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Shorth stories about whipping in the past

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I would like to apologize: by mistake, I was giving stories from a completely different group to thread about fun for couples. That's why I'm starting a new thread now to organize these stories. And I promise I won't mess around like that again...


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The art of negotiations with authorities

"In the chronicles of the city of St. Pierre-au-milieu-de-nulle-part, the extraordinary revolt of the townspeople is described in very general terms. What is extraordinary about it is the lack of fatalities and the decisive omission of all details that would make it possible to understand the extraordinary concession of the authorities after the event. In recent years however, on the antiquarian market, there were notes written by a contemporary chronicler that shed some light on the mystery... although it must be admitted that the light was very unclear, as the chronicler was more interested in writing lampoons than impartial accounts, and he described events that took place half a century before his own birth.

Well, the whole thing started, as it happens, after a brawl started by a group of young men related to the city authorities... Vendors in the market square suffered during the brawl, and yet they did not receive any compensation. Then things changed - the townspeople attacked the town hall not only about this issue, but also about all the issues that bothered them.
In the face of the tumult, the mayor, together with the city guards and jurors, locked themselves in the town hall - the common people stormed the gate, but without great conviction: legitimate demands sound better when common property is not destroyed.
However, they found a way to make the mayor listen to them: they grabbed his wife in the street, tied her to the pillory and threatened that she would be whipped for her husband's sins... and then let the couple come to terms with each other.
Unfortunately, they tied her up on the side that couldn't be seen from the windows of the town hall and the mayor didn't believe it. He recognized his wife only after she screamed and gave in to the crowd's demands... but by then she had received two dozen lashes on her bare back.
The mayor quickly listened to the citizens' demands... and convinced the city council to accept them, but it was too late.
His wife, freed from the pillory, gave him a heavy bill for his delay... and the crowd listened with delight to the sounds of marital squabbles under their window. The mayor did not appear on the streets for several weeks and soon resigned from office. And for a long time the city council was afraid to ignore the voice of the common people."

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Damned Enlightenment innovations!

"From the history of the former parish:
From time immemorial, the parish priest tried crimes against good morals. He always punished sinners with flogging in front of the church and exposed them to the condemnation of the faithful people going to mass.
Under the influence of ungodly ideas coming from France, His Majesty the Emperor deprived the clergy of these rights.
Therefore, not wanting to oppose the emperor, His Eminence the Bishop ordered the clergy to give up these ancient customs and correct sinners with lecture, instruction, good words and their own good example rather than with a lash.
Oh horror! oh damned news!
They caused great outrage among the faithful parishioners, but no one dared to oppose the will of the emperor and the bishops... However, when asked about the effectiveness of old practices in repairing morals, they replied: Youth is youth, they will settle down and change when they grow up... and because of these innovations there is nothing to please the eye before the mass!"


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Reform of the justice system

"From the criminal chronicles of the city of Untedburg:
(...) the judges noticed that this woman was appearing in court again although the traces of her previous punishment had not yet disappeared. They demanded an explanation from the Master of Holy Justice, headsman Gunther. He defended himself against their dissatisfaction by saying that he beat her at all strength, and the traces are proof of that. The jurors had to agree with him. Encouraged by their acceptance, he declares that those punished criminals often return to the path of crime, because no one wants to employ someone who has been freshly untied from the pillory. He further argued that the mere fear of punishment will not help when there is nothing for petty criminals but punishment. He dared to say that a place should be organized for such people, where they could earn an honest living.
After carefully considering these words, the Distinguished Judges ordered him to beat harder and to tie knots in the end of the whip.


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What lovely vignettes and such gorgeous artwork to accompany them. The second image is my particular favourite so far. Your work? No AI either I assume? They’re gorgeous
AI as a base, with my corrections... I corrected faces, feet and hands, maked whipping marks and other stuff. AI is about half of final picture. It was experiment with using style of Norman Rockwell. I'm still testing different tools but effects of test have to be usable or test is for nothing... I used DreamUp, because it has less censorship but it has horrible anatomy, so there was a lot of work.
There is passionate disscussion about using AI, so I can show basic image for compare to final effect... If somebody is curious.

I think that AI couldn't replace human imagination because of some basic, important (I can say: fundamental) things... AI is tool, usable and complicated but can replace only bad artists... So let's sleep well... Improving human is good medicament for improved tools.
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