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The Flaying Challenge - Mary's Perspective

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I'm feeling incredibly, mercilessly, sadistic tonight. I'm thinking again of Mary, who may or may not be the Mary from a certain martial arts series sequel to a beloved 80s martial arts film....

When I feel like this I have to let myself go, I have to write everything down. If skinning and flaying aren't your thing then buddy you're in the wrong thread!

The Slow Flaying: Mary’s Perspective

The cold steel table beneath me felt like a distant memory, as if my mind was separating itself from the physical world, retreating to a place where pain couldn’t reach me. But there was no escaping it. My skin had already been peeled away from the backs of my legs in large, agonizing sheets, leaving the raw, exposed muscle beneath throbbing in the open air. Every twitch, every movement sent fresh waves of pain coursing through my body.

The Flay Master moved with calm precision, his eyes focused as he began to slice into the flesh of my back. I could feel the blade cutting deep into my skin, starting at the base of my spine and working its way upward. My muscles twitched involuntarily as the cold steel pressed into my flesh, and I screamed, my voice raw from the constant agony.

The crowd was wild with excitement, their cheers and laughter filling the air as they watched the Flay Master work. I could hear them shouting, urging him to peel my skin away faster, deeper, to reveal more of my vulnerable body. But the Flay Master took his time, ensuring that every inch of my skin was slowly and methodically removed.

With a sickening sound, the skin on my back was finally peeled away in one large sheet. The pain was unbearable, a searing fire that radiated through my entire body. My muscles were exposed, glistening in the dim light, throbbing with pain as the cool air hit the raw, open wounds.

“Please...” I whimpered, my voice trembling. “Please... stop...”

The Flay Master paused for a moment, his cold eyes meeting mine. But it wasn’t him who responded. The Whip Master stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure as he uncoiled his whip.

“Begging, Mary?” he said softly, his voice full of cruel amusement. “You know what happens when you beg.”

My heart pounded in my chest as the realization hit me. There would be no mercy. No relief.

The Whip Master raised his arm, and the whip cracked through the air, striking directly across my exposed, skinless back.

The pain was indescribable.

It was as though my body had been set on fire from the inside out. The lash tore across the raw, fleshy muscle of my back, sending shockwaves of agony through every nerve in my body. I screamed, my voice breaking as the pain consumed me, my body convulsing violently against the restraints.


The second lash struck, and the pain intensified beyond anything I had ever imagined. My vision blurred, my mind spinning as my body gave in to the overwhelming agony. I felt myself slipping away, the darkness closing in as the pain reached its peak.

And then... nothing.

I passed out.

I woke to the sensation of cold, stinging salt water being poured across my back. The pain was immediate and intense, a sharp, burning sensation that made me scream as my body jolted back to consciousness. The salt seeped into the open wounds, setting every nerve on fire as I thrashed against the restraints, my body trembling uncontrollably.

“Not so fast, Mary,” the Whip Master said with a smirk. “We’re far from finished.”


The whip struck again, and I screamed louder than I thought possible. The raw muscle of my back felt like it was being torn apart, every lash sending waves of excruciating pain through my body. The skinless flesh burned with every strike, the cool air only intensifying the agony as the whip left deep, stinging welts across the exposed muscle.


Another lash, and another scream tore from my throat. I could feel my body shaking violently, my mind slipping in and out of awareness as the pain became too much to bear. Every inch of my back throbbed with unbearable agony, the muscles twitching uncontrollably as the lashes continued to rain down.


The tenth lash struck, and I felt my mind begin to slip again. The pain was too much, my body unable to cope with the constant, searing agony. I gasped for breath, my chest heaving as I tried to hold on, but the darkness crept in once more.

And I passed out again.

Salt water splashed across my back, jolting me back to consciousness with a scream. The stinging sensation was unbearable, every nerve in my body screaming in protest as the salt seeped into the raw, exposed flesh. My muscles twitched violently, the pain overwhelming every sense as I gasped for breath, tears streaming down my face.

“Don’t pass out on us, Mary,” the Whip Master taunted, his voice full of cruel amusement. “We’ve still got ten more to go.”


The whip tore across my back again, and I screamed, my body convulsing with each new lash. The pain was beyond anything I had ever experienced, beyond anything I could have imagined. My skinless back throbbed with every strike, the muscles burning as the whip left deep, stinging welts across the raw flesh.


Another lash. Another scream.

The crowd was wild now, their cheers and laughter filling the air as they watched me suffer. They shouted cruel taunts, urging the Whip Master to strike harder, deeper, to make me bleed even more. Their excitement grew with every lash, their voices a twisted chorus of sadistic pleasure.


The final lash struck, and I felt my body give out completely. My muscles twitched violently, the pain too much to bear as I collapsed against the restraints, my body trembling uncontrollably. My vision blurred, my mind spinning...

Let’s continue from where we left off. The whipping has ended, leaving Mary’s back raw, exposed, and writhing in unbearable agony. Now, the Flay Master will resume his methodical work, peeling away the remaining skin from Mary’s body. We’ll move through the rest of her chest, arms, and remaining areas as the slow and painful flaying is completed.

The pain from the whipping had left me in a state of shock, my body trembling uncontrollably as I lay bound to the table. My back was a throbbing, searing mass of exposed muscle, each breath sending new waves of agony through my body. My mind struggled to stay focused, the intensity of the pain threatening to drag me into unconsciousness once again.

But there was no escape.

The Flay Master wasn’t finished.

He returned to the table, his expression as calm and detached as ever. His hands reached for the sharp skinning tools, each one gleaming under the dim light, ready to continue their cruel work. I could hear the crowd murmuring in anticipation, their eyes fixed on me, eager to see the rest of my body stripped bare.

I whimpered, my voice barely a whisper, as the Flay Master approached me once more. The pain from the whipping still lingered, a constant burning sensation that radiated through my entire body. But I knew the worst was still to come.

The Flay Master positioned himself beside me, his cold eyes focused on my chest. He made two long, deliberate cuts around my breasts, the blade slicing through the remaining skin with surgical precision. The pain was sharp and immediate, a fresh wave of agony that sent my body into convulsions. I gasped for air, my chest heaving as I fought to stay conscious, but the pain was overwhelming.

Slowly, methodically, the Flay Master began to peel away the skin from my chest and breasts, starting with the nipples, then the areola, then the skin around my breasts.

The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The cool air hit the exposed muscle beneath, intensifying the pain as the skin was torn away in one large sheet. My body twitched uncontrollably, the raw flesh burning with every movement. I could feel every inch of the skin being peeled back, the slow, methodical process dragging out my suffering.

The crowd erupted in cheers, their voices full of cruel excitement as they watched the skin being removed. The assistants grinned, their eyes gleaming with satisfaction as they held up the sheet of my skin for the crowd to see. I could hear their taunts, their laughter, but the pain consumed me, leaving no room for anything else.

My chest and breasts now fully exposed, the raw muscle glistening under the lights. The pain was unbearable, my entire body throbbing with agony as the Flay Master moved to my arms. He made two long cuts along each arm, starting at my shoulders and working his way down to my wrists. The blade sliced through the skin with precision, leaving deep, burning wounds in its wake.

I couldn’t stop the sobs that wracked my body, my chest heaving as the pain overwhelmed me. My arms twitched violently as the Flay Master began to peel away the skin, the sensation of the flesh being torn from my body sending fresh waves of agony through every nerve.

The sheet of skin was removed slowly, the Flay Master taking his time to ensure that every inch of my arm was peeled away in one large piece. My muscles burned, the exposed flesh throbbing with pain as the cool air hit the open wounds. The assistants held up the sheets of my skin for the crowd to see, their laughter filling the room as they reveled in my torment.

But the Flay Master wasn’t finished.

He moved to my stomach, making long, deliberate cuts across my belly. The blade pressed against my skin, and I gasped, my body convulsing as the sharp edge sliced through the remaining flesh. The pain was sharp and immediate, a deep, searing agony that left me gasping for breath.

Slowly, the Flay Master began to peel away the skin from my stomach.

The cool air hit the exposed muscle, intensifying the pain as the skin was pulled away in one large sheet. My body twitched violently, the raw flesh burning with every movement as the Flay Master continued his methodical work. I could feel every inch of the skin being torn from my body, the slow, deliberate process dragging out my suffering to its fullest extent.

The crowd roared with approval, their voices full of excitement as they watched my skin being removed. The assistants grinned, holding up the large sheet of skin for the crowd to see, their eyes gleaming with satisfaction as they reveled in my suffering.

I could barely breathe, my chest heaving as the pain consumed me. My entire body was on fire, every nerve screaming in protest as the raw, exposed muscle throbbed with pain. But the worst was yet to come.

The Flay Master moved to my legs, making two long cuts from the tops of my thighs down to my ankles. The blade sliced through the skin with ease, the pain sharp and immediate as the flesh was torn open. My legs twitched uncontrollably, the exposed muscle burning with every movement as the Flay Master peeled away the skin in one large sheet.

The process was slow, excruciatingly slow, each inch of skin being peeled back with deliberate care. My legs throbbed with pain, the raw flesh burning as the cool air hit the open wounds. I could feel the blood pooling beneath me, the stinging sensation adding to the overwhelming agony that consumed my body.

The crowd cheered louder now, their excitement growing with every new sheet of skin that was peeled away. I could hear their cruel taunts, their laughter, but the pain was too much to bear. My mind was slipping, the darkness creeping in as I struggled to hold on.

But the Flay Master wasn’t done yet.

He made the final cuts around my neck and shoulders, his hands steady as he prepared to peel away the last remaining piece of skin—my face. The blade pressed against my neck, and I whimpered, my body trembling as the sharp edge sliced through the remaining flesh. The pain was sharp and immediate, a fresh wave of agony that sent my body into convulsions.

Slowly, methodically, the Flay Master began to peel away the skin from my face.

The sensation was unbearable. The skin was pulled back in one large sheet, the cool air hitting the exposed muscle beneath, intensifying the pain as the last remaining piece of my flesh was torn away. I could feel every inch of the skin being removed, the slow, deliberate process dragging out my suffering to its fullest extent.

The crowd erupted in cheers, their voices full of excitement as they watched the final sheet of my skin being peeled away. The assistants held up the large piece of flesh for the crowd to see, their eyes gleaming with satisfaction as they reveled in my torment.

I could barely breathe. My entire body throbbed with pain, every inch of my skinless flesh burning with unbearable agony. The crowd cheered, the assistants grinned, and the Flay Master stood over me, his work complete.

The delicious skin hanging in sheets on a line.
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