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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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Oh yes, when people want unusual things deep inside, that's when magic happens. Messa would know all about that ;)

Well sometimes it is not exactly what one wants but more a surrender to ones duty. Brave Sir Rupert (no I did not anticipate those exact words conjoining either) has taken upon himself the task of baring Barbaria to safety trusting his protection only to a man he knows as an erudite but otherwise uninspiring monk. Alas the speed and industry of man is limited and so with God's grace I shall embrace a form more fitted to the task.


But Sir Rupert not a word of this gets out understand?
Pilus Primus was surprised to note that his heart was pounding. His eyes met Messaline’s as the crucifixion squad rushed to perform Repertor’s orders. She made no protest as they tore her clothes off, throwing them to the round like the discarded rags that they had become.

As her loin cloth came off, and she stood naked in front of the crowd, Pilus said, ”Tu nedois faire ça, Messaline...” You don’t have to do this, Messaline.

Oui,” she contradicted, “je dois faire.”

“God, help her, God give her strength!” prayed Pilus as they pulled her over backwards onto her cross. His mind was whirling, a seething mass of confused emotions. She looks beautiful…this scene is grotesque…this is wonderful…this is terrible….I want to watch….I cannot watch….she must do this…why must she do this? And why must the nails be so big and so sharp?”

The sound of the hammer on the nail echoed back from the mountain. Messaline didn’t scream, but to Pilus her agony was obvious, as her body jerked and tears stained her face, but still her eyes did not leave his. She gazed at him like this for every blow of the hammer on every nail, and Pilus shared with her the torture of that terrible process of crucifixion.

And not one sound, not one word of protest escaped her lips.

The crowd behind Pilus murmured in appreciation of the courage of this woman. “Dieses Mädchen ist zu mutig und zu schön für das Kreuz!“ exclaimed one. This woman is too brave and too beautiful for the cross! Some clapped in agreement. The clapping stopped abruptly when a soldier raised a sword.

The cross creaked slightly as they began to lift it. Pilus watched her breasts rising and falling in quick gasps as she endured the agony of her weight being taken on the nails.

The cross slid down into the hole and hit the bottom hard. Messaline’s body was thrown around on the nails as if she was a rag doll. Then, and only then, did she cry out from her cross, and all the pent up anguish of the last few awful minutes escaped in a single word :


“ BARBARIA! ..Barbaria!... Barbaria!” replied the mountains.

Pilus looked up at the naked, tortured woman, and wept. Malins stood beside him, and gripped his hand in support. Neither could do a single thing to help Messaline.

Thought I heard an echo out there somewhere :confused:
Barbaria sobbed with relief, as Roland wrapped his cloak around her shoulders, and Wragg carried her towards the entrance of the cave. “Oh, God….thank you…I can’t believe that you came…it feels so good to be off that cross…I love you guys sooooo much!”

“We’re not out of the woods yet!” muttered Roland. “While Kibonreju lives, you are not safe. He will find you and he will return you to your cross!”

Barbaria groaned.

Wragg stepped over the bodies of the dead soldiers. “Pilus Primus will kill him. I’m certain.”

“I wish I had your faith, Wragg..”

“He has the sword of Goliath!”

“Much good it did its previous owner!”

Wragg recalled the story of the Philistine giant killed by a young shepherd boy and a well-aimed stone, and the truth of Roland’s words hit him so hard that he almost dropped Barbaria. Then he recovered. “He will kill him! He has to!”

Barbaria blinked at her first view of the sunshine for several centuries. “How did you coax Kibonreju out of the cave?” she asked.

By reply, Roland simply pointed. “Look!”

The summit of the Schlafende Hexe was clearly visible. At that exact moment they saw a cross being raised on that summit. As the figures surrounding it stepped away, the three of them clearly heard a woman’s cry:


“W-what is that? Who is that?” stammered Barbaria.

“That is Messaline.” Roland informed her. “The only possible way of dragging Kibonreju out was to crucify another beautiful woman. “

“You mean….I’m free but now Messaline is crucified?” Barbaria was aghast.

“Correct.” Wragg was quick to point out the rest of the plan. “But Pilus is with her, he’ll kill Kibonreju and then we can all go home!”

“Oh, my God….you stupid, stupid people! What have you done?”

Pangs of concern returned to Wragg. He gripped Barb tightly. “Wha- what do you mean?”

“I mean, Kibonreju draws his strength from crucified women! With a fit young woman, freshly crucified, he’ll be more powerful than ever! Pilus Primus doesn’t have a cat in hell’s chance!”
...“I mean, Kibonreju draws his strength from crucified women! With a fit young woman, freshly crucified, he’ll be more powerful than ever! Pilus Primus doesn’t have a cat in hell’s chance!”

Woooooooo ! From my cross, I've heard these words ! One more a time, Messa is victim of her great heart !!!:eek:
Never she could escape from this situation !

Never mind, if I suffer for you Barb , no problem ! I shall endure, even for eternity !

LOVE ! LOVE ! LOVE ! Barbaria !!!:bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart:

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LOVE ! LOVE ! LOVE ! Barbaria !!!:bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart:

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You know something? Roland really hates cross country running, fortunately he got so many opportunities to appreciate how much he hated because he is good at it. Well Sir Rupert has his hands full so if you'll pass the tools Barb that we used to rescue you and then Malins would cue the Chariots of Fire Music while Pilus does his battle montage against the first waves of Kibonreju's minions...well hopefully it will all come good in the nick of time in time Pilus v Kibonreju in the boss fight :D ...I hope

Kibonreju draws his strength from crucified women!
Uh huh.
This they say now?
Just before the beast comes lumbering up here?
What if the fiend overruns us and the rate of exchange goes to our disadvantage, with Kibonreju getting two new victims on his crosses for surrendering one?
Ummm... Repertor?
Could you just have that confiscated dragon of yours breathe some fire on me in case things go really bad?
Never mind the nails, I just wouldn't want to turn into something for that demon to draw power from...
“I mean, Kibonreju draws his strength from crucified women! With a fit young woman, freshly crucified, he’ll be more powerful than ever! Pilus Primus doesn’t have a cat in hell’s chance!”
Best make sure that Pilus does not hear this at all. For now he bathes in the strength that the Lady Malin set flowing through his sinews and in the selfless sacrifice that fair Messaline has given of herself. Together these are as much his weapon as is the Sword.

That would be just above a snowball in hell's chance? So not all is lost?
But it does seem that there is some flicker of hope for him yet.
Well, it is true that dreams may come true in stories, but one can also write oneself into a corner. :rolleyes::eek: Wouldn't want you to have to resort to a deus ex machina to get out of this. Perhaps Pilus is better with a sword than old Goliath. :oops:
Wouldn't want you to have to resort to a deus ex machina to get out of this.
Now Pp has had his eye on one of Deus ex Machina's "scrambler" designs on an R100 frame and 998 cc Mystic motor for some time though this one of more British origin would suffice.
image.jpg image.jpg

A custom build might just be what Pilus needs :p. But running away won't rid the world of old Kibonreju now will it?
Perhaps Pilus is better with a sword than old Goliath. :oops:
Pilus will just have to hang about and hope his strength and that Sword and whatever Wragg's words can conjure up will see them all through.
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A custom build might just be what Pilus needs :p. But running away won't rid the world of old Kibonreju now will it?

Who said anything about running, now a run up maybe ;) A man at arms on his trusty steed (trustier than usual as it does not think it has a mind of its own), the roar of a petrol engine, the smell of hot rubber and a whirling blade :D

It just might work and even if not the failure ought to look pretty spectacular :D

In the meantime I suggest enter stage right Roland running like the clappers with pliers ;)
Who said anything about running, now a run up maybe ;) A man at arms on his trusty steed (trustier than usual as it does not think it has a mind of its own), the roar of a petrol engine, the smell of hot rubber and a whirling blade :D

It just might work and even if not the failure ought to look pretty spectacular :D

In the meantime I suggest enter stage right Roland running like the clappers with pliers ;)
Or even Roland the Racing Rodent Roaring Round in his Red Racer? :D :)
Kibonreju looked up from his horse as he rode towards the Schlafende Hexe and smiled happily. He watched them strip Messaline, saw them pull her down onto her cross, watched the hammers rising and falling, and had a great view as the cross was raised.

“Herr Schneider, you are a gentleman! You will be richly rewarded!” he mused aloud. “She is truly gorgeous! I must have her!”

Then came that terrible, heartrending cry: “BARBARIA!!”

Kibonreju’s smile froze. So. This is the truth. This is being done for Barbaria’s sake. Still, he’d left his faithful guards on duty. Barbaria would be safe. His smile returned. Messaline would look wonderful next to Barbaria. He must start collecting crucified women. An excellent plan. Then he noticed Malins standing near to Messaline’s cross. Malins on a cross! Now that would be something! Hmmmm.

“Forward! To the mountain! Kill who you like, but I want Messaline and Malins alive!”

He urged his horse into a gallop, and, flanked by about forty of his cavalry, charged across the plain below the mountain.

“Ready?” he called. Nods all round. “Rotate!”

On hearing the order, the horses spread wings, and began to rise into the air.

Pilus stared in horror at the approaching squadron of airborne horses. The remaining audience of local cross-watchers screamed in terror and ran off down the mountain, as did the crucifixion squad. This seemed like a good plan to Pilus, but he asked, “Repertor? Malins? What do we do now?”

Repertor did not answer, but threw a spell, which blazed straight to the heart of a flying horse, which screamed in its death throes, as horse and rider plunged towards the earth beneath.

Kibonreju returned a spell, which Repertor parried, but then the two of them were locked in a duel of flying spells, and Repertor was far too busy to shoot down any more horses.

“Red jewel!” bellowed Repertor.

“What?” Pilus was nonplussed.

“On your sword, Pilus! The red jewel!” Malins had caught on.

Pilus pointed the sword at a horseman, and pressed the red jewel. He almost fell backwards as a bolt of lightning flew from his sword, and hit the target horse. This one was silent, as it fell spinning to the ground. It was the doomed soldier who supplied the screams.

Now this was more like it! Pilus grinned with satisfaction as he began to systematically shoot down the approaching horses.

That was the moment that Kibonreju noticed Pilus for the first time. He sent a massive bolt at Repertor, who flew over backwards, then aimed at Pilus.

But Pilus had already noted that he wouldn’t be able to take out all the horsemen before they reached Messaline, so he’d decided to try his new weapon on Kibonreju himself. Pilus fired first. He smiled in triumph as the horse jerked as the bolt hit it, and Kibonreju’s spell flew wide as his horse fell out of the sky beneath him.

But Pilus' smile vanished as Kibonreju landed on a riderless horse. Pilus pulled himself together quickly and took aim at the new horse, but this time it was Kibonreju who fired first.

This was no blazing spell of pure energy. Kibonreju had put brain into gear and changed tactics. When this spell landed the entire summit of the mountain was enclosed in a thick dense, suffocating smog. It smelled repulsive. Pilus, coughing and fighting for breath, could see absolutely nothing. He could hear Messaline, above him on her cross, coughing, retching, screaming in fear and pain.

“Wind!” Malins, screaming in desperation. “Repertor, we need wind!”

Pilus just caught a glimpse of hooves in front of his face. He threw himself sideways but a hoof caught him squarely in the side of the head, and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
I keep falling behind on this .... no alerts ... there I go complaining again ... truly wonderful writing Wragg ... I think Messaline would look wonderful next to me too :)
Of course she would. Very lovely. :very_hot:
Great writing, Wragg! Things seem to be going nicely wrong with all our heroes facing certain death. :rolleyes::doh::devil:
Can't wait to see what comes next. :eek::D, :popcorn:
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