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Roxie's Submission

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Damn, I gotta piss so bad!
Why did I answer that goddamn ad
Now I fear my life will end
Oh what terrors upon me attend!!!

It wasn’t that long ago…

"Are you Mr. Tree?"

"No, it's just 'Tree'. Are you Roxie?"

"It's 'Roxanne'."

"You came here to hire me. The bar is over there. Take your clothes off, pour a drink, and sit down."

"I came here to interview you to see if I want to hire you."

He lights a cigarette- I hate smokers- and says "Then we have a failure to communicate. I told you I would consider your offer if you were worth my time."

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"I think my monetary offer should make it worth your time. It was rather generous I think."

"Roxie, I have enough money that I don't need yours. My time is a receding commodity. So either get naked, get a drink, and sit down and answer a few questions or go back to your fancy car now and leave."

I contemplate leaving but I have come too far. If I’m ever going to do this it has to now! My intellect says go to my car even as my fingers fumble with the buttons on my simple dress. That’s what he told me to wear; a dress and high heels. Stocking are optional but no panty hose, bra, or pants. I pull the dress off my shoulders revealing my bosom to a man I have met less than five minutes ago and his eyes are undressing me as much as I do myself!!!

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Damn, I gotta piss so bad!
Why did I answer that goddamn ad
Now I fear my life will end
Oh what terrors upon me attend!!!

It wasn’t that long ago…

"Are you Mr. Tree?"

"No, it's just 'Tree'. Are you Roxie?"

"It's 'Roxanne'."

"You came here to hire me. The bar is over there. Take your clothes off, pour a drink, and sit down."

"I came here to interview you to see if I want to hire you."

He lights a cigarette- I hate smokers- and says "Then we have a failure to communicate. I told you I would consider your offer if you were worth my time."

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"I think my monetary offer should make it worth your time. It was rather generous I think."

"Roxie, I have enough money that I don't need yours. My time is a receding commodity. So either get naked, get a drink, and sit down and answer a few questions or go back to your fancy car now and leave."

I contemplate leaving but I have come too far. If I’m ever going to do this it has to now! My intellect says go to my car even as my fingers fumble with the buttons on my simple dress. That’s what he told me to wear; a dress and high heels. Stocking are optional but no panty hose, bra, or pants. I pull the dress off my shoulders revealing my bosom to a man I have met less than five minutes ago and his eyes are undressing me as much as I do myself!!!

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Love the red-head girl!!!!! SOoooo much!!!!!
I am supposed to be interviewing him and he begins to bombard me with questions I did not expect nor am I prepared to answer as I sit naked before him sipping a glass of wine.

“Are you straight, lesbian, or ‘bi’?”

“What the hell difference does that make?” I protest!

“I told you once time is one commodity I have that is always shrinking. Answer the question or gather you clothes and leave now.”

“I... I’ve done both. I’ve enjoyed both! I…”

“Then bisexual would be accurate?”

“I suppose” I huff.

“Have you ever ‘deep throated’?”

“WHAT???” I ask. He tips his hat back, lowers his sunglasses and says “Last chance Roxanne.”

“Yes… once… not my favorite thing” I sigh.

“Have you had anal sex?”

“Never!” I lie. My diary doesn’t know about that! This Tree seems to believe me as he scribbles on a yellow legal pad.

“What is your experience with BDSM- light bondage, handcuffs, whipping, BDSM clubs?”

I hesitate a moment and say “None.”

He tosses the Ray-ban Aviator sunglasses on the table and glares at me. His eyes are nicer than I expected. I shake my head and say “Websites… ever hear of Crux Forums?”

He is still staring at me. I’m not sure if he is angry or if it is just disbelief. I down the half glass of wine in one chug, wipe my lips, and say “Really, I never had done any of that!”

“Then what the hell are you doing here?”

I look down at my empty glass then look at him. I’m suddenly pissed off. “I spent years building a business and haven’t had a vacation or a trip that wasn’t tied to business for seven years. So maybe I have experienced bondage but not physically. I have a month off and I want complete release from my life. Either you can give it to me or you have wasted as much of my time as I have your precious time. Do we have a deal or not?”

An envelope is tossed on the table and a deep baritone voice says “Ulrika printed off the contract, boss. Would you like some more wine, Ma’am?”

I am still glaring at this Tree and hiss “Yes, please.”

I watch the glass fill then look at Tree and say “At least your servant has manners.”

“I’m not the servant; I’m Gunner” the baritone voice says. “Quit, messing with the lady, Tree.”

“Thank you” I say as I look up... and up… and up at the most massive man I have ever seen and suddenly I feel small and naked again…

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“See if you thank me after a month stay at the Tree Estate, lady…”

I look down at my empty glass then look at him. I’m suddenly pissed off. “I spent years building a business and haven’t had a vacation or a trip that wasn’t tied to business for seven years. So maybe I have experienced bondage but not physically. I have a month off and I want complete release from my life. Either you can give it to me or you have wasted as much of my time as I have your precious time. Do we have a deal or not?”

Roxie is thinking:

Yes! This man will set me free! I am in bondage to my all-consuming work...I've haven't felt anything in years...just driven to be successful...to stay afloat in these difficult times...

Will this be the release from the life that constrains me...that inhibits me...that traps me!!!!

I know now...to be free I must submit!!!!

Look at me already...stripped naked..wearing nothing but high heels...seated in a chair and sipping wine with a completely clothed man who is still very much a stranger to me. This would normally be an invitation for disaster for any woman...

I know I am too self-conscious about my body...are my breasts too small, butt not firm enough...is my belly getting a bit flabby...are my legs losing their youthful slenderness???

Yet I am exhilarated by the fact that I was able to strip naked so willingly...almost eagerly! I could never have done this before!!! Even with a new lover I would have felt uncomfortable...vulnerable...what is this strange feeling...this tingling...?

I really need this experience...before I completely lose myself...

Does he sense I am tightening my crossed legs...

I am willing to submit to his control...to find my release...my freedom...

I am placing myself in your hands Tree...

Do not disappoint me!
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A very nice, well written contribution, Roxie.
For anyone looking at this and any of my threads I rarely share the story with the principal characters so Roxie's point of view here was a completely spontaneous reaction to what Tree was putting her through...

I damn near spill my wine as it sinks in that I am sitting in front of two men I have no idea who they are and I want to pay them to enslave me for the first vacation I have had in seven years! The black man neatly folds my dress and places it on the passenger seat of my AMG Mercedes.

Tree flips through the contract explaining clauses to me and telling me what each one means…

I will have no physical scars at the end of my term… ‘Initial here’

I will be subject to the use of The Hanging Tree and any direct employees of THT, Inc. during the period specified. I don’t even know how many employees he has and does that include this ‘Gunner’? He barks “Initial here” and I do…

I know better than this. I built a company from dirt to over 500 employees. I would never skim a contract there that I am doing here. Yet I see ‘Gunner’ pick up my purse and place it on the seat next to my dress. I initial the damn thing. I ask Tree if he is a lawyer and he tells me he has practiced it but is not very good at it.

Some of the terms and conditions I have no problems with. I have to attest that I have no health issues and no sexual transmitted diseases. I initial off wondering if I am going to be a fuck doll for a month. So what? I won’t be regretting why I ever let the creep between my sheets the next morning. My only choice is to sign this and have a month of freedom from making decisions.

Tree tells Gunner to find Ulrika and continues skimming through the contract and I keep initial things I should be seriously reading. I tell myself to let go and keep initialing the clauses until I lean back and my eyes narrow. Angrily I say “So this is what it is all about! You are trying to steal my company!”

The clause states that while I am in the ‘care’ of THT, Inc. that Tree’s sister Joan has complete power of attorney over all my assets including the company I have built from the ground up!

“What do you mean I am trying to steal your business? I don’t need another headache with your business. Get the fuck out of here!” Tree yells. “No one questions my integrity! Go NOW!”

He lights a cigarette and the baritone voice of Gunner says “I think it wise you leave, miss. You can dress outside the gate. The road is still pretty private there.”

This is not what I wanted! I just don’t like that clause! There are a lot of clauses I don’t like but I initialed them because I need this and now I am being tossed out. What am I to do? I start to get up to leave when a soft voice says “Gunner, why don’t you join Bull with Dorothy in the dungeon. I think she’s worn him out and Tree you are upset. Why don’t you go to the other end of the deck and take a leak before you piss in your pants?”

He grabs his crumpled pack of Marlboros and his drink and storms off around the corner of the house. I turn and see the most stunning woman stand there, naked as I am. I am suddenly more aware of my body than when I undressed before Tree!

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I stammer “Are you the boss of this operation?”

“No, this is Tree’s. I am Ulrika. I just hold it together. Listen, you will be gone and completely out of touch for a month; the longest by far since you started your business. I understand a Mr. Wu has been making overtures to buy you business…”

“How do you know that?” I ask.

“I have my charms. There are people that work for you that wait for the day to pull a coup and sell your business. Joan will not let that happen. Jane Tree might be a different story. Tree is crappy business man, an even worse lawyer, and has a strange line of work. But his word is gold. The only reason you are looking at a contract is I make him do it. If it were up to him this would have been a few drinks, a nice discussion, and a handshake or maybe a kiss. Do you really want to do this, Roxanne?”

I wipe my eyes and shake my head ‘yes’. She hands me a box of tissues and tells me to wipe my eyes as my mascara is running. She walks around the corner of the log house and calls “Tree, get back here… now… and zip your fly, she is a lady!”

So the contract is signed. In two weeks I am to be at a coffee shop in Pacific, Missouri at noon. If I show up for the next 31 days my life is completely out of my hands. I fly home on my company jet and when I get to my penthouse condominium I peel everything off everything and flop down on the satin sheets. Goddamn am I horny!!!

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The next two weeks both flew by and dragged. I want to do this but I submitting to the complete unknown. I control everything and I am about to surrendering any control for a month. I have doubts running through my mind. How did this ‘Ulrika’ know about Mr. Wu and who in my company would want to sell me out?

Then there was an envelope delivered by a courier. There is nothing in it. It is addressed to a P.O. Box in Philadelphia- no name… just a box number. The woman that delivered it said I would get an e-mail from a ‘cxslave’. I was told to print it, put it in the envelope, and then delete the e-mail. I didn’t think about it until the Wednesday before I was due for my rendezvous at the coffee shop in Pacific, Missouri when the e=mail pops up. The subject says ‘hi girl’ and the message only says “Barb, Cruxton Abbey”. Maybe it’s a test. I print it off and stuff it in the envelope. It’s already got a stamp on it. I stare at the message for maybe an hour before I delete it…

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What the hell is going on? What the hell am I doing? I think back to when I signed the contract. Tree walked behind me and slammed me onto the table. His hat rolled across the table and his sunglasses flew into it like a three-pointer. His hand was around my neck and his whiskey and tobacco breath filled my nose. He whispered in my ear “If you show up at the coffee shop you are mine for a month. Don’t do this lightly!”

My eyes were closed. I wonder what he looks like without the hat and glasses…


It is Thursday night. I went to my hair appointment as I always do. I have to be at the airport at 6:30 tomorrow morning. I don’t know how I can sleep tonight! I pour a glass of wine and stalk my condominium wearing only earrings and stilettos. I leave the lights on. I’ve been told if you do that at night people can look in.

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…let them… I think many more eyes will see me in the month to come!

cool with shades.jpg What is going on? Tree is crossing threads, and throwing out a kaleidoscope of hints. P.O boxes in Philadelphia. Cryptic messages to Barb at Cruxton Abbey. Strange business deals. Pissing off of decks...Hints about rebellion in the air. What does it all mean? Stay tuned folks.
View attachment 193757 What is going on? Tree is crossing threads, and throwing out a kaleidoscope of hints. P.O boxes in Philadelphia. Cryptic messages to Barb at Cruxton Abbey. Strange business deals. Pissing off of decks...Hints about rebellion in the air. What does it all mean? Stay tuned folks.
Almost looks like Amateur Agent Barbara is jumping threads too with those CIA-like aviators.
View attachment 193757 What is going on? Tree is crossing threads, and throwing out a kaleidoscope of hints. P.O boxes in Philadelphia. Cryptic messages to Barb at Cruxton Abbey. Strange business deals. Pissing off of decks...Hints about rebellion in the air. What does it all mean? Stay tuned folks.
Almost looks like Amateur Agent Barbara is jumping threads too with those CIA-like aviators.
...If you think you know what Tree is thinking I am most concerned!!!
...If you think you know what Tree is thinking I am most concerned!!!
Pp will confine his expertise to things of plaited leather and will never try to venture anywhere near Tree's mind. He wonders whether it might be easier to fathom Barb's.

dissappointed.jpg Good thing you two don't get together. I don't know what I would do then. :eek:
My Gulfstream G650 glides to a smooth landing at the Spirit of St. Louis airport. I’m told it is named after a famous plane but really don’t give a damn. I have to get to this coffee shop by noon. A Chrysler 300 C limousine pulls up at the base of the stairs and I hop in. I have no luggage. I was told if it didn’t fit in my purse I packed too much. It’s not one of those crass ‘super-stretch’ party limos. If you weren’t paying attention you would have not noticed it in traffic. It was only a two foot stretch and at a quick glance it would be like any of the countless thousands of black 300C’s running the roads unless you look at the license plate and know what ‘THT 1’ means. There is a bar back here. I don’t remember telling Tree kind of wine I like but a bottle of it waits for me and I pour a glass. At my finger tip are two buttons, one labeled ‘Intercom’ and the other ‘Divide glass’. There are no window buttons or door handles. I think I have already surrendered.

I press the button to lower the glass between the driver and me but it only opens an inch before stopping. A baritone voice says “Hello, Miss Roxie, is everything alright?”

Gunner! I’d know that voice anywhere! “Yes I suppose so. The window seems to be stuck just partly opened.”

It opens all the way. He laughs “Tree is paranoid. He had that put in so someone cannot attack the driver. I don’t think you could even get your arms around my neck and even if you did, I could break both with one had!”

Comforting thought, that. I guess I really am committed to this. He turns right from Missouri Highway 109 onto westbound Interstate 44. I ask where we are. He tells me Eureka, Missouri and just two exits from Pacific and asks if I find the wine acceptable. I assure him it is very good and fill my glass again. It’s only two exits to ‘no exit’. The Chrysler accelerates up the ramp. As we get to the ‘Allenton-Six Flags exit I look to my right and see the amusement park. Its lot is empty as it is not open this time of year. We pass a car doing more than 20 mph than it was. I barely caught a glimpse of it as we streaked by but on the front fender I know I saw the words ‘State Trooper’. I look back expecting to see pursuit lights going off like fireworks but the car just faded behind us. Gunner must have seen me looking back and said “Don’t worry; Tree is very influential around here.”

A few moments later the car takes the Pacific exit ramp. I wonder why a town in Missouri is named ‘Pacific’ as it is not near the Pacific Ocean. As if he was reading my mind Gunner says “I wondered how the town got its name. Tree tells me it was named after the Missouri Pacific railroad. It makes sense. But I wonder why the railroad was named Missouri Pacific as it never got west of Texas until it merged with the Union Pacific more than a century later. Are you doing alright Miss Roxanne? We are almost there.”

I chug the glass of wine as my life is about to be changed in ways I cannot imagine. Gunner says “There’s the coffee shop a block ahead. When we get there when you get out of the car and walk inside you accept the contract. If you don’t want to go through with it say so and I will take you back to the airport.”

If I back out I lose my deposit of $100,000. I don’t mean to brag but I can afford to do that! If I go into the coffee shop my life will be forever changed. The Car turns left around the brick building. There was a guy in a cowboy hat leaning against a pole out front. Was that Tree?

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A gate opens and the car pulls into a yard behind the shop. Gunner gets out, opens my door, and offers his hand to assist me from the car. I can’t believe how pale my hand looks against his ebony skin. Softly he says “This is your last chance to back out, Miss Roxanne.”

I force a smile and say “This is what I need to do.”

I reach up and place my hands on his shoulders and stretching in my toes I kiss his cheek. I walk to the door of the coffee shop and before entering I turn back to Gunner and ask “Will I see you again?”

He chuckles and says “You go through that door and you will see more of me than you could ever imagine. Good luck, Roxie.”

I turn and open the door…

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