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Solitary - story of waiting

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This is my first post, so please be understanding. I would like to present a story published in episodes on DeviantArt... or rather, a fragment of it.

It's the story of a woman who rebelled against the regime ruling her country... She ended up in a strange prison with unspecified amount of time to wait for death. What kind of death? She desn't know. She can be sure: public, cruel and show-like.
There was no trial... although something was decided about her case.
Prison is empty and strange...
And the whole story is short illustrated episodes. I don't know if it's a good idea to post them here (please advise), so here's a link to the first episode:

And here is fragment, where she tried to find a way out and found a painful surprise...

First days in the Hole 026 V7 A M.jpg

"Corridors, stairs... No guards. Darkness. It's strange how quickly I got used to walking in the dark. I feel what I'm walking on... and I don't need to see. I think I recognize the directions. This passage may lead closer to the exit... If there is any exit... But I guess it can't be a way out, because no one bothers me. It's strange. What kind of prison is this without guards? They just threw me in here and didn't guard me. Although... Is it possible that they would be content with scaring and beating me?"
First days in the Hole 027 V10 A M.jpg

"Old door in the corner and an unguarded corridor. Unguarded interiors. No prisoners, no guards. It's strange that there are such things in prison... as if someone was specially making it easier to move. Impossible... They want to kill me, not release me. Unless they won't kill me for show and they just left a trap. Maybe they changed their mind... They were taking me, pretending to be on trial... and for some reason they don't want to kill me in public. It would be different if I died by accident or while trying to escape. So... It can be a trap. But if if I don't fall into..."

First days in the Hole 028 V9 B M.JPG

"I don't understand at all. They didn't question me much, they just beat me. Then they took me and kept me in different yards... and took me again... They let me think that there would be a court... But they didn't even take me to court. They didn't pretend court. And without it I know they will kill me. Then they took me again, they didn't ask me anything... Then they beat me and just threw me into this stinking hole... What is this place? There may be a way out from this side. Side corridor... No one would have entered here if the door hadn't fallen apart. It's probably not a prison building after all, they've done something else. I have to be careful. I don't see anything unusual... Ropes, traps, signalization... or anything... Nothing that would set off an alarm. I don't think there are any traps along the way, so..."

First days in the Hole 029 V174 M.jpg
ikona Zweryfikowane przez społeczność
First days in the Hole 030 V186 A M.jpg
"They were waiting for me outside. 50 lashes for trying to escape. They knew I would look for a way out... They didn't bother me on purpose...To catch me for a whipping... My back..."
First days in the Hole 031 V187 A M.jpg
"Mommy, I'll get up soon... Just a moment... I think the sun burned me, look at my back... What am I talking about? There's no sun here. Mommy either. I got beaten. Those bastards whipped me for trying to escape. Water... Mom, give me a drink... Maybe some milk... I would like some milk... Cold one for my back."
First days in the Hole 032 V186 B M.jpg
"So they are watching this place... My back... I told them that escaping for freedom is the right of every prisoner... and they told me that punishing for escaping is the right of every guard. The fucking aspiring lawyers... Fucking jokers. I have to lie down."
First days in the Hole 033 V187 B M.jpg
"I don't know how much time has passed. I think I passed out again. They set a trap on purpose. They were already prepared. They even had a stand to tie me up. Oh my god... Fifty lashes... What was that whip made of? It was worse than first time..."

First days in the Hole 034 V185 A M.jpg
"It's strange that they didn't hit my face this time. They performed it like some kind of ritual, with a "moral lecture" speech and counting the lashes... I think they even checked the rhythm on a watch... Fucked priests of the beating. I'd better get away from this place before they come for me again. Ready to drag me out of here just for being too close to the door."

I will be gratefull for opinion...
Maybe I should publish it here from beginning, in another treat...
I think you should do that. You could open a new thread for the story, and post it in episodes much as you've done with the sample above. Probably in 'Fantasy Stories and Poems', rather than the BDSM Forum.

I had noticed, and admired, some of your work on DA, but hadn't got to following the story, it would be good to have it here (and when it's complete, in our Archive as a pdf, and our e-book library too, if you'd agree to that)

It seems you've understood our rules, that we set to keep our usage costs under control. The maximum size for original images is 2MB, yours are well within that. As it's a story, and the images are your own work, you can post up to 10, along with the texts, in any one day. But take it steadily, no need to post every day, let members enjoy looking forward to what's coming next!
Since the whole story is quite specific and a bit too long, I decided to post fragments on the forum from time to time...

Anyway, this story is still developing and one day it will become a normal comic book.

I invite you to another meeting with my heroine, who somehow has to get away from the door before the guards punish her again for trying to escape...
First days in the Hole 035 V184 B M.jpg

"They tore my dress on my back. I have to pick it up somehow or they will beat me for wearing indecent clothes. They promised me an additional ten lashes for speaking out. Rule number 1: they can punish me whenever they want, how they want and for whatever they want. Also for what they themselves did."

First days in the Hole 036 V182 A M.jpg

"I can barely stand. And the dress is about to fall apart. Like me... I could tie it a little, but it won't last long. Neither will I. I won't last long either. We fit together. It's a good thing they didn't hit my legs, otherwise I couldn't walk... I don't want to stay here. I can barely stand, I don't want to be beaten again for coming to the door.."

First days in the Hole 037 V184 A M.jpg

"I'm so weak... I can't stand. I won't go far and they will whip me again for coming close to the door... For guards it can be an attempt to escape, they are happy when they can whip me... I'm going to die here in this hole! Oh my... I'm going to die here like a rat and no one will know... Bullshit! Bullshit! They won't let me die here! They'll drag me out by my legs, dying, for a execution show. And if I'm dying, they'll put me on life support so I can move when the executioner gets me! They watch me. They like to make spectacles... And if I die, it won't be a spectacle. Maybe I'll spoil their fun and die to spite them!"

First days in the Hole 038 V182 B M.jpg

"Maybe I can find something to die quickly... Fast cut and that's it! Before they get help... damn executioner's assistants... Or just quietly die like falling asleep... So they'll think I fell asleep. They didn't come when I lost consciousness after the whipping. I guess that's the way..."

First days in the Hole 039 V183 B M.jpg

"They cleaned the place... They took away all the hard and sharp things, cables... No cuts or hangs. But they left dirt and stench. It's probably a higher class of cleaning. Controlled dirt level master. And I want to die so much! I need to die! Now! Now! Immediately!"

First days in the Hole 040 V198 B M.jpg

“I'm still very weak... but at least I'm away from that door. I need to find something sharp. At least a piece of glass... a small piece of glass so I can slit my wrists silently in a dark corner... I won't be able to kill myself with a nail even if I find it. Besides, there are no nails or anything that big here. I don't even have anything to cut my wrists with. They took everything from me. I'm just a piece of meat to be beaten, like a cutlet! I can't even kill myself!"
Little slave cutlet… she is meat to feed the most holy whip!

Great images and narrative!
In fact she is not a slave... She demonstratively rebelled against the regime, she was detained, they drove her around for a while, they decided what to do with her... They beat her and threw her into the "Hole". And the clothes... they gave her anything, because her execution is supposed to be a show. For this show, they want to dress her according to the script, but the script hasn't been written yet. And she is waiting for scenario of her death...
So... if you like my prison story, here is another fragment:

Yesterday they sent me a priest. He said he wanted to comfort me. I thought we would talk, but he didn't want to listen. I asked if he knew why I was here? He said it was for penance... She asked if he would watch with pleasure when the time came? Will he be satisfied? He didn't listen. I asked if he knew what this penance was for? He said I had to undergo it for purification... And since he called what they were going to do to me purification, I told him to fuck off. Why, if they like cleanliness so much, doesn't he send me soap and a broom?
I won't make my situation worse if I break his neck next time.
I'm Tired.


  • 006 confession_001_by_williammarwoodai_dhas81l M.jpg
    006 confession_001_by_williammarwoodai_dhas81l M.jpg
    420.6 KB · Views: 28
"This priest here, in the prison for convicts, bothers me. He has chosen a good job: everyone has to listen to him because there is nowhere to go. It seemed to me that being a priest requires some faith. But he only believes in his own wisdom... a damn idiot... or he's content with being a servant of the authorities."


  • 007 It is time to think and wait 05 V33 A M.jpg
    007 It is time to think and wait 05 V33 A M.jpg
    449.6 KB · Views: 29
"It's a strange thing. It's been so long since I talked to a human being that I almost believed in the good intentions of that pompous priest. Well, talking to that fool is always fun. At least until they take me to my execution."


  • 008 Time of darkness 01 V40 A M.jpg
    008 Time of darkness 01 V40 A M.jpg
    593.6 KB · Views: 30
- Why do you come here, Reverend?
- Save your soul.
- Nothing threatens my soul. It's my body that's in trouble. It will soon be killed on the orders of your bosses...
- Don't worry about worldly things, my child. Think about eternity.
- I'll have all of eternity to think about Eternity. I guess it'll be soon. And you know what? I don't think you're my father, so don't call me your child.


  • 009 Time of light 01 V36 C M.jpg
    009 Time of light 01 V36 C M.jpg
    432.5 KB · Views: 32
- All the people are children of God.
- Children of God... Maybe. But not yours. You don't pay to support all of God's children.
- It has nothing to do with money!
- Yes. It has a lot to do with care and responsibility. Do you take responsibility for something or is it mainly about your own sense of superiority? Whetever I'm not a child at all anymore. Children do not go to death row.
- This is why I am here! I'm worried about you!
- Can you get me out of here?
- No.
- So I'll die here and you... I guess you'll stay worried but live.


  • 010 Time of light 02 V41 C M.jpg
    010 Time of light 02 V41 C M.jpg
    548.1 KB · Views: 29
- Why are you like this?
- Like what, Reverend?
- Malicious!
- I don't know. Maybe it's because of the parents' faults. You call yourself my father, so it should probably be your fault. Do you feel guilty? Or maybe it's because I'm sitting here, facing execution, and you're talking nonsense and putting on a pompous face? Why did you come here, Reverend?
- Do not understand?
- NO. I want to understand and you... You don't speak honestly! I don't know what you want from me! I don't know why you come here as if it were your home and not asked by me! And I don't know who you are here!
- I want to help you free yourself from sin.
- For now, I have been freed from freedom and everything I had. And soon it will free me from life as well. That's why I ask you, why do you come to me?
- I want to help you. I want you to understand what is important and what is not important.
- If the body doesn't matter like other worldly things... Reverend... why do you keep staring at my breasts? Ask me and I'll lift my blouse.
- What are you talking about! Throw away dirty thoughts!
- Everything in this place is dirty, so am I. Would you bring me some soap and a towel? I can't wash properly here.


  • 011 Time of light 03 V41 B M.jpg
    011 Time of light 03 V41 B M.jpg
    227.1 KB · Views: 19
"Oh yes, I forgot about the guards. They listen to every word. And they like to beat me for everything, especially for impertinently asking questions to the priest. And they like the most to punch me in the face while giving instructions. Beating my in the belly also gives them a sense of their teaching mission. Fucking teachers. I guess... I have to lie down for a while. On the table they used to torture previous prisoners. What a fucked up world! I have a great place to rest and recover, you bastards! Did your mothers teach you that? Next time make a film together and show it off over a family dinner! Show off especially to your children! Let them learn from their daddies when they are little!"


  • 012 Time of darkness 02 V27 B M.jpg
    012 Time of darkness 02 V27 B M.jpg
    378.1 KB · Views: 21
"Maybe I shouldn't shout at the priest. I caught the attention of the guards and got beaten. I must have gone crazy... And that priest is a damn hypocrite. He comes with a mouth full of slogans about cleanlines, freedom and light, but he won't help me get out of here. He prefers to keep me in the dark and talk about the light... he would at least give me a light bulb. The lying fool tells me about cleansing but he lets them keep me in this muddy, damp hole. He even spared me a piece of soap... He calls me "child", fucking daddy, as if parents kept children in dungeon! And then he leaves and doesn't say a word when they start beating me. Hey, you out there! You are a fucking bunch of bastards all together!"


  • 013 Time od darkness 03 V151 A M.jpg
    013 Time od darkness 03 V151 A M.jpg
    417.4 KB · Views: 23
"The fucking priest is talking about freedom for me... But he won't let me out of here, he certainly has no intention of doing so... it's obvious, even if he had the opportunity. He says he won't judge my sins and he keeps judging me and calling me a sinner. And all this just to stare at my tits! He thought I didn't notice... He was watching me as if he was hoping there would be a hole in these rags and he would see something. Was he watching when they besat me? I was too busy to notice. Maybe I should show him my tits while I still have them. Unless he prefers to see them beaten... He wouldn't be like that... No, not everyone in the world is the guardian of this Hole. He is just a stupid priest."


  • 014 Time od darkness 04 V41 A M.jpg
    014 Time od darkness 04 V41 A M.jpg
    259.8 KB · Views: 14
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