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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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Alas, Bad news in this episode ...:(

Messa seems devoted to the Kibonreju 'cavern !

I had always said that Pp was not "à la hauteur" to be in charge to kill Kibonreju : he even didn't know the "red jewel' of his sword !:(:(

And now, collapsed to the ground, unconscious, what could happen ?
The worst ?:(:(:( tumblr_m6qnar3DIW1qht847.gif

After all, it could give some vacancies for Messa and let her to get to the beach ...:D

tramp-stamp-pinterest-5.jpg :rolleyes:
screaming in desperation
So much for that great plan. Now it's one of these Dale Arden situations again. Shouldn't I be at least trying to do something instead of just screaming? Otherwise I can probably look forward to a thousand years of screaming on Kibonreju's cross...
(though it seems while everyone else is coughing and fighting for breath, I still have enough air to scream away at the top of my lungs. Not that it does very much good)
she will find those here easily enough
Looks like suffering in the shape of the pustulent lumbering heap of flesh named Kibonreju is about to find me (maybe I can hide somewhere in the billowing clouds if I stop screaming for a second?! Pretend I've spontaneously gone up in flames and vanished into thin wisps of smoke? )

Well at least we won't be alone on our eternal crosses...
Probably the next spell the demon-lord will cast, after crushing the valiant but doomed Pilus, will be to reforge the Sword of Goliath into hell-cursed crucifixion nails...
So much for that great plan. Now it's one of these Dale Arden situations again. Shouldn't I be at least trying to do something instead of just screaming?

Have you listened to modern music? A lot of that sounds like screaming, I bet it is one of those new fangled incantations, probably a spell by Paracelsus he is fashionable...anyway do keep screaming, it helps keep me on track, huff, huff
I hope no horses were harmed in telling this tale. I would hate PETA to investigate our activities.

I picture the horses, having unseated their riders, floating gently to earth, never to grow their wings again, living a happy retirement on good grass. There, I feel better now.
Today this heroic battle is still studied and analysed in military academies.View attachment 317502

As always, the military studies how to win the last war .... but maybe the point of interest is different in this case ... they just want to see Messa crucified. ;)
Ummm... Repertor?
Could you just have that confiscated dragon of yours breathe some fire on me in case things go really bad?
Never mind the nails, I just wouldn't want to turn into something for that demon to draw power from...
Repertor has worked so hard to educate the dragon and to teach him spitting fire at people is not done.
He was confident Pilus with his magic sword would defeat Kibonreju but now the hero lies on the ground, collapsed and unconscious.
stock-vector-54354568.jpg Are you ready, Freddie? Take some extra fuel.gravity.jpg
Have you listened to modern music? A lot of that sounds like screaming, I bet it is one of those new fangled incantations, ...anyway do keep screaming, it helps keep me on track, huff, huff
Oh god yes, these people who put everything on fire, have themselves raised on a cross in front of it, and scream. If that helps to keep Roland on track, and the demon distracted while the dragon heats up...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=91lgRi1tTrA#t=105 :devil:
Messaline had no idea what was happening. All she knew was that she did not like it.

She had done her very best to endure her crucifixion. Being nailed to a cross had hurt more than she had thought possible, but she’d heard the remark about her bravery and beauty, and it had given her strength. As the cross had thundered into the vertical position she had nearly broken, but she had coped by calling for Barbaria to give her strength. Then, seeing the approaching horsemen, and watching Pilus and Repertor dealing expertly with the threat, she had, for a moment, believed that her ordeal was almost over.

Then it had gone so very wrong, and so very quickly. Blinded by the fog, she could hear Malins calling to Repertor, then a terrible sound from Pilus, a kind of gurgling death rattle, and Messaline knew that she, and they, were in trouble.

Her cross was being shaken, violently. By Christ, it hurt so very much! “NOOOOOOOO!!!” she screamed, in fear as much as in pain. What was happening? Who was shouting?

“We have them, Sire!”

“Pilus Primus?”

“Dead, Sire! I trampled him to death with my own horse.”

“Excellent. Well done, that man. Just Wragg and Roland to get, now. Repertor?”

“Gone, Sire, we cannot find him.”

“Never mind. Malins?”

“Captured, Sire, as you commanded. She is now tied to my horse! She, er, sends you her compliments, Sire.”

“I bet she does……Lieutenant, I think I’ll make you a captain! And, Messaline?”

“Ready, Sire!”

“Right then, Go!”

The cross lurched violently, and began to swing viciously, so that she could not avoid wasting precious air screaming. Suddenly, she was bathed in sunlight, and the fog was gone.

“PUT ME DOWN!!!!!”

The fog was not gone, it was below. She looked up to see two flying horses beating at the air as they took the full weight of woman and cross. Messaline was now a thousand feet above Bavaria, held there by four nails. Where she’d prayed before that they might loosen, now she prayed that they held firm. She had no fear of heights, but hanging on a cross high in the air?

Even Messaline hadn’t bargained for that.
“Never mind. Malins?”

“Captured, Sire, as you commanded. She is now tied to my horse! She, er, sends you her compliments, Sire.”

She's up to something :spider:

I mean er....nothing to see here Sire Kibonreju, just bask in the glory of your own victory and may I wish you happy basking :D

/ Wragg's ancestors may not have been the brightest bunch but he can surely craft a crux-hanger with the best of them :clapping:
Messaline had no idea what was happening. All she knew was that she did not like it.

She had done her very best to endure her crucifixion. Being nailed to a cross had hurt more than she had thought possible, but she’d heard the remark about her bravery and beauty, and it had given her strength. As the cross had thundered into the vertical position she had nearly broken, but she had coped by calling for Barbaria to give her strength. Then, seeing the approaching horsemen, and watching Pilus and Repertor dealing expertly with the threat, she had, for a moment, believed that her ordeal was almost over.

Then it had gone so very wrong, and so very quickly. Blinded by the fog, she could hear Malins calling to Repertor, then a terrible sound from Pilus, a kind of gurgling death rattle, and Messaline knew that she, and they, were in trouble.

Her cross was being shaken, violently. By Christ, it hurt so very much! “NOOOOOOOO!!!” she screamed, in fear as much as in pain. What was happening? Who was shouting?

“We have them, Sire!”

“Pilus Primus?”

“Dead, Sire! I trampled him to death with my own horse.”

“Excellent. Well done, that man. Just Wragg and Roland to get, now. Repertor?”

“Gone, Sire, we cannot find him.”

“Never mind. Malins?”

“Captured, Sire, as you commanded. She is now tied to my horse! She, er, sends you her compliments, Sire.”

“I bet she does……Lieutenant, I think I’ll make you a captain! And, Messaline?”

“Ready, Sire!”

“Right then, Go!”

The cross lurched violently, and began to swing viciously, so that she could not avoid wasting precious air screaming. Suddenly, she was bathed in sunlight, and the fog was gone.

“PUT ME DOWN!!!!!”

The fog was not gone, it was below. She looked up to see two flying horses beating at the air as they took the full weight of woman and cross. Messaline was now a thousand feet above Bavaria, held there by four nails. Where she’d prayed before that they might loosen, now she prayed that they held firm. She had no fear of heights, but hanging on a cross high in the air?

Even Messaline hadn’t bargained for that.

Messa soars as she calls on Barbaria for strength ... mmmmmmm ... what a tale this is Wragg!
Oh you want a white witch to send sweet soothing songs for the soul and mellifluous lullabies of angels and such?
Tthat's for when we have peace, whether it's in victory or death.
But don't forget right now we're all more choking, gasping, retching and such.
You are right. We are choking and it is not the right moment for soothing songs.
We can't use our voices but perhaps somebody has a lute? Let's play something more combative.
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Pain. Incredible pain. Pain in his head, pain in every bone of his body. He felt as though he’d been trampled by a horse.

Where was he? He opened his eyes. Blue sky, a solitary eagle wheeling above him, looking for prey.

He looked around him. He was completely alone, laying on a deserted mountain top. Nearby was an abandoned sword, its hilt encrusted in red jewels.

Sword? He forced his aching brain to try and remember. Sword. His sword.

It had a name.

What was its name?

If only he could remember the name of the sword….

“Goliath! Yes! The Sword of Goliath!” The sound of his own voice shocked him, but did at least get his brain going.

The memories began to return, slowly and painfully. He was supposed to be defending a girl. A crucified girl. What was her name?



An empty socket in the ground nearby told where her cross had once stood. Of Messaline and her cross there was no sign.

Pilus had failed. Kibonreju had taken Messaline. Their whole plan had failed.

Where was that useless sorcerer who had been supposed to help him?

“Repertor? Where are you?”

A loud flapping noise, and the eagle landed on the summit next to him. Still not fully recovered from his head injury, he could not feel surprise as the eagle gradually transformed itself into a human being.

“Ah. Pilus. Feeling better?”

“Better than what? Better than dead, maybe. Better than I did before I met you? No. I hurt all over. I feel as if every bone in my body is broken.”

“Most of them were.” Repertor informed him.” I had to perform a spot of orthopaedic magic on you while you were, ah, asleep. You’ll be fine.”

“What happened?”

“I am an idiot, that’s what happened. I thought I was so bloody clever. Yet I allowed Kibonreju to pull exactly the same stunt as he used to kidnap Barbaria. All I needed to have done was arrange a bit of wind, but did I think of that? Oh no. Thick, choking, fog! By the time I sorted out some wind it was too late. Messaline and Malins were gone, and you were dead.”

“Dead? I was dead?”

“Thank God you were, or he’d have taken you, too. You’d be on a cross by now. “

“Does crucifixion hurt more than this?”

“I can assure you it does.”

“Well, thank you that I’m not dead any more.”

“Don’t mention it. Now come on. We have work to do. He has Messaline. Now he’s also got Malins who knows what he’ll do to her! If she’s lucky he’ll only crucify her. And he’ll be wanting Barbaria back, too. We can’t sit around here admiring the view and chatting.“

Repertor put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. Five minutes later and he was helping Pilus, still sore after a very trying few hours, onto the kneeling Freddie.
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