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The Candles (Working title)

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Hi all, I have been working on a short story, and am going to share a draft of the first chapter. I am taking inspiration from the legends of Roman Candles and the Blazing Bull, to name a few. There will be an eventual depiction of a crucifixion in the story as well, but the descriptions in this chapter deal with execution by fire, among other things…

Chapter One

Plans for a Feast

Semster Gerros, advisor to his Imperial Majesty, arrives on the planet Dorno IV. Semster has been tasked by the Council of Regents to plan an event to mark the occasion of the Emperor’s 40th birthday. His orders are explicit: seek out and obtain the services of a harem that can meet the desires of an Emperor who has seen, and sampled, every known pleasure.
At the behest of a well known politician, he has come to Dorno IV to seek out a slave trader reputed to have access to an underworld harem of extravagant pleasures...

“You came highly recommended to me, I am told that you have the ability to satiate any apatite, possibly even my client’s...”
Seated across from Semster at a long steel table, the hooded figure of the slave trader smiles, swirling their glass gracefully, the whirling amber liquid inside catching the last rays of Dorno IV’s setting sun streaming in through the open doors of the nearby terrace balcony.

“If I am not able to stay your client’s desires, I’m afraid no one in the galaxy will be able to do better. Let’s cut to the chase. You have heard about me, clearly, and of course I have heard about your client. What I have to offer is well beyond what anyone else can provide, let lone, conceive of. I am going to assume that budget is of no concern to your client?”
Semster nods, in turn taking a sip from his own fragile glass.

The slave trader continues. “In that case, I’m sure it will not concern you. However, let the options be considered, prior to us moving forward in our discussion: I can offer your client one night, one night of sins beyond their wildest imagination, and far outside of anyone else’s ability to realize. One night of the most delicious agony imaginable, for some, and otherwise un- obtainable ecstasy for your client and their guests. This I can provide, but it will be one night only. No recordings will be permitted, and there is a definite, er, expiration to the festivities. Starting the evening off, upon arrival we will provide you and your guests with all the securities, pleasures, pampering, and accommodations that can be had. The main event will begin promptly on time, and will expire exactly three hours later. Afterwards there will be an assortment of escort girls provided, and any other reasonable accommodations that your client might ask for. I can promise you at least several of the most erotic, evil, and sensational orgasms of your client’s life... But! They might find a more lasting, though less memorable pleasure by say, buying an island on the paradise world of Tolmondo, or by charting an eternity cruise through a White Hole. My rates would be similar to such extravagances as these.”

Semster felt his pulse quicken. The worry of money was farthest from his mind, he knew that with the backing of the council, he was authorized to agree to any amount. For after all, what was money to an Emperor? Semster’s excitement grew for his own hopeful involvement in whatever activities the Emperor and his Council got up to. As the Emperor’s favored advisor, he had already born witness to an insanity of sex, orgy and lust that should have lasted mortal men a lifetime, and then some. But for men like his Emperor, there was always the lust for more...

“I consider only what you have to offer us.”

The slave trader smiled politely. “Are you familiar with any of the old emperors of Earth? In particular, the great Emperor Nero?”

“Forgive me, I am not. What of him?”

“I have studied some of the way in which the old world rulers of the past would exercise their passions. A lot can be learned from Earth’s old world rulers. After all, though there might not be any new ideas under the sun, one can need only change their time and place for an idea to be in vogue and seem new again.”

The slave trader took another drink from his goblet, and continued.

“Nero was documented to have thrown extravagant parties in his time. In particular, I have appreciated his pretense towards fire, fire being such a fitting tool to use in the flexing of one’s power over another... From Nero we get the stories of his ‘Roman Candles,’ as they came to be called. Nero would punished political prisoners by coating their strung bodies in pitch, oil, wax or other flammable materials before lighting their feet and using them as human candles. The 'Roman Candles' were used to light formal parties within the imperial gardens, whilst lit in such a way to prolong torture and pain. Elite guests of these private gatherings would seek entertainment from the suffering, whilst candles also gave a decoration and torchlight which they considered desirable.”

Semster felt his pulse quickening throughout the slave trader’s explanation. “Are you saying that you can provide us with a spectacle such as this?”

“Indeed we can. Your client and his guests will be able to bear witness to the execution of thirteen of the most beautiful female slaves this world has to offer. I guarantee that each one of them will put on a spectacular show for you and your guests before she is allowed to expire. My methods are cruel, cunning, and delightfully sadistic. All thirteen of them will be burned alive, slowly, and with modern methods to prolong and enhance their pain and suffering. What’s more, their agony will be on un-obstructed view throughout the presentation. Twelve of the thirteen slaves will be suspended and burned alive on display with a special fire, invisible to the human eye, with no smoke, no perceptible flame. The fire burns a gas called methanol, very expensive, I might note. The slaves will be suspended with their arms stretched above their heads, fulling on display, and able to move only a little. Not enough to escape the heat of the invisible flames, but just enough for their bodies to move and dance in delightful ways as they burn”

“Invisible fire!” exclaimed Semster, a shiver running down his spine, and a cruel warmth flooding his veins. “That sounds, incredible! But don’t humans smell downright horrible when burned? I can foresee that putting a damper on the occasion...”

“It will not. The slaves, or, as we refer to them, the ‘Candles’, will be coated in a special spray. It has a two-fold purpose. One: it slows the destruction of their flesh, all while doing nothing to dampen their sensation to the flames slowing cooking them. Second: it also releases a pleasant, almost sweet smell, similar to the scent of fermented hops. It’s intoxicatingly pleasant to sample. There are other measures that we take, including ensuring that each candle’s ‘stage’ is properly vented to remove excess fumes.”

“Moreover, past feedback as taught us that after a while, a room full of screaming candles actually becomes a bit redundant and distracting over the course of several hours, so we now incorporate a specially designed mouth gag, also with a two-fold purpose. One: it acts as a voice changer. It will prevent the candle any normal speech or talk, but will take screams and turn them into alternative sounds. We usually set each candle’s gag to produce a different sound. My favorites are those that produce the sound of a squealing pig, and the ones that use a constant stream of helium gas to pitch up the candle’s screams to a hilarious hight. Others produce the sounds of donkeys, cows, etc.”

“Second, these gags also supply the candle with an enhanced oxogen mixture, to keep them alert and very present, far beyond what a human body would normally be capable of surviving on its own.”

“Fascinating!” replied Semster. “But these masks, won’t they intrude on the expressive beauty these lovely, er.., candles, might make in the midst of their agony?”

“Yes and no. The masks are permanently glued to the candle’s teeth, and are made of a flexible rubber. They will move along with the candle’s mouth in a way that is quite enticing to watch. A note on beauty: part of the process of turning a slave into a candle involves the complete removal of all hair from her body. This too, helps keep the oder of burning to a minimum. These slavs are smoother than the day they were born. We glue fake eyelashes on, and can also include other facial enhancements, such as fake eyebrows. I might also suggest the option of having their faces painted, in the fashion of clowns, with a paint that is designed to streak and run along with their sweat, and of course, their tears. In leu of full facial paint, a heavy coating of mascara around their eyes really enhances the beauty of their struggles, if I may say so myself. We can also decorate the candles in variations of these options, to your taste.”

“Excellent, I think that my client will love that idea!” Semster said with an eager smile.
“It will be done. All the steps that we take are well planned and thought out, and are intended to maximize the experience, for all! Each candle is guaranteed to burn for 30 minutes. We stagger the lightings, so that the last candle to be lit, number twelve, goes up just as the first candle is expiring.”

“If I am not mistaken, you said earlier that there would be thirteen candles?”

“Indeed. The thirteenth, and final candle to be lit will be chosen from the prettiest of the batch. She will be present in the room for the duration of the spectacle, and the celebration will commence with her final lighting. She is to be burned traditionally with wood and flame, fastened to a pole, hair and face unaltered. The finally images and cries of her agony will be the highlight of the evening.”

“The sounds like a great finale, one that my client will surely cherish. There is another vice that I was told you have here. I am very curious to hear more about, I believe they are referred to as ‘Busts’?”

“Yes, your client and guests will each be provided with a Bust, one of our most devious toys. To make a Bust, we fully amputate the arms and legs of a slave girl, taking care to leave no scar tissue around the surgical sites. The arms and legs are removed as close to the torso as possible, hence the name, Bust. The next step is to remove the vocal cords, ear drums, and olfactory (smell) glands. We use a laser to blind the retinas, without damaging the color of the eyes, beyond leaving them slightly subdued in color. This leaves the busts incapable of movement, deaf, blind, and mute, deprived of all of their senses, save for taste. The final step is to remove all of the teeth, and to cut the ligament at the base of the tongue, which allows them to extend their tongue to amazing lengths. After these modifications, their mouths are now fully ready to safely receive our clients, er, passions. The bust’s hair is permanently braided into pig tails that serve as handles, and there is a short chain affixed by two sturdy nipple clamps: this chain is the recommend method for carrying a bust.

We store the busts in padded alcoves, and feed them intravenously. Slaves will periodically sponge bathe and wash out the mouths with a completely tasteless cleaner. Shortly before use, the busts are taken down and placed in cradles upon a vibrating Symbian, which slowly stimulates their genitalia, the only sensation they will have experienced for perhaps months. This drives them into a sexual frenzy, When you are ready to use one, simply pick it up and present your cock to their face. They will have been trained to immediately take it into their mouths, and they will strive with all their might to pleasure you. I assure you, there is no oral pleasure greater than the mouth and tongue of a well trained Bust.They crave the taste of your seed, the only taste they will ever be allowed again. It can be deliciously mean to deny them this, to pull out at the last minute, and to come onto their face, instead of their bleeding mouths... I would suggest trying this, watching a bust desperately trying to capture your seed with their extended tongues as it slowly slips away and down its face... of course, if a Bust were to preform less than adequately, they know that more brutal punishments await them. It is a rare occurrence indeed for a Bust to underperform, but it does happen...”

Semster shifted his robes discreetly to hide his arousal, and finished his drink. “Let’s talk numbers, my good sir...”

End of Chapter One.

Please let me know if anyone wants to hear the rest! I’m trying to figure out a way to make some illustrations to ago along with the final story.
There is a painting I have seen of the "Roman Candles" of Nero. Can't recall the artist or other details.

The poor Christians are being prepared to die horribly. According to Suetonius they were coated with pitch and other combustible material and they were set afire at their feet. The fire gradually consumed them for the amusement of the audience. GROSS! It must have been a most horrible business.

There are also scenes from the Colosseum (or some arena venue) of people crucified and being set afire as well. Talk about overkill.
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