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Role Playing Crucifixion Scenes in Second Life

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I thought I'd start this thread because it seem to me that there are a number of people in the group who are interested in indulging in their crux fantasies in a safe and consensual way yet are “afraid” (maybe too strong a word, would hesitant be better) to try.

Mods if in needs to be moved please do so.

Maybe because I'm an extrovert I can't understand why but I have always believed that any journey starts with taking the first step. Hopefully this thread will encourage those of you who have thought about it take that first step.

I also hope that other members of this forum who have come out to play in Second Life (SL) at Cruxwinds (CW)will contribute to this thread in an effort to assure those who would like to try well ... it ain't as hard as you think it is.

And to share their experiences.

And there IS nonjudgmental support for you starting out at CW.

First acknowledge that the brain is the best sex organ.

Every time one of you looks at an image here on the Forum or reads a story your brain fills in all sorts of details that just aren't there. Things like (1) Why was this person crucified; (2) How were they tortured before they were hung on the cross; (3) How long will it take them to die? And those are just examples of the details we fill in to make the image more real, more exciting for each of us.

Role play is simply taking that image that is in your mind and typing it out (called emoting) so that your playmate(s) can react to it. Improv on a grand scale with each of you taking turns at moving the play along. There is no right or wrong to what you type as it is YOUR image or thoughts or actions that the animations can not fill in.

And then how your playmate reacts is what they would do given your last move. Again not right or wrong and much more satisfying than a preprogammed NPC whose reactions, quite frankly, are extremely limited.

It is completely consensual because your playmate is there for the same reason you are, to play out a crux RP. And no one is going to condemn your kink because, well we are there for the same reason.

You can not actually HURT someone pixels don't feel pain. And if they are going to get “offended” by the RP they shouldn't be there in the first place.

And no one can force you to play with them or do what they want you to do. Again consensual.

Those of us already in CW will help teach you how things work at CW and work with you as you learn to develop your own RPing style. There are even RP classes you can take in SL if you want a broader perspective.

So consider what I have said here and if you have questions don't hesitate to IM me here.

I do hope other members of both CF and CW will add to this thread their own experiences and perspectives.

Consider this an open invitation to explore your interest in crux by talking with us, joining us and playing with us.


what do you mean specifically by big step?
if i understand correctly, i have to imagine a scene and role play, right?
Well it depends there are many different types of RP available online.

In SL at CW there is a certain amount of animation provided. For example most of the Dominants dress up as Roman or other Ancient soldiers (appropriate period attire is required at CW) and then the equipment provides a certain amount of animation. For example your avi (avatar) driving the nails into to the wrists of your victim as they struggle on the cross.

The key to good RP really involves the images you create in your playmate's mind and they create in yours.

So for example in a recent RP (pictures post in "Crucifixion in Video Games" thread) we did a basic 'Slave Revolt' scenario. As the leader of the revolt I started out defiant and the Dominant tortured me to break me and then after that executed me. The dialogue back and forth between the playmates is referred to as "emoting" and fills in all the details the available animations can not (example emotions or me spitting at my tormentor).

So as the Dominant you create a scene so the submissive knows who they are and why they are in that moment and then you make the 1st move (by emoting) and the submissive plays off of that and then you play off of their move.

Scenarios are almost endless so let's say to want to portray an Emperor who has gotten tired of a Mistress and decides to dispose of her in an imaginative and very painful way. Or you want an arena scenario where Christians are tormented for the entertainment of the crowd (and sometimes you even get a crowd).

Our sim (simulated world) is pretty extensively equipped and can accommodate almost any scene you can create in your mind. Your playmate fills in the rest.


Dear willowfall, thank you for the inspiring topic. I've always envied your CruxWinds games. I may even have a SecondLife account...
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Here is the website - https://secondlife.com/

You'll need a viewer might I suggest Firestorm - https://www.firestormviewer.org/ as this is the viewer I find most people use.

It is free to join SL so there is no investment there. The avi you see posted by myself and others is a bit more advanced than the classic avi you get when joining but most people, if they decide to hang around upgrade. But even then the monthly investment is pretty small unless you get seriously hooked.

If you do decide to join and explore send me a "Friend" request. in SL I'm Willowfall1.


Dear willowfall, thank you for the inspiring topic. I've always envied your CruxWinds games. I may even have a SecondLife account...

You are always welcome to come out and play Georg. We even have a gladiator school and arena at CW as skewering women does seem to be a favorite fantasy of yours.


You are always welcome to come out and play Georg. We even have a gladiator school and arena at CW as skewering women does seem to be a favorite fantasy of yours.
Thank you so much for the invitation. I'll try to remember how to use SecondLife and try to join.
Here is the website - https://secondlife.com/

You'll need a viewer might I suggest Firestorm - https://www.firestormviewer.org/ as this is the viewer I find most people use.

It is free to join SL so there is no investment there. The avi you see posted by myself and others is a bit more advanced than the classic avi you get when joining but most people, if they decide to hang around upgrade. But even then the monthly investment is pretty small unless you get seriously hooked.

If you do decide to join and explore send me a "Friend" request. in SL I'm Willowfall1.


I'm in SeconLife like Piedi72 but I can't find you
We role play to honor the God Lugh at the festival of Lughnasadh. The festival of harvest. We decorate my barn with fall symbols and for fun (not actually part of the ritual), we sacrifice the virginity of a maiden. I don't understand role play on the computer. It is easier and fun to do it with a group with assigned roles
I don't understand role play on the computer. It is easier and fun to do it with a group with assigned roles

Well since I also live a BDSM life and belong to a BDSM club Cynthia I can explain it to you in 3 easy reasons:

(1) Access - many people do not have access to those sorts of groups either thru geography or real life living situations. A lot of the men I play with have a happy married life and there is no way their spouses would be interested in serious BDSM (spanking and being tied up doesn't count ..... yawn). Also fitting recreational activities into real life is tough enough without trying to fit in kink. 'Sorry honey I can't take you and the kids to the beach today because this is my RP Saturday at the BDSM club.'
(2) Anonymity - I was once stalked because a member of the old Yahoo Crux group by a guy who just HAPPENED to not only be a member of the group but worked for my company in the same building I worked in. Long story but if things had gotten really bad not only would it have cost me my job but probably my livelihood.
(3) There are some kinks that even if you are into BDSM your partner (in my case My Mistress) may not be interested in. I don't RP 'Ok fuck me and then I'll make you dinner' in SL because I have that in RL. I don't have crux or male playmates in RL.

And finally some of the darker stuff is not easier in RL with an assigned group, You can not nail someone to a cross and watch them die anywhere in the civilized world without being charged with murder. Consensual or not. Nor can you necessarily trust even a well organized group to be professionally capable enough to ensure complete safety when you try some of the more dangerous kinks.

You can do all those things in an online RP environment and you won't hurt anybody no matter you want to try and as a victim you have the ultimate in safe words ...... a program shutdown button.


Long time lurker, first time poster here.

I guess you could say I'm Cruxwinds-curious. I've done text RP online for years but I've never met anyone I'd be comfortable asking to indulge my interest in torture/crux fantasy. Even here, I think I'm a tiny minority of a tiny minority; I'm not interested in the explicitly sexual aspects. Is there anyone in the CW community, or even these forums in general, who'd be interested in play that doesn't center stuff like rape and sexual humiliation (e.g. cornu-induced erections)? Or any adjacent communities I should try? Ideally M/m, but I know beggars can't be choosers.
I'm afraid I don't have a simple answer for you except there is a wide variety of fetish play in SL in general and since I don't (rumors to the contrary) indulge in everything I can only give you general pointers.

The person we rent the sim from for CW is owned by Tom who also runs a gay themed Roman sim so you'd have better luck finding what you are looking for there. A lot of Tom's members do come over to play at CW (they are members of both sims) because we have a beautifully build very well equipped sim.

Part of the answer is are you Dominant or submissive? Dominants get to choose what happens (within a subs limit). I have played with Dominants who are not interested in sex just the torture and kill. And one Dominant (who is just a GREAT RPer) who prefers me to keep my cloths on no matter what the scene is (that includes during cyber sex).

It takes all types.

I even once gave a gay guy a bath using my primary female avi and he was like "There will be no sex I'm not interested in you." And I was like "Hey it will be the best bath RP you ever had and what you want is up to you." No sex and he told me it was the best bath RP he ever did because there were no sexual expectations (frankly most gay guys want the sex) and he enjoyed a nice bath with Roman period conversation.

If you can find a female Dominant (and they are a fairly small percentage of the population) a number of them are not interested in sex when they Domme a guy but all seem to enjoy torturing genitals.

Generally (and this is where most subs fall flat on their face because they stand around like fence posts expecting someone to pick them up) you find out by asking in group chat. If you are a Dominant you get pretty much whatever you want because I'll bet there are 15-20 subs for every true Dominant so an IM in group chat of "Hey looking for a male to crucify, no sex involved" will probably get you a dozen responses.

As far as being a sub is concerned you had better make it worth the Dominant's time to play with you because THEY have all the options in the world.

Remember in RP it is not what the sub wants it is what the Dominant wants.

There are no easy answers to the questions you ask. I'm an extrovert and I always give the Dominant what they want so consequently I get a lot of offers to play and there is a group of Doms that if they see me online and they aren't already involved I will get IMs from.

And I know subs who rarely get any play because they are wallflowers and try to back lead.

So to answer your questions. (1) Yes there is. (2) Nobody is going to hand it to you. You are going to have to do some work to get a regular set of playmates. As my parents always said "You get out of something what you put into it."

You mentioned you have IM RPed (I did to). If you have someone you like playing with can I suggest to you that you suggest to them that you both join so see how playing out your fantasies with visual aids improves the sensations?


Thank you so much for taking the time to give me such a thorough overview! I'm no stranger to the work it takes to set up truly enjoyable RPs, but as a guy who only wants to sub in this scenario, it sounds like my ideal partner may as well be a rainbow-hued unicorn. I'll have to do some thinking about where my limits truly are and whether I can be GGG enough to be worth anyone's time.

I appreciate your suggestion, too, but alas, none of my existing vanilla / non-sexual RP partners are likely candidates for anything like this. Most of them I'd probably lose forever for even asking.
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