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The Brampton Jail Break and Its Resolution

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The Brampton Jail Break and Its Resolution

Back in the 1500s, the old city of Brampton was quite progressive in its handling of penal punishment. Like many of the capitals of the olde world, it was common to cleanse the souls of accused witches by burning them at the stake. This not only prevented them from performing further acts for the devil, the fire washed the sins from their souls as they were burned to death- never mind the women suffered ghastly torments as the fire extinguished their sins.

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For having a concern about burning women, Brampton kept the practice of burning witches through much of the 1500s. They particularly enjoyed the fear and panic the women would show once they were bound to the post but the pyre had yet to be lit.

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There was a certain satisfaction the Bramptonians got when the fire started to lick the witch’s flesh. The women would always scream and most begged for mercy.

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Although the witches put out a horrible stench as they were burned, the practice was continued through the century.

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But something needed to be done about executing women who were not accused of witchcraft. A trader from one of the neighboring states suggested it was neater and more merciful to behead the condemned criminal. He convinced they the woman would still be just as dead as if they had burned her and she would not stick as much. He even sold Brampton one of his ‘headsman axes’ he happened to have on his cart. Soon beheading became the method of execution in Brampton.

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It turned out it was an effective means to put a woman to death. One swing of the axe and her head was swiftly removed from her body.

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But there were still some problems from just cutting the condemned woman’s head off. First the citizens of Brampton complained the women were put to death too quickly. If you blinked, you missed her head bouncing on the platform. And the janitors began to complain the women’s headless corpse were a bloody mess that they didn’t have to contend with when the women were burned to ashes.

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Something had to be done, and their solution came in the form of a woman traveling from the Anjou Province. Messaline fortunately had one of her premium French nooses on her and offered the city a nice discount on the instrument. She even volunteered to stick around till the next woman was to be put to death.

Charges were made up placed a fine-looking lady who was found guilty and condemned to death. Messaline even helped put the noose around the woman’s neck while she sat bound and naked on the horse she would be hanged from.

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The woman asked “I won’t feel a thing, right?”

“Only a little tug” Messaline assured her. She was lying a little bit…
They particularly enjoyed the fear and panic the women would show once they were bound to the post
Obviously gentlemen of discernment and good taste back in the day. Plus when the pyre is lit a good opportunity for a sausage sizzle!

So why ruin a good day out of traditional fun with these new fangled speedy methods? That’s the problem with modernism- always in such a darn hurry.

What’s wrong with gathering around the pillory and slowly whipping something to death? You could make a weekend out of it! Or something crueler, like crucifixion, could be drawn out by many days!

There’s nothing to say you can’t combine this with some judicious use of @messaline ’s premium ropes too. Plenty of blue state girls need being taught some lessons, why not a festival of pain? Like the good old days?
Hanging criminals (well, mostly the women-type) became the method of execution in Brampton through the balance of the 1500s and the 1600s. Women would be brought out to the hanging tree where an empty noose swayed from on of the study branches. Again, Brampton was ahead of its time and the women were brought out on the back of a horse, bound but otherwise naked. This was done to show even women were not above the punishment of the noose.

Stephy was brought out on horseback to be hanged for failing to reproduce and sustain Brampton’s population. What really happened was she refused the town’s preacher’s lewd advances. It is never a good idea to mess with the church.

Stephy sat on the horse and looked at the noose waiting for her neck. The horse’s hair tickled her exposed vagina.

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Normally something like this would be very stimulating for Stephy but the business at hand distracts her. The noose was pulled over her head and tightened. There would be no escape from her date with the noose.

The horse’s arse was given a swat and it bolted from under the tree. The somewhat pleasant touch of its hair disappeared from between her legs and Stephy dangled by her neck under the tree.

Stephy had seen more than a few women hanged before. Their naked bodies always thrashed so artistically as they slowly choked to death. It never occurred to her how horrible it would be to hang by her neck. Now she knew.

Stephy twisted as her feet searched for the ground they would not find. The weight of her body pressed the rope into her throat but the noose was well made and was slow to squeeze her throat shut.

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The noose cocked her head to one side. She glanced down trying to help her feet find the ground. She hanged for almost five minutes before she could not draw any air. It was another minute before she hung limp and very dead. The people of Brampton headed off to the local tavern to celebrate the death the young ‘criminal’. Stephy would be left hanging by her neck until sunset.

Hanging a woman to death is probably more merciful than burning her at the stake or cutting her head off. Burning someone to death is obviously painful as their screams attest to. Cutting her head off is quick and relatively painless but the ceremony beforehand seems to drag the wait for the fatal chop out forever. The sanitation crew was never liked cleaning up the dismembered body. Hanging a woman took care of her screams as she choked to death and her remains were pretty easy to take away. But it does have its drawbacks.

Rarely does the condemned woman own her own horse so one must be provided. Usually a gold coin or two would suffice but if the horse’s owner insisted on having the horse washed after the woman is hanged from its back, that could be a coin or two out of the city’s budget. You see, women would often lose control of their bladder as they waited to be hanged.

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Years later a psychiatrist named Sigmund speculated the women would actually have their last orgasm before they were hanged but laws at his time did not allow him to hang a woman to see if she came.

In the late 1600s the idea of using a tree to hang the condemned became somewhat passe. It seemed too much like a lynching that could happen on the side of a country road. They hired a carpenter to fashion a ‘hanging pole’ to hang the condemned prisoners from. When they got tired of paying someone to clean the horses, the idea came up to just hang the prisoners without using a horse. A couple of city workers could grab the grab the rope and easily hang a condemned woman when she was hoisted up naked.

It was a simple design. You could toss the rope over the beam and hoist her up- you didn’t even need an eyebolt though it made lifting her easier. Somewhere along the line, the term ‘gallows’ was placed on the structure. It didn’t need a trapdoor since they were lifting the woman up to hang her. The people seemed to enjoy watching the condemned woman’s dance as the noose slowly closed around her neck.

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Into the early 1700s the hoisting of a criminal and hanging her till she dead was the ‘industry standard’. As few strong men could easily hang a condemned woman and a bucket of water could clean up any accidents she might have had when she was hanged if anyone cared.

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In Brampton they even covered the cost of the hangmen by selling the hanged women’s bodies to the area’s farmers as pig feed until some self-righteous people raised a stink about making money off the dead criminal’s bodies.

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So the hanging of convicted women continued into the mid-1700s. The woman would be paraded naked through town as she was taken to the gallows.

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The townsfolk were notorious for judging the woman as she was marched to the gallows. The women citizens were the worst as they could pick out any ‘flaw’ on the woman that they did not have.

By then, Brampton had built a platform for the condemned woman to stand on while the charges against her were read and her sentence announce to the spectators. She could go nowhere as she was naked and wore hand irons. The noose around her neck also limited her mobility.

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Once all the official Brampton stuff was over, a pair of strong men would hoist the woman up by her neck.

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The cheering from the crowd when she left the platform was almost payment enough to hang her.

But things still weren’t perfect for everybody. After one woman had been hanged, a woman named Joan Tree stepped onto the platform and looked at the dead woman hanging before her.

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She shook her head and thought ‘What a waste for a body like that to be placed in a pine box and rot buried. Well, they said we can’t feed them to the pigs, but what if we…”
Using her negotiating skills (she slept with every man in power in Brampton) Joan Tree was able to convince them it was a waste of wood and resources to put the executed women in a casket and bury them. She stopped in to visit Ellen Romero who was scheduled to be hanged that day.

Joan was in her typical mood, talking disdainfully to the condemned woman. “Well Ellen, I see you have been condemned to death for not giving your husband any offspring.”

Ellen protested “I had slept with him whenever he wanted to. It is not my fault he became interested in that maid we have!”

“I cannot control the force of nature has on men. But don’t worry. After you hanged you won’t be pushing up daisies from your coffin” Joan said.

“What do you mean” Ellen asked. “I thought it was illegal to send our bodies to the pig farm.”

“Oh, it is” Joan replied “but instead of hanging your sorry ass and burying you, Mr. Hill from the butcher shop is going to make a fine feast of your body! See, you would be rotting away in coffin once you are dead!”

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Most women are less than cooperative when they are brought to the gallows for their execution and Ellen fit the norm quite well. Once she say the noose hanging in front of her she put up a spirited fight.

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She screamed “It’s not my fault I didn’t have any babies. My son of a bitch husband was too damn busy screwing the maid.”

To the delight of the crowd, the hangman had to wrestle Ellen to the noose so she could be hanged.

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One of the women from Ellen’s church steadied her as a what she thought was good friend slipped the noose overhead.

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“Come on, Ellen, you know the court said you should be put to death” she told Ellen. “Now hold still while I tighten this thing around your neck so we can hang you.”

A pair of city workers grabbed the rope opposite of the noose around Ellen’s neck and started to lift her from the platform. Ellen began to twist and buck as her feet left the ground. The women watching her hanging all appreciated the pain she was going experiencing. One of them commented “I hear Mr. Hill made the noose just for her. He said the slower she dies, the better her meat will be!”

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One does not know how Mr. Hill became an expert on the proper way to cook hanged women, but he seemed to know how to make a noose that would make Ellen suffer longer than the other women Brampton had hanged. The crowd loudly cheered when Ellen was still kicking when she had been hanged for a quarter of an hour.

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Ellen, unable to talk with the rope squeezing her throat, wondered how much longer before she died.

It was twenty minutes before Ellen gave her last twitches. They left her hanging long enough for her body to cool to air temperature. Mr. Hill prepared the barbeque while the people admired Ellen’s naked hanged body.

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Ellen’s body was spitted and placed over the fire. History did not record whether the people were admiring Mr. Hill’s skills at cooking the naked woman or if they were interested in watching the naked body cook.

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Whatever drew their attention, Mr. Hill did an excellent job barbequing Ellen.

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The even marveled at how delicately he basted her finest parts.

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Over time refinements would evolve. Women’s executions were bunched together so there was adequate meat for all takers. They even put aside one woman to feed the poor of Brampton.

This tradition went through the 1800s and the twentieth century when Brampton would hold feasts consisting of executed women’s meat at the start of each season. They even made the events a ‘holy event’ to quiet the rabblerousers who were against the capital punishment of women.

This continued into the 2000s when Brampton would face a new threat to their traditions.
Joan Tree’s idea of having a feast on the first day of each season was quite popular with the citizens of Brampton. They would turn out in masses to see the condemned women hanged on the gallows and the enjoy watching them finely grilled. One cannot say the women they were watching felt the same way.

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Word soon got out (women gossip, you know) and soon the women sentenced to be hanged were found guilty of trumped-up charges just so there was enough women to make a feast.

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Whether the women were hanged on false charges or not, they always made a fine dinner once barbequed using Mr. Hill’s secret recipe.

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Brampton soon had to resort to convicting innocent women to be hanged and cooked. Molly Widetwat was arrested and tied for failure to procreate. It did not bother the court that Miss Widetwat was not married. A woman of her looks and age surely could have attracted a fine man to marry and make babies with. Molly Widetwat was convicted of the dubious charges and sentenced to be hanged on December 23 so her body could be slow cook on Christmas Eve.

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Molly had never heard of such a crime even existing as she was led from the courtroom a condemned woman.

It turns out there is not a huge demand for barbequed women during the holidays. A lot of people are stuck on having turkey or ham for the feast. But still, there was enough demand that Molly was taken to the small gallows near the butcher shop where she would be hanged naked and her body cooked to perfection.

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Molly nearly froze to death standing on the barrel as she waited to be hanged.

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Mercifully for her, the barrel was kicked away before she caught frostbite. Molly probably did not appreciate being hanged to death, but she didn’t catch cold, and she made a fine entrée for the feast.

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Unfortunately, many years later, Professor Barbara Moore was doing research on the new volume of her book “The Persecution of Women In the Court Systems of the World”.

She happened upon the history of Brampton and read about Molly Widetwat. Further research revealed one of her great-great aunts and her friends were hanged in Brampton and were the center of a spring feast.

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She found out such practices still occur to this day and a group of nine women would soon be hanged and roasted on the first day of this year’s summer!

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Barbara leaned back from her laptop and said “They can’t do that!”

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But what could a university professor possibly do to stop the slaughter of these women???

Tree thanks MValim for a couple pictures used...
But what could a university professor possibly do to stop the slaughter of these women? Barbara arranged to meet the chancellor of the University of the Virgin Martyrs where she was an esteemed professor. As the school year had already closed and the next year’s budget not yet released, she needed funds to plan and lead an expedition to Brampton to save the women damned to be hanged and used as the main course for Brampton’s summer festival that was less than a week away. It was going to be a tough sell, since had wildly exceeded her budget from last year.

Barbara took no chances and wore what she knew would get the chancellor’s attention and increase her odds of getting the funds. It appears to have worked. After the chancellor caused her of the dangers of going into Brampton to save the condemned women, he still capitulated and gave her the funds Barbara had asked for. The chancellor’s secretary asked Barbara if she knew what could happen if she got caught.

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Barb turned to the secretary and said “I presume I will be taken to the town square and be hanged naked in front of all the people. I can take comfort that at least I tried to save nine innocent women from such a fate”

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The secretary warned Barbara “You’ll be lucky if they hang you. As a foreigner you could be accused of being a spy and end up tied to a post staring at a firing squad.”

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The thought of staring down the barrels of rifles about to end her life made Barbara warm and wet in her loins but she carried on like the trooper she considered herself to be. Barbara went to the teacher’s lounge and grabbed the ancient rotary phone and dialed her closest friends.

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She explained her mission and even told her friends the dangers they could encounter. Much to her surprise, not one of her friends asked to be left out.

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Barbara went to the MSP airport where there was a Gulf Stream 600 waiting for her.

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It was the cheapest plane she could charter that stocked an unlimited supply of Reisling. As the THT charter flew her to Europe to pick up her friends, she called the charter’s owner, a Mr. T. H. Tree, to make a new arrangement. On the call, Barbara asked for an array of high-caliber automatic weapons. Tree was reluctant to supply such armament to someone he hardly knew. His reluctance was heighted when Barbara could not pay for the weapons in advance.

Barbara growled over the phone “Look, you bastard, I paid for this round-trip flight in advance without even seeing the plane. You know I am good for the money! …What? …Yes, the Reisling is fine… Do we have a deal?”

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“Good. Have them delivered to Bitedure the day after tomorrow. I’ll pay you in cash there” Barbara said. “…no, I have a way to get them into Brampton from there. Just have the guns there. I am under a tight schedule.”

Barbara stopped in several countries picking up her team. Her last stop was in the Anjou province where she picked up Messaline and Judith. On the flight to Bitedure, she explained she may need some help getting military vehicles to get them into Brampton. Messaline said she would do whatever was necessary to save the women from being hanged.

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It turned out Messaline knew just what to do to get the team the wheels they needed to get into Brampton.

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Barb and her team got into Brampton in the pre-dawn hours of the day the women were to be hanged…
Barbara and her team took up strategic positions surrounding the Brampton jail and the path to the gallows the women would be forced to march as they were brought to their mass hanging. The women carefully prepared their weapons to ensure the women be covered when they made their escape.

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The team was prepared for anything that could possibly happen. They even posted Eulalia in tank by the city’s gates to give cover to the escaping women.

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The women were impressed at the weapons Tree could get on such a short notice. Thet felt they were ready for whatever the Brampton government could throw at them. One thing Barbara had overlooked was how she was going to let the condemned women they were there to rescue them. Tree told Barb he would handle it which was a good thing as you can’t just send the women prisoners a text message laying out the plan.

Tree arranged for a friend of his to visit the jail and warn the women of the rescue plan. Sister Angel only got to meet with one of the women. She told the woman when it seemed like heaven was crashing down on her to remember it was their salvation. The woman asked ‘what heaven crashing down’ sounded like. Sister Angel did not know but she told the woman she would know when it happened. The woman asked what she should do when heaven crashed down. Sister Angel said “I suppose you should run, unless you really want them to hang you.”

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She added “Though I think if they do hang you, your naked tits would make a great show shaking on your chest while the noose chokes you.”

Sister Angel’s message must have gotten through. The condemned women were lined up in the jail’s courtyard while the assistant warden lectured them on what was about to happen to them. He said “You will be taken to the gallows dressed as you are (they were naked) where we tie your hands behind you and lead you up onto the gallows. A noose will be placed around your necks, and you will be hanged one at a time until you have all been executed and are ready to be cooked.”

The man looked quizzically at the women and asked if there was something they did not understand. The blond who had talked with Sister Angel looked at her fellow prisoners.

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She was relieved when none of them put up any protest nor mentioned anything about the planned escape. Boldly she said “Do your filthy deed. You won’t be happy till we are all dead!”

The women were marched from the courtyard and onto the street leading to the gallows.

Lying concealed by tall grass, Judith asked Messaline when they should open fire. Crouched behind a submachine gun, Messaline said “Barb said she would give a signal.”

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Judith asked what the signal would be and Messa said “I don’t know, but she said we won’t miss it.”

About that time, from her position Barb pulled the trigger on the rifle she was holding. It was only slightly smaller than a cannon

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Its report filled the streets and her team laid out a volley of gunfire to cover the women’s escape. Seven of them bolted for an opening leading to a field…

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…while a pair ran through an open gate that was covered by a pair of archers that really need more training on their weapons.

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All nine women successfully escaped being hanged. Barb was still crouched in the grass looking pleased she saved the women from their execution.

“Well, what do we have here” a voice asked.

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Barbara looked up in horror at a pair of guns pointing at her…
Barbara arranged to meet the chancellor of the University of the Virgin Martyrs where she was an esteemed professor.


Barbara took no chances and wore what she knew would get the chancellor’s attention


Barbara went to the teacher’s lounge and grabbed the ancient rotary phone and dialed her closest friends.

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Barbara went to the MSP airport where there was a Gulf Stream 600 waiting for her.

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It was the cheapest plane she could charter that stocked an unlimited supply of Reisling


Messaline said she would do whatever was necessary to save the women from being hanged.

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I can always count on my French sisters!

It turned out Messaline knew just what to do to get the team the wheels they needed to get into Brampton.

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Like I said ….;)

hey even posted Eulalia in tank by the city’s gates to give cover to the escaping women.

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Certainly seemed like a sensible idea.

Lying concealed by tall grass, Judith asked Messaline when they should open fire. Crouched behind a submachine gun, Messaline said “Barb said she would give a signal.”

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And I did! :flamethrower2:

“Well, what do we have here” a voice asked.

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Barbara looked up in horror at a pair of guns pointing at her…

OH SHIT! :eek::facepalm:
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Barbara looked up in horror at a pair of guns pointing at her…
See, Barb, the thing is, you can hide in the grass, sure, but when you pull the trigger that thing goes 'BANG!'

And folk tend to notice that. ;)
“Well, what do we have here” a voice asked. Barbara looked up in horror at a pair of guns pointing at her. Barbara swung herself around and she tried to get shots off at the soldiers, but a shot was fired sending her sprawling onto her back.

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The male soldier asked “Is she dead?”

“No, I just hit her with a Joan Tree Horny dart. Stay away from her. Your gun is no defense once the stun wears off” his partner said. “She’ll want to fuck you to death once the drug takes effect.”

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It took a team of specially trained guards to take Barbara back to the Brampton jail. No matter how much she begged them to fuck her, they did not give in to her appealing offers.

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Back in the Brampton jail, three members of Barbara’s team had been captured and were being prepared for their incarceration. Their camouflaged clothing was removed and one of the guards said “Now you a ready to be searched.”

One of the women said “We are naked. What more do you have to search?”

The guard lowered his trousers’ zipper and said “We can't have you bringing anything into the jail.”

With lust in his voice, he pulled out his manhood and said “I’m afraid we have to do cavity searches on you.”

The women’s eyes opened wide in disbelief.

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It was not without a fight but Judith and Messaline were captured near their position. Messaline put up a valiant resistance, but the guards overwhelmed her. During her apprehension her uniform was torn from her body. The guards admired her curvaceous body but were far too professional to be distracted by her feminine charm.

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Back at the Brampton jail, Judith and Messaline were both give thorough searches of all their most private parts. Messaline convinced the guards to allow them to shower after they searched. The two of them stood intimately in a single shower stall. Judith said in desperation “One of the guards said they could hang us all for insurrection!”

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Messaline said “I will not be hanged from one of Brampton’s crude nooses. I’ll confess to anything as long as they swear they won’t hang me!”

And later that day, Messaline was given a confession to sign. She read the first page and found it had noted she and the others would not be hanged for their crimes. She skipped to the last page and signed the document.

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The guard in charge asked “Don’t you think you ought to read what you are signing?”

Messaline said “No, it is in English, and I speak French. I know it said you will not hang me from one of your godforsaken ropes, so what could go wrong?”
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It took a team of specially trained guards to take Barbara back to the Brampton jail. No matter how much she begged them to fuck her, they did not give in to her appealing offers.

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And I even tried saying “pretty please”. :oops:
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