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The Gimp

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some are afraid for entering the Gimp that's why I post here some of their.
I've always fantasized that a torture (and after a while it would be torture!) would be used on disobedient slaves! Squirming helplessly as your now painfully sensitive pussy has orgasms wrenched out of it. My mind would be mush after a few hours for sure...:confused::p
Sadie’s Introduction To The Whip – by Whipping-Films.com

Review by: Thomas Chaser
Meet Sadie, a dusky-skinned, green-eyed cutie who is so cute you'll think it absolutely evil that someone would want to whip her. And you would be right, because there’s nothing better that whipping a dusky-skinned, green-eyed cutie (unless, of course, you're whipping Amanda).


Whipping-Films.Com is not a big-budget production studio, so they make do with what they have, which is a temporary set stage that doubles as a den, consumer-grade cameras, and a whole lot of ambition. Take for example, the picture above. See that man standing in the fireplace? He’s there to get what the GoPro camera hanging from the ceiling doesn't get, nor the camera peeking through the white privacy screen, nor the other camera behind her right shoulder, nor the camera that took this picture, nor the camera you don't see that is mounted just off to her left, nor the other camera held by another guy at the top of the stairs that you can't see from this angle. If nothing else, Whipping-Films.Com has plenty of cameras; just none of them are professional-grade. But, they get the job done so I can't really complain too much about it. Fortunately, Sadie is so great in this film that she balances out those little drawbacks. After the first stroke hits her, you'll forget about the man behind the curtain.


The scene opens with Sadie going down the stairs and taking off her clothes, then stepping over to what I'll call “the whipping zone” where she’s bound to the cuffs hanging from the ceiling and her ankles are bound to leather cuffs anchored by heavy chains to a large piece of wood that she’s standing on. She’s not going anywhere. It’s quick, it’s temporary, and it’s effective. It also allows us to appreciate her curves.


The guy in the green shirt is the man that gets the privilege of whipping her. You would think he'd dress a little bit better for the occasion, but oh well. Maybe he was going to catch a stock car race afterwards.

Once she’s secured in place, she’s given a few warm-up shots, just to prepare her for the long beating she’s about to endure. As The Man in the Green Shirt comes to check on her, she makes the mistake of saying, “That didn't hurt.” Ooooh. Wrong answer.


And then it’s time to get down to business. His business is pain, and he knows how to conduct it.

She bears up to the next series of strokes very well, and when the Man in the Green Shirt comes over to check on his handiwork, she says she’s cold. His solution? He'll warm up her backside some more. The whipping resumes.

She begins to shiver as the lash falls against her skin, first a little trembling in her nice, perky ass, then it becomes more noticeable. My first thought was “Wow, she really is cold.” But then, she begins to shiver uncontrollably and I begin to think that maybe what’s really happening is she’s scared to death but doesn't want to let on about it.

The whipping continues.

So does the shivering.


The Man in the Green Shirt comes over to check on her. She exhales like she’s at a Packers game in January. He asks her if it’s starting to hurt. She says it isn't. “Well, as long it doesn't hurt,” he says as he slaps her ass and takes his position behind her to deliver more strokes.

The beating resumes.

She takes it well.

Other than the shivering, which, by now, I'm starting to wonder isn't some form of psychological shock coping mechanism. The expressions on her face as the whip falls against her body are fantastic; a great mix of frustration, pain, anger, and defiance as she absorbs her pain. Eventually, she begins to cry out and pull against the chains holding her body.

And then it’s over.

She’s reached the proscribed number of lashes.

She smiles.


Overall, this isn't a bad clip. It’s not the best, but it’s probably the best that could've been done with the resources available. To make a great video, you need three things: (a) a beautiful actress, (b) great action, and (c) great production equipment. This has two out of three, which ain’t bad. Sadie certainly does her part, and is certainly watchable even though she’s being recorded on consumer-grade equipment in some guy’s den. Which, if you think about it, means that people like you and me could go out, pay some money to a hot chick, and bring her back to the pad to shoot a video that’s just as good as this one (assuming we could afford a girl as hot as Sadie that would be willing to take the abuse that Sadie does).

My rating: B, and that’s because of the production facilities. With a dedicated studio, a bad guy dressed a little more evil-looking, and high-end cameras, this could have been so much more. The good news is, if Whipping-Films.Com sticks with it, they could be North America’s answer to Eastern Europe’s Elite Pain studios or the Western European PainGate.Com. The seeds are there. Let’s just hope something grows from them.

Liking someones work does not mean you have to like their views or even like the person. Its the reason entertainers should stay out of politics. Gary Glitter - great performer/unique style/Great Songs - not a big fan of him though - for obvious reasons... and there are many more.

I consider a lie to be an insult. You yourself say you DON'T trust 100% what Blakemore says.

I actually always thought a large glossy Taschen style book on H.O.M. with all the backgrounds behind the shoots and the girls would have been a great book - but only if the stories were factual. It would be great if Blakemore decided to write one, but could I trust what I am reading? I don't like to be taken for a fool.

HOM were one of the pioneers but to say without Blakemore there would be NO BONDAGE is a bit extreme - how about Irving Klaw? Actually Teraz Films was more inspired by the Italian Fumetti books and sexo-horror films that I feel did not go far enough - we are more erotic terror than bondage. I think bondage is great but when you are doing cinema type shoots it takes time and a model cannot be bound up for too long.

My thoughts on the sites you mentioned:

I think ZFX is great and was doing pioneering stuff back in the VHS days and their latest film "Shadow Army" with Candle Boxxx looks really good too (I would love to film with Candle but we are in CZ).

I think Hogtied copied a lot of Insex ideas and I wish they would do more Features - the dungeon stuff is a bit repetitive. And if you watch their early stuff - pretty poor, I gotta say
(A blue sheet for a background!?).

Insex - some ground breaking ideas and good feature movies (the live shows went on a bit).

But only ZFX uses any real post production techniques. At Teraz Films we add extra sound, fix dialogue, etc - it can take quite a few days of work (weeks even)- so adding HOM style music is just one exercise as a way to speed up a post production process (especially if you are behind schedule) and some people really liked it (I got emails!).
I don't care if JB (who never saw the film) doesn't.

AND I gotta add, every comment I have made here is a response to a comment. I did not initiate any of these comments.

Should I stay silent? Not when one person comes on here and starts trashing my site - dishonestly and then you added your few pennies (is that the role of a moderator?)

As for the guy who wrote "I suggest if he does indeed not like you or the site, to seek life elsewhere. Or in American idiomatic expression... Fuck Off And Die."

I will be nice and not respond to such a comment - just try and follow the thread - oh there is no thread, maybe that's the problem.

Roman the ill mannered producers

I've been a reader and a member under another nick since you began, Ralphus. This has always been THE little gem for the truly esoteric vids, clips and pics amid the wasteland of quick buck BDSM sites and arrogant, ill mannered "producers".

You brought Blakemore out of the ether and along with Dan Hawke, reopened a majestic view of what is generally considered the seminal bondage work of modern times, HOM and Blakemore's other work.

You have gotten Rick back into the saddle and producing new, long awaited ZFX. I look forward to his visits here and his interactions with the rest of us GIMPers.

I have ZERO interest in this "Roamn" character, his opinions or his "work". I suggest if he does indeed not like you or the site, to seek life elsewhere. Or in American idiomatic expression...FOAD.

We should realize that each personal PC can act differently and its complicated stuff. Mozilla may not be perfect and they have some dubious politics but better than IE and Chrome in my book. BTW I just did a test download in Chrome and there was no problem (see pic).

If someone sends images to me using silverlight (whatever its called) my browser just crashes. My IE11 browser is the latest version which auto updates on my main PC (8Gb memory )but just crashes all the time - go figure?

So lets just realise that PCs are not perfect (I have never been able to talk to someone with skype having a full screen video as they do constantly in "New 2 and a 1/2 Men").

Sometimes the best thing to do when you have a PC problem is just to reboot and try again.

Quick response:
1) I keep meaning to look into Nicheclips but never have time - but it would be nice to see there set-up - shame they are moreo secretive than the Bilderbergers.

2) Actually I also too just found out Mozilla has slumped to 4th place (who uses Safari?? - 3rd place). If No 1 is the very heavy Chrome, then I guess people must love being spied on by the NSA (see what Snowden has to say). However on my stats most Teraz Customers seem to use Firefox Mozilla. I'm not 100% sure there is a problem with IE or Chrome. I did hear that IE8+ and Chrome both have a fix to stop downloads from within an SSL folder. This was asked for by the banks.
However as ALL problems have always been resolved within a day or 2 (and 99% of the time there is no problem at all) maybe it was just a misunderstanding of the instructions. If you want to do a test download you can try this link [www.terazfilms.com]

3)No I wasn't annoyed at your remark about not getting "us" but you then raised it again and also claimed I didnt understand your comments. But I am more trying to set the record straight. Is that ok?

4)Blakemore, please. I like his work but it was when I read the in depth interview a few years back that I first thought "What a pile of ...." but that was just the beginning until he was totally busted earlier this year. I was really interested in hearing the real stories not some fantasies... and did Blakemore even see the movie - I don't think so. So maybe if you haven't seen the movie you shouldn't say too much, even if you are John Blakemore. And since when was Klause Shulze's "Frank Herbert" Blah blah music? ..

4) Ralphus. You say 4 people have joined your movement. Well I am still not sure what your problem was with downloading but I know it was sorted. "Gog" says he donated $9 but left no email address on your forum (hence "anonymous bliss"). However, I checked and there was no order for $9 in this period but there was an order for $8.95 which used the GIMP2014 voucher and was for for "Bitch on a Burner" and that card was DECLINED. We have had no reply to the 2 emails we sent and that person still has 711 days left to download (yeah I mistyped when creating the download limit) and he has 11 downloads remaining - so why just give up after 2 attempts and not contact me? I would never ever mention this kind of thing except that it is obvious that Gog is not telling the whole story and it was HE who decided to go public before even contacting me to resolve any problem. I hope he enjoyed the free film.
And although "Erodite" says there was an initial problem, Erodite says it was all resolved with little fuss.

So Ralphus, stop trying to build a class action over this.

Just putting the record straight, now I hope I can get back to editing films

thank you

Roman Nowicki
Image from "Lena and the Time Machine" - Out Soon-ish

How about the movie "Bitch on a Burner" compared to "Fantom Intruder Part 2" which I bought and liked very much?
It looks to have similar props and storyline. Forgive me if "Bitch on a Burner" has already been reviewed for I was waiting for the sound version to come out to read the review. Bill K.

As you know, Mood Pictures is filming its next installment in the "History of Pain" series, this time focusing on the interrogation techniques of the Inquisition. To that end, Pedro of Mood Pictures has made available two of the actresses for a Q&A with GIMP fans. That's Nancy, she of the legendary running mascara, on the left and Roxy, with the amazing pain threshold, on the right (above) as they appeared in "Milgram Experiment 2".

Below are five questions for each actress that I've already sent to Pedro. He plans to record their answers to the questions as part of a bonus for the movie. If you have a question you'd like to ask, just post it up here over the next few days. I'll collected them up, sort out the redundant ones, and send them to him (the production studio is closed for a Hungarian holiday, so there's some time).

My questions for Nancy:

1) You've starred in some popular Mood Pictures films now; first as the "little sister" in "House of Pain: Military Interrogation", then as a "student" in "The Milgram Experiment 2", and currently as a victim in the "House of Pain: Inquisition" film now in production. Were you nervous about participating in "HoP: MI"?

2) For ME2, did you actually try to play the memory game? Or were you more focused on trying to get the "teacher" to whip you as much as you could?

3) For ME2, you were told to be a bitch to the "teacher", and you did a phenomenal job! It actually made me laugh. If Pedro came to you with an idea for a "bondage-comedy" film would you consider it?

4) What's the worst experience you've ever had filming either a Mood Pictures film or an Elite Pain video, other than accidentally slamming your fingers in a car door?

5) Do you hate the people that whip you?

For Roxy:

1) You've starred in an Elite Pain video and in the Mood Pictures film "Milgram Experiment 2", and you're currently starring in "History of Pain: Inquisition". Of the three, which do you consider to be the most difficult for you?

2) For ME2, did you try to play the memory game? Or were you just trying to make the "teacher" feel guilty?

3) How long does it take for you to recover from a whipping scene? And how long does it take for you to consider doing another one?

4) Of the three victims in HoP: Inquisition, who do you think is the toughest girl?

5) What is the worst experience you've had in any of the films you've done for Elite Pain and/or Mood Pictures?
What happens to Roman's support staff when they screw up a download...
no need to give ImageMaker ideas
for disciplining Forum staff! :devil:
I do like 'behind the scenes' features on the kinds of videos and photos-shoots we see on the Forums,
especially the girls' own accounts of their experiences and feelings as they 'star' in whipping and torture scenes.
Do you have Nancy's and Roxy's answers?​
I do like 'behind the scenes' features on the kinds of videos and photos-shoots we see on the Forums,
especially the girls' own accounts of their experiences and feelings as they 'star' in whipping and torture scenes.
Do you have Nancy's and Roxy's answers?​
perhaps in some days...................... Is that Roxy.................the same as our bitchie?
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