it’s Christmas, and slowly walk back through the wood to the road. It’s still silent.

And now it’s breakfast time. We always eat a late breakfast on Christmas Day.
And now it’s Boxing Day...and it’s ridiculously early, but I seem to be awake. Christmas Day was the usual stuff. Me, mum and my little brother. TV and wine and dinner. All warm and cosy and nice. Presents all worked too, which is good, and that doesn’t always happen. I disappeared a bit in the afternoon and played with Sallie’s present. It’s the best present I think. I used a few clothes clips too, and tied them together with string so that I could pull them all off at once. They were great when I put them down each side of my body, right down to my clit. Wow! Good feeling! I went on line a bit and chatted and Googled a few websites to look at some pics of girls getting whipped. I find them pretty exciting you know. You can’t always tell if they’re for real or if they’re staged, but a lot look real to me. I sort of feel...Well...

More TV in the evening. But then we were all tired. So I went to bed early and now I’m up early. That’s how it goes. And it’s pitch black outside. If you walked down our street I think mine would be the only light on. Anyway, I went back online again, and took a closer look at one of those sites. There’s a bit that shows all the models, if that’s what you call a girl that models being whipped. Some are gorgeous, and some are from Europe too. I really like a few of them. Alex from Slovakia is nice, and Xenia from Lithuania. Girls from the Baltic States seem so sexy to me. I love the way Xenia’s picture has her arms chained up and she stares right into the camera. Sybil looked nice too, but she’s from America. And Jeanne from Paris...And Helen from Italy. She’s almost the same age as me and she’s really hot. And there’s a girl from Hamburg with an amazing tattoo on her shoulder and a “cute waitress from Prague, I guess, called Agnieska. I think that’s a lovely name. Eve is from Holland, the site says, and she’s twenty and has a lovely face and lots of stripes from the whip on her bum. I think I’d like that. There’s a girl from Berlin hanging upside down and covered in welts. The more I look, the hotter I feel. I reach for my lovely chain and clip it on my nipples again and suck in a little breath. “Sweet Josefine” is from Hungary and is pushed up hard against a wooden cross or something and she’s covered in whip marks too. Wow! I give my chain a bit of a tug and keep the tension on, so my nipples really begin to hurt. They are nearly all really amazing looking girls. There’s a Belgian called Mariah and a student from Stockholm called Lynette who’s behind some prison bars or something and another student from Germany called Justine who’s also just twenty and is sort of dangling from her wrists and her whole front is covered in marks. There are loads of girls! Madeleine and Beth and Helena and Salma and this stunning girl with lovely curly hair called Yvette from Amsterdam. I think Dutch girls are really sexy. I think I’d like to go to Amsterdam sometime. Maybe I will. And there’s an Estonian and a Fin with lovely puffy nipples. I give my nipples another pull. Mmmm....And an eighteen year old like me from Prague. They are all so gorgeous. I wonder about them.

At the bottom of the page is what they call a “model call”. It says you can earn great money and they’ll pay for a trip somewhere for filming. They say that they want girls who will enjoy the things on the site. I think I would. It sounds ok to me. Sort of professional, in an odd way. I mean, sometimes I think about myself and I don’t really think I’m normal. But then I remember my Foucault and I stop worrying. I just like it. They say you can mail them with a few photos and tell them what you like. How hard you like it. I lick my lips a bit and pull the chain hard so the clips fly off and it really hurts a lot, like it almost makes me sick. But I like it. I stroke my nipples and they are red and sore. I like that too. I wonder what to do.

I click on the link. I begin to type. It’s a bit scary. I tell them about myself and when I started and what I like. And that I’d like to try harder things too. And that the girls in the pictures make me excited. I tell them I like girls, not boys, and I’d like to do scenes with another girl, with us both being whipped. Then I dig around and find a few photos. They are ok, but not that great, so I make a selfie with my clothes off. I think that’s what they probably want. I stand in front of my mirror so they can see my back. They’ll know I’m for real when they see that, I think. It’s quite exciting typing the email. I take a sip from my cup of tea, but its cold. So I save the email in drafts and go downstairs to make another drink. I wonder all the time whether I should send the mail. It feels like a crazy thing to do, but it feels exciting too.
I’m back. It’s still pretty dark outside, but the sky is just turning a murky grey. I’m still the only one up in the house. I sit down at my desk with my cup of tea and look at the screen; then I open up the drafts folder and read my email again. The picture of me is really a good one I think, for a selfie. I’ve started to like my body much more than I did. My breasts look nice I think, and they feel nice to touch. I imagine them covered in whip marks. It feels almost thrilling to think about it. Being whipped really hard like the girls in those shots on the website. Really hard and really long. Not just playing around. Of course, you’d have a safe word. But they want girls who can take a lot of pain, I think. The more I look at my email, the more I think that I’d like that. To be really whipped hard. I wonder how it all works and if you get to meet the other girls. I look at the picture of Marian from Tallinn again; how helpless and sort of hopeless she looks. And at the picture of Justine and I think that I’d like to be like her. I take a deep breath and press “send”.
I feel so strange having done that. A year ago, even six months ago, I just wouldn’t have dared. What have I done? Well, probably no-one will reply. I guess they won’t like me or whatever. But what if they do? It’s interesting, isn’t it? Anyway, I should be doing something serious, like my reading for uni. I’ll go and sort out breakfast. Mum’s still asleep I think. I’ll go and clean up a bit and wash the dishes. She’s worn out after yesterday.

It’s the afternoon now, and everyone is tired still. We are sort of dozing in front of the TV. We’ve got some nice DVDs to watch.... but I know mum wants to see her programme, the one I simply hate. I’ll go upstairs I think and get online. I talk to Sallie for a bit, and then to a few of my other friends. Romy gets online and we have a soppy little chat for a while, but she’s going out to relatives in Sussex with her parents. Everyone is doing their own thing today. That’s Boxing Day I guess. Maybe I’ll take the time to tell you another story from uni. Maybe you’d like that. It’s not that the term was just one new thing after another and one new girl after another. Not at all really. It was just...well... Vero... and Mits. Every time I even say Mitsuki’s name I start to feel hot... She was just totally perfect. But I’ve told you that haven’t I? You’d have adored her. I keep imagining her face lying next to mine. She never even asked about my back... maybe she didn’t see. Probably she didn’t. We spent so much of that night wrapped so tightly together. It was a perfect night.

But well, mainly it was Vero. We got really close. I’m seeing her once New Year’s over, up in London. I mentioned that, didn’t I? And she got more and more interested in, you know, my thing. I was hoping that Adèle would come over to visit from Bordeaux and that we could do some things together, as a threesome. But she couldn’t. She had a lot of work on and promised she’d come next term. I was a bit sad about that, a bit blue, like they say. I had the “Ridingham blues” I guess... But she is coming next term and I’m looking forward to that. It will be better in the spring anyway and I know Vero was looking forward to meeting her. But, well, we did have some fun, me and Vero. Let me just tell you one thing we did.
Can't wait! ;) :devil:
But ooh dear, not at all sure about this 'modelling' set-up, sounds a bit dodgy....
(and I'm not sure Foucault will get you out of trouble :p)
So, I guess it was towards the end of term. The time when, even though it’s still November we’re all getting ready for our Christmas parties and pretending that it’s the depths of winter, when it isn’t, even in the wild North. A few poor souls have exams to prep for, but not us freshers. We’ve been spending the term discovering ourselves (ha ha) and trying to cement some real friendships from the first week acquaintance list and working out who really is a FB “friend”. I think I’m sorted, by the way, with Vero. Just in case you were worried for me. And it’s because I’m sorted that while everyone else was at the silly shop in town getting fancy dress for the end of term bash, we were planning something a bit different.

We decided to do it on the night of the bash, because we knew that the hall would be quiet and empty. We didn’t want to upset anyone, after all. We’d got the things we thought we’d need. And some nice wine too, for afterwards. It was ten when we’d agreed to meet up, in Vero’s room, because the view’s nicer from there. I’d spent the evening in the library, being a good girl, and, well, because I enjoy my course work, I really do. I’d wished for snow, because that would have made everything more atmospheric, but it was just another cold, windy night with rain in the air. Whatever. I was excited.

Vero had the room all nicely set up. Lots of candles making a pretty soft light. She’d pulled the mattress off the bed, because we didn’t need it and we didn’t want to mess it up either, and she’d cut and spread the wire netting we’d bought onto the bed slats. It must have seemed really odd to the folks in the garden centre when two students wanted to buy such a small length of wiring, and that barbed wire too... They’d never have guessed! I tapped on the door and Vero kissed me on the lips. The deal was we’d toss for it, for who would play which role. I really hoped to sub, but part of me didn’t mind. The thought of watching Vero was pretty nice too. Anyway (aaagh! Stop me! There I go again!) I did win and so we kissed a bit more and then it was time to start.

Getting undressed was nice, because we helped each other, removing one thing at a time. It was hard not to want to just nuzzle into Vero’s breasts and stroke her pussy, but we’d agreed that those things were for afterwards. So I looked at the bed, with its criss-crossed wire over the thin wooden slats. It looked just as uncomfortable as we’d hoped. But before I lay down on it, Vero placed three lengths of the barbed wire down, across the bed. I could hardly believe it, I was going to lie down on that, and it was going to hurt, for sure! And it did. I had no choice but to start by sitting down on one of the lengths, and the barbs bit straight into my backside and I could feel tiny streams of blood running down my skin. Rather quickly I lay down properly, stretching out. Partly to take the weight of my backside, but knowing as well that my body would be going down straight onto the other lengths of wire, one under my breasts, one under the middle of my back.

Vero worked quickly to fix my wrists and ankles to the end of the bed with the lengths of shiny chain we’d bought, then checked that the GoPro she’d set up on top of the wardrobe was running properly and was focused on me. It really was hurting like hell where the barbs were pressing into me but I knew more was to come. Vero pulled on her gloves, well, almost gauntlets, and first of all took the ends of the wire under my backside. This was the longest piece. She pulled them up so the wire really cut in, almost lifting me from the bed, and I squealed and started to cry a bit. Then she got hold of the right end and pulled it down and under my thigh, wrapping it real tight and right up to my pussy. And she did the same with the other piece. If I lifted my head a bit I could see little spots of blood where it was cutting in. It felt brilliant though. Next she did the length under my back, pulling it up again, then twisting the two ends tight together over my belly-button. I asked her to do it tighter. After all, I didn’t want to miss out. I could see it pulling my waist in and wow, it hurt like hell! Next the piece over my boobs. She was careful with this one, because, well, nipples are tender little things, aren’t they? But it still pushed in, even if it didn’t draw blood, and I loved how it made little indentations into the softness of my breasts and bit a little in those two sweetly sensitive places. It was just wonderful. I loved feeling the tears run down my cheeks. It was fantastic.

We’d umm’d and aah’d about whether to use a crop or a whip or something else and we’d decided on something else, so after a bit of a pause, so I could enjoy the feeling of being chained and wired up, and so Vero could take some still shots, she got hold of one of the candles. A nice, fat, red one. She held it high over my belly. I’d seen this on the web a lot, and it looked like it wouldn’t feel too much like anything, but let me tell you that is so not true! It was amazing watching the little stream of red waxy liquid fall down onto me, like time was standing still, but it was so hot when it hit my skin! I flinched, but of course there was no-where for me to go and the more I flinched the more the wire hurt me. Brilliant, I thought! She dribbled the wax all over my belly and my pussy and my thighs then moved up to my tits and dripped it very deliberately onto my nipples. Wow! It hurt! But it really just hurt for a moment, then cooled and hardened, and that was a new feeling too. I was breathing quite fast now and feeling wet and excited. And now the last bit. Which we’d sort of planned, but weren’t sure whether we’d do. I could sense that Vero wanted to though, even though it would hurt us both, me especially. She asked really nicely if she could and I said yes. So she climbed onto the bed and very carefully lay down right on top of me and the wire, so she could feel it cutting into her and I was really pushed down onto the barbs under me. I gasped, but my mouth was soon filled by her tongue. She only moved her tongue, pushing into me, lifting my lower lip, but being careful not to roll around at all, because that really would have hurt. Getting off was painful for us both too, and getting the wires off wasn’t exactly amusing either, even if it had its special pleasures.

I guess the whole thing took about an hour. Then we showered together. It was so lucky that Vero had the en-suite shower... I can’t imagine what anyone might have thought if they’d seen us in the shared ones, me covered in little bloody punctures and dried on wax. It was totally exciting in the shower and we stayed in there a long, long time, enjoying the hot water, even if it stung; washing away the blood and peeling off the softening wax. We’d got some new towels to dry off with, ones we intended to throw away, with the other props. Good job too, because although my bleeding wasn’t too bad there was enough mess to totally ruin them.

We both helped to put the bed back to normal and Vero wiped my back where the worst of the little wounds were, and put some cream on them so they wouldn’t get infected or anything. Then we poured the wine, put on some nice music and curled up together for the rest of the night. I felt so warm and happy in her arms. And I’ve really enjoyed looking at the photos and the video. I think I looked pretty good, to be honest. And I know I wasn’t even pushing my boundaries. So, I do think I will do a good job if those folks get back to me about that “modelling” stuff... We’ll see.

Anyway, it’s half eight in the morning now. It’s that useless time between Christmas and New Year when there’s nothing to do but eat what’s left of the turkey and go for long damp walks and go shopping, but I can’t be hacked to do that whole sales thing. It’s a wild and windy day. There’s been snow up north. I imagine my campus is covered in white and the lake is frozen. I bet it looks beautiful. Here it’s just raining. Maybe it will snow later. We’ll see. Oh heck, my tea’s gone cold again. It always does when I’m writing. I’ll go and make another cup I think. No-one else is up, once again. Just me. I may come back later. I think that might be nice.
Oooh, sorry, I got distracted! It turned out to be a bit of a busy day. And I had a lie-in this morning too. Still, if you can’t be lazy at Christmas time, when can you be? I’ve sort of loafed around in a lovely thick winter jumper and had a nice bubble bath and now I am definitely cosy and warm and rather happy. In fact I am very happy because I got an email! I know you’re thinking that it’s from the video company, but it’s not. I guess they’re on holiday over the break. No, it’s from Mitsuki! She’s back in Japan, of course. It was a lovely message, and brought memories of her flooding back... I could almost taste her in my mouth and feel the softness of her lower lip as I sucked her into me and let my fingers play in her hair. I can almost smell her if I run my hand over my face. I just wish I could bury my mouth in her special place and let my tongue lick that beautiful little lotus blossom on the inside of her right thigh. God, she is so perfectly perfect. I know I am spoiled for ever now.

Anyway (stop me!!!!!), anyway, she’s good. She’s back at college in Japan; well, right now she’s at home on holiday in Kanazawa and it’s really cold there, minus six she says.... She told me lots about what she’s doing and her friends and - this is the best bit - she said I should visit her in Japan! I have no idea how I can do that because I’m sure it will cost a lot, but I have to figure it out! I thought I would never see her ever again, and now I know I will, because when you meet someone who’s perfect, well, you have to, don’t you? Oh, and she sent me a picture too. Not her face, which is a shame, because she has the most beautiful face in the world... I love remembering her face, but my memories are all bits and pieces and it’s hard to put it together properly... I can bring back her lips from every angle, her nose, her ears just peeking from under her lovely soft black hair, her eyes, her cheeks, her teeth, her smile... but then I have to think to make it all one. It’s a nice problem though! So, it wasn’t her face or her sweet tiny breasts. It was gorgeous. She’d put the camera over herself, then leaned forward, so I could see right along her sweet slender back, with that line of tiny Japanese characters following her spine for about ten inches. I think they are the nicest compliment to her body. I’ll print it off and make a picture and put it on my wall and stare at it every day, as soon as I wake up and just before I go to sleep. That’s nice, isn’t it? I really think so...
It’s a sunny, frosty, freezing day. Even the roofs are covered in frost. When I open my window, even just a bit, the cold air almost slides in...brrrr... I’m glad I’m here with my mug of hot tea and my laptop and my books... Today will be a booky day I think...I need to get on with some college work. But I’m going to lie back on my bed in my PJs for a bit and play, I think. I bought myself a lovely glass dildo with a pretty purple spiral inside. It really is nice to look at and nicer still to touch. I like to let a bit of spit dribble from my lips onto it, then smooth it with my finger tips and run it over my belly. It’s beautifully cold and hard. I like to play little circles with it and roll it over my nipples then slide it into my mouth and get it nicely wet. Then I part myself with my right fingers and, holding it with my left hand, gently ease it in. It’s big! I love the hardness and implacability of it. I push it very slowly but very deeply in so it almost hurts me and I gasp a bit. I really like that. Then twist it so I can feel it exploring me inside. Then pull it slowly out and let it play with my clit while I pull my nipples tight between my fingers - first the left, then the right. I should have put the clips on... Never mind, next time.... I’m arching my back now and moaning and all the time I’m looking at Mits on my wall. I wish she was here! Now I’m pushing it back into me, impaling me. In and out, fast and slow... It’s good, really good. I’m gasping and panting. I’m really flooding now. It’s so freakin good! Woaow! That is so good...I’m trying to catch my breath. I hold it by my lips and lick my cum off and taste it and roll it in my mouth, then suck it and push my lips over it. I love my toy. I’m exhausted! I’m lying back on my pillow and I’m soaked in sweat. Mmmmm. That’s a nice way to start the day. I think I should take a shower now and eat something before I get down to work. But maybe I will just do it again, just once more, while I look at my lovely Mits on the wall in front of me.

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It’s a sunny, frosty, freezing day. Even the roofs are covered in frost. When I open my window, even just a bit, the cold air almost slides in...brrrr... I’m glad I’m here with my mug of hot tea and my laptop and my books... Today will be a booky day I think...I need to get on with some college work. But I’m going to lie back on my bed in my PJs for a bit and play, I think. I bought myself a lovely glass dildo with a pretty purple spiral inside. It really is nice to look at and nicer still to touch. I like to let a bit of spit dribble from my lips onto it, then smooth it with my finger tips and run it over my belly. It’s beautifully cold and hard. I like to play little circles with it and roll it over my nipples then slide it into my mouth and get it nicely wet. Then I part myself with my right fingers and, holding it with my left hand, gently ease it in. It’s big! I love the hardness and implacability of it. I push it very slowly but very deeply in so it almost hurts me and I gasp a bit. I really like that. Then twist it so I can feel it exploring me inside. Then pull it slowly out and let it play with my clit while I pull my nipples tight between my fingers - first the left, then the right. I should have put the clips on... Never mind, next time.... I’m arching my back now and moaning and all the time I’m looking at Mits on my wall. I wish she was here! Now I’m pushing it back into me, impaling me. In and out, fast and slow... It’s good, really good. I’m gasping and panting. I’m really flooding now. It’s so freakin good! Woaow! That is so good...I’m trying to catch my breath. I hold it by my lips and lick my cum off and taste it and roll it in my mouth, then suck it and push my lips over it. I love my toy. I’m exhausted! I’m lying back on my pillow and I’m soaked in sweat. Mmmmm. That’s a nice way to start the day. I think I should take a shower now and eat something before I get down to work. But maybe I will just do it again, just once more, while I look at my lovely Mits on the wall in front of me.

PS - did I mention that Mitsuki means "Beautiful Moon"? I think it is a lovely name, don't you?

GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :very_hot::very_hot::very_hot::very_hot::very_hot:

.... and, yes PK, 'beautiful moon' is as lovely a name as she appears to be ... ;)
Wow, it feels really late, but I guess it isn’t.... it’s just before ten at night really. It’s just been that sort of a day...you know the sort, don’t you? You get absorbed in something and time vanishes, then your mum’s calling for you to help peel veggies and then it’s dinner and then you have to watch some TV or you are being mean and, well, you know, the day vanishes. So, here I am. At the end of the day.

I’ve had Mits in my head all the time. Not just in my head, I think she’s swallowed me whole. I just can’t describe her. I have to feel her in my mind. That’s the best I can do. But it’s been a fun day. I like my work. And I take the odd diversionary route, so, you see, I bought this wonderful book by a Prof with the stunning name of Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly who is a German fellow at some Oxford college, anyway (and I am sure that she doesn’t say "anyway" anywhere near as much as I do) it’s called “The Woman Warrior in the German Imagination from the Renaissance to the Present” and I have to say I am finding it both fascinating and inspiring. It makes me feel good to be a girl. Am I a “Beauty” or am I a “Beast”? I have no idea...yet... But when I think about Mits and her lovely lovely body, well, I am both, obviously. And so is she. That’s the fun in being a girl really, isn’t it?

Gosh, I think I might possibly be accused of rambling. Is that ok? It’s late and mum made me share the end of a bottle of Port with her... I didn’t like it, but I know she did. I think I will wake up with a headache tomorrow. What else? Well, of course I Skyped with Sallie, who thinks I will get over Mits (she is so wrong!) and with Vero, and we fixed up the deal for after New Year... I am so SO excited!!! And with Adèle. I sometimes think that I forget her cos she is so far away, but I know I don’t. We will see each other next term, for sure. I know we will. Fuck, I wish she was here now! I really do!

Anyway, I really am rambling. Blame the Port. I’m sorry. I think I will head off to bed with my book. Or my books, I should say. And my toy. But I mustn’t over-use it... I can use my fingers maybe tonight. I might just play for a bit with the clips on my nipples, not too much. Then my fingers on my clit. I think I’d enjoy that. And I will leave time to read a bit too...
when I first skim-read that I thought, oh dear, you'll need to get some special shampoo -


then I re-read, oh it's Mits you've got in your head :p
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