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Speech Is Silver - Julia's Tragic Trial

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Much too soon my uncomfortable sleep (picture 79)
is interrupted:

I can hear a mean noise:
The steps of somebody who is coming to my cell.
I don't think that this will be a friend!
(picture 80)

My first impression is obviously not wrong:
Already when I have to undress this being is not very friendly to me.
(picture 81)

Then it becomes not better.
(picture 82)

And soon she will show her true face.

I try to take it as brave as possible,
though I'm almost overwhelmed by a rising panic.

And I know: Soon everything will become even worse,
much worse!

Hell is a one-way street ...

to be continued (tomorrow)


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Tree is most disappointed that he will not be employed for Julia's execution. He worries her execution could be botched and she will die a quick and almost merciful death...


Tree is most disappointed that he will not be employed for Julia's execution. He worries her execution could be botched and she will die a quick and almost merciful death...



I understand the idea behind your statement.
The plan is good, but unfortunately it will not work.

All of my belongings have been examinated after I was arrested.
Now the authorities know everything about our closeness. And they also understand why you were so eager to get the executioner's job ...
(for more information see pictures 85-87)

By the way, they even confiscated my last stamp.
(picture 88)

Maybe some of my friends should escape before it's too late ...


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And now it becomes a little bit painful ...

Already the first contact with the visitor is rather unenjoyable:
Immediately she starts with some uncharming words,
even combined with a very impertitent question.
(picture 89)

Maybe I do not answer early enough,
or maybe not polite enough, when I call her a "bureaucratic piece of sh..."

In any case she reacts also relatively disrespectfully.
(picture 90)

And with an especially painful kick ...
(picture 91)

... she makes sure that I will not anymore show the slightest bit of defiance.
Never more!

A second later I'm lying on the floor,
hurt, filled with despair and afraid of the coming things.
(picture 92)

She comes slowly nearer,
the whip in her hand.
(picture 93)

And then a first storm is coming over me
in form of a spontanous whipping.
(picture 94)

She does not even count the lashes.
That's probably a bad sign ...

In any case I scream and scream.
But who cares ...

Some minutes later the first round is over.
And my appearance is already pretty much pityful.
(picture 95)

Not to mention that every centimeter hurts horribly.
And that was only the beginning ...

to be continued


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Unfortunately life is not just a nightmare where we can wake up when it becomes totally unbearable.

Instead of this my misery continues after short break.

Meanwhile I'm almost a broken nothing,
unable to risk the slightest bit of defiance.

And what she tells me does not make anything better:
Obviously this being will not only whip me, she's also the executioner.
And that means that I will be forced to see this repulsive face for the rest of my life ...

When she starts to tie me for the next round she's grinning
whereas my own face reflects only the pure resignation of a broken mind ...
(picture 96)

Then, after being secured (picture 97)
another wave of panic is overwhelming me.

So, embarassing but true, I start to plead.
(picture 98)

But of course that does not help.
Again I'm forced to endure her extremely disrespectful behaviour.
(picture 99)

But what could I do,
except of screaming.
(picture 100)

Then I'm secured
and completely helpless,
unable to avoid the coming things.
(picture 101)

What follows now is the next round of a nightmare which will be my constant accompanist for the rest of my life.

For a moment I have the strange illusion that heaven will send me the mercy of an immediate death,
maybe a deadly cardiac arrest of whatever ...
But what follows is not a sudden death,

it's just a sudden pain.
(picture 102)

Again I scream,
not for the last time ...

to be continued


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Unfortunately life is not just a nightmare where we can wake up when it becomes totally unbearable.

Instead of this my misery continues after short break.

Meanwhile I'm almost a broken nothing,
unable to risk the slightest bit of defiance.

And what she tells me does not make anything better:
Obviously this being will not only whip me, she's also the executioner.
And that means that I will be forced to see this repulsive face for the rest of my life ...

When she starts to tie me for the next round she's grinning
whereas my own face reflects only the pure resignation of a broken mind ...
(picture 96)

Then, after being secured (picture 97)
another wave of panic is overwhelming me.

So, embarassing but true, I start to plead.
(picture 98)

But of course that does not help.
Again I'm forced to endure her extremely disrespectful behaviour.
(picture 99)

But what could I do,
except of screaming.
(picture 100)

Then I'm secured
and completely helpless,
unable to avoid the coming things.
(picture 101)

What follows now is the next round of a nightmare which will be my constant accompanist for the rest of my life.

For a moment I have the strange illusion that heaven will send me the mercy of an immediate death,
maybe a deadly cardiac arrest of whatever ...
But what follows is not a sudden death,

it's just a sudden pain.
(picture 102)

Again I scream,
not for the last time ...

to be continued

Again I scream,
not for the last time
of course not, would be disappointing for most readers:D:devil::tits:
On the bright however bad things get Julia you look absolutely smashing :D

Thanks Dear!
After such a compliment even the coming highway to hell
will be a bit more comfortable.
Again I scream,
not for the last time
of course not, would be disappointing for most readers:D:devil::tits:

No reason to worry, I WILL scream ... :( :( :(

(I'll send you a little bonus ;)
some girls get all the luck! :p

Oh yes, I'm really overwhelmed by so much compassion ;)
Oh lucky me ...
:D Some lashes on a tender woman'skin never could be bad ...:rolleyes::devil:

:goodjob:...for the executionner !:D:D:D

I start to understand: Seen as a contest
the current score is about 50:0 for the executioner ... :( :( :(

By the way, she sends you some greetings. (picture 103)

But do not trust her!
And try to avoid any stress with the justice system!


More in a few minutes, unfortunately ... :( :( :(


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Back to my inevitable fate:

It's never very funny when a life ends, especially not in case of the own one.
Unfortunately I don't have very much time to muse about these things
because the next round of the whipping has already begun ...
(picture 104)

The effect is always the same
(pictures 105-107):

I scream and scream ...

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... !!!"

And one more (the promised bonus for Hansi :D :D :D ):

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... !!!"

The pain is really unbearable.

And the humiliation is not better, especially in these moments when I plead for mercy,
which means almost constantly ...
(picture 108)

However, there's no chance!

But the very worst are the words of the executioner when she calmly demostrates her strange sense of humour,
explaining me that everything happens only because "justice must be fulfilled".

Not to mention her obvious favourite-phrase that she does not want to cause any kind of troubles for me,
but just to promote her professional career.

And indeed, she seems to be rather successful in her business:
Between two especially painful lashes she tells me with a smile that this is already her 50th execution
and that she is waiting for a special award for this "job"- meaning for my coming agonizing death.

Everything on my cost ...
In general I may be helpful - but that goes really to far!

Unfortunately my thoughts are interrupted by a further whip lash.
(picture 109)

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... !!! "

Some moments later another officer appears
(picture 110),

indeed bringing her the mentioned award:
A golden Cup of Honour.
(picture 111)

What a horribly humiliating situation for me, her helpless and broken victim ...

But at least is the whipping finally over.

And after a short shower, which is not really refreshing ...
(picture 112)

... I'm lying on the ground,
enjoying a short moment of peace
and being glad that I have a few minutes without the executioner.
(picture 113)

But I know that the worst is still to come ...

to be continued


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My peaceful minutes are soon over:

Two assistants appear.
(picture 114)

They have a piece of paper:
Obviously one of my friends has made a petition of mercy,
or at least for a postponement of my execution.

But unfortunately this petition also has been denied.
Of course denied!
What else did I expect?

Then they bring me away (picture 115),

bring me to another one of these modern high-security-cells
(picture 116),

where I will spend the very last minutes
before the actual process of execution and my last walk will start.

Owerwhelmed with despair I start to cry.
(picture 117)

Five minutes later the executioner arrives at my cell
(picture 118),

to pick me up,
to bring me to the crucifixion site,
to kill me.

That's it!

The beginning of the end,
the last part of my life
has arrived ...

to be continued


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like the extra......................................long scream thank you criminal
like the extra......................................long scream thank you criminal
Anytime, my Dear! :)


Back into hell:

Always when we think to have reached the deepest point ... it comes even worse.

In fact I'm forced to bear the very worst humiliation of my life:
Before she's going to kill me the executioner yet enjoys a harmonic telephon talk with one of her friends or relatives.
(picture 119)

How I hate this voice!
How I hate this face!
How I hate every single word coming out of her goddamned mouth!

But who cares ... ?

Then, after a short instruction (picture 120) ...
... a last measurement takes place.
(picture 121)

Obviously she needs this data to make everything perfect,
perfect for a maximum of agony.

Then I'm secured for my last walk,
the walk to the cross.
Again I have to bear hearing her goddamned voice.
But of course I'm much to broken for the slightest bit of defiance.
(picture 122)

Furthermore the special kind of securing makes any attempts totally useless.
And here and there it's especially uncomfortable ...
(picture 123)

Then we have reached the exit of the jail.
The executioner seems to enjoy the situation.
(picture 124)

A moment later my very last walk on earth has started.
Obviously the executioner has a bit more comfort to enjoy than me.
And when my death march starts she's again in the mood to demonstrate her sense of humour.
(picture 124)

Filled with horror I start to walk.

In an few minutes we will reach the place where I will die.

But in fact the process of dying has already started ...

to be continued


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Okay this is getting serious :eek:

Danger, Danger! Julia is in danger Will Robinson...


Yes I think we have the message

Desperate times call for desperate measures and no deed is too dark


Now for some blackmail, a phone call; I need to speak to the President!

Cell Squi.jpg

Mr President I think you have a serious problem, your worst nightmare has returned from the dead


But the good news is we can make it go away if.....Julia is freed!


Clock's ticking Mr President now where is that pardon?
Okay this is getting serious :eek:

Danger, Danger! Julia is in danger Will Robinson...

View attachment 101833

Yes I think we have the message

Desperate times call for desperate measures and no deed is too dark

View attachment 101834

Now for some blackmail, a phone call; I need to speak to the President!

View attachment 101835

Mr President I think you have a serious problem, your worst nightmare has returned from the dead

View attachment 101836

But the good news is we can make it go away if.....Julia is freed!

View attachment 101837

Clock's ticking Mr President now where is that pardon?

I don't think our favorite rodent knows how to be serious....very cute RR!!;):rolleyes:
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