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The Branding Challenge - Mary's Perspective

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I'm imaging a series of challenges that, for whatever reason, sees a beautiful young woman endure unbearable agonies in rooms of torture with a crowd watching. Something akin to an episode of Black Mirror. And.... I may or may not have had Mary Mouser in mind when I wrote this...... You may think that, I couldn't possibly comment....

The Branding Crucifix: Mary’s Perspective

The metal crucifix loomed over me, cold and unforgiving, as I was secured to it with heavy, iron restraints. My arms were stretched wide, my legs bound tightly to the bottom of the frame, leaving me completely exposed. The rough metal pressed against my back, but I barely noticed the discomfort—my mind was focused on the punishment that awaited me.

The assistants moved in the shadows, preparing the branding irons, each one glowing red-hot in the dim light. I could feel the heat radiating from the irons even from a distance, making the air around me thick and oppressive. My heart pounded in my chest, my breath coming in short, ragged bursts as the reality of what was about to happen began to sink in.

The Whip Master stood nearby, his whip coiled in his hand, his eyes locked on me with a cold, calculating gaze. He didn’t need to speak—his presence alone was enough to make my skin crawl with fear. I knew that no amount of pleading would save me from what was coming.

“Let’s begin,” the Whip Master said softly, his voice carrying a note of cruel amusement.

The first branding iron pressed against my back, just above my shoulder blades.

The pain was immediate and overwhelming.

I screamed as the red-hot iron seared into my flesh, the heat burning deep into my skin, leaving a blistering, charred mark across my back. My body convulsed, my muscles twitching uncontrollably as the pain consumed me. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, thick and nauseating, and I gagged, my stomach churning at the scent of my own skin being scorched.

The crowd erupted in cheers, their voices full of excitement as they watched my suffering.

“Good start,” one of them shouted, their voice dripping with cruel satisfaction. “Make it deeper!”

The branding iron was pulled away, but the pain didn’t stop. My back throbbed with every heartbeat, the burned skin sending waves of agony through my body. My breath came in short, desperate gasps, and I could feel the sweat dripping down my face, mixing with the tears that had already started to fall.

But the branding wasn’t over.

The assistant moved lower, pressing the second iron against the back of my thigh. I screamed again, my body jerking violently as the heat burned through my skin, leaving another deep, blistering wound. The pain was unbearable, my mind spinning as the reality of the torture set in. There was no escape—no relief from the searing heat.


The whip lashed across my chest, the sharp sting of the blow cutting through the burning pain. I gasped, my body convulsing as the Whip Master delivered another lash, this time across my stomach. The branding and whipping combined left my entire body trembling, the pain overwhelming every sense.

“Please,” I begged, my voice trembling. “Please, stop...”

The Whip Master stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Do you have something to offer us, Mary?” he asked softly, his voice full of mock sympathy.

I knew what he meant. The only thing I had left to offer was my skin—my last remaining currency in this nightmare.

“Take it,” I whispered, tears streaming down my face. “Take my skin... just stop this...”

The assistant stepped forward, holding the chicken wire. They wrapped it tightly around my upper arm, pulling it so tight that my skin bulged through the gaps. The pressure was unbearable, but it was nothing compared to what came next.

The knife slid beneath my skin, and I screamed as the assistant carefully peeled away a small square of flesh. The pain was sharp and excruciating, my body convulsing as they held up the slice of my skin for the crowd to see.

“Who wants a souvenir?” the assistant called out, their voice full of cruel glee.

A crowd member eagerly stepped forward, their eyes locked on the piece of my skin. They chewed slowly, savoring the taste, and grinned as they looked back at me.

“Salty,” they said with a smirk. “Burnt... but tender.”

I gagged, my stomach churning as I watched them devour a piece of my own body. The horror of what was happening left me speechless, my mind reeling as the pain and humiliation overwhelmed me.

But the branding wasn’t over.

The assistant moved to the other side of the crucifix, pressing the next iron against my leg, just above my knee. The pain was sharper this time, the heat searing through my skin with such intensity that I couldn’t stop the scream that tore from my throat. My body convulsed, the restraints holding me in place as the branding iron left another deep, blistering burn across my flesh.

The crowd cheered louder, their voices full of excitement as they watched me writhe in agony.

“More!” someone shouted. “Brand her deeper!”

The assistant grinned, their hand steady as they pressed the branding iron against my inner thigh. The pain was unbearable, my entire body shaking as the heat burned through the tender skin, leaving me gasping for breath. The smell of burning flesh was stronger now, the air thick with the scent of my own body being scorched.

But the worst was yet to come.

The assistant moved the iron higher, pressing it against my stomach this time. I let out another choked scream as the heat burned into my skin, leaving a deep, charred mark just below my ribs. The pain was all-consuming, my mind slipping in and out of awareness as the agony overwhelmed me.

The Whip Master stepped forward again, his whip uncoiling in his hand.


The whip lashed across my chest, the sharp sting adding to the already unbearable pain. My body jerked forward, my skin tearing against the metal restraints as the whip left another deep, stinging welt across my chest.


Another lash, this time across my stomach. I couldn’t stop the sobs that wracked my body, my chest heaving as I gasped for air. The pain was too much—too overwhelming—but I had no choice but to endure it.

The assistant held up the final branding iron, the tip glowing red-hot as they moved toward me.

This time, the iron pressed against my chest, just above my breasts.

I screamed louder than before, my voice cracking as the heat burned through the sensitive skin. The pain was sharp and immediate, a deep, searing agony that left me breathless. My body convulsed, my muscles twitching as the branding iron left another deep, blistering mark across my chest.

The crowd roared with approval, their voices full of excitement as they watched my suffering.

“Please,” I whimpered, my voice barely audible. “Please... stop...”

But the branding continued...
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