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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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although His Rodency seems to confuse me with another witch! Let's leave her out of this, we might all regret it!

This Rodentist of Rodents actually did seek that image out in regards that other witch of another world but the imagery seemed to fit the confusion (genius level) that fills this thread and so with shameless disregard for cosmic boundaries brought it hither :D
This Rodentist of Rodents actually did seek that image out in regards that other witch of another world but the imagery seemed to fit the confusion (genius level) that fills this thread and so with shameless disregard for cosmic boundaries brought it hither :D

Must be a Rodent genius...I read that sentence over three times and still don't know what he said :confused:
Well there's the hair. Always beware of the Isadora Duncan effect with that long and flowing stuff though...

Can't quite remember but I guess she was in that challenge as well?

1413059399717_Image_galleryImage_MAUREEN_O_HARA_Film_LADY_.JPG It's all about strategic placement....it's an art form, right? :rolleyes:
This Rodentist of Rodents actually did seek that image out in regards that other witch of another world but the imagery seemed to fit the confusion (genius level) that fills this thread and so with shameless disregard for cosmic boundaries brought it hither :D

girl-confused.png My poor squirrel ! More and more warped mind .........:devil:
I'm still looking for the brake!
You have several.

Airbrakes. Press this scale over there. You can use them in flight, they're good for going slower when you're approaching a target too. Landing is pretty easy, when you raise the airbrakes and approach ground, the landing gear deploys automatically. It's an intelligent system.

Reverse thrust. - pull on that horn . Okay, you understand 'reverse thrust' is the only kind you get with a dragon? :D Careful with that, especially around me ;) Originally dragons were all about the joy of flying. (Okay they roasted swarms of birds and gobbled them up in flight) - When man invented war, their weapon was developed from the reverse thrust capability.

Drogue chute. Really dragons only use that when they land on frozen lakes. They can't use reverse thrust then because they'd melt the ice and sink. Forget about it, especially don't touch that spine in flight, it gets withdrawn anyway and only comes up when the claws touch ground.
Surely everyone is a sweetie to our Thessela :D

Be careful not to tickle, it seems an hysterically laughing dragon is prone to activating the ejector seat by accident :p

Oh, Gawd.... does that apply to Chroniclers, too? :eek:
As it is no one can control that particular dragon. Not even the CPC.
“Oh, Repertor, they are stripping me naked! I cannot bear it!”

“Please, Malins! Just go! Do you need me to call you up out of there?”

“Can you do that for Messaline, too?”

“You know I can’t, she’s mortal.”

“No, she isn’t, Kibonreju put an immortality spell on her!”

“All right then, hold on, let me try…..Messaline! Messaline? Can you hear my voice?”

“Repertor? Why are you in my head? Get out of my head! How dare you!”

“Messaline, I’m trying to help…..”

“To Hell with your help! See where your help has got me? Do you realise what I’ve suffered, thanks to your ‘help’? And now, see, they are crucifying poor Malins, and it is your fault! Piss off, Repertor! AAARGH!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? NOOOO!!! OH SWEET CHRIST, THAT HURTS!!!”

“Malins, It’s no good, I can’t move her, I’m just hurting her more, I can’t shift her and her cross! We’ll have to leave her! Messaline, I’m so, so, sorry! We will come, I promise!”

Messaline hung on her cross, and sobbed.

“REPERTOR!!! I’m on the cross! They have the nails! Oh, God, look at the length of them! YES!!! PLEASE!! Get me out of here! NOW!!! QUICK!!! AIEEEEE!!!!!”

Kibonreju knew full well what was happening. He drove the nail hard through Malins’ wrist and then laughed merrily as her body lifted into the air while Repertor tried to lift her with pure mental effort. His power, though, was greatly diminished by the solid rock between him and Malins. He put all his might into it, but she was now secured by that one nail, and though the cross itself moved six inches or so across the cave floor Repertor had to admit he was beaten. Malins flopped to the floor of the cave, howling in terror and agony.

“Too late, Repertor!” Kibonreju cackled. “Malins is mine, and she looks fine on her cross. Put all thoughts of rescue from your mind! I shall not make the same mistake twice! These two women are mine for all eternity, Mine! And you and that turd Wragg can just forget about them!”

Repertor was having a very bad day. Not quite as bad as Malins and Messalines, perhaps, but everything he did just seemed to make things worse. “Malins! Malins! Talk to me, Malins!”

But Malins could not talk. All she could do was scream, as they repositioned her and nailed her firmly to her cross. Messaline, on the other hand, had plenty to say.

“Can you see, Repertor, what I see? Can you seem them smash that nail through her wrist? Can you see her body arching in unbelievable agony? Can you hear her screams? Oh, look, now they are going to nail her feet. Let me tell you how that feels. You can feel the bones in your foot breaking as the nail passes through. It is a hundred times worse than the worst pain you’ve ever felt, and that includes the pain you just felt when they nailed your wrists. There goes the hammer. See that look of panic and disbelief in her eyes? Her cries are deafening in this enclosed space, I think all Bavaria can hear her. Can you hear her, Repertor, you bastard? Don't worry, though, Repertor, the other foot is slightly better, but only because her brain is too overwhelmed by torture to compute yet more pain. Oh, but she's still screaming so loud!

“There, Repertor, they have finished. Now they are standing her cross up next to mine. He’s leaving Barbaria’s cross waiting for her, too. Oh, listen now, Repertor, she’s speaking!”

“Repertor! Repertor, why did you forsake me?”
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