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The Innocent Bystander

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An Innocent Bystander

The heavy, rusted iron door to the closet sized cell that I have called home 23 hours a day for the past five years slid open. Suddenly a blinding light from the central corridor abruptly flooded the dark of my cell. As I sat on the edge of my bed, I blinked, then squinted while looking toward the floor. I quickly shielded my eyes with my hands.

“Convict 70361, on your feet.”

I look up and as my eyes came to focus, I see the squat, heavyset African-American, Sergeant of the Guard standing in the doorway. She looked sternly at me and said, “Lets move it 361! There has been a final decision in your appeal. I’ve been instructed to take you to processing. Stand up and assume the position.”

I stand and face the wall of the cell placing my arms and hands next to each other at the small of my back. The Sergeant walks behind me to where I can only see her shadow as she grabs my wrists. First my left and then my right wrist are tightly shackled.

“Turn!” She orders.

I turn toward the door and with a bit of a smile on my face with the prospect of my nightmare being over I ask, “What about my things?”

“I don’t have any instructions on that. I suspect they’ll send a trustee for them. Let’s go I’m on break after I get you too Medical.”

“Medical?” I ask, “I thought I was going to processing.”

“First step, can’t have anybody say we abused that tight little body of yours while you were our guest. Everyone starts at Medical. Let’s go!”

I walk out of the door, briefly pausing and turning back to gaze at my cell one last time. I turn to walk down the metal catwalk with the bright yellow rails looking down at the empty corridor below. We walk down the stairs and stop by the heavy metal entrance to the cell block.

The Sergeant pressed the button to the video link, “70361, enroute to Medical.”

The door slowly opened revealing the brightly lit Central Corridor, or as we jokingly call it The Orange Blossom Trail after the road in Orlando. I step though it slowly with her guiding me to the right. We then stride down the corridor about 200 yards until we reach the white metal door with a red cross painted on it. The Sergeant once again presses a button on the wall and speaks into the wall speaker, “70361 for processing.”

The door swings open and we walk into an austere waiting room with metal benches bolted to the floor. The Sergeant orders me to sit on the bench, which I do and places the folder she had been carrying into the slot on the door opposite where we came in. Then she turns to leave, looking at me with a slight smile she says, “Good luck 361.”

“Thank you.” I reply as she turns to leave the waiting area. She presses the button and the medical staff open the door for her. Within seconds it is closed and I am now all alone in the cold waiting room. I shiver as the air conditioning surges from the roof vent flowing down over me. After years of living in a stifling cell, with no ventilation, I always find the A/C in the Administrative Units to be bitterly cold.

As I sit, I can’t believe it’s finally over. Over five years since that asshole I met in the bar started a fight and killed that kid from the University of Georgia. Some Spring Break! I hadn’t even known him for more than a half hour and he destroyed my life. The Jury refused to listen to my Public Defender’s argument that I had nothing to do with him or the fight, I was just there, an “Innocent Bystander!”

I sit alone, lost in my thoughts, ruminating over the unfairness of my sentence but at least that will soon be over! The air conditioning vent, if anything, is blowing harder, raising goose bumps on my arms and causing my nipples to become hard and erect against my prison smock. I try to scrunch up on the bench covering as much of my body as possible with my shackled arms directed away from the cold air draft.

After a seeming eternity, but likely just a half hour, the inner clinic door opens and a lanky nurse walks into the waiting room.

“70361 stand up!”

I swing my legs off the bench and to the floor and then push myself up by shoving my arms and elbows against the wall. I stumble forward a bit and then gain my balance.

“Ok, follow me.” She says as she walks into the clinic. I walk through the door and find myself in a changing room with a single shower. I eye it hungrily, what a luxury! A single shower! As I’m admiring the shower the door behind me closes.

“Turn around!”

I follow her order, turning my back to her. She inserts a key that she removed from the folder into each shackle, twisting it to release my wrists. With my arms free I feel my wrists where the cuffs secured me and I roll my shoulders to loosen the cramping I’m feeling in them.

“70361, remove your garments and place them in the hamper against the wall. Then enter the shower. Using the antibiotic soap in the dispenser on the wall wash your entire body from head to toes. Pay special attention to your underarms, pubic area and butt. You don’t have any lice or crabs, do you?”

“No ma’am!” I replied.

“Good! Ok 70361, I’m going to be in the next room. When you are done showering you will exit through the door at the other side of the shower. Press the buzzer and I will pass you through.”

She turns to a door opposite from the entrance we came through and pushes the buzzer looking into a video camera. After being acknowledged she is buzzed in” and the door opens for her allowing her to exit the shower area. As it closes behind her, I am left alone.

A shower! All to myself! I can’t believe it! I’m going to be treated as a human being for once! For years I haven’t had a private shower and have been nothing but dehumanized since I arrived! Now is the shower water warm, as this room is freezing!

I grab my smock by the waist and pull it over my arms and head. My breasts shake and wobble free as I throw the shirt into the hamper. Then I kick off my prison loafers and then simultaneously pull down my prison issue pants and panties tossing both in a ball into the hamper as well. Now naked I observe myself in the full-length metal mirror. The reflection isn’t crisp but I can see how the years in prison have weighed on my 24-year-old body. My red hair is cropped short over my ears and my breasts are a bit looser than the last time I saw them at this angle. My Irish hips and waist are a bit rounder than I remember, from the prison food and lack of exercise no doubt. I’m completely pale and freckled with an obvious lack of any tan lines due to the years of isolation in my cell. Well, I think, there’s nothing I can do about any of that right now, but in short order I’m going to the beach and I’ll quickly work off the extra 10 or 20 pounds. First, a good meal with my parents, I contemplate.

I walk over to the shower head and twist the control knob. As I turn it toward the large “W” on the wall, I am rewarded with increasingly warmer water. I step into the shower, luxuriating in the stream of hot water, a feeling I had forgotten since my arrival at the Wakulla Women's Correctional Facility. I press the lever at the bottom of the soap dispenser allowing the medicinal smelling soap to accumulate in the palm of my hand. I spread it over my body, rubbing and massaging it into my skin. As instructed, I take a large handful and rub it between my legs and over my sex. This reminds me of how much I wanted Brad before that fateful Spring Break. We almost had that Thursday before I left for Fort Lauderdale. Why didn’t I? I wouldn’t be a virgin now and a horny one at that! I wonder what happened to Brad? Probably married to some fat slut, with two or three kids now I’ll bet. Oh well, life goes on and he didn’t care to visit me here in St Marks even though Jacksonville is just three hours away.

I take my time and no one is barking orders at me to hurry! My God, it must be real, I'm going to be free, Free again! Free…
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