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The goddess and the atheist.

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The preamble.
The most popular story of the crucifixion is the Passion of Christ. But this is forced popularity. Antiquity is not romantic at all. The Roman Empire is primarily a military machine of the legions, oppressing the peoples of the Mediterranean. Moreover, this is a historically necessary oppression. The path from Antiquity to Modernity does not necessarily lie through Christianity. On the basis of Platonism or Stoicism, a Western semblance of Confucianism as an ideology of the imperial bureaucracy could be formed. The idea of saving humanity through God's incarnation and self-sacrifice is revolutionary. But the Prophet Muhammad also made a revolution, fighting for justice, as it was then understood, and equality before Allah. The Buddha showed the way to salvation from suffering without atoning sacrifices. Ethics does not need fetishism! Therefore, I want to propose a philosophical and erotic game-deconstruction of a popular plot within the framework of the general rules of this topic.
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The place of action.
Instead of the Roman Empire, let's have an idyllic Arcadia. It is not a centralized state, but a confederation of small polises and islands united by a common legal system. A kind of European Union in the ancient surroundings. Culture corresponds to Ancient Greece minus rationality - geometry and philosophy. The convenience of everyday life is provided by some modern and promising technologies, as well as magic: solar panels, reverse osmosis pumps for clean water, magic paintings for instant movement and loading consciousness for the transmigration of souls, etc. These miracles are the legacy of the Titans, which the population uses, but does not know how to create, without understanding the principles of the device. The work is not difficult: grazing cattle and harvesting fruit trees provide food for everyone. There are no diseases, the birth rate is regulated by pre-established contraception. Fatal conflicts are practically absent, so people have a lot of free time for love games and other amusements. This is an essential element of culture, because a group marriage consists not just of a man and a woman, but of a chain of men and women. On average, a woman gives birth to no more than two children for simple reproduction of the population. The exception is the Amazons, who give birth to only one girl, protesting against masculine exploitation. However, Amazons choose real bulls as fathers for their daughters. Every child should have a father, and everyone has their own. A woman gives birth to a son to an older husband and a daughter from a younger one. The younger husband also has a wife who has her own husband and so on. It's much easier to raise children instead. When children reach adulthood, the consciousness of aging clan members settles into their heads. This is how immortality is achieved with eternal youth. However, sometimes mysterious failures occur and consciousnesses from another world are populated into young bodies... It is extremely important for boys and girls to find new marriage partners for their clan, which will suit all members of the clan. Therefore, the clan cannot be very large, because the larger the clan, the more options need to be sorted out to satisfy everyone. During the mating games, which do not stop for a minute, all means are good: courtship, seduction, ritual orgies, temple prostitution, sexual slavery, abduction with rape. Therefore, young people of both sexes simply need corporal punishment! Crucifixion in Arcadia has never been a death penalty, but being a spectacular and shameful method of torture, it is most popular. A cultural temple complex that does not belong to any of the clans, where marriages are performed and punishments are carried out, this is the policy as an "administrative unit".​
The main characters.

Athais. A skeptic caught in the middle of an ancient mystery. a young man openly preaching atheism: "If the gods are not all-good and omnipotent, then why worship them?"
Thais. A temple harlot who declared herself the daughter of the goddess of Love. A pop star seeking scandalous popularity for his cult.​
Dionysius. A black rapist and seducer. Disclaimer. I am a staunch advocate of human equality, including regardless of skin color. Therefore, if desired, the race of the characters can be changed. An atheist may turn out to be an African-American college student, and Dionysus may be a white representative of a rebellious subculture. In general, the racial composition will be diverse. The steady interest of people in interracial sex is the key to the unity of the human race!

The idea of the plot.

The main question of this erotic parody of the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar" is who is Christ, and who is the Antichrist? Is this Athais who rejects any kind of idol worship? Iis this Thais, who preaches free love for one's neighbor, which consists in selfless pleasure? is this Dionysus, the "Scapegoat" crucified for the original sin of lust and adultery? All three will be sentenced to crucifixion for immoral behavior and corruption of morals along with other criminals, for example, an adulteress woman and her lover, a runaway slave, etc. Of course, this is a temporary crucifixion with ropes for 7-8 hours. But it will still be an Experimentum crucis. Is it possible to maintain rationality of thinking when you shake your erect penis in front of naked girls and their guys hanging on neighboring crosses? Is it possible to maintain a naive faith in a miracle if you don't even believe in a blasphemer crucified next to you? Is it possible to want to fuck all these beautiful women and even cute boys when the ropes have been cutting into your wrists for hours and it's getting harder to breathe? Why preach free love to a rapist who is hanging on a cross for not even repenting? Does sincere lust for the goddess turn the shameful pain of crucifixion into paradise? And most importantly, are they ready to repeat this encore show many times?​
Yes, it is planned to crucify 11-12 people in total, including three main characters. "Ordinary" criminals will be both viewers and participants of the show. Thus, the scrapping of the "fourth wall" is achieved. However, in idyllic Arcadia, property crimes don't make sense. Who is considered a "thief"? However, the very type of a clever cheat is necessary. You need to come up with a "crime" that does not cause objective damage, but for which you should be ashamed. What are your suggestions?
Yes, it is planned to crucify 11-12 people in total, including three main characters. "Ordinary" criminals will be both viewers and participants of the show. Thus, the scrapping of the "fourth wall" is achieved. However, in idyllic Arcadia, property crimes don't make sense. Who is considered a "thief"? However, the very type of a clever cheat is necessary. You need to come up with a "crime" that does not cause objective damage, but for which you should be ashamed. What are your suggestions?
One I can think of in that case, is "honour crimes". Punishement for having failed commitments, or deliberately having broken them.
One I can think of in that case, is "honour crimes". Punishement for having failed commitments, or deliberately having broken them.
Can I give you a specific example? Who should be crucified next to a blasphemer, a whore goddess, and a rapist? ;)
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