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The Garden of Redemption.

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Chapter 1. History lesson.​

Joshua drove into Sinville on his trusty electric donkey. Sinville was a run-down resort town in the small confederate state Cruxiana. So small that it is almost impossible to find it on the world map unless you have a developed imagination. A slender, golden-haired young man of 22 years old, dressed in a plaid shirt, jeans and moccasins, tied his bike to a palm tree near an ancient temple.
-Hey, hurry up if you don't want to miss Sunday school class again!- A blonde woman in her early 30s, dressed in some kind of police uniform, called out to him. On the occasion of the summer season, the sleeves of the white blouse were short, and the black skirt just above the knees did not hide the slender legs wrapped in stockings.
-Of course I'll teach a lesson, if that's what such a strict lady officer tells me to do. - Joshua smiled.
- Will you do it? Although, wait, you're not one of my charges. - The woman was confused.
- I am Joshua, a historian. I graduated from the university and am now collecting materials for a dissertation on the history of religion. And what do you need to do to become your ward?
- For example, smashing a boutique window to steal an expensive swimsuit for your girlfriend. I, Valeria, work in the youth crime prevention department. - Valeria held out her hand, which Joshua elegantly kissed. - How lucky it is to meet an educated young man here now, because unfortunately in our city there are only those guys and girls who do not want to study, but prefer to live on welfare and earn money for cheap entertainment with petty crimes. I'm already tired of lecturing them, so maybe you can do something.
-Everyone carries their own cross, - Joshua said as he entered the cathedral.
White and black young men in torn jeans and T-shirts and brightly made-up girls in short skirts sat slackly on the benches.
- It's amazing that you can see so many young parishioners somewhere now. Joshua commented on the picturesque gathering, making a sign in front of the altar.
- Oh, no, I just make them beg for forgiveness of their sins. Valeria almost hissed, fervently crossing herself in front of the image of the Savior.
- So, my dear blockheads, today our guest, historian Joshua, will teach you a lesson in true faith. I hope this will serve as an example for you.
- Guys and girls, let's ask ourselves, what would have happened if Jesus hadn't died for all of us two thousand years ago?
- Well, like, we'd be sinners. - some impudent guy drawled. Laughter rippled through the room.
- What makes a person moral is his actions. Confucius, Buddha and the prophet Muhammad also sought to reduce the amount of evil in the world, as did the fathers of the Church, regardless of the atoning sacrifice. So do you really want God to die just because you are too lazy to take even a step towards saving your own soul?
-We don't want that, do we? - Valeria supported the speaker.
- Imagine, one noble Roman patrician, Claudius, the great-nephew of Augustus himself, a historian, like me, traveling through the East of the empire, found a star that had fallen from the sky. He was able to decipher the heavenly language and flew to Rome in a heavenly chariot as the Divine Claudius. The machines found in the spaceship, copying themselves, would have built other machines, crushing stone, mining ores, laying roads and water pipes, printing houses out of cement. Rome would no longer need slaves and the empire would realize the dream of Arcadia. People would hardly have to work, it would be enough to harvest fruit trees and graze cattle. Medical devices in the temples of Asclepius would treat people from diseases, contraceptive pessaries and silphii would allow controlling the population. Soporific gases would have avoided casualties in the war and even wars would have stopped when the entire Ecumene would have been divided into provinces of the empire. In the absence of serious property conflicts, an intelligent video surveillance system would allow the immortal emperor to maintain order and prosperity with a very small staff of assistants, establishing reasonable laws obliging to compensate for any damage caused proportionately. But would you pay divine honors to an earthly ruler?
- Let the emperor fuck himself, we have it all! - some slave shook his pigtails.
- It's very rude, but true. Claudius would just be a reasonable and kind person who used his power correctly. People who are not lazy to study and work themselves can create all this equipment for the common good. Couldn't we live in an earthly paradise?
- In paradise, people went naked! - squeaked a black girl sitting with a guy in dreadlocks.
- Look, and our Savior is naked. The Creator of the world has descended to the lowest in his creation. Claudius was not the first to find a fallen star. The first was the young wife of a simple carpenter. But she did not understand anything about technology, but, being a kind and gentle woman, she took the baby found in the ship for upbringing. When the boy grew up and became a carpenter, like his adoptive father, the good Claudius already ruled the Ecumene, commanding his uncle Tiberius to bring the peoples to submission with new weapons. Peace reigned everywhere, although not everyone was happy with it. But according to the laws of Claudius, only death was punishable by death, and precisely because the number of death sentences sharply decreased, the need for crosses for crucifixions increased dramatically, so that carpenters had a lot of work.
-But wasn't crucifixion the death penalty?- A girl dressed up like a street whore exclaimed in surprise.
- Not at all. Crucifixion was originally an initiation rite. Guys and girls who were ripe for love were hung with ropes from a tree between heaven and earth and tortured so that they could prove their endurance by experiencing the torments of a second birth. Then the crucifixion became a sacrifice. Finally, became a execution. The refusal to use expensive nails returned the crucifixion to its original meaning. Those hanging on the tree of shame were freed from all earthly obligations, but they did not deserve heaven because they were deprived of dignity in agony. Therefore, crucifixion has become very widely applied to runaway slaves and slave-girls, to rapists and prostitutes. After the obligatory removal from the cross before sunset, the sinners who survived the crucifixion were doomed to live in shame.
- Does the crucifixion hurt a lot if it doesn't have nails? - The girl with the piercing asked timidly.
- Nails are senseless cruelty that brings death from blood loss closer. Crucifixion with ropes allowed you to experience quite severe pain for much longer. Hanging by wide-spread arms, the victim experiences a slow strangulation, as in hanging, only stretched out for long hours. Therefore, for a long crucifixion, it is necessary to create a small foothold, but causing as much pain as possible and not allowing you to fully straighten your legs. Nails between the toes are quite suitable, creating exactly the same pressure, causing noticeable and increasing pain. Crucified people strain their muscles in order to inhale another sip of pain and such an obscene dance can last for a whole day or even longer. I am sure that all the strong guys and slender girls present here will be able to withstand a whole day of crucifixion with ropes without harm to their health, having experienced even more than a young carpenter who happened to try out a cross of his own making, although he deserved crucifixion less than all of us.
- I think I know this story. - The guy who had been skeptical from the very beginning yawned.
- If the divine Claudius had been the emperor, the famous plot would have looked different. A virtuous carpenter, having built three crosses, met a girl whom the evil fanatics of the old faith wanted to stone for adultery, although she was guilty only of giving her love to everyone and did not refuse gifts. By asking who was sinless enough to be the first to throw a stone, he saved both the girl and her persecutors from death. Telling the harlot not to sin anymore, he let her go in peace, but the girl did not want to give up the temptations and the next day she was sentenced to crucifixion as a whore. Together with the harlot, the rapist and the captive barbarian girl were sentenced to crucifixion. However, custom required that men and women be crucified equally, because those sentenced to crucifixion themselves whip each other, and men whip women, and women whip men. Then the harlot began to beg the guy who saved her yesterday to flog her for debauchery as cruelly as possible and he agreed to voluntarily sacrifice himself on the cross for the sake of atoning for the sin of a single sinner. But there were three crosses, so mercy was shown in honor of the holiday and the audience was asked to choose which of the four to save from the crucifixion. It is natural to show mercy to an innocent person, but the mood of the crowd is changeable. Why deprive a guy of a cross who wants to be crucified himself and is ready to whip a beautiful girl. A whore and a rapist deserve a shameful crucifixion, and everyone liked the barbarian's fearlessness. The brave barbarian girl was freed from the cross, but she still had to be stripped naked and publicly flogged. The barbarian girl was willingly flogged by the rapist. The rapist was flogged by a harlot who knew a lot about flogging men. But the harlot was mercilessly whipped by the most innocent of all four, because love can be given to everyone, but it cannot be sold to anyone. And he, too, was flogged by a barbarian who loved to flog no less than to receive a spanking. Then all four went naked to the place of the crucifixion, carrying the crossbars of their crosses on their shoulders. First, the harlot and the barbarian crucified the rapist. Then the savior of the harlot once again worked as her executioner, and was himself crucified by the barbarian girl. The barbarian girl remained to guard the crucified and sometimes give them a drink, and she had no right to clothes until the end of the execution. An innocent man, crucified between a rapist and a whore, told her that if she loved him, she would immediately be with him in paradise. The shameful pain of crucifixion next to her beloved became a pleasure for the libertine stronger than orgasm. A barbarian girl and a rapist, as well as passing onlookers, mocked a couple of lovers indecently writhing on crosses next to each other, but sincere love turns even humiliation into joy. At sunset, the barbarian took the crucified from the crosses and the four of them spent the night in a cave. The rapist and the barbarian were crucified again a few days later, and the harlot and her savior got married and left for the other end of the Ecumene, in a string of meadows and grapes, where they lived happily in love and harmony. And now think about how things were in our world, if some apocrypha believe the French Merovingian kings to be descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and the myth of Christ was created by the Apostle Paul?
-I'm going to arrest you for blasphemy!- Valeria screamed.
- Let the romantic story of Jesus and Mary be the only thing that made your wards' eyes shine, but don't be shy, arrest me right in the temple, it will also be a moral lesson! - Joshua humbly held out his hands, on which the bracelets snapped.
Valeria quickly led the sardonically grinning Joshua to the exit.
- Get on your "donkey", I'll tell you where to go - the fury abruptly threw, and sat on the saddle from behind, hugging her prisoner tightly by the torso.
- Here, bitch, I wish I was in this guy's place! - A young black man with pigtails whistled.​
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I hate to be that person, but can we censor that slur here? I don’t want someone searching the site for that kind of thing and getting any ammunition.
I'm sorry, but if this is serious, what are you afraid of? There are enough hints in the narrative that everything happens in an imaginary world (however, all literary worlds are imaginary). The alternative "sacred history" is pure fiction . The characters, not to mention the author, do not claim that this was actually the case, but only that it could have been so in some other world. So moral and ethical beliefs were not affected.

There are a lot of much more extreme things with murders and suicides on the forum. A soft fantasy is not a mandatory instruction for execution, even if we strive for verisimilitude. In the end, all the perverted fantasies on this forum can be called nonsense, because in real life people do not live for sex.
I hate to be that person, but can we censor that slur here? I don’t want someone searching the site for that kind of thing and getting any ammunition.
I'm sorry, but if this is serious, what are you afraid of? There are enough hints in the narrative that everything happens in an imaginary world (however, all literary worlds are imaginary). The alternative "sacred history" is pure fiction . The characters, not to mention the author, do not claim that this was actually the case, but only that it could have been so in some other world. So moral and ethical beliefs were not affected.

There are a lot of much more extreme things with murders and suicides on the forum. A soft fantasy is not a mandatory instruction for execution, even if we strive for verisimilitude. In the end, all the perverted fantasies on this forum can be called nonsense, because in real life people do not live for sex.
I've replaced a certain word beginning with 'n' with 'slave'. ;)

My apologies, Em, I completely missed that when I first saw this story. :doh:
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I've replaced a certain word beginning with 'n' with 'slave'. ;)

My apologies, Em, I completely missed that when I first saw this story. :doh:

I apologize if I have unwittingly offended anyone. The difference in cultures has affected. If it's just the terror of political correctness, then the text can be easily corrected. Let's replace rudeness with the letter n with the words "Rastaman". The black young man was a representative of a subculture that encourages a relaxed lifestyle. He did not study or work anywhere, lived on an unconditional basic income, preferring hanging out with friends, sex with available girls and "weed". Of course, we will wean him from the latter by providing healthier pleasures. His white friends are no better - they are the same loafers and blockheads. And their "guardian" Valeria, portraying piety, is even more immoral, because she went to work with troubled youth only to choose cute males for herself.

Just in case, I would like to emphasize once again that I am a staunch advocate of comprehensive equality of people. Moreover, genuine equality, and not a politically correct imitation that hides the real problem. Equality regardless of skin color is included.

Returning to the text, characters of different skin colors will willingly mix with each other, finding joy in this. So swearing with the letter n is about like calling a woman a whore - insulting, but exciting in the game.
Chapter 2 Experimentum crucis. Part 1
- What a luxurious prison in your city, with an attic and a swimming pool in the backyard. - Joshua was surprised, parking at the two-story mansion, according to Valeria's instructions.
- This is not a prison, but you can get punishment here too. - Valeria replied in a slightly hoarse voice.
After crossing the threshold, Joshua took off his moccasins and with pleasure dipped his bare toes into the fluffy pile of the carpet. A robot vacuum cleaner purred like a cat somewhere.
- Let me wash my hands of it. - Joshua asked, casually rattling the chain of handcuffs.
- I'll help you now. - Valeria put on clean high-heeled slippers.
When their palms touched under a stream of warm water, both felt as if a slight shock of electricity.
- Tell me, Joshua, what kind of whips were used in your Arcadia for flagellation before the crucifixion? - Valeria's voice trembled slightly with excitement.
- Oh, the most diverse. The whip should whistle loudly, whip painfully, leave bright marks, but not tear the skin. Then you can get as many slaps as you want.
- Will you choose if I show you?
- Come on!
Valeria took Joshua by the chain of handcuffs and took him to the red room. From the windows there was a view of the backyard with a large swimming pool, safely sheltered from the indiscreet gazes of neighbors by a high hedge. There was a huge bed for about five people under the windows. There was a mirror on the ceiling above the bed. Another large floor-to-ceiling mirror decorated the side wall. An oblique x-cross was bolted to the wall opposite. On the wall opposite the windows, next to the doorway, there is a long hanger with all kinds of belts and whips of different lengths.
Joshua grinned knowingly. Valeria blushed slightly, and it was too obvious that this was not the first time this shameless woman had brought studs to her den.
- Do you really believe that the Redeemer was crucified naked and taken down alive from the cross at sunset? - Valeria stared into Joshua's blue eyes.
- I'm ready to prove it to you as soon as you want! Joshua answered her fervently and sincerely.
-What if I crucify you the way you described in your backyard?- Valeria challenged.
- The sin of blasphemy deserves the most shameful atonement! - The young man's eyes were burning.
- Let it be! Strip naked right now! - The mistresses defiant look was a verdict.
The guy unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt and pulled it over his head. His shirt hung like a colored rag around his shackled wrists. Valeria pulled hard and the thin silk easily tore.
-You can only make a loincloth out of it now. -Joshua chuckled.
-You won't need clothes for a while, and then I'll present you a new one.- Valeria admired the young man's torso, wide chest without a single hair and abs cubes.
Joshua pulled off his jeans and remained in only a thong for men, elegantly covering his groin.
- I'm confiscating the underpants as evidence! - Valeria abruptly pulled her panties down, for which she had to kneel down.
- Before a woman gives a man pain, a man must take pleasure from her. - Joshua wrapped his shackled arms around Valeria's neck and forced her to bury her face in his crotch.
Valeria gently touched the head of the penis with her lips, ran her tongue along the trunk to the very root over which neatly trimmed blond hair burned like a bonfire. The young man's penis quickly began to tighten noticeably and Valeria skillfully took his cheek, tickling with her tongue. Her art was rewarded with a strong erection, but Valeria was in no hurry, caressing the penis with deep kisses. Joshua began to breathe more often, and then Valeria slowly planted herself all the way to her throat. Joshua gently fingered Valeria's hair as she swallowed his penis over and over again. Finally, Valeria felt the favorite taste of semen on her tongue. A few drops fell on her blouse.
- Don't erase it if you want to accuse me of sexual harassment later. The guy joked, satisfied with the first discharge.
Valeria took off her blouse with a shameful stain and remained in a bra supporting lush tits.
- What kind of whip do you want? - she asked, licking her lips.
- A seven-tailed cat with leather flappers on the ends is a good start to a long execution.
- And you are a connoisseur of hard spanking!
- Vice must be scourged without mercy!
-Help me unbutton my bra so I can swing properly.- Valeria flicked her whip dramatically.
Joshua willingly complied with the request of the beautiful tormentor. Valeria turned to face him and put his palms on her nipples, gently undoing the handcuff bracelets. Then she took the cuffs off the wall and put them on Joshua's wrists. Finally, the naked guy found himself facing the oblique cross.
- I should always hang on the cross. - Joshua tried to fasten his arms as high as possible so that his feet did not reach the floor. Valeria spread the guy's legs and attached them to the crossbars from below
- The first one! - all seven tails of the whip fell with a pull on the narrow buttocks of the young man, leaving purple marks.
- The second one! - Valeria slapped Joshua's ass again, but this time from the other side. Joshua twitched perceptibly.
- The third one. - The whip burned the broad muscles of the back.
The whip whistled again and again. Joshua literally broke the cross out of the wall with his strong hands, wheezing in pain with each new blow. Spanking became a test for him, but a desirable test - Valeria saw it by the erect penis boring into the wall. She wasn't going to spare the brash one. It seems that today she can not deny herself anything.
- Thirty-nine! - Valeria threw away the whip and gently touched Joshua's burning back with her bare breasts. She kissed the shoulder blades of the guy she had just whipped, inhaling the musky scent of sweat. The woman gave the man the caress of her embrace, allowing him to come to his senses, and only then unbuckled him from the cross.
Joshua turned to face Valeria and threw her onto the bed.
- It was forbidden to crucify virgins!
- You're definitely not a virgin! Or do you want to crucify me?
- It is never superfluous to make sure of this. - Joshua tore off Valeria's thigh-high skirt. There were no panties under the skirt, only stockings with Velcro.
- Did you enter the House of the Lord without panties!?
- You said yourself that the redeemer hung naked on the cross. How dare I cover my sinful cunt?
Valeria's pussy was clean-shaven, except for a narrow arrow that seemed to point the way to the clitoris.
Joshua's hard penis entered her roughly. Both were so excited that they came at the same time after several strong thrusts. When Joshua went limp, Valeria began to kiss his face passionately, whispering softly in his ear: "I sentence you to be crucified for blasphemy!"
Chapter 2 Experimentum crucis. Part 2

The words of the cruel sentence, uttered in a gentle voice, opened Joshua's second wind. He quickly threw Valeria's long legs in fishnet stockings and stiletto heels over his shoulders and began to drill her cunt with his jackhammer. Valeria only gasped, admiring in the mirror on the ceiling the play of muscles of her lover's scarred back. This time Joshua showed his stamina by giving generously for those 39 lashes. Valeria cum three times before Joshua filled her pussy with sticky semen. However, he still owed her 35 orgasms.
- Oh, we're almost in Arcadia! Joshua rolled his eyes dreamily, leaning back on the pillows. - They didn't know diseases there, but they knew a lot about orgies, because pre-established contraception was mandatory. Everything is like ours.
- It's immoral!
- Of course, it's immoral! Sex has become a purely moral issue, not a health issue. We caress each other for our own pleasure,- Joshua stroked his mistress's bare thigh. - and therefore we cannot be proud of it as something worthy of reason and useful for society.
- Sin must be punished!
- So let's go and punish! Joshua jumped out of bed and grabbed Valeria in his arms. - Guys and girls going to the crucifixion usually carried crossbars on their shoulders to the place of execution, but here we will have to build a cross.
- There's a pole dug in by the pool... for hanging and spanking. Valeria was slightly embarrassed. - And in the garage there are boards, a stepladder and tools.
Joshua carried Valeria to a rubber lounger by the pool and examined the base of the future execution weapon.
-The post is high and durable. It will do! - Joshua pronounced the verdict of an experienced carpenter. - Come and raise your hand. Let's measure the height to the crossbar.
Then Joshua looked into the garage where he found a stock of balsa bars of various grades.
- The crossbar should be about three meters long. Additional steel supports can be made to reduce bending. And also transfer part of the load to the chain, like a suspension bridge. To begin with, make the simplest fasteners: hooks for which you can attach carabiners, and climbing leg braces. You will also need a car hook and plug or a thick dildo.
- For what?
- Let's make a corny. For a long dance on the cross, you need to take a break sometimes. For a guy, the only way is to put his ass on a hook. However, this is also suitable for girls. In fact, the support is only on the coccyx, but also the anus should be stretched as much as possible so that the pain is as severe as possible and you have to dance, not sit.
Valeria watched in fascination as her whipping post gradually turned into a cross for execution.
Finally, everything was ready. Joshua washed off the dirt and sweat in the shower by the pool.
- Now there's one last thing left. A sign of shame. Name, age, guilt, and duration of the crucifixion. I'm 22 years old.
- And the duration of writing is like in your legend?
- Yes, there is not much time for sunset, so do not be afraid if you want to see a painful crucifixion.
- Joshua, you will be crucified like a blasphemer and hang naked on the cross until sunset!
A naked young guy climbed up a ladder, hung a sign of his shame on top of the pole, turned his back to the post and faced his tormentoress, spread his cuffed hands wide and threaded steel cuff loops into the twisted hooks of the crossbar. Valeria removed the stepladder. Joshua hung on to his arms. His wrists were tied to the cross about a little above his eyes, so that his shoulders were twisted by a tangible force. The guy's biceps tightened, the spaced shoulder blades made the armpits deeper, the ribs appeared under the stretched skin. Joshua's sculpted body was not pumped, rather it was the body of a dancer, as if created for dancing on the cross. Joshua bent his knees and stuck his big toes into the loop on the back of the post. His legs turned out to be obscenely spread apart, teasing Valeria with a cock and eggs, when the guy tried to stand up, wincing from the first injection at first even in some pleasant pain, but physically could not fully straighten up, and hung again after a short breath.
- It's happened! I'm crucified naked!
- Today is such a sunny day for sunbathing! - Valeria teasingly took off her shoes and stockings and lay down on a sunbed by the cross next to the pool, stretching out in a crucified pose.
- Joshua, entertain me with some more story about Arcadia while I admire you crucified on the cross.
-Oh, you want me to start choking faster.
- Of course! I can't wait to see the most painful part of the execution and listen to another exciting fantasy.
- Great! I will tell you about the tender friendship of two queens - a libertine and a rebel.
The Quen and Rebel.​
Boudicca's rebellion was one of the highlights of the endless reign of the Divine Claudius. When Boudicca was still a little girl, her country became part of the Ecumene. However, the young Celt had heard about the old cruel customs from the legends. Boudicca grew up to be a beautiful and statuesque red-haired woman. Prasut, the leader of the Itzen tribe, fell in love with her and married her a second time. Prasut appreciated the benefits of civilization, and since he was older than his young wife, he decided to use one of the recently granted benefits of the Heavenly Ark - the Altar of Rebirth. Tired of life, aged or accidentally severely injured people could lie down on the Altar of Rebirth and be reborn as 18-year-olds in the Grove of Asclepius. But so that the Altars would not be used unnecessarily, boys and girls experienced the torments of a new birth crucified on the Tree of Life until sunset. The free cross was chosen randomly, but usually the cross turned out to be at the other end of the Ecumene, because where sunset all the crosses were already occupied, and where dawn - free. The reborn could start a new life where no one knows them, or take a long and adventurous journey back, because the Living Paintings that instantly transfer to the depicted place were granted later. Prasut did not know where he would end up, so he suggested that his wife meet on the Island of Entertainment, where the Empress's Court had moved not so long ago. In the meantime, let him marry off his daughters from his first marriage, girls aged 19 and 18.
It must be said that people in Arcadia lived in manors similar to all-inclusive hotels. Everyone was entitled to a personal studio, where no one could enter except the owner. Each manor had a large communal garden, a public cattle herd, a 3D printing center, and other amenities. Material goods were plentiful, and the population with a limited birth rate was stable, so that one could freely change one's place of residence. Each manor was managed by several magistrates: an agronomist, an engineer, a midwife, a teacher, etc. The magistrates maintained life support and their power almost did not restrict the freedom of the plebs. Professional responsibility imposed moral restrictions: it was unacceptable to "lose face" in front of a magistrate of the same specialty. The execution of the magistracy or preparation for it was ranked among the patrician class. Anyone could try to pass the entrance exams and get an elementary degree from xiucai. Claudius brought this wise system from the Far East.
Boudicca and her stepdaughters lived in one of the luxurious estates. However, she wanted to be a real queen, although caring about the economy and the welfare of the population did not interest her much. Boudicca understood that she would not be able to seize power by force. If she kills anyone, she will immediately be incinerated by lightning and will not be reborn. There was no point in destroying the estate, since the Star Ark technique would easily build everything all over again. Even Boudicca would not have been able to command an army, because a large crowd of people could be put to sleep with gases from flying cars. Then the clever woman, as it seemed to her, decided to hone the system without violating immutable laws. Boudicca began to incite the youths of her tribe to rape the girls of other tribes in protest against the infringement of her, Boudicca, rights to the throne. Non-traumatic rape was not considered a mortal sin, because consent is a subjective category and sexual intercourse without consent is physiologically no different from consensual sexual intercourse. Moreover, the "law on abducted Sabians" allowed young men to take girls they liked into slavery. However, the kidnapper was crucified for the period chosen by the girl. The girl, in turn, could escape from slavery if she did not like it, but in this case she would also be crucified for the same period. However, in the opposite case, if the slave-girl wanted to marry her master, the bride and groom were crucified together. It was one of Arcadia's favorite traditions. Boudicca inspired the youngsters that all the girls from other lands were their slaves and therefore they should boldly take their rightful place, as Bodicca should rightfully wear a crown.
Few people cared about Boudicca's ambitions except herself, but the sheriff of her manor was still going to teach the arrogant bitch a lesson.
- Have it your way, you'll see!- he said, and chained her stepdaughters, stripped naked, in stocks, allowing everyone to rape the unfortunate girls.
He also stripped Boudicca naked, but did not rape her, but hung her by her hands so that she could see the shame of her stepdaughters and publicly whipped her. Bouddika received 88 lashes.
- If you want girls to be raped, start with the daughters of your clan! - he said to the dishonored "queen".
This could have been the end of it if it hadn't been for Boudicca's character, fiery as her hair.
Boudicca continued to incite rebellion by showing off her abused stepdaughters and her flogged body. She sent the girls to a brothel, because according to an old custom that Bodudikka herself had just invented, girls who lost their virginity before marriage should look for suitors among the clients of whores. The sheriff, although he had slaves, including Erinia, the overseer for punishing men, sometimes inspected brothels for the "obedience" of new girls. He was somewhat surprised to meet Boudicca's adopted daughters there, but decided that the young girls liked sex so much that they found something to do. The girls learned a lot about the art of love, and when the tired sheriff fell asleep, they tied him up and gave him to Boudicca.
In the morning, Boudicca flogged the sheriff, returning 88 lashes, and crucified him naked. Boudicca declared herself queen again, but the plebeians walking nearby were more interested in the sheriff's thick penis than the screams of a flighty woman. When Erinia wanted to free her master, he stopped her with the words: "Let the woman who crucified me take me down from the cross, otherwise I will crucify you myself tomorrow," After which the sheriff sentenced Boudicca and her stepdaughters to crucifixion naked. The black slaves of Erinia stripped, raped, flogged and crucified three women. Boudicca received 88 lashes and 7 hours of crucifixion again. The eldest of the girls - 42 lashes and 4 hours of crucifixion. The youngest is 39 lashes and 3 hours of crucifixion. Boudicca would be crucified in front of the sheriff, with her two stepdaughters on either side.
- Why didn't you bring down the punishments of heaven on me? Boudicca asked from the cross.
-Because you haven't done anything irreparable. - the sheriff only kept the peace on his land. - You are the queen if someone wants to obey you, but there is no reason to do so.
Naked and humiliated, writhing in a dance of pain, she decided to call for rebellion right from the cross.
- Hey, guy, aren't you ashamed that your queen is crucified naked? - she pestered the spectators passing by. - Bring the panties of a fucked whore to your queen's cross! Do you want to fuck the whores crucified next to me? Then bring two slaves!
The youngest of the girls admired Boudicca's courage, although she was very ashamed. The older one mocked Boudicca because she wanted to go back to the brothel more.
One guy was in love with the eldest of the girls. He wanted to take her off the cross, but he was crucified instead of the younger one. One of the black slaves who crucified Boudicca actually brought her lace panties and hung them on the crossbar. He was stupid and thought Boudicca would want to wear them after the execution. Erinia crucified him instead of the older girl.
When Boudicca was taken down from the cross and removed the sheriff from the cross, she immediately had sex with all three, because the woman could not refuse the men in front of whom she danced naked on the cross.
After the first crucifixion in her life, Boudicca plunged headlong into the chaos of the riot. She encouraged random lovers to rape girls and crucified random travelers and their girlfriends with other girls. Naturally, Boudicca soon found herself crucified again. This time her cross was with a lower crossbar. In cross-section, the crossbar had the shape of a right-angled triangle. Boudicca's feet were attached to the hypotenuse and she could not straighten her legs, but a passerby, leaning on the wide side of the crossbar, could easily fuck Boudicca, which many took advantage of. Some rapists liked Boudicca's body so much that they joined the rebellion.
Boudicca's rebellion was expanding. The rebels were not an army, but rather a multitude of small bands who fucked everyone in a row, and then decorated themselves with roadside crosses. It would seem that the Celtic queen was able to shake the order in Arcadia. However, many young couples were happy to move to the rebellious area, preferring a life full of risk and adventure. Barbarians of different tribes were even more mixed up in Arcadia. Boudicca went to the Islands of Entertainment, fomenting riots and being subjected to increasingly sophisticated executions along the way. During her journey, the rebellious housewife has become a brave, muscular Amazon, slim and lithe, covered in tan and whip scars. When Boudicca arrived at court, she was surprised to learn that she was very popular with young people. Many wore tunics depicting the most shameful moments in her life. The entrance to the city was decorated as a real triumph of shame! Boudicca was stripped naked and crucified on a frame and put on an oriental "donkey" equipped with two dildos fucking her in the anus and vagina with every movement. The frame with the crucified Boudica was placed on a chariot, into which her naked lovers were harnessed, who were whipped by naked girls. Boudicca's husband also participated in the shameful procession. Having regained his youth, Prasut became famous pirate. He kidnapped and sold many girls into slavery, thus uniting many loving couples, and was crucified many times for this. Prasut, crucified on a wheel, was being driven in a chariot pulled by naked girls, and another girl was sitting on his penis and one on his face, so Boudicca did not know what kind of guy was humiliating with her. What was the joy and surprise of the couple when they saw each other in the arena at the moment of the most shameful humiliation!
- I'm sorry, my love, your daughters have become whores and live in shame! For this, I must be executed as cruelly as possible!
- The main thing is that they should be happy, because they are already adults. My beloved Amazon has become a shameless nymphomaniac and a depraved masochist, but I love you even more!
Boudicca was whipped, which caused an erection in the crucified Prasut, then she was forced to blowjob for Prasut and also crucified opposite. After a happy reunion on the crosses, the pirate and the rebel reclined at the feast next to the Empress, eating delicious dishes. Boudicca was dressed only in jewelry given by the Empress and whip scars. The first day she danced naked on the cross, and the next day she will dance at the ball in the most luxurious dress.
And on the third day, she and her husband are executed again on the "wheel of fortune". They will be tied to wheels in intricate poses, electrodes, tickling brushes, vibrators and suffering pears will be attached to different places, and all this will turn on randomly while other convicts, stripped naked and driven by whips, turn a tight collar charging devices. Then another day of rest and entertainment, and then Boudicca will be thrown to the animals, but not to be eaten, but to be raped. The black trainer women taught animals to copulate with women without injuring them, and the Empress did not skimp on the most exotic animals for her guest. There was even a giraffe among Boudicca's lovers, who licked her vagina with his long tongue for a long time after sex, while Boudicca was hanging on a cross, crucified for zoophilia. Then there was the nega term.
This festival was invented by Valeria Messalina, Claudius's beloved wife and the most beautiful woman in Arcadia. At first, she entertained the emperor, but Claudius, comprehending divine wisdom, increasingly took the form of a giant worm stretching for tens and hundreds of kilometers, gnawing at the mantle of the planet like an apple in order to move continents and change the tilt of the axis for a milder and more even climate. While the god-emperor provided the people with bread, his empress, as the high priestess of the one-eyed serpent, provided the plebs with spectacles. Messalina was married to the god-emperor, but aspired to be the mistress of the people. Therefore, on the final day of the festival, Messalina herself went down to the arena and offered Boudicca, as a friend, a competition to find out who is more loving. The Empress and the queen were crucified naked on X-crosses, after which the men took turns fucking them, and Prasut, crucified on the x-cross on the contrary, made sure that the girls did not dare to simulate an orgasm - only the real one counted. After sex, the guy was crucified by the girl he brought with him, and the girl was flogged and crucified naked by the next guy in order to get excited before sex. Whoever has the most crosses wins.The whole arena was lined with crosses with crucified guys and girls. Many people wanted to be crucified for their love for the empress, and Boudicca had to charm men by being shamefully crucified, then also demonstrate her skill in love. Crucified and raped girls could take a break by plugging their pussies with a vaginal pear, which Messalina used several times, seeing that her friend was lagging behind and wanting to give a head start. However, Boudicca lost anyway, which turned out to be especially humiliating in such a shameful competition.
Messalina thanked Boudicca for the great show and expressed the hope that when she was on a return visit, the entertainment would be no less fun. Prasut and Boudicca continued to tour the surrounding area, so soon many girls were asking to be crucified shouting "I am also Boudicca". It was only when the Empress issued a decree threatening three days of torture in one day of the Empress's abduction that Boudicca decided to invite her friend to stay with her. It turned out to be even easier to kidnap the Empress than it once was to kidnap the sheriff. Messalina liked to offer herself in lupanars. The most depraved woman in Arcadia was a nymphomaniac, not a masochist, although she never refused perverted sex, so, albeit with difficulty, Boudicca found something to surprise her friend with. Prasut and Boudicca were once again the stars of an even more shameful torture festival. After getting to know Messalina closely, Boudicca realized that her rebellion was pointless from the very beginning, expressing her concealment of perversion. She only strengthened Arcadia by creating new traditions. Boudicca asked for forgiveness from the boys who were crucified because of her and from the girls who became whores and were also crucified. She said that she does not repent or regret anything and therefore deserves the most sophisticated executions. She urged young men and women not to be afraid to rebel like her, although this would certainly lead them to a shameful crucifixion. Boudicca has accepted her feminine nature: if a woman is not capable of being a kind mother to children, she can only please men and arouse the desire of even more of them.
Boudicca and Messalina really became best friends and had many more adventures together. Although Messalina was granted eternal youth when her husband, the emperor, finally turned into a world serpent and, girding himself around Arcadia, paved the way to other worlds, she decided to undergo rebirth and live the shameful lives of a simple plebeian. Prasut and Boudicca also decided to find a new youth, but that's another story.​
The Quen and Rebel.​
Boudicca's rebellion was one of the highlights of the endless reign of the Divine Claudius. When Boudicca was still a little girl, her country became part of the Ecumene. However, the young Celt had heard about the old cruel customs from the legends. Boudicca grew up to be a beautiful and statuesque red-haired woman. Prasut, the leader of the Itzen tribe, fell in love with her and married her a second time. Prasut appreciated the benefits of civilization, and since he was older than his young wife, he decided to use one of the recently granted benefits of the Heavenly Ark - the Altar of Rebirth. Tired of life, aged or accidentally severely injured people could lie down on the Altar of Rebirth and be reborn as 18-year-olds in the Grove of Asclepius. But so that the Altars would not be used unnecessarily, boys and girls experienced the torments of a new birth crucified on the Tree of Life until sunset. The free cross was chosen randomly, but usually the cross turned out to be at the other end of the Ecumene, because where sunset all the crosses were already occupied, and where dawn - free. The reborn could start a new life where no one knows them, or take a long and adventurous journey back, because the Living Paintings that instantly transfer to the depicted place were granted later. Prasut did not know where he would end up, so he suggested that his wife meet on the Island of Entertainment, where the Empress's Court had moved not so long ago. In the meantime, let him marry off his daughters from his first marriage, girls aged 19 and 18.
It must be said that people in Arcadia lived in manors similar to all-inclusive hotels. Everyone was entitled to a personal studio, where no one could enter except the owner. Each manor had a large communal garden, a public cattle herd, a 3D printing center, and other amenities. Material goods were plentiful, and the population with a limited birth rate was stable, so that one could freely change one's place of residence. Each manor was managed by several magistrates: an agronomist, an engineer, a midwife, a teacher, etc. The magistrates maintained life support and their power almost did not restrict the freedom of the plebs. Professional responsibility imposed moral restrictions: it was unacceptable to "lose face" in front of a magistrate of the same specialty. The execution of the magistracy or preparation for it was ranked among the patrician class. Anyone could try to pass the entrance exams and get an elementary degree from xiucai. Claudius brought this wise system from the Far East.
Boudicca and her stepdaughters lived in one of the luxurious estates. However, she wanted to be a real queen, although caring about the economy and the welfare of the population did not interest her much. Boudicca understood that she would not be able to seize power by force. If she kills anyone, she will immediately be incinerated by lightning and will not be reborn. There was no point in destroying the estate, since the Star Ark technique would easily build everything all over again. Even Boudicca would not have been able to command an army, because a large crowd of people could be put to sleep with gases from flying cars. Then the clever woman, as it seemed to her, decided to hone the system without violating immutable laws. Boudicca began to incite the youths of her tribe to rape the girls of other tribes in protest against the infringement of her, Boudicca, rights to the throne. Non-traumatic rape was not considered a mortal sin, because consent is a subjective category and sexual intercourse without consent is physiologically no different from consensual sexual intercourse. Moreover, the "law on abducted Sabians" allowed young men to take girls they liked into slavery. However, the kidnapper was crucified for the period chosen by the girl. The girl, in turn, could escape from slavery if she did not like it, but in this case she would also be crucified for the same period. However, in the opposite case, if the slave-girl wanted to marry her master, the bride and groom were crucified together. It was one of Arcadia's favorite traditions. Boudicca inspired the youngsters that all the girls from other lands were their slaves and therefore they should boldly take their rightful place, as Bodicca should rightfully wear a crown.
Few people cared about Boudicca's ambitions except herself, but the sheriff of her manor was still going to teach the arrogant bitch a lesson.
- Have it your way, you'll see!- he said, and chained her stepdaughters, stripped naked, in stocks, allowing everyone to rape the unfortunate girls.
He also stripped Boudicca naked, but did not rape her, but hung her by her hands so that she could see the shame of her stepdaughters and publicly whipped her. Bouddika received 88 lashes.
- If you want girls to be raped, start with the daughters of your clan! - he said to the dishonored "queen".
This could have been the end of it if it hadn't been for Boudicca's character, fiery as her hair.
Boudicca continued to incite rebellion by showing off her abused stepdaughters and her flogged body. She sent the girls to a brothel, because according to an old custom that Bodudikka herself had just invented, girls who lost their virginity before marriage should look for suitors among the clients of whores. The sheriff, although he had slaves, including Erinia, the overseer for punishing men, sometimes inspected brothels for the "obedience" of new girls. He was somewhat surprised to meet Boudicca's adopted daughters there, but decided that the young girls liked sex so much that they found something to do. The girls learned a lot about the art of love, and when the tired sheriff fell asleep, they tied him up and gave him to Boudicca.
In the morning, Boudicca flogged the sheriff, returning 88 lashes, and crucified him naked. Boudicca declared herself queen again, but the plebeians walking nearby were more interested in the sheriff's thick penis than the screams of a flighty woman. When Erinia wanted to free her master, he stopped her with the words: "Let the woman who crucified me take me down from the cross, otherwise I will crucify you myself tomorrow," After which the sheriff sentenced Boudicca and her stepdaughters to crucifixion naked. The black slaves of Erinia stripped, raped, flogged and crucified three women. Boudicca received 88 lashes and 7 hours of crucifixion again. The eldest of the girls - 42 lashes and 4 hours of crucifixion. The youngest is 39 lashes and 3 hours of crucifixion. Boudicca would be crucified in front of the sheriff, with her two stepdaughters on either side.
- Why didn't you bring down the punishments of heaven on me? Boudicca asked from the cross.
-Because you haven't done anything irreparable. - the sheriff only kept the peace on his land. - You are the queen if someone wants to obey you, but there is no reason to do so.
Naked and humiliated, writhing in a dance of pain, she decided to call for rebellion right from the cross.
- Hey, guy, aren't you ashamed that your queen is crucified naked? - she pestered the spectators passing by. - Bring the panties of a fucked whore to your queen's cross! Do you want to fuck the whores crucified next to me? Then bring two slaves!
The youngest of the girls admired Boudicca's courage, although she was very ashamed. The older one mocked Boudicca because she wanted to go back to the brothel more.
One guy was in love with the eldest of the girls. He wanted to take her off the cross, but he was crucified instead of the younger one. One of the black slaves who crucified Boudicca actually brought her lace panties and hung them on the crossbar. He was stupid and thought Boudicca would want to wear them after the execution. Erinia crucified him instead of the older girl.
When Boudicca was taken down from the cross and removed the sheriff from the cross, she immediately had sex with all three, because the woman could not refuse the men in front of whom she danced naked on the cross.
After the first crucifixion in her life, Boudicca plunged headlong into the chaos of the riot. She encouraged random lovers to rape girls and crucified random travelers and their girlfriends with other girls. Naturally, Boudicca soon found herself crucified again. This time her cross was with a lower crossbar. In cross-section, the crossbar had the shape of a right-angled triangle. Boudicca's feet were attached to the hypotenuse and she could not straighten her legs, but a passerby, leaning on the wide side of the crossbar, could easily fuck Boudicca, which many took advantage of. Some rapists liked Boudicca's body so much that they joined the rebellion.
Boudicca's rebellion was expanding. The rebels were not an army, but rather a multitude of small bands who fucked everyone in a row, and then decorated themselves with roadside crosses. It would seem that the Celtic queen was able to shake the order in Arcadia. However, many young couples were happy to move to the rebellious area, preferring a life full of risk and adventure. Barbarians of different tribes were even more mixed up in Arcadia. Boudicca went to the Islands of Entertainment, fomenting riots and being subjected to increasingly sophisticated executions along the way. During her journey, the rebellious housewife has become a brave, muscular Amazon, slim and lithe, covered in tan and whip scars. When Boudicca arrived at court, she was surprised to learn that she was very popular with young people. Many wore tunics depicting the most shameful moments in her life. The entrance to the city was decorated as a real triumph of shame! Boudicca was stripped naked and crucified on a frame and put on an oriental "donkey" equipped with two dildos fucking her in the anus and vagina with every movement. The frame with the crucified Boudica was placed on a chariot, into which her naked lovers were harnessed, who were whipped by naked girls. Boudicca's husband also participated in the shameful procession. Having regained his youth, Prasut became famous pirate. He kidnapped and sold many girls into slavery, thus uniting many loving couples, and was crucified many times for this. Prasut, crucified on a wheel, was being driven in a chariot pulled by naked girls, and another girl was sitting on his penis and one on his face, so Boudicca did not know what kind of guy was humiliating with her. What was the joy and surprise of the couple when they saw each other in the arena at the moment of the most shameful humiliation!
- I'm sorry, my love, your daughters have become whores and live in shame! For this, I must be executed as cruelly as possible!
- The main thing is that they should be happy, because they are already adults. My beloved Amazon has become a shameless nymphomaniac and a depraved masochist, but I love you even more!
Boudicca was whipped, which caused an erection in the crucified Prasut, then she was forced to blowjob for Prasut and also crucified opposite. After a happy reunion on the crosses, the pirate and the rebel reclined at the feast next to the Empress, eating delicious dishes. Boudicca was dressed only in jewelry given by the Empress and whip scars. The first day she danced naked on the cross, and the next day she will dance at the ball in the most luxurious dress.
And on the third day, she and her husband are executed again on the "wheel of fortune". They will be tied to wheels in intricate poses, electrodes, tickling brushes, vibrators and suffering pears will be attached to different places, and all this will turn on randomly while other convicts, stripped naked and driven by whips, turn a tight collar charging devices. Then another day of rest and entertainment, and then Boudicca will be thrown to the animals, but not to be eaten, but to be raped. The black trainer women taught animals to copulate with women without injuring them, and the Empress did not skimp on the most exotic animals for her guest. There was even a giraffe among Boudicca's lovers, who licked her vagina with his long tongue for a long time after sex, while Boudicca was hanging on a cross, crucified for zoophilia. Then there was the nega term.
This festival was invented by Valeria Messalina, Claudius's beloved wife and the most beautiful woman in Arcadia. At first, she entertained the emperor, but Claudius, comprehending divine wisdom, increasingly took the form of a giant worm stretching for tens and hundreds of kilometers, gnawing at the mantle of the planet like an apple in order to move continents and change the tilt of the axis for a milder and more even climate. While the god-emperor provided the people with bread, his empress, as the high priestess of the one-eyed serpent, provided the plebs with spectacles. Messalina was married to the god-emperor, but aspired to be the mistress of the people. Therefore, on the final day of the festival, Messalina herself went down to the arena and offered Boudicca, as a friend, a competition to find out who is more loving. The Empress and the queen were crucified naked on X-crosses, after which the men took turns fucking them, and Prasut, crucified on the x-cross on the contrary, made sure that the girls did not dare to simulate an orgasm - only the real one counted. After sex, the guy was crucified by the girl he brought with him, and the girl was flogged and crucified naked by the next guy in order to get excited before sex. Whoever has the most crosses wins.The whole arena was lined with crosses with crucified guys and girls. Many people wanted to be crucified for their love for the empress, and Boudicca had to charm men by being shamefully crucified, then also demonstrate her skill in love. Crucified and raped girls could take a break by plugging their pussies with a vaginal pear, which Messalina used several times, seeing that her friend was lagging behind and wanting to give a head start. However, Boudicca lost anyway, which turned out to be especially humiliating in such a shameful competition.
Messalina thanked Boudicca for the great show and expressed the hope that when she was on a return visit, the entertainment would be no less fun. Prasut and Boudicca continued to tour the surrounding area, so soon many girls were asking to be crucified shouting "I am also Boudicca". It was only when the Empress issued a decree threatening three days of torture in one day of the Empress's abduction that Boudicca decided to invite her friend to stay with her. It turned out to be even easier to kidnap the Empress than it once was to kidnap the sheriff. Messalina liked to offer herself in lupanars. The most depraved woman in Arcadia was a nymphomaniac, not a masochist, although she never refused perverted sex, so, albeit with difficulty, Boudicca found something to surprise her friend with. Prasut and Boudicca were once again the stars of an even more shameful torture festival. After getting to know Messalina closely, Boudicca realized that her rebellion was pointless from the very beginning, expressing her concealment of perversion. She only strengthened Arcadia by creating new traditions. Boudicca asked for forgiveness from the boys who were crucified because of her and from the girls who became whores and were also crucified. She said that she does not repent or regret anything and therefore deserves the most sophisticated executions. She urged young men and women not to be afraid to rebel like her, although this would certainly lead them to a shameful crucifixion. Boudicca has accepted her feminine nature: if a woman is not capable of being a kind mother to children, she can only please men and arouse the desire of even more of them.
Boudicca and Messalina really became best friends and had many more adventures together. Although Messalina was granted eternal youth when her husband, the emperor, finally turned into a world serpent and, girding himself around Arcadia, paved the way to other worlds, she decided to undergo rebirth and live the shameful lives of a simple plebeian. Prasut and Boudicca also decided to find a new youth, but that's another story.​
This story is truely bonkers, like an eternal post-scarcity orgy.

I love it!
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This story is truely bonkers, like an eternal post-scarcity orgy.

I love it!
Thanks! This story is better than reality, where a senseless and brutal uprising was easily suppressed by regular legions, and Boudicca committed suicide. And better than the typical fantasy where Boudicca and the daughters were nailed to crosses. Here the beautiful Boudicca was crucified and tortured in other perverted ways many times. Boudicca has become a real queen of the scaffold, a mega-popular star of a sexy BDSM show for a depraved plebs. Her rebellion only strengthened the multicultural unity of Arcadia, encouraging young guys and girls of different tribes to boldly engage in voluptuous games with each other. In the end, Boudicca accepted the nature of a woman as a lover: a woman enjoys satisfying as many men as one man can impregnate at the same time, and must be punished for this as a whore so that the pleasure becomes more vivid!
Chapter 2 Experimentum crucis. Part 3
- Something in my throat is dry. Joshua's breathing became difficult, because he had to pull himself up on the cross while she was telling this story. - The crucified were given a little drink in order to prolong the torment.
- No, I'll quench my thirst first! - Valeria hugged Joshua's hard penis with her plump lips, excited by the pain and the exciting story.
Valeria proved herself to be the same queen of blowjob as the rebellious Boudica was the queen of the scaffold. Joshua screamed with happiness, filling Valeria's mouth with thick semen. When Valeria pulled back a little to enjoy the taste of the precious liquid before swallowing, several more tight jets drenched her face and chest. Joshua arched in a paroxysm of pain and pleasure and sagged on the ropes.
While the guy was slowly recovering, Valeria brought a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator and diluted some pomegranate syrup with this water in a large bowl. She slowly and with visible pleasure drank the whole cup in big gulps, rinsing her mouth with sperm. Joshua followed each sip with a slightly clouded, thirsty gaze.
-I think I'll go for a swim. - Valeria put an open bottle of mineral water on the sunbed in front of the cross, and, doing a beautiful somersault, dived into the pool.
Valeria swam beautifully in breaststroke and butterfly, and Joshua, admiring Valeria, seemed to float in the air, rising up and falling down. Floating on her back to get a better view of Joshua's dance, Valeria thought that the living man on the cross was much more attractive than the statue.
Finally Valeria emerged from the water like Aphrodite from the sea foam. Her slender body was covered with droplets of moisture, and Joshua's muscular body was beaded with sweat.
- Do you want me to mix mineral water with juice for you?- she asked playfully.
- Give me! -Joshua wheezed.
Valeria put the bowl between her legs, bent over on the sunbed and stuck the bottle into her vagina. Most of the liquid from her pussy spilled past, but some got into the vessel.
- Drink up! - Valeria laughingly held the cup to Joshua's lips. - Water with juice. My "juice".
Joshua drank greedily.
- Hang on here for now. Don't go anywhere. - Valeria put on her shoes again. - Don't be afraid, I'll be back soon and we'll have even more fun.
- Fuck! - Joshua sat up and slowly impaled himself on cornu.
After passing through the kitchen from the backyard and putting the pickled turkey to bake in the oven, Valeria went out to meet her beloved husband naked.
- Several sex toy vending machines have been broken again. And this is on a Sunday afternoon! - Valentine complained, kissing his wife. - I fucked your dummies in the ass!
- Nothing, dear, today I have something to comfort you with! We haven't tried this yet! Take off your clothes, take a quick shower and let's go play in the backyard! Just don't peek ahead of time, it's a surprise!
When Valentin got out of the shower, Valeria was already waiting for him with a black silk blindfold. And so Joshua from the cross admires an extraordinarily harmonious couple: a blonde, buxom and round-shouldered woman gently holds the hand of a tall and powerful black man. Both are naked. The rugby player's molded muscles rolled under his clean-shaven skin, and his noble face was framed by short pigtails. Valeria pressed her finger to her lips, urging Joshua to hold his breath, laid her husband on a lounger at the foot of the cross and began to caress his body. She put on a real show, licking a long black penis, riding a simple and inverted rider, and only when the couple merged in ecstasy for the third time in front of the crucified guy, she tore the blindfold from her husband's eyes.
- Why are you crucified naked in my backyard?
- I told how the creator of the garden of earthly delights entered his paradise, was crucified by the eternally young men and women living there, and was taken down alive from the cross at sunset. And Valeria wanted to crucify me.
- Then won't it bother you if another man gropes you a little? - Valentine began stroking Joshua's ass, tugging his balls a little and masturbating his cock.
- In ancient Arcadia, unmarried young men sought to be the seduction of wives and the delight of husbands. The guy who seduced his wife had to replace her with himself in bed. A loving husband accepted his wife's dishonor and gave it to lover.
- And you are a brave boy! I love them! - Valentine began to lift Joshua off the cross, placing him on his shoulders.
-You can take me off the cross if you want, but you'll be crucified for it.
The muscular black man just grinned and put the white guy on the couch.
Valeria hugged Joshua's head with her hips, and Valentin lay on top of her.
- The ass is stretched, but elastic. - He commented knowingly, kissing Joshua's lashed shoulders.
Valentin and Valeria reached orgasm at the same time.
- Boys, now let's take a shower together and sit down at the table! I fried a big turkey for three.
Valeria watched with tenderness as her beloved husband and her new lover greedily ate the turkey. Her heart was anticipating the pleasures of the following days.
The entrance to the city was decorated as a real triumph of shame! Boudicca was stripped naked and crucified on a frame and put on an oriental "donkey" equipped with two dildos fucking her in the anus and vagina with every movement.

Prasut, crucified on a wheel, was being driven in a chariot pulled by naked girls, and another girl was sitting on his penis and one on his face, so Boudicca did not know what kind of guy was humiliating with her.
Boudicca was whipped, which caused an erection in the crucified Prasut, then she was forced to blowjob for Prasut and also crucified opposite.
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