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Story: Sadie Hawkins Day Execution (f, Noncons, Dark, Electric Chair)

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First post, first story.

I began writing this story for an entry into the 2013 Execution Season Contest on Dolcettish, but as I got going with it, I realized it was going to violate a few rules, mainly just about the length, no male characters, and the no genitalia rule. Come on, you can't ask erotic lit authors not to involve genitalia! That's like asking a chef to make a recipe that doesn't involve food! But I digress, if indeed this somehow does manage to make it into the competition I'll be happy, but I'm a writer first and a competitor second. Also, if it isn't obvious when you finish the story, my kink is electric chairs. So if anyone has some electric chair stories they'd like to share with me, please do!

Also, this story is kinda brutal. It's not your typical vaguely-tongue-in-cheek Dolcett fare, so if that's not your bag, or if you prefer something lighter or more consensual, please skip this for your own sake.

Disclaimer: Blah blah yada yada this is fantasy and should not be mistaken for reality names of real people are merely coincidental etcetera etcetera, you know the drill.

Sadie Hawkins Day Execution


The frigid Autumn air had penetrated deep into the confines of the HMP Wakefield; a large, 500-year-old concrete bastion, housing some of the most heinous sex offenders of the 22nd century. Following the post-World War III baby booms of the years 2103-2105, overpopulation has taken a serious toll on planet Earth. As a result, the expendability of human life has reached an all-time high, and even some of the slightest of criminal offenses now face a maximum sentence of death.

Also as a result of the increasing cheapness of human life, numerous involuntary "lottery" execution programs have sprung up around the world. The majority of these tailor to women: with more and more men being handed death sentences for crimes such as rape or theft, it has become necessary to keep the sexes in balance. The lottery is, as popular opinion attests, the fairest of possible solutions. A lack of human empathy insures this is unlikely to change soon. One of these lotteries is the "Sadie Hawkins Day Execution", where a female lottery "winner" is chosen to replace a male convict on death row.


The blustery air of Autumn was no less chilly to Rachel, who was not spared the cold, forced to go completely in the nude and shaved from the tips of her toes up to the nape of her neck as she sat alone in her temporary cell, awaiting whatever fate was to be handed down to her. Her flowing red hair was, however, left as it is. Her specific fate was kept secret, but her experience on the web told her it would be either suspension hanging, stake burning, or the electric chair. And despite latent and unfulfilled masochistic urges, she was sure she wouldn't being be enjoying any of them. Her fate, unbeknownst to her, was to be the electric chair.

It was a mostly symbolic and antiquated gesture, shaving the body hair of those destined for the electric chair, as it was no longer intended to be humane. Indeed, leaving the prisoners unshaven and having a small fire break out would probably only add to the spectacle. Still, hygiene must be considered, for the sake of the viewers.

Yes, executions are now broadcast all over the globe on pay-per-view channels and premium internet streams, a certain amount of aesthetics must be taken into consideration when the execution of an attractive woman is to be the event. After all, with most prisons being privately owned, the act of televised executions has evolved into a significantly lucrative entertainment industry in itself.

Rachel was given a towel to wear, and led into the pre-execution chamber, where the Warden waited with an inmate, to go over the final processes.

"Miss Rachel... Bennet, 21, from London, global citizen ID #394007-2 correct?" asked the Warden.

"Yes sir", the reply came as a brief and near-emaciated squeak.

"I assume the Collectors have gone over this with you already, but are you aware why you've been brought here?"

"My... number was drawn, for the Sadie Hawkins Day execution swap, sir" replied Rachel.

"That is correct." the Warden cleared his throat before continuing, "This man sitting next to me is the prisoner who is to be given a stay of execution, through your being chosen to replace him. If nothing else, take solace in the fact that your sacrifice will save a life today." he concluded dispassionately, as though reading from a script.

Rachel averted her eyes and swallowed hard. She had trouble feeling any sort of consolation; this wasn't exactly a voluntary decision, on her part.

The inmate, a weaselly looking fellow with a wiry and slight frame, sat across from the Warden. He was convicted of the crime of rape; an executable offense in the 22nd century, as were many other crimes.

"Mr. Clutz," continued the Warden, directed at the inmate "Do you accept the transfer of your death sentence to Miss Rachel Bennet, sparing you from selection for up to a year?"

"Yes sir, I do" replied the inmate.

"If there's nothing else either of you wish to ask, I'm afraid the time is at hand."

Rachel was trembling, but with nowhere to go and no hope of reprieve, she allowed the female guards to escort her into the room next door: the execution room. Sitting, terrifying and monolithic in its center, was the electric chair. The design had changed drastically in the last century, though the basic principles remained the same: a convicted prisoner is placed into the chair, secured with numerous leather straps along their arms, legs, and torso, and then electrodes are affixed to their body in key positions to conduct current. In the case of the 22nd century chair, they are strategically placed to apply the maximal amount and duration of pain for the purpose of sadistic entertainment, rather than to provide a humane and brief demise as with the 20th century "cap and calve" equivalent.

The design differs slightly depending on whether a man or a woman is to be placed in it, however the seat is modular and can be modified on-the-fly depending on its chosen victim. In this case, it was attached with 6 electrode contacts: two phallic 8-inch copper electrodes between the legs of the chair destined for the vagina and anus, a slim catheter electrode for the urethra, and three sharp-toothed alligator clamps: two for the nipples, and the last one saved for a destination most dire. The current is applied in gradually increasing intensity until the victim is killed through a combination of tissue damage from the intense heat, medical shock brought on by the intense pain and muscle contractions, and organ failure.

Through the window into the next room, the Warden, the saved prisoner, and a camera crew were positioned to observe the event.

"Sorry, we've got to take the towel now" said one of the two female guards as they approached Rachel, both sporting sly grins that betrayed how much they likely enjoyed their jobs. Rachel could only manage a whimper of defiance as they forcefully tugged it from her body, leaving her nude and graceful features exposed, and leaving her feeling incredibly vulnerable.

"This is going to be a treat. It's not every day we get to fry a fine piece of tush like yourself" said one of the guards, smirking.

As Rachel started to back herself into a corner, the other guard took her from behind and pulled her towards the chair, "No, please! This isn't fair! I didn't do anything to deserve this!" she shouted, to no avail. The guards continued their wicked work, and each grabbing her strongly by an arm, started forcing her over the phallic electrodes.

"Please... I'm begging you, don't d- Ah!" Rachel yelped as she was forced down onto the first electrodes. After a bit of work, the electrodes were snug up to their hilts, and the guards continued to strap her into the chair despite her squirming and continued protests.

After the last of the leather straps was fixed, Rachel began to plead more desperately, feeling the grim and inescapable tightness of her bondage; "I'll do anything, p-please, I've seen these executions on the web streams! I... I enjoyed watching them, but now I realize it's horrible and inhumane! This isn't fair, I don't care if I was chosen... I d-don't deserve this!

"This one talks too much... this should clear that up" said one of the guards as she approached Rachel with a black leather ballgag, to match the straps on her arms, legs, and torso. "No please, I'll st- Mmph mmph!" her words were cut off as the gag was pushed home, before being strapped around the back of her head amid her struggles.

As Rachel continued to whimper indecipherable gibberish behind her gag, the guards started the process of wiring her up for the ride. First, a pair of alligator clamps were brought out, and one was attached to her left nipple, its teeth biting deep, eliciting muffled cries from Rachel. The guard then pulled out the second clamp, and toyed with her right nipple for a few brief moments before clamping it shut. Rachel was breathing heavily at this point, her heart racing rapidly, and hoping her fear would take her into blissful unconsciousness before they started the juice. She would not be so fortunate.

The guard then bent over and ran her hand along the shaven smoothness of her crotch, before spreading her labia apart, and the copper-coated catheter was forced deep into her urethra. A bag and a small machine were then attached to the opposite end, and she felt warm water began to fill her bladder uncomfortably.

"This is saline solution, designed to better conduct the current when we zap you" narrated the guard, for no real practical purpose other than to ramp up her fear. To do a job like this required a true sadist, after all.

After the bag was emptied, the catheter was left in place and plugged at the far end, secured to her with some tape, and then a small electrode clamp was attached to the opposite end.

"And now, for my personal favorite" quipped the guard as a devilish grin spread across her red lips, as Rachel's terrified eyes followed her hands as she picked up the final alligator clamp and slowly brought it down over clitoris. Rachel tightly shut her eyes and braced herself for what she imagined would be immediate sharp pain, but when she opened her eyes, she saw the guard had stopped and was instead bringing forward what appeared to be a small vibrator with her other hand.

"Hard to attach this last one unless we coax your little love nub out of its hiding place, you see dear..." as she flicked the vibrator on and began to toy with Rachel with slow, deliberate movements.

Despite her fear and dread over her precarious situation, Rachel couldn't help herself. Her body was betraying her, and her long-suppressed masochistic urges were taking over, without regard to her imminent and brutal fate. The guard had obviously done this to many unfortunate women before her, and knew exactly how to work the device to get an optimum reaction out of her. It took several minutes, but before long Rachel was squirming in her seat, moaning through her gag, and working up a thick sheen of sweat; not out of fear, but out of frustrated (and conflicted) lust. Then, when she was on the cusp of what would've likely been a very final (and very intense) orgasm, the guard stopped and left her wanting.

"Sorry hun, this is supposed to be a punishment, remember?" said the guard as she cruelly removed the device and flicked it off and resumed moving the clamp towards Rachel's now-throbbing and engorged clitoris. The guard took hold of the exposed bit of tender pink flesh and then set the clamp atop it, waiting a few brief moments to take in Rachel's apprehension as Rachel held her breath before letting its stiff serrated jaws close tightly, nearly drawing blood, as Rachel let out an intense muffled scream and struggled wildly against the bondage which restrained her.

"I think that just about does it- oh, wait, nearly forgot the eyes" said one of the two guards as she brought a black leather blindfold up to Rachel's face.

"People just don't like watching eyes contort and roll into peoples heads" said the guard, "Considering everything else that happens to your body when you're electrocuted, that's a bit nitpicky, but what can I say, it's what the customer wants" she shrugged as she completed strapping the blindfold over Rachel's eyes.

One of the guards walked over to the intercom, "We're ready, Warden."

"Very well, the video crew is set up as well, the execution may commence when you're ready" came the reply. The guard then flipped a switch and a generator could be heard powering up, charging the capacitor that would be used to power the chair.

Rachel was alone in the darkness now, the only sensations being the sharp pain of her nipples and clitoris, the warm and full feeling in her stomach as her bladder neared to bursting from the saline solution, and the sound of electrical humming. Her heart was racing stronger than ever and she was certain that she would die of fright if left this way for much longer; and yet in spite of everything, her lingering masochistic lust and arousal was still competing steadily with her pain and terror. Though her rational side was congested with fear, some small part of her found the mere thought of the imminent torture to be enough to keep her on the edge of orgasm. Her fantasy however would not prepare her for the brutal reality of it. This arousal was not to remain for long, however: not even the most dedicated of masochists and painsluts could maintain their disposition under the anguish that was soon to be unleashed upon the most sensitive portions of her nubile, sensitive body.

The guard placed her hand over the lever that would send the current into Rachel, and grasped it firmly. "Well, this is it! Enjoy your ride, princess!" shouted the guard as she threw the lever.

The current immediately hit Rachel in the most intimate of places, and she lurched strongly against her straps. Despite her gag, her loud and tortured howling could be heard from the other side of the room. She shifted and struggled and banged her head back and forth in futility, desperately trying to escape the torture. It was more intense than anything she could have ever imagined, and her reluctant arousal was vaporized almost immediately in the wake of the electrical onslaught. It felt as though molten steel were being pressed into her most sensitive of places, combined with the most intense feeling of muscle cramps imaginable. Her bladder felt as though it were going to explode, and she was sure the water was soon to near a boil.

She struggled against her restraints for as much slack as they would allow, but it was useless. Somewhere in her pain-addled brain she knew this, but still the animal instinct to escape agony and death remained. She struggled more and more, fighting to get away from the torture, to escape the bondage which forced her to endure it. Nothing in her darkest most brutal of fantasies could have prepared her for this, she realized far too late.

As the minutes passed by slowly, brutally slowly for Rachel, the torture only became worse. The current was gradually ramping up in intensity, and before long a third sensation joined the feelings of pain and the humming of electricity: the smell of burning meat. Her nipples were the first to fry, and Rachel felt as though they would boil and burst. Soon, the feeling of her clitoris beginning to cook joined them, and Rachel began to lose her mind from the horrible and indescribable amounts of pain.

Before long, her nipples and clitoris began to blacken, and she existed merely as an entity that could experience pain and horror. Her mind devoid of rational thought, she continued to howl through her gag and struggle against her restraints. Somewhere deep inside, her organs were beginning to shut down amidst the trauma. It had already been nearly 15 minutes of torture, which probably felt as an eternity to Rachel.

The guards, realizing time was short, decided to send her out with a bang. One of them grabbed a secondary lever next to the primary, and pulled it. Almost immediately, a triple-dose of current hit Rachel. Her mind immediately fried as everything went dark, her body made a last desperate jerking lurch and then went mostly limp, aside from mild muscle tremors brought on by the continuing current.

The guards then proceeded to switch off the current. The smell of burnt flesh filled the entire room, and tendrils of smoke were seen to visibly waft off of Rachel's toasted nipples and crotch. One guard then threw a bucket of water onto Rachel to cool her off, causing a brief tremor as the remaining current was exorcised from her lifeless body.

The other guard then approached with a stethoscope to check her heart.

"Yup, dead as a doorknob" she concluded after several seconds.

In the other room, the Warden sat with the video production crew as they finished their live broadcast stream of the entire event, and as the guards cleaned up the mess and began preparations to dispose of the body. "I always look forward to Sadie Hawkins day" said the Warden with a slight grin, "It's a shame we only get to do this once a year!"
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Tree is shocked!!!!.............well!!...I'll go t'foot of our stairs!!
Don't know where that expression comes from but thanks for the contribution Snk11. In future if you wish you can always split your story into chapters.
:goodjob: Snk.
You've found, like I did 3 years back,
a site where intense, uncompromising writing is welcomed,
especially if you've taken the trouble to write well.
We look forward to more.

Hope you'll find yourself an avatar now! :p
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