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Scandals' Resort

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‘Unintended Consequences’

One thing the phone land lines allows the remaining IMF forces to do is all slaves to be immediately bound in chains to be prepared for pick up. This hardly sat well with Sirs Despard and B. Robert Wragg who instructed the Scandals Cruxton Abbey staff to round up their numerous slaves.

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All but Gwen were taken to the abbey’s dungeon and Gwen would be handed over to the IMF as a token of their cooperation (not to mention the IMF knew about her!!!).

One by one the slaves were taken to the hell hole called the Scandals Resort dungeon.
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Even trustees were taken! This one could not believe they would do this to her…

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…and argued her case the best she could…

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…that as a slave trustee that had abused the other slaves almost as much as their free masters the slaves would surely extract revenge while she is locked up with them! She was correct of course!
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Perhaps the greatest blunder of the slave roundup was when the IMF came to Messa’s chateau. They find Messa in irons and chains and assume she is the slave!

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She explains she is just waiting for the Nailus Martyrs photographers for a new line of restraint. They don’t believe her and haul off to the dungeon while Siss basks in the steam shower after an evening of passionate love making with Mistress Messa!

Meanwhile the IMF Director of Western Hemisphere Operations phones Tree while Tree is enjoying drinks on the Tree house deck with Barb’s sister and leader of the guerrilla army Anne Moore.

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“Tree, Anne Moore and her rebel army has invaded Scandals Resort!”

“So I’ve heard.”

“I want Ulrika locked up in the dungeon with the slaves” he demands.

Tree says “Ulrika is not a slave. You can’t just lock her up!”

“I have it on good authority she plays on both sides!”

“I don’t discuss her sex life with her, your pompousness” Tree replies.

“Damn it Tree I want to see her naked and in chains right now!”

“You and just about every member of Crux Forums but it ain’t happening on my turf unless she asks nicely. You come and get her if you dare” Tree says then hangs up.

“Were you defending me?” Anne asks.

“No, your name hardly came up…”

Ulrika naked and in chains? :eek:

That would be a red letter day! :D
She explains she is just waiting for the Nailus Martyrs photographers for a new line of restraint. They don’t believe her and haul off to the dungeon while Siss basks in the steam shower after an evening of passionate love making with Mistress Messa!

Messa chained ?! Chained_Up__by_MkG2k7.jpg

... and Siss in a bath ?!! Nude_woman_in_a_bathtub.jpg

Messa chained ?! View attachment 356652

... and Siss in a bath ?!! View attachment 356653

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I really enjoyed this post Messa!!!

I'll add the next segment now so read on!!!

‘Unintended Consequences, part 2’

During the assault all slaves are put in lockdown in the Scandals Dungeon (except for the slaves the Wraggs stashed and Dorothy who was left to occupy the men in for ‘Detroit Month’ at the Reparations Farm. One of the women locked in the dungeon was Kate Andrews, the IMF agent who had infiltrated PETS. She stood with her wrists in irons in one of the vaulted cellblocks with more than 100 other slaves. She dare not protest as she recognized several of the slaves were PETS operatives. Any one of them could use an improvised weapon to stab her to death or even the chain fixing her to the wall to strangle her give the chance if they knew she was an undercover IMF agent!

At one point Joan Tree strolled into the cellblock and sauntered up to Kate. The other slaves move as far away as their restraints allow as Joan’s brutally is known to all. Joan whispers “Being a double agent can be stressful, can’t it?”

“You have to get me out of here, Joan” Kate hisses.

“I don’t think so. If I did that it would blow your cover. Besides we hacked the PETS private server. It really didn’t take much longer than getting into Hillary’s. It seems that the IMF undercover agent Kate Andrews became a double agent that went to the dark side. Next time you don’t have irons around your wrists it will be to make way for spikes to go through them. I can’t wait to see you crucified!”

“What are you… Oww! …what was that?” Kate asks after Joan fires a dart into Kate’s right butt cheek.

“You’ll know in a little bit, darling” Joan says as she walks away.

Kate watches her leave and wonders what the hell is going on…

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Perhaps your narrator can explain. The IMF really did hack a server at PETS that looked like the real PETS server but it was a ‘red herring’ made to look like it would be the real PETS server. There was even a ‘highly classified’ section that had the names and photos of PETS operatives that had signed up to be slaves at Scandals Resorts (Barb’s dossier was even in the list:eek::eek::eek:!!!). What the IMF didn’t know was Anne Moore’s team had hacked the real IMF server and only posted things the IMF already knew about PETS in the ‘highly classified’ section and what else they got from the IMF server was made to look like Kate Andrews gave it to PETS in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars that was ‘laundered’ through a bank in Paris (Arkansas)!!!

Tree needs a drink to try to figure out what he just wrote…

Perhaps your narrator can explain. The IMF really did hack a server at PETS that looked like the real PETS server but it was a ‘red herring’ made to look like it would be the real PETS server. There was even a ‘highly classified’ section that had the names and photos of PETS operatives that had signed up to be slaves at Scandals Resorts (Barb’s dossier was even in the list:eek::eek::eek:!!!). What the IMF didn’t know was Anne Moore’s team had hacked the real IMF server and only posted things the IMF already knew about PETS in the ‘highly classified’ section and what else they got from the IMF server was made to look like Kate Andrews gave it to PETS in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars that was ‘laundered’ through a bank in Paris (Arkansas)!!!

07.jpg WTF .... I read this over three times ... and now my head hurts and I am still confused :p
Perhaps your narrator can explain. The IMF really did hack a server at PETS that looked like the real PETS server but it was a ‘red herring’ made to look like it would be the real PETS server. There was even a ‘highly classified’ section that had the names and photos of PETS operatives that had signed up to be slaves at Scandals Resorts (Barb’s dossier was even in the list:eek::eek::eek:!!!). What the IMF didn’t know was Anne Moore’s team had hacked the real IMF server and only posted things the IMF already knew about PETS in the ‘highly classified’ section and what else they got from the IMF server was made to look like Kate Andrews gave it to PETS in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars that was ‘laundered’ through a bank in Paris (Arkansas)!!!

View attachment 356866 WTF .... I read this over three times ... and now my head hurts and I am still confused :p
It seems like Barb understands it better than Tree... Please direct all questions to Ms. Moore...

It seems like Barb understands it better than Tree... Please direct all questions to Ms. Moore...


At 1-800-229-6969 (reverse the charges ... It's Tree's rotary phone).

Or, email at Treehouse@aol.com (his dial-up modem address),

Or lsnail mail at: Treehouse, at Hill of 100 Drive, somewhere in Missouri (a red state), USA.

Or, for all you techies: PM me at Barbaria1, Cruxforums (messages answered within 24 hours unless I happen to be out hanging naked on a cross. In that case, you'll just have to be a little patient). :)
tumblr_o3zo3qehb61ssypfho1_250.gif "Ha !Ha! Ha! ...and you're thinking that we could believe that, Tree !?"

tumblr_o3zo3qehb61ssypfho5_r1_250.gif "Though everybody know well that this world is corrupted !"

tumblr_n9pr4n3RQx1qdw4dpo4_250.gif " ......... and now ........ I'm not sure of ......anything ........"
View attachment 356941 "Ha !Ha! Ha! ...and you're thinking that we could believe that, Tree !?"

View attachment 356952 "Though everybody know well that this world is corrupted !"

View attachment 356958 " ......... and now ........ I'm not sure of ......anything ........"
At 1-800-229-6969 (reverse the charges ... It's Tree's rotary phone).

Or, email at Treehouse@aol.com (his dial-up modem address),

Or lsnail mail at: Treehouse, at Hill of 100 Drive, somewhere in Missouri (a red state), USA.

Or, for all you techies: PM me at Barbaria1, Cruxforums (messages answered within 24 hours unless I happen to be out hanging naked on a cross. In that case, you'll just have to be a little patient). :)
that was low, Barb... be careful... though I know the ending there is much story to be written.

Messa, do not worry about not being sure of anything... on this thread you are in good company!!!
I really enjoyed this post Messa!!!

I'll add the next segment now so read on!!!

‘Unintended Consequences, part 2’

During the assault all slaves are put in lockdown in the Scandals Dungeon (except for the slaves the Wraggs stashed and Dorothy who was left to occupy the men in for ‘Detroit Month’ at the Reparations Farm. One of the women locked in the dungeon was Kate Andrews, the IMF agent who had infiltrated PETS. She stood with her wrists in irons in one of the vaulted cellblocks with more than 100 other slaves. She dare not protest as she recognized several of the slaves were PETS operatives. Any one of them could use an improvised weapon to stab her to death or even the chain fixing her to the wall to strangle her give the chance if they knew she was an undercover IMF agent!

At one point Joan Tree strolled into the cellblock and sauntered up to Kate. The other slaves move as far away as their restraints allow as Joan’s brutally is known to all. Joan whispers “Being a double agent can be stressful, can’t it?”

“You have to get me out of here, Joan” Kate hisses.

“I don’t think so. If I did that it would blow your cover. Besides we hacked the PETS private server. It really didn’t take much longer than getting into Hillary’s. It seems that the IMF undercover agent Kate Andrews became a double agent that went to the dark side. Next time you don’t have irons around your wrists it will be to make way for spikes to go through them. I can’t wait to see you crucified!”

“What are you… Oww! …what was that?” Kate asks after Joan fires a dart into Kate’s right butt cheek.

“You’ll know in a little bit, darling” Joan says as she walks away.

Kate watches her leave and wonders what the hell is going on…

View attachment 356851

Perhaps your narrator can explain. The IMF really did hack a server at PETS that looked like the real PETS server but it was a ‘red herring’ made to look like it would be the real PETS server. There was even a ‘highly classified’ section that had the names and photos of PETS operatives that had signed up to be slaves at Scandals Resorts (Barb’s dossier was even in the list:eek::eek::eek:!!!). What the IMF didn’t know was Anne Moore’s team had hacked the real IMF server and only posted things the IMF already knew about PETS in the ‘highly classified’ section and what else they got from the IMF server was made to look like Kate Andrews gave it to PETS in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars that was ‘laundered’ through a bank in Paris (Arkansas)!!!

Tree needs a drink to try to figure out what he just wrote…



You know the one they call 'Tree'?

He knows too much.....
Tree erred in the last segment as he documented the only slaves not in lock-down are the ones the Wragg cousins stashed and Dorothy servicing the Boys from Detroit. Melissa and Julie not only retained the services of their civet bean-grinding slave but Tash the captured guerrilla fighter was assigned to their 'care'. Having only two civet pits meant around the clock two were 'processing' beans while the third would be grinding her freshly roasted batch from her last stint in the pit!

The next morning the guerrilla army was ready to mop up what little resistance was left. They were under strict orders to leave Scandals guests and members unharmed unless threatened or fired upon first. To insure there could be no mistake Despard and B. Robert Wragg locked their arsenal of fine English firearms in the Abbey gun vault.

Just as the assault was to begin something unexpected happened. The Guerrilla army came under attack from deeper in the forests. It was well organized and outnumbered the guerrilla army more than threefold! Raging firefights ensued.
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How could this happen, one might ask since the IMF army had been virtually wiped out in the first wave of attacks. Sensing trouble (and a loss of profits) after hearing Anne Moore was on the island one of the Scandals Resorts partners, the notorious Dutch slave trader flew in on two innocuous-looking KLM flights an army of 400 mercenary ex-special operations forces to quell any assault.

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Several of the guerrilla fighters were killed and while casualties to the mercenaries were high sheer numbers would carry the day. As the pocket of Anne’s army suffered losses both killed and wounded the survivors of the four-woman would be forced to surrender or be killed on the spot.

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It all unraveled as Anne is alone and preparing to fire on a cluster mercenaries when two rows of dirt explode from the ground in front her. She looks up and doesn’t like what she sees.

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Staring back at her holding two submachine pistols is Joan Tree. She sneers “I sincerely hope you are as much fun to torment as your sister Barb!”
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Repertor, Old Slave, and Jollyrei sit on their newly patched up veranda downing drinks faster than their glasses can start to sweat indulging in adult morning beverages.
"It is at least a beautiful morning" Repertor says sighs.

"...and I must admit Jollyrei's patch job looks superb" Old Slave added looking at the barristers.

"Thank you but this really sucks that our slave is in lock-down and there is no bloody mayhem going on that we can see. I say we need to sue this fucking resort for monetary losses, false advertising, and emotion distress caused by the loss of our slave" Jolly replies.

"Are you suggesting we hire the only lawyer on the island, that Mr. T. H. Tree" Old Slave asks.

"No, good man, not if we intend to win!!!"


...they annoy me at times...
Repertor, Old Slave, and Jollyrei sit on their newly patched up veranda downing drinks faster than their glasses can start to sweat indulging in adult morning beverages.
"It is at least a beautiful morning" Repertor says sighs.

"...and I must admit Jollyrei's patch job looks superb" Old Slave added looking at the barristers.

"Thank you but this really sucks that our slave is in lock-down and there is no bloody mayhem going on that we can see. I say we need to sue this fucking resort for monetary losses, false advertising, and emotion distress caused by the loss of our slave" Jolly replies.

"Are you suggesting we hire the only lawyer on the island, that Mr. T. H. Tree" Old Slave asks.

"No, good man, not if we intend to win!!!"


...they annoy me at times...
I do wonder, gentlemen, if Barb is the only one who didn't read the fine print before booking in here. Did anyone even see any fine print? I mean, I've been at a few resorts before, and never had to worry about renovating the cabins after an attack.:doh:

Then our slave, who we paid for, if I recall, is locked down on some pretext. Like there's really going to be a slave revolt. Slaves love being slaves. Gives them a purpose in life. Well known fact. :rolleyes::D

Was that gunfire? :eek:
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