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St Sapphia

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The story you have all been waiting for.
The first episode of St Sapphia.

Following release of the final chapter, this book will be released as a pdf file, complete with all illustrations.



Chapter One

According to the information which Fay found on the internet, the Sapphesian Order of nuns was formed in the middle of the 14th century when St Sapphia established an Abbey in the South West of England.


The Abbey of Mount St Sapphia was located on an island off the coast of Cornwall; part of the Eastern Isles of the Isles of Scilly. Due to the very rugged foreshore, the island was only approachable by boat. Basalt cliffs ensured that there was only one place to make landfall; to reach the plateau above the cliffs, a single staircase had been carved out of the solid rock.

With the Sapphesians being a closed order, the Abbey was not generally open to the public. Those wishing to visit needed to make enquiries on-line and submit an application form. There was no guarantee that permission to visit would be granted; but if it was, the Abbey would arrange to collect the visitor from the 'mainland' which would be Hugh Town on St Mary's Isle.

Fay was particularly keen to visit. She had an interest in some of the more obscure religious orders and it was only by chance that she had uncovered the Sapphesians. There was very little detail on their website and indeed, there was very little information elsewhere.

She opened the application on her laptop and proceeded to fill it in. The questions basically enquired about the purpose of the proposed visit and where the applicant had heard about the Abbey. It required her to make a very strong case before they would grant her permission; she was happy with this as they would be going to the trouble of providing transport.

The second part of the form went into great detail about her personal life; age, marital status, employment, religion, dependents and other background information. They were obviously keen to ensure 'that only persons with a genuine interest in the Abbey need apply'. It was made abundantly clear that Mount St Sapphia's was not a tourist location; in order to protect the privacy of the Order, photographic opportunities would be limited.

Fay completed the form; uploaded the three recent pictures which were required for identification purposes. The form specified three different poses in order that her identity could be represented in different facets. Finally, she checked over her work and pressed the submit button.

A return e-mail assured her that the application had been received and that she should get a reply within the next twenty four hours. She made some enquiries about hotels in the vicinity and found two suitable ones in Hugh Town itself.

The following day a message pinged into her inbox; she had been accepted. A boat would pick her up from Hugh Town harbour at 10-00am in seven days time. She quickly confirmed that she would be accepting their kind offer; she arranged a ferry from Penzance and booked a couple of nights in one of the hotels.

Her instructions were to bring an overnight bag 'just in case the weather prevented her returning the same day'.

The following week she drove down to Penzance; parked at the ferry port and left her keys at the ferry office. She grabbed her overnight bag and set sail for Hugh Town. After an uneventful crossing she checked in to her hotel; had some supper and turned in for the night.

The following morning she explained that she might not return that night but paid for the room anyway. She discarded a few dirty clothes; leaving them in the room and now all she had was a change of clothes and what she stood up in.

After a good breakfast she strolled down to the harbour to await her transport; she felt quite excited at the prospect of visiting this strange Abbey.

01b-Hugh Town.jpg

The sun was warm on her back as she stood looking out to sea for an approaching boat. There was a young man on the quay who introduced himself as Tom. He too was visiting the Abbey. He was a student of theology and very keen to learn more about the Sapphesian Order. While they waited, they talked about their own personal reasons for wanting to visit the Abbey; they speculated about what they might discover, given that they each knew very little in the way of details.

She explained that she was just starting her gap year; having completed her exams and turned eighteen only a few weeks before. She told him that both her parents had been killed and that she had been brought up by an aunt and uncle in Nottingham. On her eighteenth birthday she had gained control of her small trust fund and was planning to go to 'uni' the following summer.

Eventually a small motor boat entered the harbour and chugged towards them. It was piloted by a man dressed in a brown monk's habit; he skilfully brought the boat alongside and secured it with a rope looped around an iron bollard.

With a boat hook in one hand he pulled the vessel tight to the quayside; he helped them board, stowed their bags on the deck and directed them to be seated; wooden seats ran down each side of the boat.

The monk pulled the rope from the bollard and engaged the clutch. The boat eased itself out of the harbour and headed for the open sea. Their guide introduced himself as Brother Robert and he told them that the journey would take about one hour with the present state of the wind.

Fay and Tom tried to quiz him about the Abbey; he explained that it was his job to drive the boat and not his place to discuss the Sapphesian Order or the Abbey. He was very pleasant about it and he assured them that all their questions would be answered once they arrived. So the pair of them decided to sit back and enjoy the ride. The sea was mercifully smooth; but occasionally the odd burst of spray would break over the bow and shower them in cool salty water.

Soon they began to get a clear view of the island, looming out of the ocean ahead of them. It looked quite formidable with its sheer cliffs and plateau top. They could just make out the outline of some buildings standing on top of the cliff. As they approached, it was impossible to see where they could possibly make land fall.

A feature which initially appeared to be part of the steep cliffs, suddenly turned out to be a wall of rock, separated from the main cliffs. The boat passed behind the wall and approached a small quayside which had been hewn from the rock. They scrambled up an iron ladder and waited while their bags were passed up to them.

As he waited Tom took a good look around and above him. Part of the structure above seemed to cantilever out from the cliffs. What looked like a hoist ran down from the Abbey to the quayside; he assumed this was the 'goods entrance'.

Two chains hung down from davits on the quay and Brother Robert attached one to either end of the motor launch. When he was finally on the quayside himself, he used an electric winch to haul the boat out of the water, beyond the reach of the tide.

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He directed them towards the steep stone steps which had been hewn out of the cliff. A rope threaded through rusting iron posts acted as a handrail on the inside; there was a fence of sorts on the outside. Brother Robert took their hand luggage and led the way up the cliff face.
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Chapter One - pt2

At the top of the stairs they passed through a single wooden door; just wide enough to allow one person at a time. They entered a passageway which continued up between two vertical walls.


The occasional niche had been utilised to store wine and a series of arches restricted the height and width of the access. While they waited for Brother Robert to secure the lower door behind them, Fay looked up and could see the sky; any defending force would be able to rain down all manner of nasty things onto anyone on the stairway below.

At the top of the steps, a door opened into a large cobbled courtyard and the Abbey stood before them. They were greeted by two people dressed in black; the Abbott in a monk's robe introduced himself as Master Richard and the Abbess, wearing a habit and wimple, introduced herself as Mistress Mary. The greeting was extremely warm and friendly as they ushered the pair towards the main doors of the Abbey.

Fay was quite flattered by the welcome; these people sounded genuinely pleased to see them and they had gone to a lot of trouble to arrange the visit. She was also surprised at how young the Abbott and Abbess looked; she had been expecting people of more… let's just say mature years.

Meanwhile, Brother Robert had disappeared with their hand luggage.

When they entered the building, there was a large vestibule from which rose a rather imposing stone staircase. The walls were lined with pictures of old monks and nuns and Fay assumed that these were previous incumbents of the roles of Abbot and Abbess. They ascended the stairs and, passing through another pair of doors, they entered the Abbey itself. Internally it was a simple building; basically rectangular but with a semi-circular wall at the far end.

In the centre of the end wall was a door and on each side wall there were two doors; one near the front and one near the back.

There were no pews; the floor was free of fixed furniture. There were a few rows of red cushioned seats where pews would have been. A wooden altar rail crossed the floor but these were built in free standing units; there was a kneeling ledge and the rail. There were two such units on either side of a central gap.

The altar was a large stone slab supported on two upright pieces of stone. The edge of the altar stone was 'decorated' with a series of iron rings which hung at intervals on both sides. Towards the far end of the space was a vertical stone column; again 'decorated' with a series of cast iron rings. Around the semi-circular wall were ranged a series of oak chairs; upholstered in red and without arms.

The roof was constructed with huge wooden trusses at ten foot intervals. Had they moved the altar rails aside, they would have discovered six square sockets built into the floor; each with an iron cover lying flush with the surrounding paving.

The Abbess explained that the chairs at the end were for the Savants, the senior monks and nuns who were the primary members of the Sapphesian Order. She explained that Savants were addressed either as Master or Mistress according to gender.

The seats in the body of the hall were for the Scholars; the secondary level comprising men and women who aspire to be Savants. The form of address in their case would be either Brother or Sister.

The tertiary level comprised men and women who strived to be accepted as Scholars. The males were originally called pursuivant and the females, suivante. However, both genders were now known as servants and simply called by their given name without the benefit of a title.

She explained that the servants would only attend the chapel on special occasions and they would stand behind the rows of Scholars.

They left the Abbey by the way they had come and descended the staircase; behind and under the stairs, double doors opened onto a huge chamber which was the exact size and shape of the Abbey above. However, rows of stone pillars supported the barrel vaulted ceiling some fifteen feet above.

The Abbot described this as the undercroft which formed a communal area between the nunnery and the monastery. Normally an undercroft would be a basement but, because the Abbey was built on the solid basalt of the island, the Abbey and its undercroft were constructed as a two storey building.

There were two doors on the left side of the undercroft, which corresponded with the two doors above in the Abbey. These opened onto the cloister which served the nunnery and a similar two doors on the right side gave access to the cloister at the heart of the monastery.

Master Richard suggested that they retired for a light lunch when they could discuss the history of the Sapphesian Order. He said that Fay would be visiting the nunnery after lunch; while Tom visited the monastery.

They walked to the semicircular end of the undercroft and passed through a pair of doors into a small room from which a set of steps had been carved out of the basalt. At the bottom of these stairs a large chamber had been roughly hewn out of the solid rock.

"Welcome to our Private Dining Room," announced the Abbess as she ushered them in. "In here we like to entertain our guests; somewhere we can discuss the Order in private."

The room was set out as a dining room; there was a wooden table with four chairs around it; places had been set for four. On a sideboard were a row of engraved silver oval dish covers; Fay wondered what they were hiding.


At one end of the room, a servant stood stirring a steaming cauldron of soup. She wore a simple cotton smock which just slipped over her head. The low cut front barely covered her breasts and the sides had no fastenings other than a cord tied at the waist. Fay could clearly see through the sides of the dress and she was absolutely certain that the girl wore no underwear. In addition, her feet were bare on the cold stone slabs.

They took their seats and the Abbess rang a small hand bell. The servant girl immediately started to dispense soup with her ladle into four large bowls.

She placed a bowl of soup in front of the Abbot, bobbed a curtsey, saying "Master." She placed a bowl in front of the Abbess, curtsied and addressed her as "Mistress." She addressed Fay as, "Miss" when she placed her bowl in front of her and Tom she addressed as "Sir."

"This is Agatha," said the Abbess introducing the servant girl.

"You can see how simply they live and dress while they wait to be accepted as Scholars. The men servants wear exactly the same outfit but they are available in a range of sizes. It is a very practical garment and makes the servant realise that possessions and fashions are of so little importance. What they each have is their body and their personality; they must make the most of those and learn to serve the Order in the best way they can."

"Are you happy Agatha?" enquired the Abbess.

"Oh yes Mistress, we are all very happy and look forward to the day when we are worthy to become Scholars," replied Agatha, smiling.

They helped themselves to bread; the Abbot served wine to Fay and Tom. For himself and the Abbess he poured water. "For us it is water only. On certain days we abstain from drinking alcohol until sunset; today is one of those days unfortunately."

"What I am about to tell you may come as a shock," announced the Abbott, "but you are here to learn about the Order and so I must reveal the truth to you. Once you have this knowledge, we trust you both to keep it to yourselves."

Fay and Tom both agreed that any information was a privilege and that they would respect the Order's privacy.

So, as they ate their meal, the Abbott began his explanation.

"The Sapphesian order had originally been all nuns. They were a closed order; devoted to contemplation and self sufficiency. Originally they had no contact at all with the outside world, but that situation has since changed a little out of necessity.


"The early nuns had a reputation for forming relationships between themselves; and while it is a popular myth that all nuns behave like this, those ideas are just a salacious fantasy. However, in the case of the Sapphesians, the rumours were well founded and consequently the Order was frowned on and rejected by many other Religious Orders.

"In the 15th century, monks had been admitted to the Order in the forlorn hope that the nuns would be encouraged to cease their 'unhealthy' practices. The introduction of the monks certainly reduced the incidence of one form of relationship; only to replace it with liaisons of a more hetero sexual variety.

"This might have been considered less 'unhealthy' if it hadn't been for the fact that some of the monks, seeing that the Order had such a relaxed attitude towards sex, started to form relationships with each other. The result was that the Order became the pariah of the religious community; was isolated and totally shunned by the established Church.

"In the 16th century the Dissolution of the Monasteries did not affect St Sapphia's; mainly because of their isolated location and because frankly, nobody knew they were still there.

"The Order started a general decline; they had no recruits because nobody knew about them. Their manifestation of Christianity began to take on a form of its own; they seemed to discard some of the major basic principles while taking on board some rather avant garde practices.

"Unfortunately, I am not allowed to describe the details of their philosophy in those days, neither can I give details of our present day practices. So, while you have been able to visit us and inspect the Abbey, you will not I am afraid be able to make comparisons with other religions. I am sorry.

"The Order's decline continued until, the 1950's, when there were but a handful of nuns and monks. Then, in the 1960's some influential people became aware of the Order; paid a huge sum of money to purchase the island, the Abbey and the Order. The remaining monks and nuns were used as a nucleus to regenerate the Order. After a number of years they moved on, either passing away or retiring to the mainland, and the new Order that we see today had been formed.

"We are still an isolated Order and we still lead a somewhat hedonistic lifestyle. Very few people are aware of their existence and even the government tend to ignore us. We are isolated from the outside world and we are perfectly happy to be left in peace."

Agatha returned with a plated salad and took away the soup dishes. The Abbot refilled the glasses and they continued to discuss the Sapphesian Order.

"Where do you find your new recruits?" enquired Fay.

"Well, it can be a long process," answered the Abbess. "We have quite a few people, like yourselves, who enquire about the Order. Some merely want to find out a bit more or have a look round; others do enquire about whether they may join us. Often, people on the mainland get weary of their hum drum or rat race lives and just want to slow down a bit. We can provide that quiet contemplative life here."

"Basically," added the Abbot, "people find us or we find them. We firmly believe that 'if it's meant to be, it will happen'. I realise that is probably not an ideal way of marketing ourselves, but it does work I can assure you."

After lunch they toured the buildings which lay beyond the Abbey. These were the apartments of the Savants and through windows they saw that a formal garden was laid out before them. People dressed in simple cotton servant shifts were tending the lawns and borders. It all looked very idyllic.

"I don't know whether you will answer this, but do the nuns and the monks still conduct relationships?" enquired Tom.

"Oh yes," replied the Abbess. "The union between two people is seen as a blessing; the very act of lovemaking and the orgasm are both seen as offerings to our Lord. Love is encouraged here; it is a positive force for good and almost like a prayer."

"What happens if a child results from the union?" enquired Fay.

"The nun in question would spend the last two months of her pregnancy on the mainland and her child would be placed in the hands of an agency for placement into a loving family. The island is no place for children to live and the nuns are made fully aware that their child will be a gift sent from god for some family, somewhere. Counselling ensures that the girl is perfectly happy to release her child to a good home. Unencumbered by the burden of raising a child; the girl is eager to return to the Abbey and continue god's work here."

Chapter Two - coming soon!
Chapter Two -pt1

Their tour continued into a small library; whose four walls displayed a multitude of ancient tomes. In the centre of the room was a huge table with a series of reading stations; each with their own electric lamp; where the residents could study in peace. There were no windows and the only other door was on the opposite wall.

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"The residents of the Abbey do not own any books personally, except for their prayer book and Bible. All books are the property of the Abbey and are merely borrowed as required. That door leads into another reading room where the windows give more light. Unfortunately it is locked at the moment and we cannot enter," explained the Abbot.

They returned to the undercroft and the Abbess led Fay through to the cloister of the nunnery. In the centre was a green space surrounded by a low box hedge. A servant in a white tabard was clipping the edges of a beautifully manicured lawn; some nuns in black habits sat on the cloister wall reading books.

There was an ambulatory on three sides of the cloister; in the outer wall were a series of wooden doors. The Abbess showed Fay into a number of rooms; some were small chapels; others displayed ancient artefacts in glass cases, some of which dated back to the foundation of the nunnery. Through another door was what looked more like a dungeon or a store room; it was full of wooden frames and there were leather straps and ropes hanging up on the walls. There was even what looked like gym equipment with a series of vaulting horses in all different sizes.

On opening another door, Fay was shown into a small bedroom where here holdall sat on the bed.

"Should it be necessary for you to stopover this evening, this would be your room," explained the Abbess. "The facilities are a little more comfortable than those of a servant or a Scholarin that they have en-suite facilities. The servants have a system of dormitories and communal wash rooms; the Scholars generally have single cells and communal facilities, except the senior Scholars are a little more comfortable. It goes without saying that the Savants' accommodation is far superior, as befits their standing, and is located in the central building where the library is located. The Savants get a nice view over the gardens and beyond."

"What about clothing?" enquired Fay.

"Servants will have the cotton shift that you have already seen on Agatha, the girlwho served our lunch. These garments are changed as necessary, the servant merely takes an old one to the laundry and exchanges it for new; so they will always have two outfits, the one they are wearing and a spare clean one. As I said before, they just need to get the correct size otherwise they are all the same.

"Scholars may wear a grey habit or robe as appropriate; those that have work duties may wear a brown robe, rather like Brother Robert. The Savants will wear either a black or a white habit or robe. The nuns will also wear wimples of different colours depending on their particular role or status.

"All clothes are made here at the Abbey and we have quite a large housekeeping department which deals with linen, towels, clothes and washing."

"So the Abbey is quite self-sufficient," commented Fay?

"Oh absolutely," exclaimed the Abbess. "We produce all our own electricity with a combination of wind power, solar power and we have a number of tidal energy pumps. One of our Savants was very much into all this modern technology before he joined us. He designed most of our systems, including our internet presence.

"There is no point in denying all this technology when it can save us a lot of time and effort; that leaves more time for the important things."

"How does the Abbey maintain itself financially," enquired Fay?

"We accumulated some wealth many centuries ago and this has been used as an endowment. We have a number of generous donors on the mainland who are happy to support our work and sometimes a new resident will transfer their assets to our care. We take an income from these assets while the person remains one of the sisterhood or the brethren. If they die in service to St Sapphia then their assets are usually transferred to the Abbey."

They opened another door which gave access to a stone staircase. Above them was a second level with a similar three sided ambulatory. Off this corridor was a series of cells which accommodated the Scholars. Further along were the washrooms and bath houses; Fay thought that there appeared to be two qualities, 'very communal' and 'slightly private'.

"The junior Scholars use the communal facilities, about ten nuns to each bathhouse and lavatory block. They are charged with ensuring that the servants allocated to their team, keep them clean.

"The senior Scholars are teamed in pairs and have facilities which are located between their two rooms. Effectively, each pair shares a three roomed suite; two bedrooms and a bathroom and toilet. Interconnecting doors ensure that they do not need to step outside of their suite in the winter. The junior Scholar does have to walk along here to access their bathroom; the rooms nearest the toilet are at a premium, particularly for the cold winter evenings."

At that point a nun appeared and wished to speak to Mistress Mary.

"Yes Sister Louise, what do you have to say?" enquired the Abbess.

"Excuse me for interrupting Mistress but I have a message from Brother Robert. He says that the wind is getting up and he feels that it would be unwise to venture back to the mainland this evening."

"Thank you Sister, perhaps you will be good enough to ensure that the Abbot is aware of this."

"He is already aware Mistress; Brother Robert has already informed the Master."

"Thank you Sister, please run along to the room reserved for Miss Fay, make sure the fire is lit and lay out her things for her. Go now."

"That's no problem Mistress Mary, I can lay out my own things there is no need to unpack for me," interjected Fay.

"Nonsense girl, you will be our guest and it is our duty to look after you properly. Sister Louise will make your room warm and comfortable. We will complete our tour by watching the sisters and brothers at prayer; then you may powder your nose and join us for dinner."

They strolled along the ambulatory towards the Abbey itself; a large oak door gave direct access into the chapel near the back. Fay presumed that the other door on this side gave access to the third side of the cloister; the two doors opposite giving access to the second floor of the monastery cloister. She guessed that the door in the centre of the end wall provided access to the Savants' quarters.
Chapter Two -pt2

Overhead a bell began to toll. Tom and the Abbot entered through the door opposite; they joined Fay and the Abbess. Then all four of the side doors were opened and the Scholars filed in from the nunnery and the monastery. Fay thought that there might be twenty from the monastery and a similar number from the nunnery. Each took up a position in front of one of the red chairs; the nuns in their wimples and the monks with their hoods up.

Then the end door opened and the Savants filed in; nuns to one side and monks to the other. They moved along the semi-circle of chairs and took up their positions.

Fay realised that, if she were to draw a line along the central access of the huge chapel, all the females and the nunnery would be to the left and all the males and the monastery would be to the right. Indeed, at the back of the nave she and the Abbess were on the left of the line and Tom and the Abbot were to the right.

"Stay here and observe," whispered the Abbess, indicating a chair which had been placed at the side of the back door. Tom was already seated on a chair at the other side of the door.

The Abbess and the Abbot walked the length of the nave to take up the two central chairs. Tom and Fay, each sitting on 'their' side of the imaginary centre line, sat and watched as the assembled company took part in an act of worship. There was a mixture of plain chant and choral singing; periods of silent meditation and some prayers which were not familiar to Fay.

At one point the Abbot stood and drew attention to their visitors.

"I would like to introduce you all to Fay and Tom who are our guests today. May I ask that you make them welcome for the rest of their stay with us. It would appear that they will be stopping overnight."

A murmur of hushed conversation and muttered greetings ran around the chapel at this news. When the service was over, everyone filed out except Sister Louise who came down the nave to collect Fay and a Brother Michael who addressed himself to both Tom and Fay.

"Your rooms have been prepared and we are to conduct you to them. There you will have the opportunity to prepare for the meal. In an hour, we will collect you and take you to the Savants' refectory, where you will be dining," explained Brother Michael.

When Fay reached her room she thanked Sister Louise and said she was going to have a shower and change. Sister Louise said that she would see her later and left the room.

Fay looked at her few belonging which had been laid out by Sister Louise. The bare essentials of toiletries and make-up which anyone spending a night in a nunnery could not do without. She decided to show a little respect and not overdo the slap.

On the bed were her nightdress, spare bra and pants, a change of blouse and skirt with a blue cardigan. At the side of the bed were her spare shoes. She placed her camera and cell phone on the bed with her clothes. That was it, together with the holdall and her shoes, what lay on the bed represented the total of her possessions.

"Now which outfit shall I wear this evening?" she thought with a wry smile on her face.

She stripped off all her clothes; the room was warm from the blazing fire which burned in the grate. As she walked around the room, she giggled at the thought of being naked in a nunnery. She walked through to the bathroom and ran the water in the shower; it warmed very quickly. She sat herself on the loo and had a wee; then stepped into the shower.

She luxuriated in the warm water as it cascaded over her slender body; before she realised what she had done, she had wetted her hair. "Damn," she thought. "Now I've got to shampoo and dry it."

She soaped herself thoroughly, enjoying the feeling as her hands slid all over her young body. She massaged her firm breasts and watched as the nipples grew and a warm feeling arose between her slim legs. She wondered if it would be terribly wicked to have an orgasm in a nunnery.

She wanted to linger, but time was short. She rinsed herself down and stepped out of the shower. She wrapped her hair in one towel and used the other to cover her body. She went through and knelt in front of the fire; removing the towel from her hair she started to brush her hair in the warmth, hoping it would dry in time.

There was a knock on the door which opened immediately. Sister Louise took one look and uttered, "Oh, sorry Miss I thought you would be ready."

"Sorry Sister Louise, I spent too long in the shower and I needed to dry my hair. I think we have about thirty minutes," Fay glanced at her watch on the table.

"I will just mend your fire then. Would you like any help miss?"

"No, I think I can manage. Just need to brush some warmth into this hair."

"Here miss, let me do that," and before Fay could protest, Sister Louise was kneeling at her back and running the brush through her hair.

Fay quite enjoyed the feeling of having another young woman paying attention to her. She relaxed and just let Sister Louise get on with it. They altered position so that the bulk of Fay's long hair faced the fire. Fay put back her hands to steady herself and found the crisp starched texture of Sister Louise's grey habit.

"Sorry Sister," she exclaimed as she tried to remove her hand from Louise's leg.

"That's OK Miss. I don't mind if you lean back on me. I think your hair is dry now and it feels beautiful."

Sister Louise ran her fingers through Fay's hair. "It is so very soft Miss."

Sister Louise stood up and took both of Fay's hands, to help her up. Somehow, as Fay rose, the towel around her body came undone. With her hands firmly held by Louise there was nothing she could do to prevent herself from standing fully exposed in front of the young nun.

Sister Louise bent down and retrieved the towel.

"Oh Miss, look at you; you are not completely dry; here let me rub you down."

Much to Fay's amazement and consternation, she found that she was being rubbed down with a towel; as if were a perfectly normal thing for a nun to do.


Sister Louise seemed to pay particular attention to Fay's breasts and somehow managed to induce a reaction in her nipples. Then she turned her attention to the pussy.

"Open your legs a bit Miss please," requested Louise.

Fay found that she complied without a second thought; she put her right leg up on the chair to open her crotch for Sister Louise. Her brain was saying that this was all wrong from the moment the girl had entered without waiting to be invited. But her body was simply ignoring the brain and doing as it was told.

Sister Louise patted between Fay's legs to remove any remaining moisture.

"Wait there Miss," and Louise went over to the table to retrieve some talcum powder.

Fay just stood, knew exactly what was going to happen, but just let it happen. Louise was dusting powder all over her body and she was letting her do it; indeed she was enjoying it.

"Oh thank you Sister, you are very…. er…. attentive. You are so kind to me."

"Think nothing of it Miss, perhaps one day you will do the same for me?"

Fay assumed that it was just some sort of throwaway remark made without any thought. The next moment she found that she was being dressed by Louise.

First she slipped the white lacy panties over her feet and drew them slowly upwards; ensuring that they were firmly in place. As she did this, Sister Louise's face was within inches of Fay's pussy.

The next item was the matching bra. She stood up and invited Fay to slip her arms through the straps; she then fastened it up. She came around to Fay's front and simply thrust her hand between a boob and the bra; she was adjusting the positioning of the breast in the cup. She did the same with the other breast.

"Hope my hands aren't too cold Miss?"

"No; no it's fine Sister," Fay could not believe that it had just happened; not just another girl but a nun!

When Fay glanced in the mirror; she was amazed. What Louise had done was to really accentuate the fullness of each breast and maximize her cleavage. "She may be a nun," thought Fay. "But she knows her way around a girl's body."

Then Louise slipped the white blouse onto her and fastened it up. The plumping of the breasts meant that the blouse gaped a little at the buttons. In the mirror Fay could see the lace outline of the bra through the thin blouse.

Louise put the skirt around Fay's waist and fastened it up. She brushed her hair and applied just a small amount of make-up.

"There you go Miss. You look a million dollars; don't give the old Abbot a heart attack," she laughed as she said this.

Fay made to pick up the cardigan.

"No Miss, you don't need that. It's warm outside and the refectory will be warm too. Just go as you are and knock them dead."

Fay had wanted the cardigan to cover some of the more 'adventurous' aspects of her outfit. Again, her brain was saying one thing while her body did another.

Chapter Three- coming soon?
Chapter Three

Sister Louise took Fay along the corridor and up to the Savants refectory. She opened the door and indicated that she should enter. Before Fay had time to thank Louise, she had gone. The Abbess came over and welcomed her.

"Come in Fay, meet the other Savants."

Fay looked around the room. It was beautifully furnished with settees and arm chairs. This must be the Savants' lounge Fay assumed. However, the Savants were all standing in small groups drinking what looked like sherry. A maid came over and offered one to Fay; which she took. It tasted quite dry but was very pleasant.

She was introduced to each of the Savants in turn; each kissed her on both cheeks and shook her hand. They made her feel very welcome. She was a little conscious of her own outfit as all the Savants were in pure white habits, wimples and robes; although she seemed to receive looks of approval rather than disapproval.

Each Savant wore a crucifix around their neck on a simple leather cord. Tom too had changed and he wore a clean sweatshirt, jeans and trainers. He was busy talking to a group of Savant monks, drinking sherry and looking quite relaxed.

A servant rang a small hand bell and the Savants walked through from the lounge to the refectory. There was a huge 'U' shaped table arrangement. The Savants all sat around the outside; alternate monk and nun, along the two legs. The Abbot, Abbess, Fay and Tom occupied the outside of the central portion. It meant that everyone could see each other and it was quite possible to conduct a conversation, not only with one's neighbours, but also across the table. It also meant that the servants could serve from the centre rather than over the shoulders of the diners.

The conversation was by no means subdued and, while it was polite, there seemed to be a bit of banter going back and forth. One or two questions were fired at Fay and Tom and they tried to answer them. However, it seemed that the whole table were involved in one big conversation. Fay found it somewhat strange but actually she got a feeling of being included in the proceedings.

They were served by a team of maids who scurried to and from the kitchen; bringing food and collecting empty plates. As they placed a plate in front of each diner they bobbed a curtsy and addressed the recipient either as Master or Mistress; in Fay's case it was Miss and Tom was addressed as Sir.

Fay couldn't help notice that when a maid bent forward there was a lot of cleavage on display. In the case of one young girl she thought she saw the nipple on her tiny breasts. These cotton tabards did not hide much and if the cord was loose, the gaps at the side would tend to open.

Fay listened attentively to the conversation but her eyes were on the servants, trying to get a glimpse of breast; if she was really lucky she might even get a glimpse of cock or pussy.

"Not the sort of thoughts I should be having at an Abbey," she thought to herself.

She even suspected that one or two of the Savants had noticed her interest in the servants' outfits.

Two male servants were in charge of the wine and ensured that everyone was kept topped up. Fay managed to get a smile from one of them. As the evening wore on and the wine flowed, the conversation became even more relaxed.

Finally it was time for the port. One of the servants carried a tray with two decanters on it. He served a ruby coloured port to each of the Savants; when it came to Tom and Fay he served a much paler port.

"That is a very special port which we reserve only for our guests," explained the Abbott. "You will find that it slides over the taste buds like nothing you have experienced before. Please enjoy it."

Fay and Tom sipped from their glasses. True, it was extremely smooth, had a delightful sweet taste with none of the 'burn' you sometimes get with a fortified wine.

"This is delightful," said Tom raising his glass to the assembled company. "May I take this opportunity, on behalf of Fay and myself, to thank you for letting us visit the Abbey and for your generous hospitality throughout the day?"

"That is very kind of you," replied the Abbess. "It has been our pleasure to share the Abbey with you. You will always be welcome here should you wish to return. We look forward to seeing a lot more of you both."

She raised her glass in a toast, "to our visitors."

The other Savants raised their glasses, "to our visitors, long will they remain in our thoughts."

Eventually the meal was over and Fay and Tom were led back through the lounge where the Scholars, Louise and Michael, were waiting to escort them back to their rooms.

Fay bade Tom goodnight as they went their separate ways.

"Well, did you enjoy that Miss?" enquired Sister Louise when they were alone.

"Yes it was a lovely evening and everyone is so friendly. The Savants were not quite as austere as I expected they might be. In fact it was all good fun. The outfits that those servants wear are quite something"

"If you like, I can arrange for you to try one on," offered Louise.

"That would be fun, but don't put yourself to any trouble Sister."

When they arrived at the door to Fay's room, Louise opened it and went over to turn down the bed. Fay visited the loo and removed what little make-up she was wearing. When she re-entered the bedroom Louise was waiting for her.

"Let me undress you Miss and tuck you up in bed."

"I think I can manage Sister, but thank you for your kind offer. You are a sweet girl."

"Nonsense Miss, let me help."

Again, Fay's brain was screaming "No" while she stood and allowed Louise to strip her naked. She unfastened her skirt and held it while Fay stepped out of it. Louise carefully hung it on the back of a chair. Then slowly, almost seductively Fay thought, she proceeded to undo the buttons of her blouse from the top. Yes indeed, it was seductive she was being deliberately slow and delicate.

Soon Fay was standing in just her bra and panties; passively allowing a nun to undress her. Louise unclipped the bra, allowing Fay's breasts their freedom. Then she slid her panties down to the floor and removed them from around her ankles.

Fay stood stock still; her feet slightly apart and her arms at her sides. Her brain suggested that she use her hands to cover her pubes or breasts but again, she merely gave in to whatever was happening to her.

Louise was kneeling at her feet. She bobbed her head down and kissed first her left foot and then her right.

"Blessed be thy feet for they have brought thee to us."

Louise then kissed her left knee and her right knee.

"Blessed be thy knees for they shall kneel at the sacred altar."

Louise then placed a kiss firmly on Fay's pussy.

"Blessed be thy womb for it shall serve St Sapphia."

Fay's mind was turning all this over. What was Louise saying; what was the meaning of the blessings? They sounded strange and she didn't understand; the acronym WTF was flashing in her head. Once again, her head told her to move but her body held its position.

Louise kissed each of Fay's breasts in turn.

"Blessed be thy breasts formed in beauty for our service."

Finally Louise kissed Fay full on the lips.

"Blessed be thy lips for they shall utter the sacred words of assent."

By now, Sister Louise was standing. She led Fay gently over to the bed and helped her to get under the warm covers. The crisp white sheets felt good against her naked body as she realised that, in all the confusion, she had neglected to put on her nightdress.

Louise bent and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight Miss, sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Louise and thank you for your attention." Fay couldn't believe that she had actually said that, she should have just maintained an awkward silence.

No sooner had her head touched the pillow than Fay was in a deep sleep. Her dream involved her dressed as a nun; she was in the chapel changing the flowers on the altar. She must have put on weight because her once tiny breasts were quite full; she saw a mature and experienced nun playing her part. Three monks in brown robes had entered and before she knew where she was, they were all, including Fay, rolling around on the floor in a state of semi-undress.


She was sucking their cocks; she was stripped of her habit and finally, they each inserted their huge cock into her hungry pussy; thrusting back and forth until they spilled their hot seed inside her.

The episode seemed to go on and on for hours; they were all insatiable, Fay included. Her pussy was just brimming with creamy spunk and she lost count of the number of times she had been fucked by these young studs.

Then she dreamt that the young Sister Louise was there; her head between her legs eagerly consuming the hot sticky contents of her pussy. Then she was licking her clit and bringing her to orgasm. Now it was Fay's turn to suck at Louise's pussy. She found that it was shaved smooth and tasted sweet. The young nun loved the attention and the two of them were wrapped up in each other; giving and receiving pleasure until exhausted, they just lay in each other's arms.

When she awoke, Fay wondered where she was. Strange but she had no nightdress on. Where was her nightdress? Her pussy felt different; she touched it and found she was wet. Then she remembered where she was, in a nunnery. Slowly she started to recall the dreams; the monks and sweet Louise.

There was a knock on the door and Louise entered.

"Time for a quick shower and some breakfast and then we must get on," announced Louise.

Fay jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. She did her ablutions and returned to the bedroom. Sister Louise was standing by the bed on which lay a simple plain white cotton shift.

"Where are my clothes Louise," enquired Fay?

"I said I would try and get you one of these. Please put it on for me Miss."

"Yes OK Louise, but I repeat, where are all my things?"

"They have all been packed for you and you should wear this for the moment," she said indicating the shift.

"But I need my shoes and some underwear," she protested.

"They won't be necessary Miss. This is all you need for now. Here let me help you put it on."

Louise slipped the shift over Fay's head and fastened the cord at her waist and walked Fay to the mirror.

"See how the front and back panels can be adjusted for width Miss. There is a simple draw string on the inside of each panel at waist level; by adjusting it you can let the panel hang full width or draw it in so that it is very narrow. Sometimes the servants serve dinner with them very narrow, just to get the Savants excited. They don't complain; I wonder sometimes what they do under those robes. The Mistresses are just as bad as the Masters too."

Fay didn't protest, she allowed herself to be dressed in the white tabard and allowed Louise to demonstrate the various levels of 'wilfulness' which could be achieved by adjusting the panel widths.

Chapter Four- coming soon, are you?
Pp also but, after a few days away, it looks like he will never catch up.
Patience is a virtue, I will publish tonight and you will catch up.
Indeed, I have just this moment finished the story and we await the outcome to see whether there are any more goings on at St Sapphia's.
Chapter Four - pt1

"Follow me Miss," and Louise was led out of the room and along the corridor to enter another room. Here she was introduced to two nuns. They wore simple black dresses in place of a habit.

"Miss Fay, this is Sister Michelle and Sister Julie who will be taking care of you this morning. Good luck Miss." With that, Sister Louise left the room.

"But what about the boat, when are we going back to the mainland?"

"Soon," Sister Michelle said soothingly. "But first there are a few things we need to do this morning."

"Firstly, you will need to take a shower and be cleansed," announced Sister Nichole.

"But I have only just showered," protested Fay. "Literally, just before Sister Louise persuaded me into wearing this outfit," she said, indicating her tabard with an air of disdain.

"Yes I know, but we want to demonstrate a ritual cleansing to you my dear; do come along."

They led Fay through to a room with rough white-washed walls. The floor was made up of rounded stone cobbles. A small window with leaded lights, and no curtains, was the only source of illumination. In the corner was a large bath tub with gold taps and a shower spray. A towel rail, with a quantity of big white fluffy towels, and a bath mat completed the décor. Fay thought the bathroom to be pleasantly warm.
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Sister Julie untied the cord on Fay's tabard and drew it over her head. They instructed her to stand in the bath and they turned on the stream of warm water. Fay found herself obeying without hesitation, even though she could not understand what was happening to her.

The two nuns took a bar of soap each and proceeded to cover every inch of her exposed body. They cleaned the soles of her feet and under her arms; they probed deep into her pussy and anal cleft, ensuring that everywhere received a good soaping.

"This soap includes a special salt as well as some of the finest perfumes that we can extract from the native heathers of this island," explained Sister Michelle. "The salt is part of the ritual cleansing process."

"You will be rinsed down and finished off by Sister Melissa; she will look after you," announced Sister Julie.

With that comment, they both dried their hands and left the room. A beautiful young nun entered; she had lovely long dark hair. A pearl earring hung from each ear; her eyes were made-up and she wore a deep red lipstick. This was Sister Melissa and Fay found her very attractive. She wore a simple black dress, with a white apron; in her hair there was a lace decoration which served as a bonnet.

Fay thought that she had now been seen naked by at least six nuns and one monk. Nudity was becoming quite a habit she thought; indeed, it seemed to be the only habit she possessed at the moment.

However, this nun seemed to be different in that she wore jewellery; for the first time, she detected that a nun was wearing a bra, she could see the strap and deduced that it was black. Fay tried to picture Melissa without her dress, perhaps on equal terms with herself, her firm breasts encased in a nice lacy bra with a pair of lace panties to match.


She snapped out of her reverie when Sister Melissa soaped her soft but luxuriant thatch of pubic hair; she started to apply a safety razor to remove the growth.

Fay was astounded; she had spent all the years since puberty watching her thatch develop. To her it was a symbol of the onset of womanhood; yes she had kept it trim and tidy but she had never shaved it off completely.

"What are you doing," exclaimed Fay?

"Don't worry Miss, just a little tidying up. You do want to look your best don't you?"

"Look my best for what," screamed Fay?

"For later Miss," replied Melissa.

Sister Melissa had her left hand on Fay's tight left buttock while her right hand wielded the razor. She used a finger to 'accidently' probe into Fay's anal cleft; she found the tight puckered entrance to her rear passage and waited for a reaction from Fay.

Fay felt 'odd'; she was standing in a bath being shaved intimately by this young nun who was shaving away her outward sign of womanhood. There was a hand on her buttocks, admittedly she did quite like the feel of that; but when she felt a finger begin to probe between them it made her feel 'odd'.

She felt odd because no-one, not even herself, had ever been there before; except obviously, with a hand full of tissue. It felt odd because this wasn't a 'normal' place for sexual exploration; it was taboo in her limited experience. The feeling made her excited but it felt wrong, it was wrong and she shouldn't be enjoying it; she should be protesting in the firmest possible terms. She decided to keep quiet.

Melissa shaved under her arms until she was satisfied that Fay was free of all body hair below her neck.

Taking a hand held shower hose, Sister Melissa rinsed the whole of Fay's body from the top of her head to the soles of her feet; using her gentle hands to wipe away any soap residue.


Fay should have resisted; indeed, she could have resisted but the hands on her body felt soft and gentle and she remained silent while Melissa attended to her. She seemed to pay particular attention to ensuring that absolutely no soap remained between her legs; so attentive was Melissa that Fay began to feel a stirring in her loins.

She dried her hair with the big warm fluffy towels; she dried every inch of Fay's body.

When Sister Melissa was satisfied, she led Fay through to another room where a nun in a grey habit awaited with an arm full of cameras. At her side, a monk in a brown robe was setting up a video camera.

"Sister Agnes is going to take some pictures of you for our records, we would ask you to co-operate with her," explained Sister Melissa. "Brother Pierre will be videoing the session; don't mind him, he has seen it all before."


Fay stood quite still while Sister Agnes bombarded her with flashes. She took close ups; she took full body shots. She zoomed in on areas which Sister Melissa held open with her fingers. Fay knew that all her intimate parts were being recorded; her labia and her clitoris; her tightly puckered anus. They photographed her with her mouth wide open; with her arms above her head. She squatted down; she bent over; she looked this way and she looked that way. They even ordered her to play with her nipples and they took close-up photographs as she stimulated them. Finally, they wanted pictures of her fingering her cunt and her anus.

Fay was shocked when Sister Melissa actually referred to it as her cunt. These nuns weren't as refined as the ones she normally encountered back at home in Nottingham, she thought.

Brother Pierre handed her a tiny halter neck bra and told her to put it on.

"That should keep you warm and protect your modesty," he joked.

She quickly took it and fastened it behind her back; she adjusted the tiny triangles of pink and green material so that they covered her breasts.

Brother Pierre handed her the panties to match.

"Here take this, but it seems a pity to cover a beautiful pussy like yours."

Fay was shocked enough that the nuns had been washing her and photographing her but the fact that there was a monk in the room at the same time just astounded her. She half smiled when she recalled how the monks had behaved in her dream. But that was different, that was a fantasy.

Sister Melissa picked up Fay's tabard but did not offer it to her. She led her out to the ambulatory and walked her to the other side of the cloister. On the way they passed a number of nuns who merely smiled, giggled behind their hands and nodded to her; as if a young girl in a bikini was an everyday sight at the Abbey.

When they reached a door she was ushered inside. The room was like the others; white walls, cobbled floor and timbers to the roof. Fay decided that it was a medical consulting room of some kind.

"Good morning Miss Fay. I am Sister Christine and I will look after you now."

Sister Christine wore a white surgical coat trimmed in blue and, from what Fay could gather, probably little else.

Sisters Melissa smiled and left Fay in Christine's capable hands.
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Chapter Four - pt2

"Please do take a seat," Sister Christine invited Fay to sit at her desk.

"Perhaps we should start with a few questions." She consulted some papers on her desk. "I have been reading your application and I just want to expand on a few things."

"Sorry, what application," interjected Fay?

"The one you filled in regarding joining the Order," replied Sister Christine.

"No, the only application I filled in was to get permission to visit the Abbey," exclaimed Fay placing a stress on the word 'visit'. "I am not applying to join the order."

"Oh, in that case there does seem to be some sort of misunderstanding. You see, this paragraph here under your declaration does say, 'I the above named, do hereby apply for admission to the Sapphesian Order."

"Yes, but by 'admission', I didn't mean joining, I meant 'let me inside to have a look' sort of admission. Anyway, I don't actually recall seeing that paragraph at all; I would never have signed that. In fact, I didn't actually sign it because it was filled in on the internet"

"Well technically, you might be correct but the declaration does say that 'having carefully read the form and by pressing the send button, you hereby agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of the agreement."

"Yes, but it was certainly not my intention to join the order," pleaded Fay. Her brain was working overtime trying to come up with some defence.

"OK then, let me talk to Mistress Mary." Sister Christine picked up the phone and dialled an extension.

"Mistress Mary it is Sister Christine here and I have young Fay with me. She says that it was not her intention to join the order and that she didn't intend to accept the terms and conditions."

"Well I have explained that it is a binding contract but she seems adamant. Is there any solution?

After a long speech from Mistress Mary, Mistress Christine put down the receiver.

"OK, well in the event that you definitely do not wish to remain with us, it does seem that we can resolve this issue. However, Mistress Mary is convinced that you will wish to stay. Anyway, should you decide to leave, your bag will be sent to the main entrance and Brother Robert will be standing by at the boat.

"So, should you wish to leave then you only have to decide to walk out of that door." Sister Christine indicated the door to her office. "But I would ask you to think things over very carefully first."

Fay sat at the desk deep in thought. Her mind was playing tricks with her body again.

"OK Fay, you are free to go but I know you really want to stay. Try to walk out of the door now. Go on, try."

Fay just sat in the chair wearing her ridiculous psychedelic bikini; she tried to rise from the chair but she couldn't.

"Perhaps you may have noticed that in the last twenty four hours, your will is constantly going against what your brain is trying to tell you?"

"As a matter of fact I have," replied Fay.

"That may be because your will knows better than your mind. What if it were possible to encourage your will to 'outvote' your mind; perhaps by using a substance which can alter the balance within your brain?"

Fay's mind was racing; mind altering drugs, hypnosis or some form of brain washing; perhaps a combination of all three. Her dream had been vivid, how was that induced? Then it struck her.

"The wine at lunch yesterday and that fancy port at dinner? Tom and I were the only people to drink those. Perhaps some taped sounds while we slept to sow the seeds in our minds?"

"You've got it in one my dear. The wine at lunch took six hours to establish itself in your brain then the port acted as a catalyst to assist the whole process. You fell asleep immediately and we fed your brain images that titillated your mind and made you think more positively about the benefits of a life at the Abbey.

"Trust me my dear; life at the Abbey is not all prayers and meditation. What you saw yesterday and this morning was just a show for the guests. The evening service in the Abbey was all taped, only the Abbot's welcome was live. Now you will see us as we really are. We are hedonists, we have fun; we live to please ourselves, not others."

To Fay that all sounded reasonable; why would she want to leave a lovely place like this? She thought back over the time she had been at the Abbey; not yet twenty four hours. It had all been very pleasurable and she had been in a constant state of excitement; god she had been damp since she got here.

Her brain was still trying to make her walk out the door but her will was winning at the moment. She knew that she should not stay in this place; but she knew that she wanted to stay.

Sister Christine was smiling at her as she watched Fay struggling with her will. She said nothing and just let Fay make her own decision. She knew what the decision would be but she could not sure how long it would take for Fay to realise.

Finally Fay said, "I wish to stay." She smiled across at Sister Christine and almost begged. "Please, if you will have me."

Sister Christine smiled and said, "Welcome to St Sapphia's, shall we continue then?"

Fay remained seated at the desk and directed her attention towards Sister Christine; still wondering why in god's name she had agreed to stay.

"Right Miss Fay, you have decided to stay at the Abbey and you will be admitted immediately as a servant; you will be addressed simply as Fay. You will be obedient and comply with any request from either a Savant or a Scholar. Obedience to other servants will depend on seniority. As you have no seniority yet, you will be obedient to everyone except your equal Tom who, I am told, has also decided to remain with us.

"Let me start by asking you some questions about your personal life. Are you still a virgin?"

"Yes, I have never had sexual relations with a boy; so yes I am still a virgin."

"You have just earned yourself a punishment. You will address the Scholars as either Sister or Brother. Now I will start again; are you still a virgin?"

"Yes Sister," replied Fay firmly.

"That is better. By the way, you must address the Savants as either Mistress or Master. Now, have you had any sex at all in you short life?"

"No Sister. I have been too busy with school and exams to bother about such things. I have perhaps engaged in heavy petting half a dozen times with a couple of boys; but I would never let them take my virginity."

Sister Christine made a note. "Do you pleasure yourself on a regular basis?"

Fay blushed and before she could answer, Sister Christine smiled and said, "I will take that as a yes then."

"Yes Sister, I do derive some pleasure and relief from playing with myself; it is sometimes a comfort when I think of my parents before they were killed."

"So you have never had full intercourse, but you have petted with the occasional boy. What form did this take my child?"

"Well Sister. Obviously I have kissed and held hands with boys; we even used tongues. I let two lads see my breasts a few years ago; it was a game of dare. One of them kissed my bare nipples. Then they showed me their 'things' and dared me to show mine. I let them see my knickers but I wouldn't uncover my pussy; I was too shy. Then one of them held me down while the other pushed his hand down my pants. It was horrible Sister and I have never really thought much of boys, since that day."

"Have you ever had relations with girls?"

"No Sister; I don't think you would call it relations. I had a girlfriend Sue at school and occasionally we would go to her house while her parents were at work; we would look at her dad's dirty magazines and compare what we saw with our own bodies. We wanted desperately to grow up and have big breasts and hairy quims.

"Now that we have, we both have very small breasts and very little hair on our quims; well at least I had more than Sue until Sister Melissa shaved it off. Why did she do that?"

"I understand that Sister Louise looked after you very well last evening. Did you enjoy her company?"

Fay blushed again, hesitated and replied, "Yes Sister, I have to admit that she was very good to me and that I did enjoy her company. My head thought it was wrong, but my body was struggling to resist the urge to touch her. Fortunately Sister Louise was very good and did not let me yield to temptation."

"Fay, the duties of a servant in this Abbey are many and various. You will learn to love your fellow sisters and brothers; you will learn to serve the Savants and the Scholars. If you do well, you could be a Scholar after a year. If you do badly you may never attain Scholarship.

"Last evening you received the fivefold kiss from Sister Louise. It is a traditional blessing in this Abbey. Slowly, over the next few hours, you will begin to understand the meaning of each part of the blessing. It is an important part of our life here.

"Your feet have already brought you to us and tonight you will kneel at the sacred altar. At some time in the future your womb will be used in the service of St Sapphia; also your breasts, which are beautiful, will also feature in the service of St Sapphia. Finally your lips have already uttered some words of assent when you agreed to stay with us."

"Sister, I think I am beginning to understand now," said Fay.

"Life as a servant can be harsh and it can be pleasant. You have the potential to start perhaps at the level of waiting table; never forget that from there it can get better or indeed, it can get a lot worse. You are in charge of your own destiny.

"Now I would like you to remove that silly bikini. It is a little joke that Sister Julie likes to play. As you walked through the cloister, the nuns will have paid more attention to you in a bikini than if you had walked naked or in a tabard. Now please stand up."

There was a knock on the door and the Abbess entered; she was dressed in a very formal blue habit with long flowing sleeves; she was accompanied by Sister Ann and a couple of other Sisters dressed as nurses.

"Don't mind me Sister Christine," announced Mistress Mary. "I have just dropped in to welcome Fay to our midst and Sisters Ann, Greta and Magda are here to assist you with your examination."


Fay stood up and removed her bikini top but even before she managed to remove her panties, Christine was starting to take measurements of her body. Sister Ann knelt behind her and measured her feet while the Abbess looked on with interest.

Sister Christine measured Fay's chest; her breasts were very small, almost pre-pubescent. She then measured her waist, her hips, the length of her arms and legs. The distance between her nipples and even the length of the nipples, when aroused.

"These measurements will allow the seamstresses to produce habits and costumes for you when they are required. You already have a suitable tabard to wear. When you get to your dormitory, you will find a spare tabard in your locker. You will also find a small selection of essential toiletries. I am afraid that everything you brought with you will go into storage. We will provide everything you need and you will lack for nothing.

"Now stand over here while I give you a medical examination."

"Yes Mistress," said Fay eagerly.

Chapter Five - coming soon?, care to join me?
this is very good, Crucifer, there's subtle psychological insight, it rings true with me at several levels...
Chapter Five - pt1

Sister Christine took her stethoscope and began to sound every inch of Fay's chest and back.

She asked her to take deep breaths; she asked her to cough. She made her stretch and bend; all the time listening to her heart and the sounds of her breathing. She ran the flat of her hand all over her body; as if she was inspecting some young foal that she was about to purchase. Her examination was extremely thorough; she was assuring herself that this young Fay was fit and healthy; capable of taking an active part in life at St Sapphia's.


Sister Christine invited Sister Ann to repeat the whole process; so that she could confirm her findings. She was no less thorough and seemed to take great delight in pinching Fay's nipples at every possible opportunity. Fay responded to the attention with the odd wince of pain; however, she had to admit that there was an element of pleasure there too. She could smell the delicate fragrance of Ann's body and hair as she leaned in close to her; she detected a hint of perfume. She hoped that Ann would take her time.


Now it was the turn of Greta and Magda to try their hands at a bodily examination. Fay could tell that they lacked experience; their movements were rough and lacked the tenderness of either Christine or Ann. While Fay had no doubt that their examination was perhaps clinically correct, it failed to stir the same feelings as the two others had.

Sister Christine took her blood pressure; peered into her eyes and her ears. Sister Ann stood at one side recording all the data. Then it was time to take her temperature; Fay opened her mouth expecting a thermometer only to be told by Greta and Magda to jump up on the table.

She climbed aboard the pale blue upholstered table and was kneeling on all fours. Greta, at her head stroked her cheeks to relax her while Magda at the rear forced her legs wide apart and spread her bum cheeks.


With all that had happened before, Fay realised that nothing was ever going to be straightforward at the Abbey. She felt the insistent pressure of a rectal thermometer being slid into her back passage; why stick something in my mouth when you can just as easily stick it up my arse, she thought?

Fay noticed that these two nuns were wearing stocking; one with suspenders and the others were holdups. It seemed that there was very little in terms of dress code in the Abbey.


Once the thermometer had been slid out, she was instructed to transfer from the table to the examination chair; she climbed down, walked across the room and got into the chair. She spread her legs and positioned herself in the stirrups as instructed; she felt extremely vulnerable with her newly shaved pussy on view to anyone who cared to look.

Sister Ann told her to put her hands above her head and she found herself being handcuffed to the back of the chair. Then, her ankles were fastened down with leather straps.

"What the hell did you do that for," Fay exclaimed?

"Second demerit Fay; double this time," said Sister Christine.

"We do not use profane language and you forgot to address me as Sister. Quite simply, you are restrained to prevent you from lashing out if we should happen to make you flinch; a simple precaution for our protection."

"I am sorry Sister."

Sister Christine started by gently squeezing each of Fay's young breasts. She was extremely thorough, looking for hard tissue or lumps. She then turned her attention to the nipples; once again arousing them and feeling the firmness of the teat between her expert fingers. Just enough pressure to make Fay react but not enough to cause pain.

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Then Sister Christine invited Sister Ann to repeat the examination. Sister Ann passed over her clip board and started to feel and prod Fay's breasts. She smiled at Fay as she was doing it.

Fay got the impression that this wasn't an examination; more like a seduction, an attempt to get her going. It was working because Fay could feel the moisture forming in her pussy. Sister Ann took great delight in playing with Fay's nipples; she squeezed them between her thumb and forefinger and she was staring straight into Fay's eyes as she winced with the pain. Perhaps Sister Ann was sending her a message? You are a servant and I am a Scholar; what are you going to do to stop me?

Sister Christine intervened and sat herself in front of Fay. Now she was wearing rubber gloves and her finger tips were running over the smooth skin which surrounded the pussy that was in front of her face. She detected a hint of moisture and gently spread it with her finger.


She worked the lubricant into the delicate slit, Fay was moaning with pleasure, so she continued. Her aim was arousal; she wanted her patient's genitalia to engorge and expand so that she could examine them in close detail. She traced the line of the pussy, gently but firmly insinuating her slim fingers a little deeper. She could feel resistance so she knew that she was fully between the labia now; as her finger ran upwards she felt the nub of Fay's growing clitoris.

She called Sister Ann to give her a hand. With a pair of tiny forceps in each hand, she delicately folded the labia open to expose the inside of Fay's glistening pussy. While Sister Ann held the lips open, Sister Christine carefully used two small pointed metal probes to examine the clitoris. She pushed the hood back and examined the tiny nub; she ran a gloved finger gently over it; she smiled at the reaction she got from her patient. She probed and she examined the entrance to the urethra; she was careful not to let the probe enter as she knew the skin would be very sensitive in there.

Finally she probed the opening to the vagina; she took a swab of some of Fay's excretions. The tickle as the swab was drawn across her skin excited Fay. She had to admit to herself that she was enjoying this.
Chapter Five - pt2

Sister Christine took a clear plastic speculum from its wrapper; she judged that the internal walls of Fay's cunt would be lubricated sufficiently but she was concerned that she might rupture the girl's intact hymen. She un-wrapped a smaller speculum, specially designed for these circumstances, and lubricated it; just in case there was insufficient natural lubricant. Gently she introduced the closed implement to Fay's pussy lips; then with a light pressure she slid it in as far as it would go.

The bills were designed to open inside the vagina but not to stretch the vaginal opening at the hymen. Fay could feel the bills opening and squeezing her insides; she could feel her pussy being spread as Sister Christine opened the device to its full extent. Using a small torch and an eyeglass Sister Christine was then peering beyond the hymen into the depths of her most private region.

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Sister Ann passed her a sterilized sound; Sister Christine lubricated it and slowly inserted it into Fay's urethra. Fay could feel it as it slid in; a feeling she had never had before. While the surface of the sound was perfectly smooth and shiny, it did have undulations along its length. Sister Christine stimulated the urethra by gently pumping the sound in and out; to Fay, the feeling was beyond description.

When Sister Christine was satisfied with the response, she gently removed the sound. Then, she slowly removed the speculum; the bills remaining wide apart; she examined the walls of the passage as they were exposed to view. Finally, Fay felt the relief as the speculum came out and her pussy was able to return to its normal size.

"We have a virgo intacta here," Sister Christine announced to anyone who cared to listen.

"Well done young lady; you have a very tight cunt and, as you so rightly said, completely free from any sign of sexual activity. A rare sight these days." remarked Sister Christine. "You need to make the most of it; the feeling of a prick inside a tight pussy soon passes as you get more experienced," she smiled.

"While we have you in this position I just need to check one more thing," said Sister Christine as she snapped off her gloves and binned them. She greased the index and middle fingers of her right hand and placed the tip in the centre of the pucker of Fay's anus.

"OMG," thought Fay. "Is she going to do what I think she is going to do?"

She felt pressure as the fingers slowly entered; then they came up against the resistance of her sphincter.

"I want you to bear down as if you were trying to pass a stool," soothed Sister Christine. "Ah that's better you have relaxed."


Fay felt the finger pass by the restriction and travel deep inside her. The Sister was obviously feeling for something; or was she just trying to test her tolerance to physical invasion; seeking her limits? When the fingers were in as far as they would go, Christine inserted the corresponding fingers of her left hand very carefully into Fay's pussy; it was a strange feeling for Fay, particularly when she felt that the two sets of fingers were only separated by her thin perineum.

Sister Christine slowly withdrew her fingers and she turned to her colleague. "Sister Ann, I would now like you to stimulate the patient while I record the responses."

Sister Ann smiled, it was her turn at last; she had already removed all her clothes. She bent over and kissed each of Fay's nipples giving them a gentle nip as she did so. She oiled her hands and ran them over the breasts; massaging and kneading them. She poured oil onto Fay's tummy and started to massage it in; her fingers running over the skin causing Fay to moan. She oiled her hands again and applied the oil to her pussy; stroking gently and working it into Fay's hungry opening.

Fay was still restrained but her body was straining to get the most from the massage; she was aroused and she had been for most of the morning. The fingers delved deeper into the groove; stimulating the clitoris and sending quivers of excitement to Fay's brain.

I've been constantly stimulated for almost twenty four hours and I still have not had release, she thought to herself. I want this girl to make me come; I want that so much I would do anything for her in return; just let me come.

She writhed as much as her bonds would let her; they cut into her wrists and ankles. She had to let Ann know just how much she was enjoying this; how much she wanted to come.

Ann was now kissing Fay on the lips; her left hand was playing with her pussy while her right hand was running through Fay's soft hair. It was a deep kiss; their tongues met and introduced themselves. Ann's lips were massaging Fay's lips; Fay thrust her tongue into Ann's mouth.

"Take me please," she begged.

"All in good time my angel," replied Ann. "I want to taste your breasts."

Ann adjusted her position so that she could attend to Fay's now pert nipples; she brought her lips down and sucked gently but firmly. Fay could feel the sensations racing down to her pussy; god how she wanted this woman.


She withdrew her lips and a string of saliva connected her tongue to Fay's nipple; she dipped her head again and ran her tongue around the firm teat; she teased it with her teeth, pretending to bite hard. She gripped it between her teeth and pulled; she stretched the nipple until she got an 'ouch' from Fay and then she released it. Fay responded by thrusting her breasts towards Ann and pleading with a longing moan.


Ann continued to play with Fay. She positioned herself so that she could offer her own breasts to Fay. The ripe breasts were full and the teats stood proud; an invitation that Fay could not resist. She raised her head and took the nipple in her mouth; she suckled frantically on the nun's smooth flesh; as if she was desperately trying to draw sustenance from her; now it was Ann's turn to respond with a moan of pleasure.

The left hand continued to play with her pussy and Fay could feel something building inside her womb. The excitement and stimulation were getting too much; she knew she would come soon. Ann sensed her mood and slowed a little. She wanted to keep Fay on the edge; she wanted to build up the volume without letting the pressure increase; that way she knew that the orgasm would be amazing when it finally came.

So, the volume built; Fay was getting more and more excited, but never quite close enough. Suddenly Ann renewed her attack on the clitoris; the pressure was too much and Fay almost literally came to the boil. Her body tensed as she felt the imminent wave as it was expelled from her; wave after wave overcame her; she had never in all her short life felt anything like it. This orgasm just seemed to roll on and on; Ann was an expert in drawing it all out of her; wringing every last drop of feeling from her body and leaving her totally exhausted.

The feelings subsided and Fay closed her eyes; Ann was still bent over with her lips to Fay's; they kissed passionately.

"Thank you Ann, that was the most wonderful orgasm I have ever experienced and my first ever time with another woman. Thank you so much."

"Naughty naughty;" joked Ann. "You are supposed to say thank you Sister Ann; so it's either another demerit with three lashes or shall we say that you owe me one?"

"I am so sorry Sister; I would rather like to owe you one?"

"Then my angel you will; never mind the where and when, leave it to your Sister to sort the details out." Sister Ann bent over and kissed Fay firmly on the lips before unfastening her bonds.

"You will probably find that the titles Brother and Sister don't matter when the pair of you happen to be fucking each other's brains out; reserve the titles for less intimate occasions. However, if a Master or Mistress should happen to be fucking you, then you had better keep to the 'Yes Master' and 'No Mistress' routine.

"You have been summoned to see Mistress Isabella next; then hopefully we can find you some lunch"

Ann took Fay into the Savants' quarters and delivered her to Mistress Isabella. She was not wearing a wimple and her dark hair was tied at the back of her head. Fay was wary, the instant she laid eyes on her; the woman had a certain glint in her eye.

"Come in Fay; you may go Sister Ann," commanded Mistress Isabella. "I have been hearing a lot about you; you have something that I want."

"What would that be Mistress," enquired Fay.

"Never you mind; you strip off your tabard and get yourself up on this table while I prepare myself," she indicated a table covered in a white cloth.


Fay did as she was ordered; removed her tabard and sat on the edge of the table. Mistress Isabella returned; she had removed her habit and replaced it with a clinical coat. It appeared rather short and was probably the only thing the Mistress was wearing. A stethoscope around her neck gave her an air of authority.

"Ok; lie back and spread your legs," she commanded.

Fay did as she was told while Isabella went through the pretence of inspecting her cunt. It was obvious that the girl was still a virgin; so her informant had been right. She parted Fay's lips and offered up the instrument she had in her hand; it was a perspex speculum but with very small bills.

She slid it gently beyond the intact hymen and eased it slightly open; just enough so that Fay could feel the stretching on her vaginal opening. Isabella completed her examination and stood back.

"That is exactly what I have been looking for my girl; it is a long time since I have had a virgin."

She slipped off her white jacket and to Fay's absolute horror she was wearing a strap on dildo.

"Now I am going to take your maidenhead," she announced. "You will enjoy the experience I can assure you."

"No Mistress; no," Fay protested. "There are people who know that I am still a virgin; they will surely notice if I am deflowered."

"Have no worries on that score, young lady; we have ways and means."

She poured oil over her dildo and stroked it lasciviously until it shone; then she oiled the entrance to Fay's pussy ensuring that there was a good squirt of the slippery fluid inside her. Fay's virgin pussy was at the edge of the table; Isabella advanced and placed the tip of her penis on the tight opening.

"This next bit might hurt just a little; but you will get used to it."

She gently, but firmly, pushed her dildo through the tight vaginal opening; suddenly the hymen tore and fresh blood poured down onto the white towels beneath Fay's bottom.

The pain was excruciating as Isabella forced her way in; she waited for her to relax and then she slowly started a rhythmic thrusting.

The feeling of a cock inside her pussy filled Fay with mixed emotions; the pain from her torn hymen was vying with the pleasure as the thrusting stimulated the walls of her cunt and occasionally her clitoris. As the pain subsided, the pleasure grew.

The dildo must have been double ended as Isabella was beginning to show some reaction. In the end it was Isabella that came first. When she was satisfied she withdrew her 'penis' from Fay; leaving her violated but totally unsatisfied. If this was what sex was about, thought Fay she didn't think much of it.

Isabella gave Fay a towel to clean herself up with then she inserted a vaginal suppository that was designed to sooth the wound and reduce the outward signs of her defloration.

"Come to me before the service at six tonight and I will make you a virgin once more. Now get dressed and go and get some lunch."

Fay felt distraught about the treatment she had just received; it was pure insatiable debauchery on the part of Isabella. There was no love in their union; there had been no satisfaction for her. It was sordid; an experience that she would never forget.

She called in at the washroom on her way to lunch and tried in vain to wash away her feeling of violation.

Chapter Six - I'm coming - are you?
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