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Some Sketches

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This one is great, Andy. Her feet are nailed high enough up on the stipes that she will
never be able to fully extend her legs and push her naked butt back against the wood to be able to breathe unrestricted and also take the mail pressure off her feet and wrists. Instead, her dance on the cross will require her to activate her quadriceps *every single time* she raises herself up to grasp a blessed, complete breath of air.

It’s like doing a wall-sit exercise for hours and hours. Her legs will be trembling so deliciously after just one cycle, and she’ll have to do it over and over again. It won’t be long before her legs cramp up so badly that they won’t be able to lift her even a little, and she will slowly choke.

Also, as an ass man, I very much appreciate the angle you chose for the drawing
Josette's Passion Play

Just before the performance began, a volunteer with a patibulum beam on her shoulders was led out to the square by the Jewish temple wardens, where, in addition to the group of worshippers, huge crowds of other curious people had gathered.

A few journalists approached Josette introducing themselves. Then the young woman holding a microphone and a bag with the sound recording devices asked her promptly.

"Can we ask you to speak to the microphone?"

"Yes, please."

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay," Josette replied, "everything is going according to plan."

"And your plan is to be hanged on this terrifying cross!", added the journalist.

"Exactly. I will play a role of the Mesisah, so it cannot be avoided", smiled the actress.

"You are full conscious?"

"Of course I am. I didn't take any sedatives, painkillers nor other stupefying drugs."

"Didn't you have to take some? I probably wouldn't have been able to do it without them! Didn't you protest when they told you to?"

"If I had taken such drugs, the entire reenactment would have lost its meaning. Because although we have described this performance as a dramatic play, it is supposed to be a reenactment of the crucifixion, not just a theatrical play. Besides, I am the creator and director of this performance, so no one had to persuade me or force me to do anything."

"Really? How far did you decide to go? Will there be real nails and so on?"

"Real, of course" smiled Josette, "same as the thorns in the crown. You can touch them, but please be careful. They are really hard and sharp. You can see the drops of blood on my forehead, don't you?"

"Indeed! Extraordinary! So you decided to experience a real crucifixion and in front of the whole crowd!"

"Jesus also died in front of the whole crowd," the actress patiently explained, "and I wanted my performance to be as realistic as possible, in accordance with all the knowledge that science has gained about the crucifixion process. So, I will hang on real nails for three hours."

"Three hours!? Will you last that long? It sounds impossible!"

"What do you mean by "last that long"? It requires no courage nor stamina. What will I be able to do if at some point I feel that I can't stand it any longer? Being hammered to the wood I'll have to continue hanging and standing the torment until others take me down from this cross, even if I go crazy from the pain, don't you think so?"

"Terrible!", the journalist made a gesture as if she was shivering.

"For a true victim of crucifixion in those times, it was undoubtedly terrible and cruel. However, please don't forget that I came up with it myself, so at least no one can hold a grudge against anyone. We've drawn up a suitable agreement."

"It will be really an extraordinary show and an outstanding performance!"

"I hope so, too."

"And did you design the set and costumes yourself?"

"As for the cross itself and the crucifixion technique, my technical assistants and I relied on a fairly extensive literature on the subject, including a fresh experimental data. And as for the costumes of the soldiers, Jews and Romans, I used the experience of reenactment groups, whose members prepare their own armor and costumes based on solid research in the sources."

"And what about your own costume?"

Josette smiled mysteriously.

"You'll see for yourself. I think everyone will like it, especially the male audience. I can only assure you that it will be completely true to historical reality. I couldn't just design the weather, but fortunately the day is sunny and downright hot, so even in my stage outfit I shouldn't freeze."

The journalist probably didn't understand the whole content of this statement, but at that moment more actors started to enter the stage and the interview had to be finished quickly.

"Oh! Right now Pontius Pilate is approaching us accompanied by soldiers! We're running out of time, and so is the Messiah, so the last question: What would you like to convey to our viewers? What is the message of the play you have prepared?"

"I simply want to show the truth about the crucifixion - the whole truth and the undisguised truth - I consider this to be the most important task for each of us. As Jesus said, only if you know the truth will it set you free. And I wish this for you and for myself!"

"Thank you very much for the interview!" the reporter threw into the microphone, then together with the cameraman and photographer quickly left the stage, waving goodbye to the brave actress.

Few seconds later she had been taken by the arms of two legionnaires and leaded towards the chair where the procurator of Judea was sitting.

The clock on the cathedral tower struck noon. Before its echo died down, something rustled in the huge columns, placed around the entire square, after which the voice of the compere resounded in them:

"Hello ladies and gentlemen...!"

And with that the spectacle began.

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Josette's Passion Play

Just before the performance began, a volunteer with a patibulum beam on her shoulders was led out to the square by the Jewish temple wardens, where, in addition to the group of worshippers, huge crowds of other curious people had gathered.

A few journalists approached Josette introducing themselves. Then the young woman holding a microphone and a bag with the sound recording devices asked her promptly.

And with that the spectacle began.

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Josette has volunteered to play the roll of the Messiah in the greatest detail. She will carry the beam to her crucifixion where she will be nailed to the cross and raised to hang before a crowd more interested in seeing her hang naked above them than have any thoughts of mercy as she suffers her agonies on the cross.

She thinks it a brilliant idea. We will see what she thinks when she is hangs naked before the crowd....
A tall girl!! I like Bianca!

And now she is dead... :'( :crybaby2:
Bianca is crucified for being a disobedient slave girl but she is on the cross to entertain her master's influential friends. They enjoy her dance between the nails holding her to the cross as her twists and turns shows of her ample body. Bianca is less than entertained. She is very much alive but her body is not hers. The spikes prevent her from from touching herself. Her desperate dance entertains the guests for a few hours till they retreat to the dining hall for a delicious supper.

Bianca is let alone to die nailed to the wooden cross...
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