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The Anthropologists

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After reading some good cannibal stories I decided to finish a story of this genre I had been writting for some time.
It is just another gynophagia story, with some of my favourite kinks, but I hope you will find it entertaining.

The Anthropologists

Part I

My name is Amy Howard and I am a university professor of Anthropology. Right now, I am in the middle of the amazon jungle, miles and miles away of any civilized place.
I am stark naked, immersed in a huge clay pot.
With me in the pot, as naked as I am, is Dr. Blanche Cosworth head of the Anthropology department of my university, my boss for two years, my lover for the last three days and my wife for the last two.

She is 42, blonde with her hair shoulders heigh, dark blue eyes and a very nice body.
I am 27 honey-auburn hair, brown eyes and a quite attractive figure too.
We are being marinated in order to improve our flavor. This is a part of the process that will get us ready to be roasted and eaten by the Amazonian tribe we are with.
And the amazing fact is that we are, at least up to some extent, looking forward to that!
It’s difficult, but I will try to explain how we got ourselves in this weird situation and into this pot.

As I said, I have been working in the Anthropology department, under Dr. Cosworth, since I finished my degree. And before that, she had been my favorite teacher.
Her passion and main line of research have been for years, the study of this particular isolated amazon tribe and their unique ritualistic cannibalistic customs.
Basically, they sacrifice women to Zod, their main god, spit roast and eat them.
She led two previous expeditions, both before my times, in order to observe them. For obvious reasons, they never made direct contact with the tribe.
She even learned their language from a member of the tribe taken to the civilized world by missionaries. I have also studied their language.

Fifteen days ago, as a third expedition, we arrived at the proximity of their territory. We were a small party: One guide, four male associated professors Arthur Smith, Charles Kent, Ernest Robertson and James Guiles, Karen York, Cristina Holmes. Dr. Cosworth as the leader and myself completing the expedition.
During our trip in, we suffered the loss of most of our supplies. Due to unexpected heavy rains during the last weeks, the two wide rivers we had to cross were flowing with incredibly strong currents. During the crossing of the second one we lost most of our food supplies. We were quite close to our destination and, after examining our situation, we decided to start our work while our guide would return to Jacanda, the first civilized outpost, get more supplies and return with two of his friends with enough food for the return trip for all of us. Travelling without us he could do it in less than half time.

We started our work and managed to install a net of long-distance microphones and cameras that would allow us to follow whatever took place in the village. The information will also be stored in the Department´s computers at home, by means of a satellite link.
For several days we also made cautious approaches and observations of the tribe activities from a safe distance.

The day our guide told us he would be back, passed without sign of him. Nor he answered our calls to his satellite phone. Three more days passed and Dr. Cosworth was worried. Our guide, Ondo, and she had known each other for years. He had been with her in all her expeditions. He has been also a valuable source of information and totally worshiped Blanche.
In exchange, she trusted him totally and was convinced that only a fatal accident could have caused his failure to return and his disappearance without a trace.
And without his guidance, and with no food, there was no way we would find our way back, even if we could keep our GPS working with the last batteries!

Dr. Cosworth was very worried by her team's security. She retired to her tent and couldn't sleep. She felt responsible for us and believed she had failed her role.
And suddenly, a couple of hours before dawn, she had an idea. After some inner discussion she reached the conclusion that she had a plan.
And amazingly, she hoped it was going to solve more than one issue.
So, in the morning around a rationed breakfast she told us about her plan.

-Look, the only way out of this is to reach an agreement with the Jarubayas so they would guide and escort you back to the first village. There is no other solution.

-And why would they do that for us? Why don't just eat us, as is their habit with estrangers? - asked Albert.

-Because we will offer them something in exchange. Something they may eat and can’t refuse.

-And what could that be? – He insisted.

-Me. – Answered Dr. Cosworth.

-What? - Everybody answered at the same time.

-Just listen to me until I finish! – Dr. Cosworth ordered in her best authoritative voice. Once she got a total silence, she continued explaining her plan:

-It’s either just me, or everybody dying; most probably captured by the tribe in the end; If not eaten by animals while wandering lost in the middle of the jungle.
Look, I am the leader and responsible for all of you; Also, the most senior and the oldest. It is me who should be sacrificed for the rest.

Several voices started to protest, but she held up one hand getting the silence back.

-But there is an extra reason for offering myself to the tribe – she continued getting their attention back. Their attention and their curiosity. - Since I can remember I have had very weird fantasies.
This it is not the moment for shyness but still, this it is embarrassing for me…

Everybody remained silent until she continued after some hesitation.

- …fantasies about being cooked and eaten. I can’t understand why, I have tried to erase those thoughts from my mind for years. I even tried professional therapy but I just can’t help it!
And since I learned of the Jarubaya’s customs...In those fantasies I am captured by them, raped, cooked and eaten…

-You are just making this up so we accept your crazy plan! - Ernest answered with vehemence.

-No! I swear it is the truth! In fact, I came to this expedition with an open mind, but prepared to offer myself to them if circumstances were right.

Now, nobody said anything, just looked at her in surprise, so she continued with her explanation.

-I have also to confess that these sick inclinations of mine played an important role in my academic interest in the tribe and the general orientation of my career. - She was totally flushed red by now -
I was never totally decided to live out my fantasies, of course! They were just in my mind and frequently led to…pleasant masturbation sessions…But now I can save you and get to leave my sick fantasies for a good purpose!
You have to admit that I am the perfect commodity to exchange for your safety with the tribe. I am female, blonde and perfect for their ritual sacrifices.

-You can’t be serious, you know their customs better than anyone, they would spit you alive before putting you to roast! – said an altered professor Guiles.

-Well – answered Blanche – as I explained I had been considering to offer myself for a long time and this expedition could have been my last opportunity. So I came well prepared.
Just in case I decide to take the plunge, I have with me some drugs that would help me a lot during the process. I had planned this very carefully!

-But supposing we accept your plan, and we won’t, what would make the natives to take the burden of escorting us? Why not just grab us, and eat us all? – Asked now professor Robertson.

-Good question. As I said, I have a plan. I will play with their myths. I know their customs and beliefs and I can speak their language.
I will convince them that I am a semi-goddess. I will tell you all the details, but we will show up in a small procession. I will be naked but adorned with leaves and feathers. I will tell them that the god Zod, sends me to sacrifice myself and bring good fortune to the tribe. No big deal for me since I am a semi-goddess. And also because of that, they will have to follow my orders.
I will be cooked in about a week time. I will also order them to take you back to civilization. By then, you should be back in the river outpost safe and hopefully you will be able to tell me by satcom.

Honestly, I think they will take the bait if we give them a good show.
If we play the game well, you will save your lives and I will live my most exciting sexual fantasy while doing my duty as your leader.
Also, we will reach the goal of this expedition. Just think of how much images and data will still be uploaded to the faculty databanks!

Everybody remained speechless for a long instant until I spoke.

-Not bad Dr. and thanks a lot for being ready to sacrifice your life in exchange for ours. But I think your plan would have much more chances of success if I turn myself in with you.

Now it was the turn of Dr. Cosworth to try to protest and mine to raise my hand asking for her attention.

-Hear me out first! I also have my reasons and arguments. If we offer two females to be sacrificed, they will be less tempted to override your “holy” instructions and get us all. I am the only one, besides you, that can speak their language.
And there is more! – I had now everybody’s undivided attention. - I also have a couple of secrets to confess to you.
First, I share with you the same fantasies Dr. Cosworth. It started the first time I saw a cartoon by Dolcett…

-Who? - Several voices asked.

But Dr. Cosworth was surprised but nodded her understanding.

- Then, already in the University, I learned of your works with this cannibal tribe and that got me even more excited since they were real, so I immediately signed in your course.
And second. Blanche, please let me call you Blanche now, when you walked into the classroom for the first time during my first year, I desperately fell in love with you. And because of those two reasons, I looked for a position in your department when I graduated.

The whole group was speechless once again for several minutes. In the end Dr. Cosworth stood up and came to me, taking me in her arms.

-Oh Amy, I can’t believe it! Are you really in love with me?

Feeling quite surprised by her reaction and quite comfortable in her arms I stuttered:

-Totally. I would never have dared to tell you if we weren’t in this extreme situation. I understand if you don’t like me but…

- But I do! I like you very much! - Interrupted Dr. Cosworth – I always thought I was too old for you and totally improper to make a move on you.
I am the Head of the Department; you were younger than me and you work for me. I even thought you were not interested in women! But I love you too Amy!

-So only because our lives are in danger, we have learned that we are in love with each other! – I exclaimed.

-Absolutely. Isn’t life incredible sometimes? – Dr. Cosworth agreed. -It has been so difficult to work with you for two years feigning indifference!

We embraced tighter under the astonishment of the rest of our colleagues.

-And precisely because I love you, I can’t allow you staying with me in the village and being…

At that moment, I covered her mouth with mine and we kissed with great passion and tenderness, embracing tightly for a long time. When we separated a little, everything was clear.
I looked at her into the eyes and told her:

-Yes, we love each other. Do you think you could let me go alone to be eaten knowing what we know now? Even knowing that it's my fantasy?

Blanche reflected during a long instant, still holding me tight and with her hands caressing my ass.

-No, you are right. I couldn't. I would rather go with you. And I guess you can't be convinced to do differently.
Now that we know we love each other, perhaps it's all right that we die together.

-Absolutely Dr. Cosworth…my Love! - I said with a mischievous smile and feeling a weird but immense happiness. - I would rather be cooked with you ten times than live without you one more single day!

-All right then.
Amy and I will go together. Let's move! - She said turning now to our friends and colleagues. They had been watching us in amazed silence. – Please my friends, gather anything that could be useful for our semi-goddess costumes and little procession. Flowers, big leaves, and the feathers of those parrots we hunted yesterday…

-But…-Arthur started to protest again.

-No buts my friends! You know there is no other alternative! - Blanche cut him. This is the only chance you have! There is no way we could return by ourselves without supplies, all of you know that!
And actually, it presents several advantages.
This plan may save your lives. Six lives!
But also, it will gather a lot of valuable research data that I trust you will put to good use, finishing my live long studies and publishing a very important paper.
And it will allow Amy and me to live our wildest fantasies…together!
I don't want to die…and I am sure Amy neither does – Dr. Cosworth continued, smiling now charmingly to me – but I think the benefits outweighs the value of our lives.

She was addressing the group with great authority and poise. All protest suppressed by her powerful and beautiful eyes. I could read in the faces of our friend’s sadness but also relief and some happiness for our new found love.

-And on top of that, we will provide the tribe with some fun and food! – She continued smiling mischievously – And who knows? Perhaps we will establish ourselves as permanent semi-goddess and they will keep us alive!

Nobody believed this for a single moment, but gave the group a good reason for finally accept the plan with some sort of dignity.

-So now, please start with the task while Amy and I spend some time alone in my tent. Later, we will start with the preparations.

The group departed reluctantly and Blanche took me by the hand and led me to her tent. She closed the flap and turned to face me.
Her expression was now quite shy, all her poise gone.
Slowly she started to undress for me. I observed mesmerized.

I looked at Dr. Blanche Cosworth with delight. At forty-two, her body was even better than I have imagined. She was gorgeous!
Blonde, blue eyes, beautiful face, big and shapely tits and all the proper curves with a delicate skin!
Her pussy was totally lovely!
She turned around to show me her perfect bum and, quite embarrassed, stood there naked for me.

-I hope you don't find me too old…

Her words broke my reverie and I immediately fell on my knees, grabbed her lovely bum globes and buried my face on her neatly trimmed blonde bush.
She gasped when I started to kiss, lick and lap her pussy lips and to caress every fold of her sex.
If tasted wonderfully and smelled of clean female. I couldn’t believe that, at last, I was doing for real what I had so many times dreamed!

-You are gorgeous my Love! – I shouted standing up and starting to quickly undress myself. Soon I was stark naked too, both of us face to face. I wanted to immediately go back to eating her, but I forced myself to remain still so she could examine my body for the first time.

I am twenty-seven and I have a good body, but I was very pleased and even relieved when I noticed she was looking at my shaved pussy and round ass with obvious pleasure. She came forward, took me on her arms and we embraced fiercely, feeling our naked skins for the first time!

During the next hour we made love. A tender and, at the same time, wild and passionate lovemaking. We caressed, kissed, rubbed cunt against cunt, breast against breast, bit, licked and reached several incredible climaxes.
I couldn't believe it. It was much better than I had imagined!

At the end, resting on her cot, still holding each other tightly, I told her:

-It looks that we have fell hard for each other!

-I have never been so happy in my life Amy! And neither had such an incredible sex! I think this is the first time I am really in love in my life. I fell in love with you the first time you came to my office after class.

-I am so happy to hear that, Blanche! This is a dream coming true. As I said before, I loved you the moment you walked in the University auditorium for the presentation of your course.

-Oh, Amy! I love you so much! – Blanche said while pressing her breast against mine and rubbing slightly her pussy on my right tight. - …But I still wish you wouldn´t go with me. I don't want you to die!

-Blanche, please don't say that. We could have been working together for another twenty years without knowing that we loved each other!
Only thanks to this situation, we are in each other’s arms!
And for me it's better, by far, to enjoy a few days with you or even hours than fifty years without you! – I said while we kept embracing tight -…And in a way dying with you it's a treat! – I continued - Think, we are now doing the right thing. We have now the perfect reason to be cooked and eaten! Together! Naked! – I laughed -Doesn't that excites you? I am wet again just thinking about that!

-Yes, you are right. I wouldn't want to live without you now. Much better to die with you. And yes, thinking of how we are going to die, turns me totally on! -Blanche laughed.

-And on the other hand- I continued smiling wickedly – Before I die, I will be roasted. And that is my hottest and most kinky fantasy!
But before, perhaps, while I cook, I will be able to see you naked, roasting next to me, which is my next most kinky fantasy and yours, by the way!

- So, you have fantasized with ME being roasted! – laughed Blanche with good humor.

-You can't imagine how many times Dr. Cosworth! – I answered looking intently into the eyes of my boss. – I have imagined you naked and roasting almost every time I have been with you.
And always, I was offered the chance of being roasted and eaten with you. And of course, since I preferred to die with you than live without you, I always ended up in my dreams roasting next to you.

-Amy! That is so sweet my Love!

-But the part of seeing each other roasting, it's just fantasy. We will be death long before that.

-Perhaps not Amy. I will explain later.

After a long silence, still looking into my eyes, she asked:

-Amy, would you marry me?

-Marry you?

-Yes! I want to die being your wife!

-Me too! But how?

-We will declare our intentions. That is enough to make it valid. We’ll recorded it on video. They will be our witness and if they survive, they can legally register our marriage when they reach civilization. For the two us it would be real, no matter what!

-Yes Blanche, I want to be your wife!

When the rest of the group came back, we told them and we did it.
Then, we retired to enjoy our wedding night.

The next morning Blanche and me stood naked while our colleagues adorned us with leaves flowers and feathers. The results, surprisingly, were quite satisfactory, both ceremonial and sexy.
We had crowns of multicolor feathers and flowers. Capes of big leaves around our shoulders and garlands of flowers around our waists, arms and ankles.
We left our breasts, pussies and bums bare to enhance our nakedness and our chances of being accepted as sacrificial goddess.
We really looked great!

They all tried one last time to makes us change our minds but we insisted in carrying on.
Last, Blanche and I, also recorded in front of the camera our intentions and reasons, declaring our identities and our free will on our decision of offering ourselves to be sacrificed, as the only chance of saving the lives of the rest of the team.

We said our goodbyes, rehearsed one more time how we were going to conduct ourselves in front of the natives, formed a small procession and walked to the tribe’s village.

To be continued
Perhaps somebody would like to know how thw story continues. I hope you would find it entertaining.
PLEASE, I would like your opinions.


When we reached it, we strolled with purpose to its center, while gathering an increasing group of surprised natives around us.
Once there Blanche, with great authority, demanded to speak immediately with the Chief.
They were shocked hearing a white woman speaking their language.

Soon the Chief came in front of us followed by a suspicious chaman.

Now Blanche in a firm voice declared we were goddess Blanche and Amy, send by god Zod to be sacrificed to him and bring good fortune to their people in some days.
Until that moment, they should obey our instructions and guide our escort to Jacanda before the sacrifice could take place.
If they failed to obey us, all kinds of disgraces would fall upon the tribe.

Blanche was very convincing on her role and looked absolutely beautiful. Awed by our bold behavior and looking forward to have such a good sacrificial goddess, they soon agreed to the deal.
I asked them how long would take for their warriors and ours to reach Jacanda.
Surprised again by another white woman they could understand, they answered that they should reach their destination in a week.

Blanche gave her blessing and in less than one hour our friends departed accompanied by four Jarubaya warriors armed and carrying supplies for the whole group of ten.
As agreed, we exchanged no more farewells, but they handed us one of the remaining working satellite telephones.

We were then showed to a hut. It would be our home until our time came.
Water and abundant food were brought to us.
Blanche revised everything, refusing some and accepting part.

-From now on, darling, we have to eat in a very selective way. We can't forget that we are now preparing ourselves to be eaten. - she declared with a teasing smile.

Hearing this, I shivered, both from fear and arousal.
Seeing that, Blanche came to me and put her arm around my shoulders.

-I´m sorry Amy. That was inconsiderate to say. But we are meat now. How are you feeling my love?

-Don't worry Blanche. It's just I can't believe this is for real and we are going to do it.
I am terrified about what they are going to do to us, but on the other hand it's so exciting! Just thinking of it makes me so wet! And with you, at last!

-I know what you mean Amy. It is exactly how I feel.
I don't like pain and definitely I don't want to die. Now that I have you less than ever!
But the idea of being cooked and eaten by this people that I know so well, has been always so exciting for me! So, I am ready to pay the price.
There were moments I was sure I would do it. I would have slipped away at night from our camp and I would have handed myself over to the natives to be sacrificed.

But I wasn't at all sure. Again, I didn’t want to die. Besides I wasn't sure I could keep my composure. To die begging and crying would have been very disappointing. And my reasons to do it would have been totally wrong, a twisted sexual perversion!
I think I wouldn't have had the courage to do it. Nor to speak to you about my feelings for you.

I would have probably died of old age, alone, regretting my cowardice and asking myself how it would had been to feel the spit through my body and the heat of the coals on my skin.

I was following her eloquent words enraptured. She was describing with total precision a maze of very complicated feelings and powerful drives. All shared by me.

-But now, -Blanche continued telling me -It is totally different. We have the best of the reasons to make real our twisted fantasies. We will be dying to save the lives of our colleagues.

There is no turning back from this point. We are committed!
It is a certain relief and we now have the liberty of living our death and enjoy our ultimate fantasy.

And even more, being together!
Even in the best of my fantasies, I couldn’t imagine being cooked with you! It is going to be incredibly erotic Amy!

I am sure that being with you it will give me the courage to keep my composure, but there is more of course.
I think you won't get me wrong Love, but I am really looking forward to see you roasting, turning over the coals naked and skewered! – finished Blanche laughing.

-Not at all my darling wife – I loved to call her my wife – In my case I learned about the Jarubayas and their sacrifices through you.

So, you always have been associated to my fantasies about being cooked, from the very beginning. And I found you so sexy and attractive!

In consequence, an important part of my arousal comes from imagining that you were watching me being turned into meat, and you were very excited sexually by my demise.

And of course, Blanche, it makes me also very hot to imagine YOU being spitted and prepared.
The pity it's that we will die shortly after they push the spits into us. At the latest we will die during the gutting.

-Well, first I am very glad you, my also wife, understand so well my kinks and share my dreams. – answered Dr. Cosworth wryly- We already discussed most of this yesterday in my tent.

It's true, I want to excite you with my body, my pain and my sacrifice.
There is as much lust in the fact that I will be offering myself for your pleasure as in you desiring the same!

-This conversation clearly shows we are academics, so many words for pouring out our dirty kinky dreams! - I laughed.

-You are right Amy. But there is something you may be wrong – she said while detaching a small clear plastic bag from under the leaves that she wore around her waist.
- I told you I came prepared, just in case I got the courage, with the right pills.
The leading pharmacologist of our university likes me and trust me enough to help me with this.
He researched the best substances for the event and provided these pills without asking questions. I guess he was afraid of the answers.

If what he said is true, they will help us a lot with the pain, maintain us alert and alive for a longer period and greatly intensify our sexual arousal.

Of course, the combination is totally lethal. It would kill us in a couple of days. But in our case, that is completely irrelevant.

So, Amy, I expect to survive my skewering, see the coals under me, and feel my body starting to cook.
And to see you squirming while turning over the coals at my side!

I was surprised by all this and quite thrilled by the idea of reaching alive the pits.
I was silent for a while imagining it all.

-What a pair of perverts we are! – I blurted at last.

-Definitely! Also, if you agree, I plan to offer them sex.
Normally they would rape the sacrificial victims, but they may be shy with a couple of white goddesses like us.

But if we offer, they will be thrilled to copulate with a semi-goddess! Also, it would increase our power over them and help us to keep them tame.

-No problem with me. It could be fun and entertaining if we remain in control.

We laughed together. I was feeling really comforted. I guess Dr. Cosworth felt the same.

-Do you plan give them a lot of orders goddess Blanche? – I asked.

-No. I think it would be best if we don't interfere too much with the process.
This is important for them. We are supposed to give them not only our meat, but the means of pleasing their god by sacrificing us.

Hearing Blanche speak about our meat and of being sacrificed, alighted one more time my fear and arousal.

-And there is the matter of the research. We must try not to distort their customs. If we change the way they have been doing their rites of sacrifice and cannibalism, the research and its results would be worthless.

-I agree totally with you, my love, doctor and goddess- I answered teasing her.
Since we are going to die, I want it to be of use. – I continued - I would like to contribute as much as possible to science. Our Anthropology department will get a lot of well-deserved recognition. Specially because of your work my loved Dr. Cosworth.

-And yours too professor Howard! And at the same time, we will provide the tribe with the benefits of a first-class double sacrifice. Or at least they will believe it. Two white females of divine condition!
They will literally orgasm and enjoy the process of turning us into meat.

-Right! And don't forget we are going to provide them with some fine quality meat!
Anyway, their process is already quite efficient for their purposes.
Very arousing and erotic for depraved minds like ours too. Don't you think my sexy and edible wife?

-Yes Amy. I was just planning to instruct them to carve small channels on the sides along the spits. From the point, to about one third of their length. That will give us the chance of keep breathing if we are still alive when completely skewered.

Another tremor came through my body. That kind of twisted, pervert conversation was very arousing for us.
In the remaining days, we would keep discussing every morbid detail of the ordeal that awaited us and getting thrilled by it.

We were indulging in the depravity of our last and ultimate experience, with the pleasant feeling of having no longer a choice.
And we were going to live our darkest fantasies for a noble cause, to save the lives of our colleagues.

We decided to rest on our matts for a while.
After that, Dr. Cosworth went out and demanded our preparation to start.

To be continued
my sexy and edible wife?

Oh I love this line!

I’m greatly enjoying this, Carlos, you have a convincing way with words. I can just about imagine these livebirds, together at last, ready for their kinky sacrifice! I just hope their sex juices don’t put out the hot coals! What’s really keeping me going is the question of how I might feel if I was one of these protagonists. As always, it is the extreme agony that I’d want to feel… and in the end to be eaten, just like an animal, executed to become their food… I hope I survive long enough to scream as my flesh cooks while I am spit-roasted!
Oh I love this line!

I’m greatly enjoying this, Carlos, you have a convincing way with words. I can just about imagine these livebirds, together at last, ready for their kinky sacrifice! I just hope their sex juices don’t put out the hot coals! What’s really keeping me going is the question of how I might feel if I was one of these protagonists. As always, it is the extreme agony that I’d want to feel… and in the end to be eaten, just like an animal, executed to become their food… I hope I survive long enough to scream as my flesh cooks while I am spit-roasted!
Thank you for your opinion @Loinclothslave .
It is very gratifying to learn that somebody gets excited with the story!
Here, the idea is that they can allow themselves to enjoy their kinky predicament: It is for a noble reason and there is no turning back.
Otherwise, they would never had dare to take the plunge.
The next chapter.
Life with the Jarubayas.
They live their short days of love while continiously discussing their now very real fantasies.
I hope you enjoy the reading.


We were taken to a place where a big clay tub had been filled with a dense sauce. We were experts in their customs, so we knew we were going to be marinated in order to improve our flavor. At that moment I reflected how incredible our situation was.
Stark naked, we climbed into the pot without having to be told. The liquid was thick and warm and enveloped us pleasantly. And it smelled really good.
I was very conscious of my wife's body again, so close to mine.

She put her arms around my waist and held me tight against her. The sensation of her soft body pressing hard against mine was incredible and soon we were passionately kissing and fondling, our hands all over each other’s bodies.

-I think we must ensure you get properly marinated Amy. Specially your insides! – said Blanche teasingly while inserting two fingers into my pussy and spreading my lips.
I felt the thick liquid filling my cunt pleasantly.

-And yours my darling wife. – I said, doing exactly the same with her sex and making sure to rub her clit in the process. - You look good to eat, already, but we have to make sure you are really good and tasty when they eat you!

We kissed with passion and soon we were masturbating each other in front of a group of Jarubayas, women mostly, amused by our naughty play.

After some time, we got out of the pot and strolled hand on hand along most of the village. We let the sun dry the sauce and our skin, thinking that perhaps, we would really get some of the condiments’ scent.

The native’s attitude towards us was a mixture of awe and curiosity. They of course, were very friendly with the women that were going to provide them with a wonderful meal and the favor of the gods.

I was a little shock when I hear how a group of women was discussing, after we passed, what parts of our bodies they would like to eat the next week.
Blanche had also caught the exchange and smiled to me.

-Stimulating, uh? Being discussed as food for real! Let’s go to take a bath on the river. We have “flavored” ourselves enough.
We can let them touch us and check our meat when we return.

We took a long and pleasant bath in the river and returned to our hut. On the way back we talked to some of the men and women of the tribe and even allowed them to touch and discuss our bodies.
Even in our situation, our curiosity as scientists made these conversations incredibly interesting.

In the afternoon we declared ourselves ready to grant sex to the warriors and soon, we were lying side by side on our thick matt, both with a warrior on top and their cocks well inside us.

We were able to look at each other or even talk while servicing our men.
Sometimes their attentions were so good, that we had to concentrate back in the penises humping into our cunts. We stopped when we got too tired and retired for the night.
It was in general a good and pleasant experience.

The days went by with the easy and hedonistic routine we stablished for the sacrificial divine livestock (us).

In the morning, a group of women used to come to bring us our first meal.
They were always the same ones. Three senior and three young.

They helped us with anything we needed. We learned many things from them and laughed a lot.
We also learned that it was a great honor for them to serve us.

Our first daily activity was to get marinated in the tub/pot for about half an hour.

We would mutually masturbate during those periods. The natives considered that our orgasms were a good omen for the efficiency of the sacrifice. So, they were always happy to watch us climaxing.

We were training ourselves in a complete exhibitionism; the best choice having in mind we were going to die naked, skewered and in front of the whole tribe.

After the marinating and our walk, we swan until noon.

We kept maintaining long and interesting conversations with the Jarubayas, greatly improving at the same time our knowledge of their language.
In fact, during our remaining days, we managed to get a closer relationship with the members of the tribe, without losing our status of semi-goddesses.

We were relieved knowing that all that valuable knowledge won’t be lost. We expected the high sensitivity microphones and the cameras to pick up and transmit almost everything that was taking place in the village.

Several times, knowing the position of the hidden cameras, we walked in front of one and summarize, for the records, the data gathered and our conclusions.

While doing so, we would pretend to be talking to the god and gesticulate accordingly.
These we did it in English, of course, like when we talked among us. For them, we were speaking the language of the gods.

In the afternoon we would devote some time to provide sacred sex to the tribe.
After dinner we would have marital sex in the privacy of our hut and we would sleep with our limbs lusciously entangled.

From the beginning, we were very careful with our meals. With the limited knowledge existing in the matter, we tried to avoid food we thought it could affect in a negative way to our flavor.
At the same time, we tried to gain some weight.

We definitely wanted to be a healthy, appetizing and tasty food for our hosts. We wanted to be the best roast they had ever eaten.

We were aware that probably, nothing of this had real consequences in the condition of our meat, but it was exciting, nevertheless.

We liked to think and talk about us as meat and we relished in these kind of pervert notions. It helped to maintain our sexual arousal, to give us a strong erotic thrill and to kept our fear at bay.

We also devoted time daily to supervising the preparations for our sacrifice feast.

The tribe members had prepared two hardwood sticks more than two meters long. They have been highly polished and ended in very sharp points.

Those were our spits. We were going to die impaled on them as we would roast over the embers skewered in them.
According with Dr. Cosworth´s instructions, they were carved with the “breathing” channels along the first third from their points

For the skewering of their victims, the Jarubayas used to set the spits vertically on the ground with another pole close enough to each one, so we (in this case) could be tied to it and be supported straight during our impalement.
In order to control the descend of the condemned, they used a sort of ladder with steps that could be removed individually.

Other ladders were used to give access to the sacrificed victims during the process.

Dr. Cosworth, with my help, supervised closely the construction and installation of this equipment.
The distance of the collapsible steps was carefully measured so we will have the right amount of spit inside us for the different stages of our skewering.

Our spits, were set by the roasting pit and one in front of the other, so we will be seeing the coals while watching each other being prepared, and skewered.

On our fourth day with the tribe, Dr. Cosworth took accurate measurement of our bodies and gave them precise instructions for the distance between each of the steps in each of our personalized skewering ladders.

That night, after a very satisfying lovemaking and still idling caressing the other, we ended up discussing the process in detail.

-At the beginning we will be standing on the tallest step and get the spits inside our pussies. – started Blanche in a totally neutral tone.

-Our ankles will be tied to the spits and our waists to the back post from the start, right? -I asked.

-Yes, and I believe it would be best if we have already a rope around our bodies, just beneath the tits, I think.
Besides I would ask for my hands to be tied back at the waist.
I don't want to disgrace myself gesticulating too much if the pain is too intense.

-I agree Love. Let's do it that way.

-In that initial position, we may fuck the spit, excuse my rudeness my Love, on our legs. The women would be basting us with oil and the massage would help our libido. I am sure we'll cum on the spit at least that time.
At that point, we should lift our feet, put our weight on the spit and order the first step removed.

-Ouch! That will hurt! But I agree as semi-goddesses, we must be in control. Do it ourselves, not to be forced. - I added.

-Definitely my darling. The point will puncture our cervix and we will descend until the point of the spit reaches our stomachs’ lower sides. We will then have around 40 cms. /15 inches of it inside our bodies. - explained my learned wife. - Our guts would be pierced and we will already be bleeding, so from that point we shouldn’t delay the procedures.

-Understood Blanche. A few moments to recover and feel our spit and we should request the knife.

-Yes Amy. We will be cut open, bowels and most of our organs removed. Here we normally would enter in shock and lose consciousness.
I am counting on the drugs to keep us alert trough this part.
They will cauterize with a red-hot iron all the internal wounds and stop the loss of blood. That will help.

I was also familiar with the way the Jarubayas conducted their sacrifices, but I was happy letting Dr. Cosworth to do the explaining.

I had my right hand cupping her mound, my middle finger on her slot. I could feel the dampness her discourse was procuring her.
And certainly, she was getting me wet too!
She continued.

-Now they will finish our skewering. We’ll be totally in their hands, of course, but I expect they will be able to keep us alive until the end. This will be the time for our last words or declarations.
We’ll be too weak now to do anything but, in our role, I think we still should give them the order to carry on with the rest of our sacrifice.
I expect they will hold our bodies and, once they remove the last steps, lower us until our skewering is completed.

-It would be incredible if we were still alive Blanche! - I added.

-Yes, of course.
Even if we are still alive, we won’t be able to talk, skewered from cunt to mouth, but we may wriggle our hands to signal the other we are still there.
The cameras should pick that up clearly too.
They will set small crossbars and secure our bodies so we won’t slip around the spit. Most probably we will have enough purchase to rub our clits on the spit. Who knows? We may come by fucking the spits! - she said with a wink.

-You are so naughty! You shock me! - I said mocking her.

-Now we’ll be fully skewered and ready for the coals. Nothing for us to do, just let them cook and eat us. - she finished.

-Blanche, it is so good we are going through all this together!
We’ll be in front of each other. For the other’s pleasure and support.
Be brave for me my loved wife. I will do my best to maintain my composure for you.
Watch me and enjoy my torture, I will be watching yours. - I said highly aroused.

Blanche covered my mouth with hers, we made love again and were soon asleep.

The week passed with the same routine, but without news of our friends nor their Jarubayas escort.
We didn’t want the tribe forcing us in the end.
We decided that there was no point in protracting our end and fixed the date of our roasting for three days later, hoping for the best.

The last night we were once again embracing each other tight in our hut.
Our bodies betraying our excitement.
I was holding in my hands Dr. Cosworth perfect right breast and biting it softly.

-It is hard to believe that by this time tomorrow, someone will have eaten this perfect tit, after being properly roasted! - I said in a throaty voice.

-Yes! - answered my wife in the same tone and pushing herself against my lips - and yours too, perfectly seasoned.
These perfect pear-shaped breasts will be succulent and they will also be cooked and eaten tomorrow.

I then put my hand over her sex and said:
-And this lovely cunt will have been bitten and chewed.

-Yes! And I hope they don’t overcook me! And this lovely ass - she said grabbing my buttocks- will have been served crispy and will had been totally devoured.

We continued the morbid game playfully biting, kissing and caressing our meat.
It was exciting to think of us that way. We really expected to be enjoyed by the people that will eat us and wanted to be tasty.
But the idea was also very frightening.

We remained pensive for some time considering what we were going to live the next day; and how we were going die.

=How something so terrible can make me so horny? - I asked at last- What kind of person gets excited with the idea of her wife being killed and eaten in such a barbaric way?

-Well, we are a little twisted, no doubt - quipped Blanche - but we can’t help it, can we?
Think of yourself already with the spit up in your pussy into your stomach. Half skewered. Knowing that you are about to join me over the fire, wouldn’t that be incredibly exciting for you Love?

-Well, I can't deny that the idea makes me very horny…But, again, how can I be so wicked? I love you!

-This has nothing to do with love Amy. You get excited by an image. I know you don't wish me dead. In fact, I am convinced you would die for me.

-Absolutely Blanche, without hesitation!

-Yes, I am sure. And I would do the same for you.
But the fact is that we both are going to die, no matter what. And we have chosen how. In a way that greatly arouses us sexually. We can't help being a pair of kinky sluts! – laughed Blanche. – And knowing you are going to see me skewered and cooking arouses me! So, I hope you also enjoy it!

After another silence Blanche continued with the game, sliding her fingertip down from between my globes to my slit.

-Isn’t a pity, this soft and silky belly would have to be opened to gut you.

I smiled, but it was a sad smile.

-Yes, but I’m sure I will lose my nerves when I start feeling the spit impaling me!

-Don’t be so sure. You are underestimating yourself. And remember that we will have the help of the drugs.
I will ask you tomorrow about this, when we already have 16 inches of spit inside us.
You will die proud and well Amy.
We both will. Together. Saving our friends, serving Science and feeding this people. - finished my wife. Always smiling.

Finally, we drifted into a calm sleep.

When the morning arrived, we were both as excited and as terrified as ever.

To be continued
The next chapter.
Life with the Jarubayas.
They live their short days of love while continiously discussing their now very real fantasies.
I hope you enjoy the reading.


We were taken to a place where a big clay tub had been filled with a dense sauce. We were experts in their customs, so we knew we were going to be marinated in order to improve our flavor. At that moment I reflected how incredible our situation was.
Stark naked, we climbed into the pot without having to be told. The liquid was thick and warm and enveloped us pleasantly. And it smelled really good.
I was very conscious of my wife's body again, so close to mine.

She put her arms around my waist and held me tight against her. The sensation of her soft body pressing hard against mine was incredible and soon we were passionately kissing and fondling, our hands all over each other’s bodies.

-I think we must ensure you get properly marinated Amy. Specially your insides! – said Blanche teasingly while inserting two fingers into my pussy and spreading my lips.
I felt the thick liquid filling my cunt pleasantly.

-And yours my darling wife. – I said, doing exactly the same with her sex and making sure to rub her clit in the process. - You look good to eat, already, but we have to make sure you are really good and tasty when they eat you!

We kissed with passion and soon we were masturbating each other in front of a group of Jarubayas, women mostly, amused by our naughty play.

After some time, we got out of the pot and strolled hand on hand along most of the village. We let the sun dry the sauce and our skin, thinking that perhaps, we would really get some of the condiments’ scent.

The native’s attitude towards us was a mixture of awe and curiosity. They of course, were very friendly with the women that were going to provide them with a wonderful meal and the favor of the gods.

I was a little shock when I hear how a group of women was discussing, after we passed, what parts of our bodies they would like to eat the next week.
Blanche had also caught the exchange and smiled to me.

-Stimulating, uh? Being discussed as food for real! Let’s go to take a bath on the river. We have “flavored” ourselves enough.
We can let them touch us and check our meat when we return.

We took a long and pleasant bath in the river and returned to our hut. On the way back we talked to some of the men and women of the tribe and even allowed them to touch and discuss our bodies.
Even in our situation, our curiosity as scientists made these conversations incredibly interesting.

In the afternoon we declared ourselves ready to grant sex to the warriors and soon, we were lying side by side on our thick matt, both with a warrior on top and their cocks well inside us.

We were able to look at each other or even talk while servicing our men.
Sometimes their attentions were so good, that we had to concentrate back in the penises humping into our cunts. We stopped when we got too tired and retired for the night.
It was in general a good and pleasant experience.

The days went by with the easy and hedonistic routine we stablished for the sacrificial divine livestock (us).

In the morning, a group of women used to come to bring us our first meal.
They were always the same ones. Three senior and three young.

They helped us with anything we needed. We learned many things from them and laughed a lot.
We also learned that it was a great honor for them to serve us.

Our first daily activity was to get marinated in the tub/pot for about half an hour.

We would mutually masturbate during those periods. The natives considered that our orgasms were a good omen for the efficiency of the sacrifice. So, they were always happy to watch us climaxing.

We were training ourselves in a complete exhibitionism; the best choice having in mind we were going to die naked, skewered and in front of the whole tribe.

After the marinating and our walk, we swan until noon.

We kept maintaining long and interesting conversations with the Jarubayas, greatly improving at the same time our knowledge of their language.
In fact, during our remaining days, we managed to get a closer relationship with the members of the tribe, without losing our status of semi-goddesses.

We were relieved knowing that all that valuable knowledge won’t be lost. We expected the high sensitivity microphones and the cameras to pick up and transmit almost everything that was taking place in the village.

Several times, knowing the position of the hidden cameras, we walked in front of one and summarize, for the records, the data gathered and our conclusions.

While doing so, we would pretend to be talking to the god and gesticulate accordingly.
These we did it in English, of course, like when we talked among us. For them, we were speaking the language of the gods.

In the afternoon we would devote some time to provide sacred sex to the tribe.
After dinner we would have marital sex in the privacy of our hut and we would sleep with our limbs lusciously entangled.

From the beginning, we were very careful with our meals. With the limited knowledge existing in the matter, we tried to avoid food we thought it could affect in a negative way to our flavor.
At the same time, we tried to gain some weight.

We definitely wanted to be a healthy, appetizing and tasty food for our hosts. We wanted to be the best roast they had ever eaten.

We were aware that probably, nothing of this had real consequences in the condition of our meat, but it was exciting, nevertheless.

We liked to think and talk about us as meat and we relished in these kind of pervert notions. It helped to maintain our sexual arousal, to give us a strong erotic thrill and to kept our fear at bay.

We also devoted time daily to supervising the preparations for our sacrifice feast.

The tribe members had prepared two hardwood sticks more than two meters long. They have been highly polished and ended in very sharp points.

Those were our spits. We were going to die impaled on them as we would roast over the embers skewered in them.
According with Dr. Cosworth´s instructions, they were carved with the “breathing” channels along the first third from their points

For the skewering of their victims, the Jarubayas used to set the spits vertically on the ground with another pole close enough to each one, so we (in this case) could be tied to it and be supported straight during our impalement.
In order to control the descend of the condemned, they used a sort of ladder with steps that could be removed individually.

Other ladders were used to give access to the sacrificed victims during the process.

Dr. Cosworth, with my help, supervised closely the construction and installation of this equipment.
The distance of the collapsible steps was carefully measured so we will have the right amount of spit inside us for the different stages of our skewering.

Our spits, were set by the roasting pit and one in front of the other, so we will be seeing the coals while watching each other being prepared, and skewered.

On our fourth day with the tribe, Dr. Cosworth took accurate measurement of our bodies and gave them precise instructions for the distance between each of the steps in each of our personalized skewering ladders.

That night, after a very satisfying lovemaking and still idling caressing the other, we ended up discussing the process in detail.

-At the beginning we will be standing on the tallest step and get the spits inside our pussies. – started Blanche in a totally neutral tone.

-Our ankles will be tied to the spits and our waists to the back post from the start, right? -I asked.

-Yes, and I believe it would be best if we have already a rope around our bodies, just beneath the tits, I think.
Besides I would ask for my hands to be tied back at the waist.
I don't want to disgrace myself gesticulating too much if the pain is too intense.

-I agree Love. Let's do it that way.

-In that initial position, we may fuck the spit, excuse my rudeness my Love, on our legs. The women would be basting us with oil and the massage would help our libido. I am sure we'll cum on the spit at least that time.
At that point, we should lift our feet, put our weight on the spit and order the first step removed.

-Ouch! That will hurt! But I agree as semi-goddesses, we must be in control. Do it ourselves, not to be forced. - I added.

-Definitely my darling. The point will puncture our cervix and we will descend until the point of the spit reaches our stomachs’ lower sides. We will then have around 40 cms. /15 inches of it inside our bodies. - explained my learned wife. - Our guts would be pierced and we will already be bleeding, so from that point we shouldn’t delay the procedures.

-Understood Blanche. A few moments to recover and feel our spit and we should request the knife.

-Yes Amy. We will be cut open, bowels and most of our organs removed. Here we normally would enter in shock and lose consciousness.
I am counting on the drugs to keep us alert trough this part.
They will cauterize with a red-hot iron all the internal wounds and stop the loss of blood. That will help.

I was also familiar with the way the Jarubayas conducted their sacrifices, but I was happy letting Dr. Cosworth to do the explaining.

I had my right hand cupping her mound, my middle finger on her slot. I could feel the dampness her discourse was procuring her.
And certainly, she was getting me wet too!
She continued.

-Now they will finish our skewering. We’ll be totally in their hands, of course, but I expect they will be able to keep us alive until the end. This will be the time for our last words or declarations.
We’ll be too weak now to do anything but, in our role, I think we still should give them the order to carry on with the rest of our sacrifice.
I expect they will hold our bodies and, once they remove the last steps, lower us until our skewering is completed.

-It would be incredible if we were still alive Blanche! - I added.

-Yes, of course.
Even if we are still alive, we won’t be able to talk, skewered from cunt to mouth, but we may wriggle our hands to signal the other we are still there.
The cameras should pick that up clearly too.
They will set small crossbars and secure our bodies so we won’t slip around the spit. Most probably we will have enough purchase to rub our clits on the spit. Who knows? We may come by fucking the spits! - she said with a wink.

-You are so naughty! You shock me! - I said mocking her.

-Now we’ll be fully skewered and ready for the coals. Nothing for us to do, just let them cook and eat us. - she finished.

-Blanche, it is so good we are going through all this together!
We’ll be in front of each other. For the other’s pleasure and support.
Be brave for me my loved wife. I will do my best to maintain my composure for you.
Watch me and enjoy my torture, I will be watching yours. - I said highly aroused.

Blanche covered my mouth with hers, we made love again and were soon asleep.

The week passed with the same routine, but without news of our friends nor their Jarubayas escort.
We didn’t want the tribe forcing us in the end.
We decided that there was no point in protracting our end and fixed the date of our roasting for three days later, hoping for the best.

The last night we were once again embracing each other tight in our hut.
Our bodies betraying our excitement.
I was holding in my hands Dr. Cosworth perfect right breast and biting it softly.

-It is hard to believe that by this time tomorrow, someone will have eaten this perfect tit, after being properly roasted! - I said in a throaty voice.

-Yes! - answered my wife in the same tone and pushing herself against my lips - and yours too, perfectly seasoned.
These perfect pear-shaped breasts will be succulent and they will also be cooked and eaten tomorrow.

I then put my hand over her sex and said:
-And this lovely cunt will have been bitten and chewed.

-Yes! And I hope they don’t overcook me! And this lovely ass - she said grabbing my buttocks- will have been served crispy and will had been totally devoured.

We continued the morbid game playfully biting, kissing and caressing our meat.
It was exciting to think of us that way. We really expected to be enjoyed by the people that will eat us and wanted to be tasty.
But the idea was also very frightening.

We remained pensive for some time considering what we were going to live the next day; and how we were going die.

=How something so terrible can make me so horny? - I asked at last- What kind of person gets excited with the idea of her wife being killed and eaten in such a barbaric way?

-Well, we are a little twisted, no doubt - quipped Blanche - but we can’t help it, can we?
Think of yourself already with the spit up in your pussy into your stomach. Half skewered. Knowing that you are about to join me over the fire, wouldn’t that be incredibly exciting for you Love?

-Well, I can't deny that the idea makes me very horny…But, again, how can I be so wicked? I love you!

-This has nothing to do with love Amy. You get excited by an image. I know you don't wish me dead. In fact, I am convinced you would die for me.

-Absolutely Blanche, without hesitation!

-Yes, I am sure. And I would do the same for you.
But the fact is that we both are going to die, no matter what. And we have chosen how. In a way that greatly arouses us sexually. We can't help being a pair of kinky sluts! – laughed Blanche. – And knowing you are going to see me skewered and cooking arouses me! So, I hope you also enjoy it!

After another silence Blanche continued with the game, sliding her fingertip down from between my globes to my slit.

-Isn’t a pity, this soft and silky belly would have to be opened to gut you.

I smiled, but it was a sad smile.

-Yes, but I’m sure I will lose my nerves when I start feeling the spit impaling me!

-Don’t be so sure. You are underestimating yourself. And remember that we will have the help of the drugs.
I will ask you tomorrow about this, when we already have 16 inches of spit inside us.
You will die proud and well Amy.
We both will. Together. Saving our friends, serving Science and feeding this people. - finished my wife. Always smiling.

Finally, we drifted into a calm sleep.

When the morning arrived, we were both as excited and as terrified as ever.

To be continued
Excellent piece of narrative.
As always carloscruz is a very talented writer.
We were taken to a place where a big clay tub had been filled with a dense sauce. We were experts in their customs, so we knew we were going to be marinated in order to improve our flavor. At that moment I reflected how incredible our situation was.
Stark naked, we climbed into the pot without having to be told. The liquid was thick and warm and enveloped us pleasantly. And it smelled really good.
I was very conscious of my wife's body again, so close to mine.

She put her arms around my waist and held me tight against her. The sensation of her soft body pressing hard against mine was incredible and soon we were passionately kissing and fondling, our hands all over each other’s bodies.
A marinade in a huge clay pot : a most unusual place to make love! :rolleyes:
A quick sketch of Dr. Cosworth on her last stand.
Both scary and exciting!
Here you have the last part. It is longer, but I think it wasn´t worth to divide it.
No big surprise in the end.
Still I hope you enjoy it and get a little aroused.

Please comments if you find some time.

and IV

First thing, on our last day, we went to our roasting pit to light the fire.
Enough trunks had been prepared to produce red hot embers for hours.
We were given a couple of torches and we put the flames to the kindle.
The supports for our spits were also already in place.
Soon high flames were roaring up.
We stood there looking at the fire in silence.

At last, we returned to our hut to get ready for the sacrifice.

The group of women that have been taking care of us, came to prepare us wearing their finest.
First, we received a very sensual massage with scented oil; our first layer of basting of the day.

Although we made an effort to lighten the mood and we even got some laughs from them, the atmosphere was solemn and they were sad.
Once they finished, our ladies in waiting helped us to don our ceremonial clothing. It had been highly improved by the women and we looked magnificent, real semi-goddesses! Still flaunting our bums, tits and pussies, of course!
Once ready, we took the pills knowing that it was another point of no return, and another certain relief.

Happily, just when we were about to leave the hut, the satcom beeped.
Worried by its low battery, Blanche immediately answered the incoming call.

-Dr. Cossworth? This is Arthur Smith!

-Arthur, how good to hear from you! How are you?

-We are all safe back to Jacanda! The Jarubayas, true to their word, brought us here safe and sound! They departed back immediately. We couldn’t contact you before because we were out of batteries as we anticipated.
How are you and Amy?

-Well, we had a very interesting week with our hosts! Everything went according with our plans. - answered Blanche.

-And…are you going to be…? – demanded Dr. Smith in a worried voice.

-Yes Arthur. Today Amy and me will be spitted, gutted, roasted and eaten. – said Blanche in a calm tone.

-Oh! I…we are so sorry to hear that!

-Don’t be! That was the plan and we see now it worked fine. The six of you are safe and we are greatly relieved to know that.
Now, knowing that, Amy and I have nothing to regret. It was worth. And you know how kinky we are! We are excited and we will go together, the way we choose and, again, with nothing to regret.
Did you have the chance of checking the satellite link?

-Yes! It is working fine. All the material is being fed to the Department’s data banks and servers.
And we can watch it in real time from the spare equipment we left here at Jacanda.

-Good! That will add value to our plan. You are going to get lots of data and I hope you will use it as we discussed.

-Of course, Doctor. We will work hard with it and make sure you both are never forgotten.

-We aren’t important. Much less after we are eaten today! Concentrate on the data and the publications.

- You can count on us Dr. Cossworth!

-And remember, we expect all of you to watch what is going to happen to us.
And if any you get a little excited watching us…don’t feel ashamed, that is what we also expect!
We even hope the Jarubayas have a good time!

We have taken the drugs I told you about. We have hopes of remaining alive for a long time.
If we succeed, we will open and close our hands so you know that we are still conscious. Perhaps give you a thumbs up. That will mean that we have no regrets. Watch for that!
And if the pills work, report the results to Dr. Stevens, the head of the pharmacology department, please!

-We will, don’t worry and…well goodbye then doctor…it was a real honor to work with you both! Your sacrifice will be remembered. And enjoy your fantasy if you can.

-We will Arthur, we will! Give our love and thanks to the team! – And she cut the connection while smiling broadly to me.

-Just in time! Now I am happy. Let’s get ourselves roasted Sweetheart!

Now with much lighter hearts and followed by our ladies, we left our hut and walked in procession towards the open area where everything was going to take place.

The whole tribe was waiting for us there. Their attitude, of worshipping respect.

At the other side of the roasting pit, we noticed two big boards and knives, ready for the carving of our meat.

The Chief and the Chaman, in their ceremonial garments, joined us and Dr. Cosworth and I intoned in loud voice a pray to Zod we had prepared and rehearsed.

- “Oh Zod, here we are your daughters Blanche and Amy, to be voluntarily sacrificed to you for the good of your people. Grant them good hunts and harvests and take care of those who today will consume our meat!”

Hearing us they all bowed in worship. The Chief and the Chaman left us.
With the help of our ladies, we shed our garments and went to the roasting pit to supervise the red-hot coals. The flames had died down and the heat of the embers was fierce.
Soon we would be put to roast over them.

-Very soon now, we will be cooking here. Oh Amy, I am still so sorry! You are too young to die! - said Dr. Cosworth.

-Don't be Blanche. We have discussed it many times during the last days.
You are right we are going to die, but thanks to your plot and your courage, only you and me are going to die, instead of the whole expedition.

-But it should have been just me!

-Don't fool yourself my Love. You never could have done this only by yourself. And besides, I would never have accepted to leave you alone.

-Oh Amy! I love you so much!

-That is the point. I was convinced for years that my love for you was hopeless. And now I am your wife and had lived with you the most romantic and exciting days of my life.
I have had with you, the best and only true sex of my existence. So, in summary, my best hours!
Given the choice I would, of course, preferred to live a long life with you.
But that was never an option! - I declared taking her in my arms.

-And you know I feel the same my sweet girl and spouse.

-Yes. I am sure that had it not been for this disaster of expedition, we would never have been together. So, I am ready to be roasted in exchange of the joy of living our love for ten days and for the honor of dying as your wife Blanche.

-Amy! That is so sweet my Love!

-And now my gorgeous wife, it’s time we get those spits inside us and to get roasted and eaten. Let’s make our wildest fantasies true!

-Definitely my also gorgeous wife! - laughed Blanche.

We kissed for the last time, turned our backs to the red-hot coals and walked hand to hand towards the scaffolds that supported our skewers. The impalers, our lady attendants and several helpers were waiting respectfully behind them.
The ceremony couldn’t begin until we, the semi-goddesses, gave the order so we mounted the platforms and told them to start our sacrifice.

We first parted our labia and inserted the spit points until they penetrated us deeply.
Chants began and we instructed our executioners to bound us to the posts as planned.
Our ladies in wait started to spread more scented basting oil all over our bodies.

I saw how Blanche started to go up and down on her post, the spit deep and then almost out of her cunt. Several hands caressing her body.
The image was certainly shocking, having an intense eroticism and a powerful sexual charge.
She was so beautiful and I desired her so much at that moment!

Shaking myself out of my stupor, I started to slide up and down my spit too.

My maids were also basting my body to improve my flavor. My flavor!
Blanche naked in front of me. Her spit penetrating her, mine rubbing my clit, so many hands on us!

Soon, I couldn’t control myself and exploded in a blinding climax. No more than a few seconds later I saw Blanche trembling in her own orgasm.

The tribe exploded in a loud cheering. The have never seen the victims enjoying the sacrifice. We were their first crazy perverts and in such unique circumstances. Certainly, we had to be real goddesses!
Again, they took it as a very good omen.

We looked at each other while calming down.

-That was good, wasn’t it? Wife, you looked so sexy naked perched on your spit, that I had to masturbate! - said Blanche with a wink.

-Same here Wife! - I answered still panting. - I think it’s time to start the real thing and give these people an awesome show. Don’t you think?

-Absolutely! At the count of three? - proposed Blanche.

-No, my Love, let me do it first. I think it will be easier for me to keep my composure if you are watching me!

-As I told you many times Amy, I am convinced you will die well. Go ahead and show them!

I leaned forward and told my assistants what to do. Two of the young girls came closer to the scaffold, grabbed the platform-step my feet were resting on, and looked up to wait for my signal.

I took a deep breath and tried to grab the supporting pole with my hands tied behind my back. I pressed the spit with my thighs and knees and lifted my feet a few inches from the step. Almost all my weight resting now on the spit’s point.
The girls immediately removed the highest step.

I felt the pressure building up against my cervix. I few seconds later the spit punctured my womb and my body started to descend while the hardwood traveled up slowly inside my belly.

I gasped at the sudden acute pain, but took it without wriggling too much, until my feet found the next step.
I breathed again, adjusting to the weird sensation of being impaled up to my stomach.
I looked up at Blanche.

-Well done girl! - exclaimed Blanche.

-It just killed me! - I shouted back.

-Actually, the pills killed us before.
You see Amy? You are already half impaled and you didn't’ lost your nerve, you are so brave!

I offered her a pained smile. I was feeling the stiffness of my spit inside me and it was a really weird sensation.

-Thank you Love. It hurts, but I guess the drugs are turning it into something bearable.

-True! But we won’t have to suffer it for long Amy, we should be roasting quite soon!
Now it’s my turn, look at me!

I watched in amazement as she repeated my actions and got herself half impaled too.
She did it maintaining her eyes on mine the whole time, an intense passionate expression on her face. The waves of pain passing almost unnoticed on her beautiful features.

-Did you enjoy that Love? Did you liked seeing the spit going up my cunt? - she asked once she got down to the next step-platform.

- Yes Blanche. I enjoyed a lot seeing you getting the spit. You made me very hot in my depravity.

-Good. This is better than my fantasies Amy!
Had you walked into my office one day and asked me to impale myself for your pleasure, I would have thrown my clothes away and do it immediately without hesitation! Do you believe me Honey?

-Yes, because I feel the same. It has been so hot to go down the skewer with you looking at me! -I answered in a hoarse voice.

-I have masturbated many times imagining exactly this.

-Hot! Hahahaha! We were having the same dirty fantasies without knowing it! In the end this is turning out perfect.
Getting impaled and cooked in front of you! For you, with you, my love!
The best possible ending for a couple of perverts like us!

-Going down the spit for you, after having been yours for days, naked and tied with you watching! These were the best moments of my life! - insisted Dr. Cosworth.

-Yes, also the sensation of having 15 inches of my spit inside my body is incredibly erotic. My spit! Just thinking of it! The ultimate bondage! - I agreed.

She was looking so sexy naked, tied to the post and half skewered!
Speaking about that kind of things out loud and hearing them, aroused us greatly, so we kept saying them.

Blood was now trickling down the spits from our stretched cunts.

-We must continue Love, before we lose too much blood.

I nodded my agreement and we asked the Jarubayas to get ready for the next step of the sacrifice.

-I want you to order me gutted! - asked Blanche.

-All right! After, you will do it for me.

I gave the instructions and one of the helpers with a big knife took position in front Blanche and rested the point of the knife just beneath her sternum.
A woman with an empty bowl took position at his side.
Dr. Cosworth pressed with her body forward, offering herself to the blade.

The gutter looked at me. I looked a Blanche. She was smiling and gave me a slight nod.

-Do it! - I ordered.

He buried the blade into my wife’s belly.
She gasped in pain, but kept her body still.
The man moved down the knife along Blanche’s soft belly cutting her open.

He retired back a step and the maid came forward.
Blanche’s bowels burst out into the bowl. The man cut them from her body and opening her wide, started to remove almost all her organs.

A boy brought an arrow with a red-hot point from the pit and he started to cauterize all her internal wounds.
Blanche first looked at the point of fainting, but the strong drugs kept her alert and she watched intently what was being done to her.

I could even see the spit inside her open belly.
Frequently we’ll look for the other’s eyes and I conveyed my whole support, thinking that soon I would be cut open too.

Two of our ladies took over now and quickly sewn closed my wife’s belly with a few efficient stitches.

Our female attendants were massaging oil over her, speaking soothingly to Blanche.
I was rubbing myself on the spit, his stiffness filling me, terrified but horny as hell.

-Amy, I have been gutted, ready to be cooked. I can’t believe this is for real.

-Well, it is! And now it is my turn. We can´t waste time. Give the order! - I asked while steeling myself for my ordeal.

Blanche was totally conscious and alert in spite of what she had endured. The combination of pills was working perfectly, we just hoped that long enough for us to feel the heat of the coals.

Blanche ordered firmly my evisceration and the same man and women came in front of me.
I also offered my belly and was cut open immediately. I gritted my teeth seeing my insides removed and destroyed.

When the ladies finished sewing my body closed, I took a moment to rest and next, I called Blanche:

-We are still here Darling!

-Yes Amy, we are gutted, half spited and still alive! So far, so good. Let’s hope we reach the roasting pit too.
We still must go ahead without delay.

-You are right. It’s time to get fully skewered and be put to roast. This people must be getting hungry Love.

-And it's also time for our last words. We won't be able to talk much longer and I want to confirm our statements before my skewer shuts me up forever. - said my blonde wife.

-Good idea. You start.

-I am Dr. Blanche Cosworth and at the time of my death, I want to confirm my declaration recorded on our camp last week. - Blanche stated in a clear voice in spite of the pole well inside her. She was addressing their god, apparently but in reality, the faculty’s microphones and cameras-
I came here on my free will, knowing I would be cooked and eaten. For the reasons stated of preserving the lives of my team and my own inclinations.
Professor Amy Howard chose to share my fate and we decided to get married before we turned ourselves in to the natives. I declare once again my love for her.
I don’t want this tribe to be held responsible for our death. We came looking for them, not the other way around.
I give unrestricted permission for the use of audiovisual material on our live and death with the Jarubayas for scientific, noncommercial purposes.
But we understand and don’ mind if people get excited watching us naked, being cooked and eaten. We are excited!
So, I have no regrets and want to clarify that I would do it again!

-Well said my Love! - I continued - I professor Amy Howard, subscribe and confirm everything my loved wife just stated.
I want to be here with her and I am totally in love with her.

We looked at each other smiling. It was weird to see us with the wooden shafts sticking out from our pussies and the stitches on our bellies. But it was always arousing and I found Blanche incredibly sexy like that.

-This is it, Amy! Shall we go down?

-Yes! Ready when you are. I love you, Blanche Cosworth. I am very happy dying as your wife! - I answered.

-I love you too Amy Howard. I am ashamed to say it, but I am very glad you are here with me!

I smiled knowingly.

-This turned out so well! It is a shame we won’t be able to repeat it!

-You are right once again Love! Nothing is perfect! - laughed Dr. Cosworth.

Next, she looked at the members of the tribe, respectfully standing in front of us, in their language:

-Zod is very pleased with the way the sacrifice is being conducted.
Complete it now. Finish our skewering, put us on the fire to roast and eat us! - ordered goddess Blanche.

Our impalers put their right arm around our bodies, just below our breasts, holding our weight.
Our ladies began again the basting massage, paying special attention to our tits and clits. It was as pleasant as ever.
The last platform step was removed and my impaler took my right hand with his left. I was very grateful for the human contact.

I noticed Blanche’s impaler was doing the same.
We were looking into each other’s eyes most of the time.

The impalers started to let us slide down the spits slowly. The pain appeared again, but the caresses of our ladies, the hands of our executioners squeezing ours and watching the other in the same predicament, made this last stage almost pleasant.

Blanche was a little ahead of me. Her impaler put his right hand on her forehead and whispering soothing words on her ear, let her go.
Just before Blanche tilted her head back, she looked into my eyes and muted “I love you”.

The vision was incredibly erotic, her naked body wriggling a little, I saw her spit’s point exiting her mouth.
She was still alive!

I could now feel my spit reaching my throat. Sensing the end, I moved by head back. The spit pushed my tongue and it came out between my lips.
I was now skewered from cunt to mouth!
We were done!

To my relief I noticed the carvings along the spits were working and we were breathing!
Quickly cross bars were fixed to the spits and we were secured to them. Our bindings to the poles were removed and several warriors took the spits and moved them to the horizontal position.
They carried us towards the pit.

The sensation of the pole totally through my body was totally shocking.
I could see Blanche being carried in front of me and placed over the coals.

I was being put to roast!
The walking of the warriors carrying me, made my clit rub my spit and my body trembled, seized by a big orgasm.
I couldn´t believe it!

Soon I was at Blanche’s side. Cranks were set at the ends and several children began to rotate us.
We have reached the roasting pit still alive!
The drug´s effects were amazing!

We had been many things: academics, lovers, even goddess but now, we were being converted into meat by our spits and the red-hot coals.
To become succulent roasts was now our sole goal.

Blanche looked really good roasting at my side!
Fortunately, with my ankles bound to the crossbar, I had enough purchase to move up and down the pole, stimulating my stretched sex while looking at my naked wife.

I was beginning to smell the aromatic basting oil heated by the coals. In fact, it seemed I was smelling also my own meat, beginning to cook.
Somebody was brushing a cold basting sauce over my body as I rotated.
I could feel my boobs tumbling and turning with the rotations and hanging down heavy when facing the embers. All that were very pleasant sensations.

The heat was fierce, and I was aware of the pain the whole time. But somehow the drug was blocking that part of my brain.
I knew I was dying, but still, I was feeling a kind of fulfilment.
I really hoped we would taste good.
I looked again at my beautiful wife roasting naked with me.
This was our place, roasting together.

Then I noticed she was moving her hands and at the next turn she had her right-hand thumb, up.

The signal! I had completely forgotten!

Everything was right. As planned, our friends were safe and we were being turned into meat. We were about to be eaten. Together!

Blanche had been wrong; some things are perfect…or at least almost perfect!
I put my thumb up and drifted away with my last orgasm…

The End
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