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The Cull And Hunt... Road To A Rebellion...

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Wragg's is like that...

he is not alone in that

"It seems that Professor Barbaria Moore (above)" as she appears following a harrowing chase around her office by one very aggressive press reporter for the Crux Chronicle....
also rodents in hordes in the college-gardens
Well it is well known that rodents ran the Horde, lead the Pack, manage the Herd and use the schools to brainwash the people but rats due to the notorious prejudices of medieval monks...swarm.

That's what I get for asking such a leading question:rolleyes:...set him up perfectly.....:p.... clever response RR!!!!
I should have thought of this earlier. It is the best gig I ever imagined. I hired RR Entertainment to handle the auction for the archers’ opportunity to take shots at the slave. R. Rodent wrote a brilliant contract that the idiots in the front office of the university never knew what hit them. They were happier than snot to get the ten grand check from the auction. The auction brought in 180,OOO dollars and 10 grand went to the university. RR and I split the rest- don’t tell the university; I’m not supposed to take the outside money. Fuck them…

“So 24 of you will be in the cull. While you are not facing as certain a death as this slave is you will see what an arrow will you if you are one of the unfortunate women culled. It may be additional motivation when you are in the cull to run swiftly and hid well.”

The slave was screaming pleading for her life as Prof. Barb walked away from her. She continued to address her students and with the wireless microphone and the public address system she was easily heard over cries and pleas of the slave.
hunt 025.jpg
“Six archers will participate in this exercise taking turns with the same one meter bow. The only variance, as in the cull, will be their choice of arrows. They will fire from 20 meters, a bit more than 20 feet. If an archer misses or strikes the slave outside the neck or torso they are eliminated from the round.

“This is to stimulate wounds might be inflicted on you during the cull. In the cull arrows that hit outside the neck and torso area yet incapacitates the prey will remove the hunter from the remaining duration of the cull and a field judge will administer a mercy kill-shot to the wounded slave. Are there any questions? …Yes?”

“What did she do to be subject to this?” one of the professor’s 'girls' asked.

“I have no idea… What does it matter; she is a slave” Barb replied coldly…

I should have thought of this earlier. It is the best gig I ever imagined. I hired RR Entertainment to handle the auction for the archers’ opportunity to take shots at the slave. R. Rodent wrote a brilliant contract that the idiots in the front office of the university never knew what hit them. They were happier than snot to get the ten grand check from the auction. The auction brought in 180,OOO dollars and 10 grand went to the university. RR and I split the rest- don’t tell the university; I’m not supposed to take the outside money. Fuck them…

“So 24 of you will be in the cull. While you are not facing as certain a death as this slave is you will see what an arrow will you if you are one of the unfortunate women culled. It may be additional motivation when you are in the cull to run swiftly and hid well.”

The slave was screaming pleading for her life as Prof. Barb walked away from her. She continued to address her students and with the wireless microphone and the public address system she was easily heard over cries and pleas of the slave.
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“Six archers will participate in this exercise taking turns with the same one meter bow. The only variance, as in the cull, will be their choice of arrows. They will fire from 20 meters, a bit more than 20 feet. If an archer misses or strikes the slave outside the neck or torso they are eliminated from the round.

“This is to stimulate wounds might be inflicted on you during the cull. In the cull arrows that hit outside the neck and torso area yet incapacitates the prey will remove the hunter from the remaining duration of the cull and a field judge will administer a mercy kill-shot to the wounded slave. Are there any questions? …Yes?”

“What did she do to be subject to this?” one of the professor’s 'girls' asked.

“I have no idea… What does it matter; she is a slave” Barb replied coldly…


Latest in professorial microphone holders...

raven-ftv-plaid-skirt-002.jpg ...just in case the wireless doesn't work?
Sorry for the delay, I was interrupted by a Time Lord :rolleyes:

Crux Chronicle header.jpg

Saturday 27th September 2014


By Rupert Wragg

The first period of the new Hull and Cunt Cull and Hunt course fell into chaos today as the students could barely hear themselves think over the screams of a condemned slave.

The slave had been tied to a cross, and her ululations were caused by her sudden realization that she was about to be used as archery practice.

Prof Barb said that she had no idea what the slave had done to deserve such a fate but that nobody cared because she was just a slave.

However, most of the class had not the faintest idea what was going on. The slave was creating such a din that no-one could hear themselves think.

The problems were compounded by the fact that although the Prof did have a microphone she had mistaken it for a dildo.

Therefore what with the screams of the slave and the sound of the Prof's orgasm the only possible word is indeed, chaos.

The Crux Chronicle wonders if this course is going to get any less confusing.
Sorry for the delay, I was interrupted by a Time Lord :rolleyes:

View attachment 150458

Saturday 27th September 2014


By Rupert Wragg

The first period of the new Hull and Cunt Cull and Hunt course fell into chaos today as the students could barely hear themselves think over the screams of a condemned slave.

The slave had been tied to a cross, and her ululations were caused by her sudden realization that she was about to be used as archery practice.

Prof Barb said that she had no idea what the slave had done to deserve such a fate but that nobody cared because she was just a slave.

However, most of the class had not the faintest idea what was going on. The slave was creating such a din that no-one could hear themselves think.

The problems were compounded by the fact that although the Prof did have a microphone she had mistaken it for a dildo.

Therefore what with the screams of the slave and the sound of the Prof's orgasm the only possible word is indeed, chaos.

The Crux Chronicle wonders if this course is going to get any less confusing.

Oh God...now I really am humiliated...thanks for that....wait till I get that reporter in my office again:span1:
Gem of a Chronicle... Next segment...

The first archer fires his arrow. The slave shrieks as it flies towards her bound body. She jerks within the constraints of ropes to dodge it but it enters her body high and right of her right breast, exits under her arm then reenters nicking her shoulder blade before stopping. The archer hands the bow to the next archer who chides him “A couple inches more and you wouldn’t make it to the next round, Wragg!”

“Dear Joan, the goal is to make her suffer- not kill her” he says. As this Joan prepares to shoot her arrow it occurs to me I followed the flight of the arrow with my eyes and the slave probably did with hers as I streaked towards her! Damn, my pussy is practically squirting in my panties!!!

Joan launched the red tailed arrow and I watch it fly towards the slave. It hits her on the lower right side. I’m 30 feet away and can hear the heavy head of the arrow crack bone off the slave’s pelvis. The arrow stops after 2/3 of it passes out her back. She screaming for them to stop but Joan hands the bow to the next archer and smirks at the man she called Wragg and says “That’s how it’s done!”

Liz grabs my arm and whispers “I can’t watch anymore of this! I am getting out of here!”

“Liz, I have spotted half dozen cameras and can only guess there are more. You leave now and you are buying your ticket to the cull!” I say.

“Marilyn, I can’t watch anymore!” she whimpers.

“Then close your fucking eyes” I hiss. The next archer lays the bow on the ground unfastens the cloth belt from her waist. I think she is just taking it off to keep it from constricting her breathing but then she undoes the single button of the wrap dress, drops it from her shoulders and steps out naked save for her shoes! Lewd whistles and catcalls rain in from the males of the class while I struggle not to lift my skirt and finger myself through my panties! I come anyway as she picks up the bow and her back arches as she draws the arrow back…

slave rev 2 tumblr_m67dm6Wpaj1rv0o6xo1_500.jpg

High and right of her right breast? :eek:

Wragg bloody nearly missed altogether. :doh:

Should've gone to Specsavers. :D

(Sorry: Brit ad campaign, someone does something stupid cos they can't see properly, punchline is 'Should've gone to Specsavers)
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