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Surrendering to the crucifixion (complete)

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Sophie walked through the crowded school hallway, her gentle smile barely faltering as she clutched her books close to her chest. The students around her chattered away, occasionally greeting her with warm smiles. Sophie was well-liked, her sweet and quiet demeanor endearing her to everyone she met. However, today was just like any other day—meaning, Kimberly was on the prowl.

"Soooophie!" Kimberly’s voice rang out, echoing down the hallway as she bounded toward her friend, her energy practically radiating off her in waves. "There you are! I've been looking for you all morning, my sweet little lamb!"

Sophie sighed softly, knowing what was coming next. "Hi, Kim." Her voice was calm, steady, and almost resigned, like someone who had heard the same speech a thousand times.

Kimberly, ever the ball of chaotic energy, grinned widely and threw her arm around Sophie’s shoulders, pulling her close. "You know, I've been thinking—wouldn’t it be just so exciting if you let yourself be crucified naked today? Like, right after class? It’d be the talk of the school! Come on, please, please, pretty please? It'll be soooo fun!"

Sophie glanced at her friend, her expression blank as she replied in a deadpan tone, "No thanks, Kim."

Kimberly pouted dramatically, her bottom lip sticking out in an exaggerated fashion. "Aww, come on, Sophie! Don't be such a stick in the mud! Just imagine it—everyone gathered around, watching you up there, nailed to a cross, suffering beautifully for days! It'd be such a spectacle! We could even sell tickets!"

"No, Kim,"
Sophie replied again, her tone unchanged as she continued walking to class, Kimberly practically skipping beside her.

"But Sophie, think about the attention you'd get! Everyone would admire your bravery, and they'd all talk about how sweet little Sophie sacrificed herself for... well, something!" Kimberly waved her hands in the air, as if trying to conjure up a reason that might appeal to Sophie’s kind nature. "For the greater good or something! Plus, you'd look adorable up there, all suffering and stuff!"

Sophie paused for a moment, considering her next words. "Kim, I don’t really want to die on a cross."

Kimberly gasped, feigning shock as she dramatically clutched her chest. "What?! But Sophie, you’d be so cute as a martyr! Your death would be legendary! It’d be like, the ultimate sacrifice! And your little button nose would look so adorable while you’re in agonizing pain. You’d make such a pretty corpse!"

"Still not interested,"
Sophie replied, her tone as flat as ever as she pushed open the door to their next class.

Kimberly followed, unfazed by Sophie’s lack of enthusiasm. "Okay, okay, hear me out! How about this—we do it after school, in the gymnasium! We’ll make it a whole event! There’ll be snacks, drinks, and a cheering crowd! We can even make a playlist—what songs do you want playing while you’re being crucified?" She began listing off possibilities, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "‘Stayin' Alive’ by the Bee Gees? No, that’s ironic. Maybe something more dramatic... ‘The Final Countdown’? Oh! How about ‘Another One Bites the Dust’?"

Sophie shook her head as she took her seat, Kimberly plopping down beside her with a flourish. "Kim, it’s not happening."

"But Sophieee,"
Kimberly whined, practically hanging off her friend’s arm, "You’d be the star of the show! Imagine everyone’s faces when they see sweet little you, up there, enduring the most epic crucifixion ever! It’ll be like something out of a twisted fairy tale! You’ll go down in history as the bravest girl to ever live… well, until you don’t, y'know, live anymore."

"No, Kim,"
Sophie repeated, her voice as unwavering as ever.

Kimberly’s face lit up with a sudden idea, her eyes wide with excitement. "Oh, oh! What if we make it educational? Like, a history lesson! ‘This is how they did it back in the day, kids! Watch as Sophie bravely demonstrates the ancient art of crucifixion!’ We could get the teachers involved! Mr. Thompson loves historical reenactments! I’m sure he’d love to see you strung up in front of the class!"

Sophie turned to Kimberly, her expression as unreadable as ever. "Kim, I have a biology test tomorrow. I don’t have time to die today."

Kimberly blinked, as if the idea of prioritizing schoolwork over crucifixion had never occurred to her. "Oh, right! How about we pencil it in for next week? You can study for your test, and then we’ll crucify you after you ace it! You’ll be the smartest and bravest girl in school!"

Sophie sighed softly, the sound barely audible over Kimberly’s continued enthusiasm. "Let’s talk about this later, Kim."

"Yay! You didn’t say no! Progress!"
Kimberly cheered, bouncing in her seat. "I knew you’d come around, Sophie! Just think about it—after next week, everyone will remember you as the girl who was crucified naked and suffered for days! Your legacy will be immortal!"

Sophie didn’t respond, instead opening her textbook to the day’s lesson. Kimberly, however, wasn’t done yet.

"And think about the logistics! We’ll need nails, of course, but don’t worry—I’ll make sure they’re shiny and new, only the best for my bestie! We’ll have to find a nice, sturdy cross too. I’m thinking oak, maybe? Something that really brings out the color of your eyes!"

"Kim, I have to focus on this lesson,"
Sophie said quietly, her eyes on the page.

"Oh, of course! Sorry, sorry! But just one more thing—how do you feel about roses? I was thinking we could scatter some around your feet, y’know, for that dramatic, martyred saint vibe! Or maybe lilies? They’re more funereal, but super classy!"

Sophie flipped the page of her textbook, ignoring Kimberly’s rambling.

Kimberly, undeterred, leaned in closer. "I can already see it, Sophie—your crucifixion will be the event of the century! We’ll have photographers, a live stream, maybe even a marching band! And don’t worry about your shyness—we’ll cover your modesty with a little loincloth, but just enough to keep things interesting!"

Sophie’s only response was a slow blink, her focus entirely on her book.

"You’re such a good sport, Sophie!" Kimberly gushed, practically vibrating with excitement. "I knew you’d come around! Just wait—by the end of the month, everyone will know the name Sophie, the sweetest, shyest girl who bravely faced her crucifixion with style!"

Sophie remained silent, her calm demeanor contrasting sharply with Kimberly’s exuberance.

The morning continued like this, with Kimberly’s relentless enthusiasm for Sophie’s fictional crucifixion becoming more and more absurd as the hours passed. But Sophie, as always, handled it with her trademark grace and unflappable calm, leaving Kimberly to run circles around her with plans that would never come to pass.

As the school day continued, Kimberly found herself unable to resist pestering Sophie at every opportunity. During lunch, she plopped down beside Sophie, her eyes gleaming with a new burst of excitement.

"Soooophie," Kimberly sang out, leaning in closer, "I’ve been thinking about your crucifixion again! And you know what I realized? It’s going to be soooo sexy!"

Sophie, taking a calm bite of her sandwich, responded with her usual monotone, "Is that so, Kim?"

"Oh yes!"
Kimberly’s enthusiasm bubbled over as she clapped her hands together. "Just imagine—there you are, naked and vulnerable, squirming on that cross! The way your body will arch and writhe as the pain gets more intense... it’s going to be absolutely erotic! Everyone will be totally mesmerized by how beautiful you look, suffering up there!"

Sophie quietly chewed her food, her expression unchanging. "That sounds... uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? No way! It’s going to be the ultimate display of feminine power!"
Kimberly leaned in even closer, practically whispering in Sophie’s ear. "Just think about how everyone will be watching you, their eyes glued to your every movement, your every twitch. And that sedile? You can grind against it, Sophie! Imagine the way your body will rub against that rough wood, your pussy getting all tingly while you struggle to breathe! Isn’t that exciting?"

Sophie took a sip of her juice, unfazed. "Sounds painful, Kim."

"Painful? Oh, but that’s part of the appeal!"
Kimberly’s eyes sparkled as she continued, her voice growing more animated. "The more you squirm and suffer, the more erotic it’ll be! And just think—what if the executioner decides to help you out? Maybe he’ll slide his hand between your thighs and give you a little relief while you’re nailed up there. You could be gasping and moaning, feeling pleasure and pain at the same time! You’d drive everyone crazy with how sexy you’d look!"

Sophie shrugged slightly, her expression as calm as ever. "I don’t think I’d enjoy that, Kim."

"But that’s what makes it so hot, Sophie!"
Kimberly bounced in her seat, unable to contain her excitement. "You’ll be completely helpless, your body at the mercy of the executioner and the crowd! Everyone will be in love with you, watching you endure it all with that sweet, innocent look on your face! They’ll be totally captivated by you, Sophie—the perfect picture of suffering and sexiness!"

Sophie glanced at her watch, her tone as flat as ever. "We have five minutes until class, Kim."

"Oh, but wait, there’s more!"
Kimberly pressed on, undeterred by Sophie’s lack of enthusiasm. "Think about how everyone will react to your final moments! You’ll be up there, panting and glistening with sweat, your body stretched out so beautifully. And when you finally die, everyone will be so in awe of you, the perfect little martyr. They’ll never forget how sexy and brave you were in your last moments!"

Sophie nodded slightly, as if considering the idea. "I’d rather not die at all, Kim."

Kimberly giggled, waving off Sophie’s logical response. "But Sophie, that’s what makes it so thrilling! The risk, the pain, the pleasure—it’s all part of the experience! And you’ll be the star of the show, the one everyone’s talking about! Your crucifixion will be legendary!"

Sophie gathered her things, preparing to head to class. "You’re really excited about this, aren’t you, Kim?"

"Of course I am!"
Kimberly beamed, practically skipping beside Sophie as they made their way down the hallway. "I can’t wait to see you up there, all exposed and vulnerable, writhing in pain and pleasure! It’s going to be the most amazing thing ever! Everyone will want to see it—no, everyone will need to see it! They’ll be obsessed with you, Sophie, and how sexy you look as you slowly die on that cross!"

Sophie stopped at her locker, calmly switching out her books. "I think I’ll pass on the dying part, Kim."

"But Sophieee,"
Kimberly whined, leaning against the locker with a pout, "just imagine the crowd, the gasps of awe, the whispers of admiration! And when you’re gone, they’ll all be talking about how amazing you looked, suffering so beautifully! It’ll be like a work of art—tragic and erotic all at once!"

Sophie closed her locker and turned to Kimberly, her expression unchanged. "I think you’re more excited about this than I am, Kim."

Kimberly grinned, unbothered by Sophie’s understatement. "Of course I am! I can see the whole thing in my mind—your naked body, glistening with sweat, the way you’ll moan and gasp as the nails go in, the way you’ll grind against the wood to get some relief... it’s going to be the hottest thing ever!" She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And just think—when you’re up there, everyone will be so turned on by how sexy and brave you are. They won’t be able to stop watching you!"

Sophie sighed softly, glancing at the classroom door. "We should get to class, Kim."

Kimberly nodded, still grinning. "Okay, okay! But just promise me you’ll think about it, Sophie! Your crucifixion could be the event of the century, and I don’t want you to miss out on all the fun!"

Sophie gave a small, noncommittal nod as they walked into the classroom together, Kimberly already buzzing with new ideas for how to make Sophie’s imaginary crucifixion the most epic and erotic event the school had ever seen.
As the days went on, Kimberly’s enthusiasm for Sophie’s imaginary crucifixion only grew. No matter where they were—between classes, at lunch, or even during study sessions—Kimberly found a way to bring it up, much to the bemusement of their classmates.

In biology class, while the teacher droned on about cell division, Kimberly leaned over to Sophie, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Sooophie," she whispered, her voice bubbling with excitement, "I’ve been thinking… you know how the nails would go through your wrists? Imagine the way your fingers would twitch involuntarily! It’s going to be so intense, everyone will be watching your hands, fascinated by the way you can’t control them! And then there’s the feet—oh, the feet!" Kimberly’s eyes widened as she continued, her imagination running wild. "When they nail your feet to the cross, you’ll probably scream, but in that cute way you do everything! Your toes will curl, trying to deal with the pain, but there’ll be no escape, just the pure, raw agony that’ll make you look soooo sexy!"

Sophie, focusing on her notes, responded without looking up. "I don’t think that’s a good idea, Kim."

"Oh, but you don’t have to think about it as a bad thing!"
Kimberly insisted, her voice rising with excitement. "Think about how the pain will make your body arch so beautifully, your back arching off the wood as you try to lift yourself to breathe! And let’s not forget the sedile! Oh, Sophie, the way you’ll rub against it, trying to get some relief, but only adding to your own suffering… it’ll be so erotic!"

Sophie gave a small shake of her head, her tone as calm as ever. "No, Kim."

Their classmate, Alice, sitting nearby, rolled her eyes and leaned over. "Kim, give it a rest. You’ve been going on about this for days. Don’t you think it’s getting a bit... much?"

Kimberly waved off Alice’s concern with a dramatic flourish. "Oh, Alice, you just don’t understand the artistic beauty of it! Sophie’s crucifixion would be a masterpiece of suffering and sensuality! I mean, the way her body will glisten with sweat, her skin flushed from the pain, and the subtle quivering of her muscles as she struggles to stay alive… it’ll be a sight no one will ever forget!"

Sophie turned the page of her textbook, her voice steady. "Still not interested, Kim."

Another classmate, Ryan, chimed in, smirking at Kimberly. "You’re really going all in on this, huh, Kim? I mean, you’re making it sound like Sophie’s crucifixion would be the social event of the year."

Kimberly exclaimed, delighted that someone finally understood her vision. "It’ll be the ultimate display of bravery and beauty! Everyone will be in awe of her! The way Sophie’s body will stretch out, so vulnerable, so exposed… and as the hours go by, her suffering will only get more intense! Her breathing will become shallow, her chest heaving as she tries to take in air, and every little movement will cause her more pain! It’s going to be sooo hot!"

Sophie calmly highlighted a passage in her textbook, her response as deadpan as ever. "That doesn’t sound like fun, Kim."

Kimberly leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And just imagine, Sophie, the way the executioner might take pity on you, just for a moment. He might reach down, touch your pussy, and give you a little pleasure before you die. Everyone will be watching, knowing that you’re feeling something good in the midst of all that pain. It’ll be the most erotic thing anyone’s ever seen!"

Sophie glanced at Kimberly, her face expressionless. "No, Kim."

Alice shook her head, a slight smirk on her face. "Kim, you’re seriously obsessed. Maybe tone it down a bit? I think Sophie’s made it pretty clear she’s not into this whole ‘dying on a cross’ thing."

Kimberly sighed dramatically, flopping back in her seat. "But she’d be sooo perfect for it! I mean, everyone loves Sophie—she’s sweet, kind, and gentle. Seeing her in such a brutal situation, completely at the mercy of the crowd and the executioner… it would be like watching a beautiful flower being torn apart, petal by petal. So tragic, but so captivating!"

Sophie scribbled a note in the margin of her book, her voice monotone. "Not happening, Kim."

Ryan chuckled, shaking his head. "Kim, I gotta hand it to you, you’ve got some imagination. But seriously, you’ve been pestering Sophie about this nonstop. Don’t you ever get tired?"

Kimberly grinned widely, clearly not deterred. "How could I get tired of such a brilliant idea? I mean, just think about the final moments, when Sophie’s on the brink of death, her body trembling, her eyes glassy with pain… it’ll be the most beautiful, tragic thing anyone’s ever seen! Everyone will be talking about it for years! Sophie will become a legend!"

Sophie closed her notebook, preparing to leave as the bell rang. "I’m not interested, Kim."

As they packed up their things, Kimberly was still buzzing with excitement, her mind racing with more ideas for Sophie’s imaginary ordeal. "And think about how everyone will gather around, holding their breath as you take your last gasp! It’ll be like the grand finale of a fireworks show—explosive, emotional, and unforgettable! Your death will be the most epic event in the history of the school!"

Sophie slung her bag over her shoulder, her expression as neutral as ever. "No, Kim."

Alice, shaking her head with a smile, nudged Kimberly as they walked out of the classroom. "Kim, you’re seriously something else. I don’t know how Sophie puts up with you."

Kimberly flashed a bright grin, unbothered by the remark. "Because deep down, Sophie knows I’m right! She’d be the perfect martyr, the ultimate symbol of suffering and beauty! It’ll be the talk of the school for decades!"

Sophie gave a small sigh, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let it go, Kim."

But, as always, Kimberly was already planning her next move, her mind filled with even more graphic and absurd ideas for Sophie’s potential crucifixion, convinced that it would be the most magnificent spectacle anyone had ever seen.
Days passed, and Kimberly’s obsession with Sophie’s crucifixion only grew more intense. It became a regular topic of conversation, much to the annoyance and amusement of their friends and classmates. Sophie, however, remained as calm and polite as ever, her laconic responses contrasting sharply with Kimberly’s unbridled enthusiasm.

During lunch, a small group of their friends gathered around the table, listening to Kimberly’s latest pitch. As always, Sophie sat quietly, eating her food while Kimberly’s words washed over her.

"Sooophie!" Kimberly began, practically vibrating with excitement. "I was thinking about your crucifixion again, and I just have to share this with you! Picture this: you’re up there, naked and beautiful, the sun shining down on your skin, your body glistening with sweat. And then… the sedile!" She grinned wickedly, her eyes gleaming. "You know what’s going to happen, right? It’s going to split you open! The rough wood will rub against your pussy, tearing it apart little by little as you try to find some relief! It’s going to be so intense!"

Sophie took a sip of her drink, her tone as even as ever. "I don’t think that’s a good idea, Kim."

Their friend Alice, who had been listening with an exasperated expression, finally spoke up. "Kim, seriously, you’ve been going on about this for weeks. Give Sophie a break. She’s clearly not interested, and it’s getting kinda weird."

Ryan, sitting beside Alice, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Kim, it’s not like Sophie’s going to suddenly change her mind just because you keep bringing it up. You’re being a bit… much, don’t you think?"

Kimberly waved off their concerns, her grin never faltering. "Oh, come on, guys! This is going to be the event of the century! Can’t you just picture it? Sophie’s delicate body being torn apart, her pussy stretched and split by the sedile… the crowd will be in awe, totally captivated by her suffering!"

Sophie calmly placed her fork down, her voice steady. "No, Kim."

Another classmate, Emma, rolled her eyes and leaned over to Sophie. "Honestly, Sophie, I don’t know how you put up with her. You’ve got the patience of a saint."

Sophie offered a small, polite smile. "It’s okay."

Kimberly, however, was undeterred by the criticism. In fact, she seemed to relish it. "But don’t you see? That’s what makes it so perfect! Sophie’s always so calm and collected—seeing her lose control, watching her writhe in agony, her pussy torn and bleeding, would be the ultimate contrast! It’ll be like nothing anyone’s ever seen before!"

Sophie, as always, responded with her characteristic calmness. "I’m not interested, Kim."

Ryan chuckled, shaking his head. "Kim, you’re like a dog with a bone. You just won’t let it go, will you?"

Alice smirked, nudging Sophie with her elbow. "Sophie, you should get an award for putting up with this. Most people would’ve snapped by now."

Sophie nodded slightly, her tone still even. "I’m used to it."

Kimberly, however, wasn’t finished. If anything, the resistance only fueled her more. "And you know what else? The longer you stay up there, the more your body will break down. Your muscles will start to cramp, your skin will tear, and your pussy… oh, Sophie, it’ll be shredded by the end of it! You’ll be in so much pain, and everyone will be watching, unable to look away!"

Sophie paused for a moment, her expression unreadable as she considered Kimberly’s words. Then, finally, she spoke in the same calm, steady voice. "Okay, Kim. I’ll do it."

For a moment, Kimberly was stunned into silence, her mouth hanging open as she processed Sophie’s words. The rest of the table fell silent too, everyone staring at Sophie in disbelief.

"Wait… what?" Kimberly finally managed to stammer, her eyes wide with shock.

Sophie looked at her friend, her expression as serene as ever. "I said I’ll do it. I’ll let you crucify me."

Kimberly blinked rapidly, still trying to wrap her mind around what Sophie had just said. "You’re… you’re serious? You’re really going to let me do it?"

Sophie nodded, her tone unchanged. "Yes, Kim. You’ve been asking for so long. I’ll do it."

For a brief moment, Kimberly was completely speechless—a rarity for her. She stared at Sophie, her mind racing, unable to believe that her friend had finally agreed to her outrageous plan. But the silence didn’t last long.

"Oh my God, Sophie! This is amazing! This is going to be incredible!" Kimberly’s excitement returned with full force, her voice rising to a near-squeal as she threw her arms around Sophie. "You’re going to be the most beautiful, most tragic, most erotic martyr ever! Everyone’s going to be talking about it! This is going to be epic!"

Sophie simply nodded, her expression calm. "Sure, Kim."

Their friends exchanged looks of disbelief and exasperation, but also a bit of amusement. Alice sighed, shaking her head. "Sophie, you’re either the bravest person I know, or the most patient."

Ryan chuckled, leaning back in his seat. "This is going to be one hell of a show, that’s for sure. But seriously, Kim, don’t go overboard."

Kimberly, of course, was already lost in her own world of excitement, her mind racing with plans and ideas. "Oh, Sophie, you won’t regret this! The sedile, the nails, the crowd… it’s all going to be perfect! And your pussy—oh, it’s going to be absolutely shredded by the end of it! You’ll be in so much pain, and it’ll be so hot! Everyone’s going to be in love with you, watching you suffer!"

Sophie simply stood up, gathering her things. "I’ll see you later, Kim."

As Sophie walked away, leaving Kimberly to her excited ramblings, Alice leaned over to Ryan and whispered, "I give it five minutes before Kim starts planning something even crazier."

Ryan grinned, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, but at least Sophie got her to shut up for a minute. That’s a miracle in itself."

And sure enough, as Sophie made her way to her next class, Kimberly was already back to her usual self, bounding after her friend with even more graphic details about the crucifixion, her excitement undiminished now that Sophie had finally—if reluctantly—agreed to go along with it.
Kimberly, buzzing with excitement after Sophie’s surprising acceptance, immediately set out to plan the most epic event their school—and possibly the world—had ever seen. She spent the next few days feverishly working on the details, convinced that nothing could stand in the way of her vision. However, it wasn’t long before she hit her first major roadblock.

During lunch, Kimberly plopped down beside Sophie, a huge stack of papers in hand. Her usual enthusiasm was slightly dimmed by the frustration she’d encountered.

"Sooophie!" Kimberly exclaimed, waving the papers in the air. "Did you know there’s a ton of red tape involved in scheduling a public execution? I mean, who knew?!"

Sophie looked up from her book, her tone as calm as ever. "I figured it might be complicated, Kim."

Kimberly huffed, flipping through the papers. "First off, I need a death warrant, which apparently requires a bunch of signatures and legal approvals. And then there’s the permit for the public gathering. The town council has to approve it, and they’re all like, ‘What’s the event?’ And I’m like, ‘A crucifixion, duh!’ But they didn’t seem as excited as I am."

Alice, sitting across the table, couldn’t help but laugh. "Kim, did you really think they’d just let you crucify someone without any hassle? That’s a little… I don’t know… illegal?"

"That’s what the death warrant is for!"
Kimberly shot back, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "But apparently, getting a death warrant for a crucifixion isn’t as simple as I thought. They want a reason—like, a real reason—and I can’t exactly tell them, ‘Well, my best friend agreed to it because I pestered her for weeks.’"

Sophie nodded slightly, as if this were all to be expected. "That makes sense."

"And then there’s the cross!"
Kimberly continued, her frustration growing. "I thought I could just order one online or something, but it turns out you need to get a special permit to import large wooden structures for ‘non-standard uses.’ And that’s if I even find someone who makes them! Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a carpenter who’s willing to make a crucifixion cross? Not to mention the nails! They have to be special, sturdy ones that won’t bend under pressure, and I can’t exactly walk into a hardware store and ask for ‘crucifixion-grade’ nails!"

Ryan, overhearing the conversation, chuckled and shook his head. "Kim, maybe you should’ve thought this through a bit more before you got Sophie to agree. It sounds like you’re in way over your head."

Kimberly ignored him, flipping through another set of papers. "And then there’s the venue! I need a place big enough to hold a crowd, but most places require liability insurance for ‘dangerous events.’ Apparently, crucifixion qualifies as ‘dangerous’—who knew? And the insurance costs are through the roof! I tried explaining that Sophie’s super careful and won’t, like, accidentally die before the actual crucifixion, but they didn’t seem convinced."

Sophie, as usual, remained unflappable. "Maybe it’s a sign that this isn’t a good idea, Kim."

"No way!"
Kimberly declared, slamming the papers down on the table. "I’ve come this far, and I’m not giving up now! This is going to happen, even if I have to personally handcraft the cross and forge the nails myself!"

Alice smirked, leaning in. "And how’s that going to work out, Kim? You’re not exactly known for your woodworking skills."

"Details, details!"
Kimberly waved her off, determined as ever. "I’ll figure it out! Maybe I’ll find a blacksmith who specializes in medieval torture devices or something. There’s got to be someone out there who’s into this kind of stuff!"

Sophie, ever the voice of reason, gave Kimberly a small, polite smile. "It sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you, Kim. Maybe you should reconsider."

But Kimberly was already on a roll, her mind racing with new ideas. "Reconsider? Are you kidding? This is going to be the event of a lifetime! Sure, it’s a little more complicated than I thought, but I’ll make it work! And when you’re up there, Sophie, everyone will see that it was totally worth all the effort!"

Ryan couldn’t resist chiming in again. "You know, Kim, maybe you should just stick to something simpler. Like a dramatic reading or a play. Something that doesn’t involve, you know, actual death."

Kimberly shot him a withering look. "A play? Please. That’s so basic. Sophie’s crucifixion is going to be epic! It’s just a matter of getting all the logistics sorted out. And once I do, it’s going to be the most talked-about event in the history of the school!"

Alice sighed, shaking her head. "You really are something else, Kim. I just hope you realize what you’re getting into. This isn’t exactly your usual school project."

Kimberly grinned, her determination shining through. "Oh, I know! And that’s what makes it so exciting! Besides, once I figure out the permits, the death warrant, the cross, the nails, the insurance, and the venue, it’ll all come together. I’m not giving up now—not when I’m this close!"

Sophie finished her lunch, her voice as calm as ever. "Good luck, Kim."

Kimberly’s eyes sparkled with renewed energy as she gathered her papers and stood up. "Thanks, Sophie! You’re the best! Don’t worry—I’ll get everything sorted out, and then we’ll make history! Just you wait!"

As Kimberly rushed off, no doubt to tackle yet another hurdle in her increasingly complicated plan, Alice turned to Sophie, a bemused smile on her face.

"You know, Sophie, most people would’ve backed out by now. But you… you’re just going along with it. You’re really something."

Sophie shrugged, her tone as indifferent as ever. "It’s easier to say yes sometimes."

Ryan laughed, shaking his head. "Well, at least it’s entertaining. I can’t wait to see how far Kim actually gets with this. But if she does manage to pull it off… well, it’ll be one hell of a show."

As the lunch bell rang, the group dispersed, everyone wondering just how long Kimberly would keep up her crusade—and just how far she would go to turn her bizarre dream into reality.
Kimberly’s determination knew no bounds. After facing countless obstacles, she decided to tackle the most significant hurdle: getting the official permits, including the elusive death warrant. But in typical Kimberly fashion, she didn’t approach it the conventional way. Instead, she unleashed her most potent weapon—persistence.

Over the course of a few weeks, Kimberly made it her mission to visit the courthouse daily, pestering every clerk, secretary, and judge she could find. She sweet-talked, cajoled, and, when necessary, resorted to pleading with puppy-dog eyes. At first, the clerks were dismissive, amused by the absurdity of her request. But Kimberly was nothing if not relentless.

"Please, please, pleeeeease, just one little death warrant! It’s for a very special event, and I promise it’ll be epic!" Kimberly begged one particularly grumpy clerk, leaning over the counter with her most endearing smile.

"Miss, we don’t issue death warrants for no reason," the clerk grumbled, barely glancing up from his paperwork.

"But it’s for my best friend!" Kimberly insisted, practically bouncing on her toes. "And it’s not just any death—it’s going to be a crucifixion! Think of the historical significance! It’s educational! It’s… uh, community engagement!"

The clerk sighed heavily, but Kimberly was already moving on to the next person in line, her energy undiminished. Over time, her sheer persistence began to wear them down. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of badgering, Kimberly managed to catch the ear of a particularly weary judge.

"Fine, fine!" the judge exclaimed, rubbing his temples as Kimberly launched into her usual spiel. "You want a death warrant? I’ll sign it. Just… please, leave me in peace."

"Oh my gosh, really?!"
Kimberly’s eyes lit up with excitement. "You’re the best, your honor! I’ll make sure Sophie’s crucifixion is absolutely legendary! You won’t regret this!"

"Just… leave the method blank,"
the judge muttered, scribbling his signature on the document and pushing it across the desk. "I don’t want to know the details."

Kimberly snatched up the warrant, beaming with triumph. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won’t regret this, I promise!" And with that, she was out the door, clutching the death warrant as if it were a prized trophy.

With the most significant hurdle cleared, Kimberly turned her attention to the next challenge: funding. Determined to get the perfect cross and nails, she decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign.

"Help me crucify my best friend!" she titled the campaign, adding an enthusiastic description about the historical reenactment, the artistry of the event, and how Sophie’s crucifixion would be a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle.

To Kimberly’s delight, the campaign took off. Apparently, there were plenty of people out there who found the idea intriguing, if not downright bizarre. Donations poured in, and before long, Kimberly had raised more than enough money to hire a carpenter to craft the cross to her exact specifications.

She met with the carpenter, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she described the details.

"It needs to be strong enough to hold her up for days!" she explained, gesturing animatedly. "And the nails have to be just right—long enough to go through her wrists and feet, but not too thick that they’d split the wood!"

The carpenter, clearly baffled by the request but eager to make a profit, agreed to the job. Within a week, the cross was ready, and Kimberly couldn’t have been more thrilled. She even managed to track down a blacksmith who forged the perfect nails, just as she envisioned.

Everything was falling into place. Kimberly had the death warrant, the permits, the cross, the nails—everything she needed to make Sophie’s crucifixion a reality. But as she stood in her room, staring at the cross leaning against the wall, she felt a strange, unfamiliar sensation: doubt.

She paced back and forth, chewing on her lower lip as she considered the implications of what she was about to do. "I mean, Sophie’s my best friend… do I really want her to suffer? To die like this, exposed and in pain?"

Kimberly paused, her eyes narrowing as she thought about it. On the one hand, she’d been dreaming about this for weeks, imagining the spectacle, the attention, the glory. But on the other hand… Sophie was her best friend. Did she really want to see her like that?

The answer came to her almost immediately.

"Yes," Kimberly said aloud, nodding to herself as a grin spread across her face. "Of course, I do! This is going to be amazing! Sophie will be the most beautiful, tragic figure ever, and everyone will remember her forever! She’s going to be legendary!"

The doubt vanished as quickly as it had appeared, replaced by renewed excitement. Kimberly grabbed her phone and began furiously typing out plans, finalizing the details of the event.

"Everything’s ready, Sophie," she texted, unable to contain her glee. "I’ve got the cross, the nails, the permits… it’s all set! We’re going to make history!"

Sophie’s reply was, as always, short and to the point: "Okay, Kim."

Kimberly grinned at the response, her fingers flying across the screen as she sent a barrage of excited texts, detailing every aspect of the upcoming crucifixion. Sophie, as usual, replied with simple, polite acknowledgments, never betraying any emotion.

As Kimberly continued to plan, any lingering doubts about the morality or ethics of what she was doing evaporated. After all, Sophie had agreed to it, and this was going to be the most incredible event anyone had ever seen. It was all going to be worth it—every moment of pain, every drop of blood, every tear.

Kimberly couldn’t wait to see Sophie nailed to the cross, to watch her endure the agony and suffering, to witness her best friend become a martyr in the most sensational way possible.

"This is going to be perfect," Kimberly whispered to herself as she finalized the plans. "Absolutely perfect."
The day had finally arrived. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden hue across the field where the cross had been erected. A small crowd had gathered, all eager to witness the event that Kimberly had been tirelessly organizing. The cross stood tall in the center, its rough wood casting long shadows on the ground. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and excitement as everyone waited for the spectacle to begin.

Backstage, in a small tent set up for preparation, Sophie stood quietly, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn’t believe she had agreed to this, and now, as the moment approached, the reality of what she was about to endure hit her with full force.

Kimberly, on the other hand, was practically bouncing with excitement, unable to contain her glee. She rushed over to Sophie, clutching a bundle of ropes and nails, her grin stretching from ear to ear.

"Are you ready for your big day?" Kimberly chirped, her voice filled with infectious enthusiasm. "I’ve got everything planned down to the last nail—literally! We’re going to start early in the morning, so the light hits you just right. You’ll look absolutely angelic up there, suffering beautifully for everyone to see!"

Sophie swallowed hard, her hands trembling slightly as she began to unbutton her shirt. "No, but... I… I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be."

Kimberly beamed, practically glowing with excitement. "Oh, this is going to be sooo amazing! I’ve got the cross set up in the perfect spot, and the carpenter even added a little detail to the sedile—just for you! It’s rough and splintery, so when you start squirming, it’ll tear you up even more! Your pussy is going to be shredded, Sophie, and it’s going to be so hot!"

Sophie blushed deeply, her fingers fumbling with the buttons of her shirt. The thought of being exposed, nailed, and torn apart in front of a crowd was overwhelming. "I… I’m really nervous, Kim. What if… what if I can’t go through with it?"

Kimberly waved off Sophie’s concerns with a laugh, her voice full of cheerful reassurance. "Don’t worry, Sophie! You’re going to do great! Just think of it as the ultimate performance—you’re the star, and everyone’s here to see you shine! And besides, once you’re up there, you won’t have much of a choice. The nails will make sure of that!"

Sophie’s hands trembled as she finally pulled off her shirt, revealing her bare skin to the cool morning air. She hesitated, her eyes flicking nervously to the tent flap where the light from outside filtered in.

Kimberly noticed the hesitation and stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on Sophie’s shoulder. "Hey, it’s okay to be scared. But just remember, this is what you agreed to. You’re going to be amazing—everyone’s going to be in awe of you. And when it’s all over, they’ll talk about how brave and beautiful you were, enduring all that pain for them."

Sophie took a deep breath and nodded, though her heart still raced with fear. "I… I know. I just… it’s so much, Kim. I didn’t think it would feel like this."

Kimberly smiled, her eyes bright with excitement. "That’s the beauty of it, Sophie! The fear, the pain—it’s all part of the experience! You’re going to be the most beautiful martyr anyone’s ever seen!"

With trembling hands, Sophie began to remove the rest of her clothes, each piece falling to the ground until she was completely naked. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she stood there, exposed and vulnerable.

"You look perfect, Sophie," Kimberly said, her voice full of admiration as she took in her friend’s body. "Absolutely perfect. Everyone’s going to be captivated by you—the way your skin glows in the sunlight, the way your body will writhe on the cross… it’s going to be unforgettable."

Sophie’s breath hitched as she glanced down at herself, her arms instinctively moving to cover her breasts. "I… I feel so exposed, Kim. Everyone’s going to see… everything."

"And that’s the point!"
Kimberly exclaimed, her grin widening. "You’re going to be laid bare, Sophie—physically and emotionally. They’re going to see you at your most vulnerable, and that’s what makes it so powerful. It’s raw, it’s real, and it’s going to leave them speechless."

Sophie nodded slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. "Okay… okay. Maybe I can do this."

"That’s the spirit!"
Kimberly cheered, giving Sophie’s shoulder a supportive squeeze. "Now, let’s get you out there. The crowd’s waiting, and they’re going to be so amazed by you!"

With a final deep breath, Sophie stepped out of the tent, her bare feet touching the cold, damp grass. The crowd hushed as she emerged, all eyes on her as she made her way to the cross. The silence was heavy, filled with a mix of awe and anticipation.

Kimberly followed close behind, her energy undiminished as she guided Sophie to the wooden structure. "This is it, Sophie. Just a few more steps, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a legend!"

Sophie hesitated once more as she stood before the cross, her heart pounding in her chest. "I… I'm not sure I wanna go on with this, Kim."

Kimberly gave her a gentle push, her voice soft but firm. "You’re ready, Sophie. You’ve got this. Just think about all the people watching, all the admiration, all the awe. This is your moment."

With trembling legs, Sophie approached the cross and turned to face the crowd. The reality of what she was about to endure settled heavily on her shoulders, but Kimberly’s unwavering support pushed her forward.

"Let’s get started!" Kimberly announced cheerfully, clapping her hands together. "Sophie, lie down on the cross, and we’ll get you all set up! Don’t worry—I’ll be right here the whole time!"

Sophie swallowed hard and lay down on the rough wood, her back pressing against the splinters that immediately dug into her skin. She winced, trying to find some small measure of comfort, but the cross offered none. The wood was unforgiving, just as she knew the nails would be.

Kimberly quickly moved into position, grabbing the first nail and holding it up for the crowd to see. "Isn’t this exciting, everyone? Sophie’s about to make history! Let’s give her a big round of applause!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their excitement palpable. Sophie’s breath quickened as Kimberly moved to her side, positioning the nail against her wrist.

"Ready, Sophie?" Kimberly asked, her voice filled with excitement and encouragement.

Sophie’s eyes were wide with fear, but she nodded slowly, her voice trembling. "Not much, but... I'm running out of alternatives, am I"

Kimberly grinned and brought the hammer down with a sharp, decisive strike. The nail pierced Sophie’s wrist with a sickening crunch, and she let out a cry of pain, her body jerking involuntarily against the cross.

"You’re doing great, Sophie!" Kimberly cheered, her voice unwavering as she drove the nail deeper. "Just keep breathing—you’re almost there!"

Sophie’s eyes filled with tears as the pain radiated up her arm, but she bit down on her lip, determined not to scream. "It hurts… so much…" she managed to gasp out.

"That’s the point!" Kimberly replied, her voice full of enthusiasm. "The pain is what makes it so powerful! You’re doing amazing, Sophie—everyone’s in awe of you right now!"

Sophie’s breathing was ragged as Kimberly moved to her other wrist, positioning the second nail. The crowd watched in rapt attention, their eyes glued to the scene unfolding before them.

With another swift strike, Kimberly drove the nail through Sophie’s second wrist, eliciting another cry of pain. Sophie’s body arched against the cross, her muscles tensing as the nails pinned her in place.

"Just one more to go!" Kimberly announced cheerfully, moving down to Sophie’s feet. "You’re almost there, Sophie! Just a little more pain, and you’ll be all set!"

Sophie’s mind was spinning, the pain overwhelming her senses. She felt Kimberly position her feet together and place the final nail against them. The anticipation was almost worse than the pain itself, and she squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the final blow.

Kimberly didn’t hesitate. With a final, decisive strike, she drove the nail through Sophie’s feet, securing them to the wood. Sophie let out a choked sob, her body trembling as the last nail was driven in.

"There we go!" Kimberly declared triumphantly, stepping back to admire her work. "You’re all set, Sophie! You look absolutely stunning up there—so brave, so beautiful!"

Sophie’s chest heaved as she struggled to breathe, her body wracked with pain. The nails burned in her wrists and feet, and the rough wood dug into her back, but there was no escape. She was trapped, completely at the mercy of the cruel wood slowly killing her.
The crowd’s cheers grew louder as Kimberly signaled for the cross to be raised. Two strong men stepped forward, gripping the wooden beams, and with a grunt, they began to lift the heavy structure. Sophie’s breath hitched as she felt herself being pulled upright, the nails in her wrists and feet tugging painfully as gravity took hold.

The cross wobbled slightly as it rose higher, and Sophie let out a low moan, her body instinctively tensing against the searing pain that shot through her limbs. The rough wood of the cross dug into her back, and she could feel every splinter, every jagged edge pressing against her skin. The sedile—a small, cruelly placed piece of wood designed to prolong her suffering—jutted up between her legs, and as the cross reached its full height, Sophie’s weight bore down on it.

She cried out as the sedile pressed against her most sensitive area, the rough surface grinding against her flesh. The pain was excruciating, and she could feel the wood tearing into her, every movement sending fresh waves of agony through her body.

Kimberly, standing at the foot of the cross, looked up at Sophie with a wide, beaming smile. "You’re doing amazing, Sophie! Look at you up there—so strong, so brave! I knew you’d be the perfect girl for this!"

Sophie’s head lolled forward, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The pain was relentless, a constant, throbbing presence that overwhelmed her senses. She groaned, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why… why did I agree to this…?"

Kimberly laughed, her voice filled with an almost gleeful delight. "Because you’re a total badass, that’s why! And let’s be honest—you look incredible up there! Everyone’s completely captivated by you. You’re like a living work of art, suffering for us all to admire!"

Sophie’s muscles trembled as she shifted slightly, trying to find some relief from the sedile pressing into her. But every movement only made the pain worse, the rough wood scraping against her skin, tearing her apart little by little. She whimpered, her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to block out the pain.

"Oh, come on, Sophie," Kimberly teased, her tone playful. "Don’t be shy! Everyone’s here to see you—no need to hold back those moans! In fact, the more you struggle, the more amazing you look. It’s like watching a beautiful, tragic nude ballet!"

Sophie groaned again, her body arching slightly as she tried to relieve the pressure on her wrists. But the nails held her fast, and the movement only served to tear the wounds wider. A small amount of blood trickled down her arms, mingling with the sweat that dripped from her body.

"The bleeding as almost stopped by now," Kimberly observed, her voice tinged with admiration. "Still, it’s so dramatic—like something out of a movie! And your skin, all flushed and glistening… you’re seriously nailing this, Sophie!" She paused, then added with a cheeky grin, "No pun intended!"

The crowd murmured in awe, their eyes glued to Sophie as she writhed in agony. She could hear their whispers, feel their eyes on her, and it only added to her humiliation. She was completely exposed, completely vulnerable, with no escape from the pain or the scrutiny.

Kimberly, however, seemed oblivious to Sophie’s suffering, or perhaps she simply reveled in it. "You know, Sophie, you’ve really outdone yourself. I mean, I knew you’d be brave, but this… this is next level! I can’t even imagine how much pain you’re in right now, and yet here you are, taking it like a champ!"

Sophie let out a choked sob, her body trembling with the effort of trying to stay still, to endure the relentless torment without completely losing her mind. The sedile was the worst part—it felt like it was splitting her apart, grinding into her with every tiny movement. "It hurts… so much…" she gasped, her voice barely audible.

"Of course it does!" Kimberly exclaimed, as if that were the most obvious thing in the world. "That’s what makes it so powerful, so… sexy! The way you’re suffering up there, it’s just… it’s perfect! You’re perfect, Sophie!"

Sophie’s vision blurred with tears, her body shaking as she struggled to keep her composure. The pain was unrelenting, and she knew that this was only the beginning. She had days of this ahead of her—days of pain, humiliation, and slow, agonizing death.

Kimberly seemed to sense Sophie’s despair, and she quickly moved to reassure her. "Hey, don’t worry, Sophie. You’re not alone. We’re all here, watching your naked body suffer, supporting you. And you know what? You’re going to be remembered for this. People are going to talk about how brave and beautiful you were for years. You’re a legend, Sophie!"

Sophie moaned softly, her head falling back against the wood as she tried to focus on something—anything—other than the pain. But it was everywhere, all-consuming, and there was no escape.

"You’ve got this, Sophie!" Kimberly continued, her voice bright and cheerful. "Just keep breathing, keep moving. And remember, every second you’re up there, you’re making history. You’re the star of the show, and you’re killing it—again, no pun intended!"

Sophie’s body shuddered with another wave of pain, her breath hitching as she fought to keep herself from screaming. She couldn’t believe she had agreed to this—couldn’t believe she was actually going through with it. But it was too late now. She was nailed to the cross, exposed to the world, and there was no going back.

"Just think," Kimberly added with a sly grin, "in a few days, you’ll be free of all this pain… forever! You'll be dead, finally!"

Despite the pain, Sophie managed a weak, humorless laugh. "I suppose… that’s one way to look at it."

Kimberly chuckled, clearly pleased that Sophie could still find the humor in her situation. "That’s the spirit! You’re doing so great, Sophie. Seriously, you’re an inspiration to us all. I mean, who else could make something as horrific as a crucifixion look so damn sexy?"

Sophie’s only response was a low moan, her body sagging slightly as exhaustion began to set in. She knew she had to conserve her strength—knew she had to survive as long as she could. But the pain was overwhelming, and she couldn’t stop the tears that streamed down her cheeks.

Kimberly’s expression softened slightly as she watched Sophie struggle. "Hey, you’re doing amazing, Sophie. I know it hurts—I can’t even imagine how much—but you’re stronger than this. You’ve got days ahead of you, and you’re going to get through them, one breath at a time. And remember, we’re all here, cheering you on. You’re not alone."

Sophie nodded weakly, though it did little to ease her suffering. The nails burned in her wrists and feet, the sedile dug cruelly into her flesh, and every breath was a battle. But somehow, she managed to hold on, clinging to the small comfort of Kimberly’s voice.

"You’re going to make it, Sophie," Kimberly said, her tone filled with confidence. "You’re the strongest person I know, and you’re going to survive this. And when it’s all over, everyone will remember how brave you were, how beautiful you looked, how sexy you made crucifixion. You’re a star, Sophie. A star."

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting harsh light on Sophie’s trembling, sweat-soaked body, she knew that this was only the beginning. The days ahead would be long and filled with unimaginable pain, but somehow, she would endure. She had no choice. And as she hung there, suffering for all to see, she couldn’t help but wonder why—why had she agreed to this? Why had she let herself be talked into such a horrific fate?

But even as those thoughts flickered through her mind, she could hear Kimberly’s voice, cheering her on, showering her with compliments, and reminding her that she was making history—one agonizing breath at a time.

And so, Sophie hung there, her body wracked with pain, her mind a whirlwind of regret and determination.

As the hours dragged on, the initial excitement of the crowd began to settle into a more subdued, contemplative silence.

Sophie’s friends, who had been watching from the sidelines with a mix of horror and awe, were now grappling with the reality of what they were witnessing. Sophie’s groans of pain, the sight of her trembling body nailed to the cross, and the raw, exposed suffering she was enduring were almost too much to bear.
And yet, there was something about the scene—something darkly captivating—that held their attention.

Alice, standing beside Ryan and Emma, couldn’t tear her eyes away from Sophie’s face, contorted with pain and glistening with sweat. She swallowed hard, feeling a strange, uncomfortable heat in her chest. "I can’t believe she actually went through with it," Alice whispered, her voice tinged with disbelief and a hint of something else—something she didn’t want to acknowledge.

Ryan nodded slowly, his gaze fixed on Sophie’s heaving chest. "Yeah… it’s intense. I didn’t think it would be like this. I mean, it’s hard to watch, but… you can’t look away either."

Emma, biting her lip, glanced nervously at her friends. "It’s… kind of… mesmerizing, isn’t it? The way she’s suffering up there… it’s horrible, but also… I don’t know… weirdly… hot?"

Alice blinked, surprised by Emma’s admission, but deep down, she knew she felt the same. The rawness of Sophie’s agony, the way her body strained against the nails, the soft, involuntary moans escaping her lips—it all combined to create a twisted, undeniable allure.

Kimberly, ever in tune with the mood of the crowd, noticed the shift in her friends’ reactions. With a mischievous grin, she sidled up to them, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You’re all feeling it too, huh? I told you Sophie would make this look amazing!"

Alice hesitated, unsure of how to respond. "I mean, it’s… it’s hard to watch, but yeah, there’s something… compelling about it."

Ryan cleared his throat, his cheeks slightly flushed. "Yeah, it’s like… she’s so vulnerable, but also… powerful? The way she’s enduring it, even though it’s obviously killing her… it’s intense."

Kimberly’s grin widened, pleased that her friends were finally seeing things her way. "Exactly! Sophie’s not just suffering—she’s owning it! And you know, there’s something she could do to make it even more… well, interesting."

Emma raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite herself. "What do you mean?"

Kimberly’s eyes glinted with wicked amusement. "The sedile. It’s designed to make things even worse for her, but it could also give her a little bit of relief, if she knows how to use it right."

Alice frowned, confused. "What are you talking about, Kim?"

Kimberly leaned in closer, lowering her voice as if sharing a delicious secret. "If Sophie rubs herself on the sedile, she might be able to find some relief. It’ll still hurt like hell, but the friction could, you know, distract her from the worst of the pain. And let’s be honest—it’ll be really hot to watch."

Ryan’s eyes widened, a mix of shock and intrigue flashing across his face. "You’re saying she should… use the sedile to… you know… get off? While she’s up there?"

Kimberly nodded eagerly, her excitement palpable. "Exactly! It’s like turning pain into pleasure! And think about it—everyone’s already mesmerized by her suffering. This would take it to a whole new level!"

Alice looked uneasy, torn between her horror at the suggestion and the strange allure of the idea. "I don’t know, Kim… that seems… really messed up."

Kimberly shrugged, her grin never wavering. "Sophie’s already suffering up there. This is just a way for her to take some control back, you know? And besides, she might actually enjoy it—well, in a twisted sort of way."

Emma glanced up at Sophie, her eyes lingering on the way Sophie’s body quivered with each breath. "Do you really think it would help her? I mean… would she even want to do that?"

Kimberly’s expression softened, just a touch of genuine concern slipping through her usual exuberance. "Sophie’s tough, but she’s hurting. This could be a way for her to cope, to make the pain more… bearable. I think it’s worth suggesting, at least."

The group fell silent, each of them grappling with the idea in their own way. Finally, Alice nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Okay… but only if Sophie agrees. We can’t pressure her into it."

With that, Kimberly turned her attention back to Sophie, her voice bright and cheerful as she called up to her. "Hey, Sophie! How’re you holding up?"

Sophie groaned softly, her head hanging low as she struggled to catch her breath. "It… it hurts, Kim. So much… I don’t know… how much longer… I can do this…"

Kimberly’s heart swelled with both pride and a strange, twisted affection for her friend. "You’re doing amazing, Sophie! Seriously, you’re the strongest person I know! But listen, I’ve got an idea that might help take the edge off the pain."

Sophie looked up, her eyes bleary with tears. "Anything… please… it’s too much…"

Kimberly grinned, her voice full of encouragement. "The sedile—you’re already feeling it, right? It’s rough, and it hurts, but if you rub yourself against it, you might be able to… you know… find some relief. It’ll still hurt, but it could help take your mind off the nails and everything else."

Sophie blinked, the suggestion taking a moment to register through the fog of pain in her mind. "You… you think it’ll help?"

Kimberly nodded eagerly. "Absolutely! You’ve already been so brave—this is just another way for you to take control. And let’s be honest, Sophie, you’d look amazing doing it. Everyone’s already in awe of you—this would just make it even more unforgettable!"

Sophie hesitated, the thought of doing something so intimate, so exposed, in front of the crowd filling her with a new wave of embarrassment. But the pain was overwhelming, and if there was even a chance that Kimberly’s suggestion could help, she was willing to try anything.

Slowly, Sophie shifted her weight, trying to position herself on the sedile. The rough wood scraped against her sensitive flesh, and she winced as fresh waves of pain shot through her. But as she moved, she began to feel a strange, twisted sensation—a mixture of pain and something else, something that made her breath catch in her throat.

Kimberly watched with bated breath, her eyes wide with excitement as Sophie began to move against the sedile. "That’s it, Sophie! You’re doing great! Just keep going—find that rhythm. You’re turning this into something sooo beautiful."

Sophie moaned softly, her body trembling as she forced herself to keep moving, to grind against the sedile despite the pain. The roughness of the wood tore at her, but there was a strange, undeniable heat building within her, a twisted form of relief that made her gasp.

Alice, Ryan, and Emma watched in stunned silence, their emotions a chaotic mix of shock, fascination, and something darker. They couldn’t look away, drawn in by the raw, visceral spectacle of Sophie’s suffering—and the way she was trying to turn that suffering into something else, something almost… pleasurable.

Sophie’s breath hitched as she found a rhythm, her movements becoming more fluid despite the pain. The sedile tore into her, but it also provided a distraction, a way to focus on something other than the relentless agony of the nails in her wrists and feet.

Kimberly beamed up at her, her voice full of admiration. "You’re incredible, Sophie! Seriously, this is… wow. You’re making history up there, and you look amazing doing it!"

Sophie moaned again, her voice thick with a mixture of pain and something else—something that made her body shudder with every movement. "I… I don’t know… if I can keep… doing this…"

Kimberly’s grin widened, her voice full of encouragement. "You’ve got this, Sophie! Just keep going—every moment you’re up there, you’re showing everyone just how strong you are! And you’re turning something horrific into something beautiful. You’re a legend, Sophie!"

Sophie’s body trembled as she continued to move against the sedile, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The pain was still there, sharp and unrelenting, but there was also a strange, twisted pleasure that made her head spin. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, couldn’t believe she had agreed to this. But now that she was here, there was no turning back.

The crowd watched in stunned silence, captivated by the sight of Sophie’s agony and the way she was trying to find some measure of relief in the midst of it. It was a spectacle unlike anything they had ever seen, and they were unable to look away.

Kimberly, standing at the foot of the cross, looked up at Sophie with a mix of admiration and something deeper, something almost reverent. "You’re amazing, Sophie. Absolutely amazing. I knew you’d be perfect for this."

Sophie’s only response was a low, guttural moan as she continued to grind against the sedile, her body trembling with every movement. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep this up, didn’t know how much more pain she could endure. But for now, she kept going, driven by some primal need to survive, to endure, to find some measure of relief in the midst of the overwhelming agony.
Word of the crucifixion spread quickly, and soon enough, it wasn’t just the local community that was interested. The spectacle Kimberly had organized drew attention from far and wide, with people coming from neighboring towns to witness the bizarre event. It wasn’t long before the media caught wind of it, and a local news station decided to send a reporter to interview the mastermind behind the show.

Kimberly, ever the enthusiastic ringmaster, was more than happy to oblige. She stood confidently in front of the camera, the cross with Sophie nailed to it looming in the background. Sophie’s groans and the sight of her trembling body added an eerie atmosphere to the scene, but Kimberly remained as cheerful as ever.

The reporter, a young woman with a professional demeanor, looked slightly uneasy as she adjusted her microphone. "We’re here with Kimberly Lawson, the organizer of this rather… unusual event. Kimberly, can you tell us what motivated you to plan and execute such a dramatic and, frankly, controversial spectacle?"

Kimberly beamed at the camera, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh, absolutely! You see, Sophie and I are best friends, and I knew she had it in her to do something truly amazing—something that would make history! Crucifixion is one of the most iconic and dramatic forms of execution, and I thought, ‘Why not turn it into an event that people will never forget?’ Sophie’s bravery, her strength, and her willingness to go through with this—it’s all just so inspiring!"

The reporter blinked, clearly taken aback by Kimberly’s enthusiasm. "So, you see this as a way to… showcase Sophie’s strength?"

Kimberly nodded eagerly. "Exactly! Sophie’s always been a bit shy, but I knew she had this inner strength that just needed the right opportunity to shine. And what better way to show it off than by enduring something as intense and brutal as crucifixion? It’s not just about the pain—it’s about turning that pain into something powerful, something beautiful. Sophie’s up there, suffering for all to see, and she’s doing it with such grace and determination. It’s incredible!"

The reporter glanced over at Sophie, who was hanging limply from the cross, her body trembling with pain. "And how do you feel about the ethical implications of what you’ve done? There are those who would argue that this is cruel and inhumane."

Kimberly waved off the concern with a cheerful laugh. "Oh, I totally get that it’s not for everyone! But Sophie agreed to this, and she’s fully aware of what she’s going through. This isn’t just some mindless act of cruelty—this is a performance, a statement. It’s about pushing boundaries, exploring the limits of human endurance, and creating something unforgettable. Sophie’s not a victim here—she’s a hero!"

The reporter hesitated, clearly struggling to reconcile Kimberly’s bubbly demeanor with the gruesome reality of the situation. "Some might say that this… event is exploitative. How do you respond to that?"

Kimberly’s smile never wavered. "Exploitative? Not at all! This is about giving Sophie a platform to show just how strong she is. Sure, it’s intense, but that’s what makes it so compelling! People are drawn to it because it’s raw, it’s real, and it’s pushing the boundaries of what we consider normal. And let’s be honest—everyone here is fascinated by it. They can’t look away because it’s something they’ve never seen before. It’s groundbreaking!"

The reporter glanced back at the crowd, who were indeed watching the scene with a mix of horror, fascination, and, in some cases, arousal. She turned back to Kimberly, a slight frown on her face. "And what do you hope to achieve with this? What’s the end goal?"

Kimberly’s expression grew more thoughtful, though her enthusiasm remained undimmed. "The goal is to make a statement, to show that pain and suffering can be transformed into something beautiful and meaningful. Sophie’s crucifixion isn’t just an execution—it’s a work of art, a testament to human resilience. And by doing this, we’re challenging people to think differently about what it means to suffer, to endure, and to find strength in the most unlikely places."

The reporter seemed at a loss for words, clearly struggling to process Kimberly’s perspective. "And Sophie… how does she feel about all of this?"

Kimberly turned to look up at Sophie, her voice softening just a touch. "Sophie’s the real star here. She’s the one who’s enduring all of this, who’s showing the world just how strong she really is. I know it hurts, I know it’s intense, but she’s doing something incredible. And I’m so proud of her for that. She’s turning her pain into something powerful, and that’s something people will remember forever."

The reporter nodded slowly, then turned back to the camera. "Well, there you have it. Kimberly Lawson, the organizer of this… unique event, sees this as a powerful statement about human endurance and the transformation of pain into something meaningful. Whether you agree with her or not, it’s clear that this crucifixion has certainly captured the attention of many."

As the interview wrapped up, Kimberly gave the reporter a cheerful wave, then turned her attention back to Sophie. Despite the strange and unsettling nature of the event, Kimberly’s enthusiasm remained undimmed, her excitement at what she had orchestrated clear for all to see.

She walked back to the foot of the cross, looking up at Sophie with a mixture of pride and admiration. "You’re doing so great, Sophie. Everyone’s talking about you, about how brave and strong you are. This is everything I hoped it would be—and more. You’re making history, and I couldn’t be prouder."

Sophie, her body wracked with pain, managed a weak nod, her voice barely above a whisper. "I… I hope… it’s worth it… Kim…"

Kimberly’s smile softened, her voice filled with a strange, twisted affection. "It is, Sophie. Trust me—it’s worth it. You’re going to be remembered forever."

And with that, Kimberly returned to the crowd, eager to share her excitement with anyone who would listen, her mind already racing with ideas for how to make the spectacle even more unforgettable.

After finishing her interview with Kimberly, the journalist couldn’t help but feel the need to speak directly to Sophie. The sight of Sophie’s trembling, pain-wracked body hanging from the cross was haunting, and she was curious to hear from the girl herself. Steeling herself, she approached the cross, her microphone in hand, as the crowd watched in rapt attention.

Sophie’s breath came in shallow gasps, her body trembling with the strain of holding herself up on the rough wood. The nails in her wrists and feet burned with a relentless agony, and every slight movement sent fresh waves of pain through her. Yet, when the journalist approached, Sophie managed to lift her head, her eyes dull with exhaustion.

The journalist hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to begin, but eventually found her voice. "Sophie, first of all, I have to say that what you’re enduring is… unimaginable. Can you tell us why you decided to go through with this? What motivated you to accept such a painful and public punishment?"

Sophie let out a ragged breath, a weak, humorless smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Honestly… it’s because of Kim. She was so… determined, so excited about all of this. It seemed sooo important to her, and she just wouldn’t stop talking about it. After a while… I figured… snuffing it on the cross was less agonizing… than having Kim pestering me 24/7."

The journalist blinked, taken aback by Sophie’s candid response. "So… you went through with this because you couldn’t take Kimberly’s constant pestering?"

Sophie nodded weakly, her voice a strained whisper. "Yeah… after weeks of ‘Please, Sophie, please let me crucify you,’ over and over… I just gave in. It seemed like the easier option, believe it or not." She let out a dry, wheezing laugh, the sound almost lost in the wind. "Turns out… I might have been wrong about that."

The journalist couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for Sophie. It was clear that Kimberly’s relentless enthusiasm had worn her down to the point of surrender. But there was another question on her mind, one that she knew might be considered inappropriate, but given the bizarre nature of the event, she couldn’t resist asking.

"Sophie, I have to ask… earlier, we saw you… well, you seemed to be… moving against the sedile. Was that… was that an attempt to find some relief? Or was it… something else?"

Sophie’s cheeks flushed slightly, a mix of embarrassment and resignation. She knew what the journalist was getting at, and she could sense the curiosity of the crowd around her. With a weak sigh, she decided to be honest.

"It was… both, I guess," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "The pain… it’s overwhelming. And Kim… she suggested that… maybe rubbing against the sedile… would help. At first, it was just about… trying to distract myself from the nails… from everything. But… after a while… I think my body… started to respond in ways… I didn’t expect."

The journalist raised an eyebrow, leaning in slightly. "So… did you actually… you know… reach orgasm?"

Sophie hesitated, her face flushed with a mixture of pain and shame. But in the end, she gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. "Yeah… I did. It was… weird. The pain was still there, but… for a moment, it was like… something else took over. I don’t really know how to explain it… it was… intense, I guess. But it didn’t last. The pain came back… even stronger after that."

The journalist stared at Sophie, trying to process what she had just heard. The idea of finding pleasure in the midst of such horrific suffering was both shocking and strangely compelling, adding yet another layer of complexity to the already bizarre and unsettling event.

"That’s… incredible," the journalist finally said, her voice tinged with both awe and discomfort. "Sophie, I don’t know how you’re doing this, but your strength… your resilience… it’s beyond anything I’ve ever seen."

Sophie let out a weak, bitter laugh. "Yeah… well… when you’ve got someone like Kim as a friend… you learn to endure a lot."

The journalist nodded, then turned back to the camera, clearly struggling to find the right words to summarize the surreal and disturbing situation she had just witnessed.

"Sophie’s decision to undergo this crucifixion seems to have been driven by a mix of resignation, pressure from her best friend, and perhaps a desire to prove something—to herself, to others, and maybe even to Kimberly. What’s clear is that this event, as horrifying as it is, has captivated everyone who has witnessed it. Sophie’s strength in the face of unimaginable pain, and her willingness to push her body and mind to their limits, has left an indelible mark on all of us."

With that, the interview ended, and the journalist stepped back, leaving Sophie to her agonizing vigil on the cross. As the crowd murmured in hushed tones, some still shocked, others morbidly fascinated, Sophie hung there, her body trembling with exhaustion and pain. She knew she still had a long way to go—days of suffering ahead—but in a strange, twisted way, she had already achieved something remarkable.

And as Kimberly looked up at her from below, beaming with pride and excitement, Sophie couldn’t help but think that, in some bizarre way, it had all been worth it.

Because now, at least, Kim had finally stopped pestering her.
The interview with the journalist had just wrapped up, and Sophie was left hanging on the cross, her body trembling with exhaustion and pain. The crowd’s murmurs filled the air, a mix of horror and fascination as they processed what they had just witnessed. The journalist stepped away, but the cameraman, still focused on capturing every moment of this macabre spectacle, lingered a little longer, his eyes fixed on Sophie.

After a moment’s hesitation, the cameraman approached the cross, his camera still rolling. He looked up at Sophie, his expression one of curious fascination.

"Hey, Sophie," he called out, his voice casual, as if he were asking her to do something as simple as smile for the camera. "You think you could, uh, you know… masturbate on the sedile again? That last bit was… well, it was something else. I’m sure a lot of people watching would… appreciate it."

Sophie’s eyes widened, and for a moment, she simply stared at the cameraman in disbelief. The request was shocking, even for her, and after everything she had already endured, the idea of deliberately bringing herself to that point again, just for the camera, seemed almost impossible.

"I… I don’t know if I can…" Sophie gasped, her voice weak and filled with uncertainty. "I’m… in so much pain… I don’t think I can do it again…"

The cameraman frowned slightly, clearly disappointed. "Are you sure? I mean, it’s not every day you get to see something like this. And, well… it would really make the broadcast something unforgettable."

Before Sophie could respond, Kimberly, who had been hovering nearby, overheard the conversation and immediately jumped in with her usual enthusiasm. "Oh, come on, Sophie! You did it once—you can do it again! Just think of how incredible it’ll look on camera! Everyone will be talking about it for years!"

Sophie’s heart sank at the thought of having to go through that ordeal again, especially knowing that it would be broadcast for everyone to see. "Kim, I… I’m really hurting… I don’t know if I can…"

But Kimberly was already in full pestering mode, her voice rising in pitch as she pleaded with Sophie. "Please, Sophie! Please do it! You’re so amazing, and you’ve already come this far! Don’t stop now—this will make the whole event even more legendary! Think of the impact, the drama, the artistry of it! You’re turning your suffering into something beautiful, something powerful! And hey, if you do this, maybe it’ll help you get through the pain, even if just for a moment!"

Sophie’s resolve wavered as Kimberly continued to pester her, the combination of her best friend’s relentless enthusiasm and the cameraman’s request making it hard for her to refuse. She didn’t want to disappoint Kimberly—not after everything she had done to make this event happen. And in a twisted way, part of her felt that maybe, just maybe, this was the only way to regain some semblance of control over her situation.

With a heavy sigh, Sophie nodded weakly. "Okay… I’ll try…"

Kimberly’s face lit up with excitement, her grin widening as she gave Sophie an encouraging cheer. "That’s the spirit, Sophie! You’re incredible! This is going to be amazing—trust me! Just do what you did before, and let yourself get lost in the moment!"

The cameraman adjusted his camera, zooming in slightly as he prepared to capture every agonizing detail. The crowd, sensing that something even more sensational was about to happen, fell into a tense silence, all eyes fixed on Sophie as she prepared to humiliate herself further for their entertainment.

With a deep, shuddering breath, Sophie began to shift her weight, trying to position herself on the sedile once more. The rough wood scraped against her torn flesh, sending fresh jolts of pain through her body, but she forced herself to keep going, driven by the relentless pressure from Kimberly and the twisted curiosity of the crowd.

As she began to move against the sedile, Sophie’s breath quickened, the pain mixing with a strange, disorienting sensation that made her head spin. The roughness of the wood tore at her, grinding against her most sensitive areas, but she could feel her body responding in ways that she couldn’t fully control. The pain was still there, sharp and unrelenting, but beneath it, there was a dark, twisted pleasure that made her moan softly, despite herself.

Kimberly clapped her hands together in delight, her voice ringing out with cheerful encouragement. "That’s it, Sophie! You’re doing amazing! Just keep going—find that rhythm! You’re turning this into something unforgettable! Everyone’s going to be in awe of you!"

Sophie’s movements became more fluid, her body trembling with a mixture of pain and reluctant pleasure as she ground herself against the sedile. The rough wood tore at her flesh, but she could feel the heat building within her, a twisted form of relief that made her breath hitch in her throat.

The cameraman watched intently, his camera capturing every detail of Sophie’s ordeal as she continued to rub open pussy on the sedile. The crowd was silent, captivated by the raw, visceral display of suffering and sexuality that was unfolding before them.

Sophie moaned again, her body arching slightly as she tried to find some small measure of relief from the overwhelming pain. The sedile was brutal, tearing into her with every movement, but it also provided a distraction, a way to focus on something other than the nails and the agony that threatened to consume her.

Kimberly’s voice was full of admiration as she cheered Sophie on. "You’re incredible, Sophie! You’re turning pain into power, suffering into something beautiful! Everyone’s watching you, and they’re all in awe of how strong you are! You’re a legend, Sophie—an absolute legend!"

Sophie’s breath came in ragged gasps as she forced herself to keep going, her body trembling with every movement. The pain was still there, sharper and more intense than ever, but the twisted pleasure that came with it was undeniable. She could feel herself edging closer to that strange, dark release, her body betraying her mind’s desperate desire for some form of escape.

Finally, with one last shuddering moan, Sophie felt herself tip over the edge, her body convulsing as she reached a bitter, agonizing climax. She cummed shamelessly, for all to watch and enjoy, even in the privacy of their homes, watching TV. The pleasure was fleeting, a brief moment of respite in the midst of overwhelming pain, but it was enough to make her gasp, her body trembling as she hung limply from the cross.

The crowd erupted in a mixture of cheers and gasps, their fascination with Sophie’s suffering reaching new heights. The cameraman captured every moment, his lens focused on Sophie’s sweat-soaked, trembling body as she struggled to catch her breath.

Kimberly’s face was lit up with pride and excitement as she looked up at Sophie, her voice full of admiration. "You did it, Sophie! You’re absolutely amazing! That was… that was incredible! Everyone’s going to be talking about this forever—you’ve made history!"

Sophie’s only response was a low, exhausted moan as she slumped against the cross, her body wracked with pain and fatigue. She didn’t know how much longer she could endure this, didn’t know how many more humiliations she could be subjected to. But for now, she had done what was asked of her, and that was all that mattered.

As the crowd began to disperse, still buzzing with excitement over what they had witnessed, the cameraman packed up his equipment, satisfied with the footage he had captured. Kimberly remained at the foot of the cross, her eyes shining with pride as she looked up at her best friend, who had endured so much for her twisted vision.

"You’re a legend, Sophie," Kimberly said softly, her voice full of affection. "And no matter what happens next, you’ll always be remembered for this. You’ve turned your suffering into something unforgettable, something powerful. I’m so proud of you."

Sophie’s head lolled forward, her breath coming in shallow, pained gasps as she hung limply from the cross. She didn’t have the strength to respond now, didn’t have the energy to think about what was coming next. All she could do was endure, one agonizing moment at a time, as her bratty friend continued pestering her even during her sexy and deadly ordeal...
In fact, all Sophie could do was endure her pain and Kimberly's stressful banter, one agonizing moment at a time, as the sun began to set on the day that had changed her life forever.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows over the field, the journalist turned her attention from Sophie to her friends, who had been watching the entire spectacle from the sidelines. Their expressions were a mix of shock, unease, and something darker, something that hinted at a strange fascination with what they had just witnessed.

The journalist, eager to capture every aspect of this bizarre event, approached Alice, Ryan, and Emma, her microphone at the ready. She could tell that they were still processing what they had seen, but she needed to understand their thoughts and feelings—how could they stand by and watch their friend endure such a horrific ordeal?

"Alice, Ryan, Emma," the journalist began, her voice steady as she addressed the group. "You’ve all just witnessed something… unprecedented. Can you share with us what you’re thinking right now? How do you feel about what Sophie is going through?"

Alice, who had been wringing her hands nervously, was the first to respond. Her voice was shaky, filled with a mixture of guilt and confusion. "I… I don’t really know what to think. I mean, Sophie’s our friend, and seeing her up there, suffering like that… it’s hard to watch. But at the same time… it’s like… I can’t look away. It’s… it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Part of me is horrified, but there’s also… something else. I don’t know how to explain it."

The journalist nodded, sensing the internal conflict Alice was grappling with. "It sounds like you’re struggling with a mix of emotions. Do you think Kimberly’s enthusiasm played a role in Sophie’s decision to go through with this?"

Alice hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Yeah, definitely. Kim can be… intense. She’s always so full of energy, so… persuasive. I think Sophie just got worn down after a while. Kim was so excited about this whole thing, and I guess Sophie just… gave in. It’s hard to say no to Kim when she’s so determined."

Ryan, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up, his voice low and introspective. "I didn’t think it would go this far. I mean, when Kim first started talking about it, it seemed like a joke, you know? Something so outlandish that it couldn’t possibly happen. But then… it did. And now, seeing Sophie up there… I don’t know how to feel. It’s messed up, but… there’s something about it that’s… compelling. I hate to admit it, but it’s true."

The journalist raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Ryan’s admission. "So, despite the horror of the situation, you find yourself… drawn to it? Do you think that’s because of the way Kim framed it—as a performance, a statement?"

Ryan shrugged, a conflicted look on his face. "Maybe. I mean, Kim made it sound like this grand thing—like Sophie was doing something important, something that people would remember. And yeah, it’s hard not to get caught up in that. But it’s also… really disturbing. I never thought I’d see something like this in real life."

Emma, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke, her voice soft and unsure. "I… I’m still trying to process it all. Watching Sophie… it’s like a nightmare, but I can’t wake up. But… I also can’t stop watching. It’s like… like she’s become something more than just our friend. She’s… I don’t know… a symbol? It’s hard to explain. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this."

The journalist gave Emma a sympathetic nod before pressing on with her questions. "Do you think Sophie wanted to be seen as more than just your friend? Do you think she felt pressured to become this… symbol, as you said?"

Emma bit her lip, clearly struggling with her thoughts. "I think… I think Sophie just wanted to make Kim happy. She’s always been like that—always thinking about others before herself. And Kim was so insistent, so passionate about this… I guess Sophie just didn’t want to let her down. But I don’t think any of us really understood what we were getting into. Not until it was too late."

The journalist looked from one friend to the next, sensing the guilt and confusion that weighed on them. It was clear that Kimberly’s relentless enthusiasm had played a significant role in Sophie’s decision to go through with the crucifixion, and now that the reality of the situation had set in, they were left to grapple with their own conflicting emotions.

Finally, the journalist decided to ask the question that had been lingering in her mind, the one that had shocked her when she first heard it. "I have to ask… you all saw what happened earlier, when Sophie… well, when she seemed to find some relief by rubbing herself on the sedile. How did that make you feel? Were you surprised by her response?"

Alice flushed with embarrassment, glancing away as she tried to find the right words. "It was… shocking, yeah. I mean, Sophie’s always been so shy, so reserved. Seeing her… like that… it was surreal. But I guess it just shows how far she’s been pushed—how desperate she is to find some way to cope with the pain."

Ryan nodded in agreement, though his voice was tinged with discomfort. "It was… hard to watch. But at the same time, I couldn’t look away. It’s like… like she’s trying to turn this into something she can control, even if it’s just for a moment. I don’t know… it’s messed up, but it’s also… kind of incredible. I can’t believe she actually did it."

Emma’s voice was barely above a whisper as she added her thoughts. "I think… I think it just shows how strong Sophie is. Even in the middle of all this pain, she’s still trying to find a way to survive, to endure. I don’t know if I could do what she’s doing. It’s… it’s like she’s become something else, something almost… otherworldly. It’s terrifying, but also… kind of beautiful, in a really twisted way."

The journalist nodded, absorbing their words before wrapping up the interview. "Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. It’s clear that this event has had a profound impact on everyone involved—on Sophie, on Kimberly, and on all of you as her friends. This is an experience that none of us will forget, and it raises a lot of questions about the nature of pain, suffering, and the lengths we go to for those we care about, but..."

"... but I’m still trying to understand how Kimberly managed to convince Sophie to make this final sacrifice. You’ve mentioned Kim’s enthusiasm, but was there anything else that played into Sophie’s decision? Why did she ultimately agree to something so extreme?"

Alice sighed, her shoulders slumping as she recalled the events that led up to this moment. "Honestly, it was Kim’s constant banter. She was so sincere, so excited about the whole thing, that it just became… overwhelming. At first, Sophie tried to laugh it off, but Kim never let up. It was like she was always there, always talking about how amazing it would be, how Sophie would be a legend. I think Sophie just got tired of saying no."

Ryan nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, Kim has this way of wearing you down. She’s so intense, and when she gets an idea in her head, she won’t stop until she gets what she wants. Sophie’s a nice person—too nice, maybe. She didn’t want to disappoint Kim, and after a while, it was easier to just go along with it than to keep arguing. I think, in the end, Sophie agreed just to make Kim stop."

Emma chimed in, her voice tinged with regret. "It’s like Sophie made the ultimate sacrifice, but not because she wanted to—because she couldn’t take Kim’s pestering anymore. Kim made it sound like such a big deal, like Sophie would be doing something important, but I don’t think Sophie ever really believed that. She just wanted some peace."

The journalist’s expression softened, a look of understanding crossing her face. "So, it was more about giving in to Kim’s relentless enthusiasm than any real desire on Sophie’s part. It sounds like Sophie was pushed into this, not out of a desire for glory or recognition, but out of sheer exhaustion from Kim’s persistence."

Alice nodded sadly. "Yeah, that’s pretty much it. Sophie just couldn’t take it anymore. Kim was her friend, and she didn’t want to hurt her feelings. So, she went along with it, even though it meant… this."

The journalist frowned slightly, clearly troubled by the picture that was emerging. However, before she could ask more questions, her attention was drawn to a familiar figure on the edge of the crowd—a middle-aged man with a wide grin and a jovial demeanor. He was clearly enjoying the spectacle, and the journalist quickly recognized him as one of Sophie’s school teachers.

Sensing another perspective, the journalist hurried over to the teacher, her microphone at the ready. "Excuse me, sir, I understand you’re one of Sophie’s teachers? Can you tell us your thoughts on what’s happening here today?"

The teacher turned to the journalist, his grin widening as he realized he was on camera. "Ah, yes, that’s right! I’m Mr. Thompson, and I’ve taught Sophie for a few years now. Gotta say, this whole thing is something else, isn’t it? I never thought I’d see one of my students go out like this, but hey, life’s full of surprises!" He chuckled, his tone disturbingly cheerful given the circumstances.

The journalist raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by Mr. Thompson’s casual attitude. "And how do you feel about Sophie’s decision to go through with this? It’s certainly not something we see every day."

Mr. Thompson shrugged, still grinning. "Well, you know, kids these days—they’re always looking for new ways to make a statement! But I’ve gotta hand it to Kim—she had a great idea here. Sophie’s always been a bit shy, but now look at her! Out there in front of everyone, making history with every minute she hangs on that cross. It’s… well, it’s quite a show, isn’t it?"

The journalist’s discomfort grew as Mr. Thompson continued, clearly oblivious to the horror of the situation. "So you think this is a good idea? That Sophie being up there, suffering, is… appropriate?"

Mr. Thompson laughed, waving off the question. "Oh, come on now! It’s all in good fun, right? Besides, it’s not every day you get to see something like this. And Sophie… well, she’s never looked better, if you know what I mean. All that naked flesh, glistening in the sun—who knew she had it in her?" He winked, clearly finding the situation far more entertaining than he should.

The journalist’s expression hardened, struggling to maintain her professionalism. "So you’re saying that you… approve of this? Of Sophie’s public suffering and… exposure?"

Mr. Thompson shrugged again, his grin never fading. "Hey, Kim put a lot of effort into making this happen, and it’s clearly drawn a crowd. Sophie’s putting on a hell of a performance, and I’m sure she’ll be remembered for it. And as for her nudity—well, I think it adds a certain… flair, don’t you? SHe's such a nice, juicy pussy!" He chuckled again, his tone disturbingly light.

The journalist, clearly disturbed by Mr. Thompson’s casual attitude, decided to wrap up the interview. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Thompson. It’s certainly… an interesting perspective on one of your female students..."
After the disturbing conversation with Mr. Thompson, the journalist noticed a middle-aged couple standing near the edge of the crowd, observing the spectacle with a mixture of unease and resignation. They seemed out of place, not as horrified as some, but certainly not as excited as others. Something about their demeanor piqued the journalist’s interest, and she approached them, microphone in hand.

"Excuse me," the journalist began, offering them a polite but probing look. "I understand you’re Kimberly’s parents. Could I ask you a few questions about your daughter and what’s happening here today?"

The couple exchanged glances, clearly hesitant but ultimately nodding in agreement. The man, a balding, somewhat weary-looking figure, was the first to speak.

"Yeah, that’s right," he said, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "I’m Greg, and this is my wife, Linda. We’re Kim’s parents." He paused, glancing at the cross where Sophie hung, before continuing. "It’s… quite a situation, isn’t it?"

The journalist nodded, her expression neutral but her eyes searching. "It certainly is. Can you tell me what you think about all this? How do you feel about your daughter organizing something so… extreme?"

Linda sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly as she spoke. "We’re sorry that Sophie has to die like this. It’s… tragic, really. She’s such a sweet girl, and this whole thing is just… well, it’s hard to believe it’s really happening." She shook her head, her expression a mix of sadness and resignation.

Greg nodded in agreement, though there was a hint of relief in his tone. "Yeah, it’s a damn shame. But I have to admit… Kim’s interest in this whole… crucifixion thing at least kept her busy. She’s always been a handful—so full of energy, always running around causing trouble. But once she got fixated on this, it was like… it was all she talked about. It kept her out of our hair for a while, you know?"

The journalist raised an eyebrow, surprised by their candor. "So, you’re saying that, in a way, you’re relieved that Kim found something to focus on, even if it’s something as extreme as this?"

Linda nodded, a look of reluctant agreement on her face. "Honestly? Yes. Kim can be a bit… much at times. She’s always been headstrong, and when she sets her mind to something, she won’t let go. Before this, she was constantly pestering us about one thing or another—always needing attention, always wanting to do something outrageous. But once she started planning this… well, she stopped bothering us so much. It gave us a bit of peace at home."

Greg chimed in, his tone almost apologetic. "We know it sounds awful, but it’s the truth. Kim’s been obsessed with this whole crucifixion idea for months now, and at least it kept her out of trouble. She wasn’t driving us crazy at home, and honestly, it’s been kind of a relief. We didn’t think it would actually happen, but… well, here we are."

The journalist’s expression hardened slightly as she processed their words. "So, while you’re sorry that Sophie has to suffer and die, you’re also somewhat relieved that this event gave Kim an outlet for her energy?"

Linda sighed again, her expression conflicted. "I suppose that’s one way to put it. We’re not happy about what’s happening to Sophie, not at all. But Kim… she’s always been a difficult child. And this project… it was the first time she’s been truly focused on something for a long time. We didn’t encourage it, but… we didn’t stop her either. It just seemed easier to let her have her way."

The journalist’s tone grew more pointed as she pressed on. "Do you think, in hindsight, that you should have done more to stop her? Or at least questioned her motives more thoroughly?"

Greg shifted uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck. "Maybe… yeah, maybe we should have. But Kim’s always been so persuasive, so determined. It’s hard to say no to her when she’s got her mind set on something. We just… we didn’t realize it would go this far."

Linda nodded in agreement, her voice softening. "We love our daughter, but she’s… she’s always been difficult. We never thought it would come to this, and now that it has… we’re just trying to make sense of it all."

The journalist sighed, sensing that this was as much as she would get from them. "Thank you for your time. I know this can’t be easy for you, and I appreciate your honesty."

As the journalist finished speaking with Kimberly’s parents, she noticed another couple standing close by, their expressions a mix of sorrow and resignation. Recognizing them as Sophie’s parents, the journalist couldn’t help but feel a surge of sympathy. However, she also noticed that, rather than being completely devastated, they seemed to be engaging in a conversation with Kimberly’s parents—something that struck her as oddly composed given the circumstances.

She approached cautiously, microphone in hand, and caught a bit of their conversation.

"It’s just… hard to believe she’s really up there, you know?" Sophie’s mother, a slender woman with graying hair, said softly, her eyes misty as she glanced at the cross where her daughter hung. "But at the same time… Kim really did put so much effort into this. And I suppose… in some strange way, she’s given Sophie a moment to be remembered."

Kim’s mother, Linda, nodded sympathetically. "I know exactly what you mean. It’s all so overwhelming, but Kim’s focus and determination—well, at least it brought some peace at home. And honestly, what she’s done here… it’s really something."

Sophie’s father, a tall man with a tired but gentle demeanor, chimed in, his voice surprisingly calm. "I agree. As strange as it sounds, Kim really did valorize Sophie’s body. Look at her up there—she’s always been so slender, so delicate. And now… she’s the center of attention. People are seeing her, really seeing her, in a way they never did before. I suppose… there’s something to be said for that."

The journalist blinked, taken aback by the unexpected turn the conversation had taken. She quickly stepped forward, aiming to capture their thoughts more clearly. "Excuse me, I couldn’t help but overhear. You’re Sophie’s parents, correct? How are you feeling about everything that’s happened here today?"

Sophie’s mother turned to the journalist, offering a small, sad smile. "Yes, we’re Sophie’s parents. It’s… difficult, of course. Seeing our daughter up there, suffering like that… it breaks our hearts. But at the same time, we can’t help but acknowledge the effort that Kim put into all of this. She made sure that Sophie was seen, that she was… appreciated, I suppose."

Sophie’s father nodded in agreement, his tone eerily calm. "Sophie’s always been a quiet, shy girl. She never sought out attention, never wanted to be in the spotlight. But now… well, thanks to Kim, she’s there for everyone to see. Her beauty, her grace—even in pain, it’s on full display. It’s not the way we would have chosen for her to be remembered, but… it’s something."

The journalist’s expression grew more troubled as she processed their words. "So, you feel that Kim’s actions, however extreme, have somehow… given Sophie a kind of recognition that she wouldn’t have received otherwise?"

Linda, still standing beside them, nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! Kim’s always been a bit over the top, but she has this way of making things happen. And, strange as it is, she’s managed to show the world just how beautiful and special Sophie is. It’s not the way we would have wanted it, but… we have to admit, it’s impressive."

Sophie’s mother sighed softly, her eyes fixed on her daughter’s trembling form. "We’re devastated, of course. Losing Sophie like this… it’s unbearable. But at least… at least she’s not being ignored. At least she’s being seen, and people are talking about her. Kim… she’s turned our Sophie into something unforgettable."

The journalist could hardly believe what she was hearing. The rationalizations, the strange acceptance of what had happened—it was almost too much to comprehend. Yet here were these two couples, parents of the victim and the orchestrator, standing together and finding some twisted solace in what was unfolding before them.

"So, despite the tragedy of the situation, you’re able to find some comfort in the fact that Sophie’s… visibility has been elevated by Kim’s efforts?" the journalist asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Sophie’s father nodded, his gaze distant. "Yes, I suppose that’s one way to put it. We’ll never get our daughter back, but at least we know she won’t be forgotten. Kim’s ensured that. And… well, in a strange way, we’re grateful for that."

Kim’s father, Greg, clapped a hand on Sophie’s father’s shoulder, offering a supportive nod. "It’s tough, I know. But look at how strong Sophie’s been through all of this. She’s enduring so much, and it’s… well, it’s something to be proud of, in a way. Kim might be a handful, but she’s brought out something in Sophie that no one else could."

The parents of both Sophie and Kimberly had found ways to cope, to justify, and to even find a sense of twisted pride in the horrific spectacle that had been orchestrated...
Days had passed since Sophie was first nailed to the cross, and her suffering had become a macabre spectacle that drew even more attention from the townspeople and beyond. The crowd had swelled with each passing day, fascinated by the slow, agonizing death of the young woman who had once been so shy and unassuming.

Throughout it all, the journalist had continued her coverage, speaking to local authorities and community leaders, trying to understand how something like this could have been allowed to happen. Each interview only deepened the unsettling truth—no one had the willpower or energy to stop Kimberly. Her unrelenting insistence had worn them all down, just as it had with Sophie.

The mayor, a weary-looking man with deep circles under his eyes, had summed it up succinctly during one of their conversations. "We tried, believe me, we tried to reason with Kim. But she just… wouldn’t stop. Every time we said no, she came back with more arguments, more enthusiasm. She wore us down until it just seemed easier to let her have her way. In hindsight… we failed Sophie. We should have done more... but hey, at least she is giving a good, sexy show!"

The journalist, increasingly disturbed by the collective failure of the community to intervene, couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of dread as the days dragged on. Each person she spoke to seemed to share the same sentiment—Kimberly had simply been too much to handle, her persistence too overwhelming to resist.

And now, as Sophie’s strength waned and her breaths grew shallower, it was clear that the end was near.

Kimberly, who had remained at the forefront of the event the entire time, suddenly shouted to the crowd, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and urgency. "Everyone, gather around! Sophie’s about to snuff it! Come on, this is your last chance to see her! Don’t miss it!"

The crowd surged forward, eager to witness Sophie’s final moments. The air was thick with anticipation, the murmur of voices growing louder as people jockeyed for a better view of the suffering girl. Sophie, hanging limply from the cross, was barely conscious, her body a trembling, sweat-soaked husk of the person she had once been. Her skin was pale, her eyes glazed over with pain and exhaustion, and every shallow breath seemed like it could be her last.

Kimberly, ever the orchestrator of this twisted spectacle, approached the cross with a gleam in her eye. Despite the horror of what she had wrought, her enthusiasm had never wavered. But now, as she stood before Sophie, there was a rare flicker of something that almost resembled guilt.


"Hey, Sophie," Kimberly said softly, her voice unusually tender as she reached out to touch her friend’s sweat-soaked hair. "I know… I know this has been really hard on you. And I just wanted to say… I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry for being such a pest, for pushing you into this. But… you’ve been amazing. You’ve been everything I knew you could be and more."

Sophie’s eyes fluttered weakly, barely able to focus on Kimberly’s face. She couldn’t speak, her throat too dry and parched from days of agony, but there was a faint nod, a tiny acknowledgment of Kimberly’s words.

Kimberly’s grin returned, a twisted, almost manic expression of pride and satisfaction. "As a farewell gift, I thought I’d give you something to remember me by—one last thing before you go." Without warning, Kimberly reached between Sophie’s legs, her fingers roughly invading the girl’s most sensitive, wounded flesh.

The crowd gasped as Kimberly began to fist Sophie’s pussy, her hand moving with brutal efficiency. "Can you feel me beating up your cervix?"

"I know this hurts, Sophie,"
Kimberly murmured, her voice a sickening blend of affection and cruelty. "But I promise, in the afterlife, I’ll find you again. And when I do… we’ll pick up right where we left off. I’ll start pestering you all over again, and we’ll have just as much fun as we did here." She laughed, the sound echoing disturbingly in the air.

Sophie’s body convulsed, a final, shuddering gasp escaping her lips as the last remnants of her strength were drained away as she cummed one last time, just before going out forever.
Tears mixed with the sweat on her face, and for a brief, horrifying moment, it seemed as though her body was responding in some twisted, instinctual way to the vaginal violation.

Sophie’s body gave one final, violent jerk, and then she was still. Her chest no longer rose and fell, her eyes stared blankly into the sky, and the tension in her limbs slowly relaxed. She was gone, her suffering finally over.

Kimberly pulled her hand away, her fist slick with Sophie’s pussy juices. With a triumphant grin, she raised her fist into the air, letting the crowd see the evidence of her final, gruesome act. "This is it, everyone! The end of the show! Wasn’t she incredible?!"

The crowd erupted into a mix of cheers, gasps, and nervous laughter, their emotions as conflicted and twisted as the event they had just witnessed. Some clapped, others wept, but all of them remained glued to the scene, unable to look away from the horror that had unfolded before them.
One onlooker said, in a half-serious, half-joking voice: "we should execute Kim too, before she convinces us all to follow Sophie's steps..."

That was an incredible mix of humour, suffering and eroticism. Very very well done. Two extremely intriguing characters, bravo!
How you are able to fill a crucifixion story with so much light conversation is amazing. Saved a copy so I can read it back in future.
It looks like a lot of text until you actually start reading, then the pace is breathless, like Kym
Happy to hear that.
I think short stories are better from many points of view, at the same time I would like to create longer storylines... so...
So... I tried to compart the story into many short self-serving parts, with lots of dialogues (I love dialogues!) written in bold, so that they stand out from the rest of the text and an hurried reader can just run thru them and get an idea of what happens, without reading the rest.

So far so good, I'm at right before the first nail.
The story feels like a manga. I find hilarious the stubbornness of Kim:lol:
Indeed I tried to characterize Kimberly as a so-called tsundere-girl from a manga or anime, hyperactive and always showing excessive enthusiasm... my model was specifically Excel from Excel saga in fact. The blond one on the left in the attached image.
I'm happy you noticed, it means I nailed that.
It's the first time I use such type of character, I've the feeling I will use it again, it's so fun to write and read.

How you are able to fill a crucifixion story with so much light conversation is amazing. Saved a copy so I can read it back in future.
I've come to prefer a context where executions are carried out in a lighthearted manner (for those who are not to be executed).
I like the surreal contrast: such a tragic event treated as a show.
Besides, usually I do not write realistic stories (reality is sooo boring!), so this time I preferred to go all out and mix comedy and crucifixion for maximum surreal effect.

Thank you all for you kind comments.
This is a strange story for me too to create (the first of a kind for me), I'm happy you enjoyed it.


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